There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 106: Dekan Prepares For The Long-Awaited Personal Interrogation

Chapter 106: Dekan Prepares For The Long-Awaited Personal Interrogation

Evening, in the city of Tristin.

Lord's mansion.

Dekan sat calmly in the lord's mansion's classical and dignified reception hall.

However, something seemed to have caught his attention.

He closed the book in his hands.

Thoughtfully, he looked out of the meters tall floor-to-ceiling windows and at the flickering lights in the garden courtyard.

Accompanied by the rhythmic sound of hooves, the conspicuous light approached the mansion.

It was a carriage that appeared to be a size larger than a regular one. Gilded and specially made, it had several lanterns on it crafted from immortal ice crystals and high-level magical beast cores as the wicks.

It seemed that Tristin’s Lord, Viscount Lampard, had finally returned.

After "arresting" Dekan at noon.

The lord himself hurriedly dealt with the aftermath and received Princess Alice.

Meanwhile, Dekan was invited to the lord's mansion.

Subsequently, officials under the command of the lord questioned Dekan in a series of friendly inquiries.

These officials were quite polite to Dekan.

It seemed that the lord had given special instructions.

Dekan had a rough understanding of how dignified this lord was.

He would rather lower his posture, not even resembling a noble, just to leave a good impression on Dekan, the future special class card maker.

Of course, it might also be because an actual special class card maker was residing in this viscount's territory.

After looking up for a long time, it became especially clear to him what kind of existence a special class card maker was.

But that was fine; it seemed that if there were any areas where the lord's cooperation was needed, it would be easy to consult with him.

After explaining everything that happened on the magic airship to the responsible individuals, Dekan was then placed in the reception hall to wait.

In fact, he was already free.

If he wanted to leave, the people from the lord's mansion wouldn't stop him. They would even escort him to any location he desired.

However, the steward of the lord's mansion expressed the lord's desire to entertain Dekan.

Coincidentally, Dekan also had something to request from the lord.

So, he decided to stay.

He waited in the reception hall for about an hour or two.

The waiting time was slightly long, but Dekan didn't find it boring.

There were some interesting magic books in the lord's mansion.

Combined with the pleasant environment, it felt comfortable.

Whether he needed a snack or a maid, they were at his beck and call.

Honestly, Dekan was starting to feel reluctant to leave.

Wasn't this more comfortable than staying in the temporary dormitory provided by the Tristin Academy?

Quite so.

In this luxurious experience, Dekan felt like the lord of Tristin City himself.

If he could give a review, he would definitely give the lord's mansion a full score.

At this time, most of the mansion's servants were concentrated in the kitchen and dining room.

Several attendants, upon seeing the return of the lord, paused their work and hurriedly went to greet him.

"Coming back so late. Hmm... right, Alice couldn't overcome motion sickness after all, vomited rainbows, and ended up crying miserably."

"To comfort the stormy crying Alice, the lord must have had a tough time."

"Well, it's all the fault of the Resurgence Church, nothing to do with me."

Dekan shook his head and sighed.

As Dekan was silently blaming the Resurgence Church in his mind, the attendant outside the door had already pushed open the mansion's gate.

The attendant quickly walked to Dekan's side and saluted. "Mr. Dekan, the lord would like to invite you to dinner. Would you like to wait here or would you like to proceed to the banquet hall with me?"

"Sure, please lead the way."

Dekan nodded and stood up.

He followed the attendant towards the dining place for later.

It could be seen that the lord had already instructed the attendant to arrange the banquet hall in advance.

Dinner seemed to be fully prepared, waiting for the lord to take his seat, after which the attendants would serve one by one.

When the attendant opened the gate and the lord walked in.

Both Dekan and the lord had smiles on their faces, as if they were old friends reuniting after a long separation.

At this point, the lord's attitude towards Dekan was no longer the cautious one at the magic airship landing pad. It had turned into an undisguised intention to get acquainted.

Dekan elegantly saluted. "Thank you, my lord, for your kindness and hospitality."

The lord coughed lightly and waved his hand. "Once you complete the certification as a special class card maker, I might be the one calling you ‘my lord’ then. It's better for us to address each other by our names."

Being called 'my lord' now and then having to call 'my lord’ to the same person after, that kind of title change would be awkward.

"...Do nobles always show such respect to special class card makers? Even though I'm not one yet," Dekan asked with some confusion.

In his impression, there were noble children who dared to provoke him.

For example, there was Flatta, who had dueled with Dekan and ended up completely disoriented after being defeated by him.

He really didn't care about Dekan's soon-to-be special class card maker status.

The lord gestured for Dekan to take a seat, smiling wryly as he said. "It's a matter of perspective and wisdom."

"In my eyes, there's not much difference between you and a tier 8 special class card maker. In a few years, you will undoubtedly become an unattainable figure for me."

"Of course, there are arrogant nobles everywhere who don't know their place; it's unavoidable."

After listening to the lord's explanation, Dekan nodded.

It was reasonable and fair.

This lord was evidently a different extreme among the haughty nobles, someone overly clear-headed and prudent.

"I'd like to ask for your help."

After taking his seat, Dekan pulled his chair forward and looked at the lord, starting the conversation.

Since the lord's attitude was confirmed, Dekan wouldn't hold back.

"Just wait a moment."

The lord, who hadn't taken his seat yet, waved his hand, signaling the attendants in the room to leave. Then, he picked up the bottle of wine on the table.

After the door was closed, the lord walked over to Dekan, personally pouring him a glass of wine.

Then the lord looked at Dekan, his eyes full of expectant anticipation, and asked in a low voice. "What could I help you with?"

The lord naturally wouldn’t miss the opportunity to sell Dekan a favor.

Any investment in Dekan now could potentially yield returns a thousand times over in the future.

"I want to personally interrogate the two Resurgence Church followers I captured."

Dekan's casually spoken words made the lord's hand holding the wine bottle tremble slightly.

Allowing Dekan to interrogate prisoners was obviously a serious violation of rules and regulations.

Even if these two prisoners were indeed captured by Dekan.

But rules were rules.

Moreover, these two prisoners were serious offenders of the Resurgence Church.

There wasn't even permission for interrogation from Tristin City, let alone the capital, and there might even be a need to transfer the case further to the Kingdoms Federation.

However, the lord quickly returned to his seat and raised his wine glass, gesturing from a distance. "What do you mean by interrogation? In your previous report of the case, you seemed to have forgotten some crucial details and needed to check with the prisoners to verify the situation. This is undoubtedly reasonable."

After hearing the lord's response, Dekan smiled and raised his wine glass without hesitation, taking a sip.

Now that the lord had spoken, Dekan would have to properly deal with these two captives.

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