There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 130: Dekan Teaches The Cardinal Of Ruins A Lesson

Chapter 130: Dekan Teaches The Cardinal Of Ruins A Lesson

In the cold wind, the Ice Princess cried loudly while leaning on her staff. However, Dekan felt that he had done a good deed. This would surely help cure the Ice Princess's social anxiety—an everyday small act of kindness.

With the Ice Princess settled, it was time to inspect his spoils. Dekan strolled back to Isabel as if taking a casual walk.

Earlier, Dekan thought it wouldn't be good for Isabel to be dressed like that and holding her head, so he had her kneel instead. Now, she was kneeling on the ground, hands covering her head, burying her face deeply.

"How about it? Feeling a bit better?" Dekan asked, like a gentle young man who saw a heartbroken older sister on the roadside and approached to offer care.

Isabel shakily lifted her head. Her teeth were audibly grinding, but tears still flowed from her eyes. Her hatred and fear towards Dekan had reached their peak.

Due to the contract's influence, Isabel couldn't will herself to attack Dekan. She had to strictly follow any command he gave. However, she could still think for herself and act according to her own will without violating the contract. She believed she had a chance to use the Resurgence Church to deal with Dekan and regain her freedom.

"What exactly are you..." Isabel couldn't figure out the question. Regardless of how harmless Dekan appeared now, she no longer considered him human.

"Naturally I’m a good-hearted young man. You were moved by my noble character and decided to willingly serve me; any problem with that?" Dekan smiled calmly.

This absurd statement clearly angered Isabel. "Even if you can control my body and mind, you can't control my will. I'll never willingly be your dog!" Isabel shouted through gritted teeth.

"Haha, it's great that you're so defiant. If you were obedient, it might have scared me a bit." Dekan shook his head, still smiling.

"Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what being a dog entails. Could you please explain that to me?" As Dekan's words came to an end, Isabel found her hands uncontrollably pressing against the ground, and then she kicked her legs off the ground.

"Oh, so this is what being a dog is. Aren't you good at playing the part?" Dekan mocked.

"Go to hell! Even if you torture me or kill me, you cannot insult me!" Isabel tried to resist, but she realized both her mind and body were uncontrollably running on all fours and even occasionally making crisp barking sounds.

After running in circles, she returned to her original spot and knelt on the ground, like a dog waiting for its owner's command.

When she fully realized what she had just done, her face turned red with embarrassment and anger, and hot tears of shame and fury began to flow again.

"Wuu, just kill me..."

Isabel couldn't control her sobbing. Under the power of the contract, her resistance seemed especially absurd.

"What are you talking about? If it were so easy to die in my hands, wouldn't demons no longer fear me?" Dekan laughed, seemingly hearing something ludicrous.

Then he stared at Isabel, smiling without saying a word. Despite his bright sapphire-like pupils, Isabel still felt a chilling sensation in his eyes.

Although Dekan's mouth carried a smile, there was no humor in his eyes!

Isabel once again recalled the golden pupils and the phantom of that demon. She couldn't help but tremble and her tears became uncontrollable.

"I've decided. Since you like to use the word ‘dog’ so much, from now on, you can be my dog." Dekan said. Isabel once again found herself unable to control her body, running on all fours on the ground.

This time, she felt no shame like the previous instance. Perhaps a part of her had become numb. However, she felt even more embarrassed about her numbness.

"Oh dear, maybe it's not noticeable with so few people around. Later, if I hang a sign around your neck that says 'Isabel' and stroll around Tristin City, people might think you're a weirdo, right? I'll make you perform for the Resurgence Church. If they see you doing such embarrassing things, they might use the power of the church to hunt you down," Dekan teased with a hint of mockery.

"No! Don't! I'm willing to serve you!"

Clearly, Dekan's proposal frightened her.

"Not sincere enough," Dekan shook his index finger and lifted the command from Isabel. He remained silent, seemingly waiting for Isabel to figure out a way to pledge allegiance that would satisfy him.

After a moment, Isabel, biting her lip and appearing to have gone through a mental struggle, finally quivered and started moving. She hesitantly crawled while shedding tears of humiliation before getting up.

However, Dekan just placed his hand near his ear, closed his eyes, and turned his head as if he were earnestly waiting to hear something.


Dekan finally showed a satisfied expression.

"Very good! I do prefer winning people over with kindness. Who would like to resort to force if they don't have to? Being able to reason is truly great."

"Now, we still have plenty of time for detailed lessons. This is just the first lesson of the school year."

"Let's start with your first task."

After saying this, Dekan handed a magic card to Isabel.

It was the [Super Long-range Communication Magic] that Dekan retrieved from Cloix.

Dekan: "In a bit, follow what I say and contact the Cardinal of Ruins, Evans."

Isabel: "What do you want to do?"

Dekan: "Noon has arrived; it's time to send Evans on his way."

Isabel doubted if she heard it correctly and exclaimed in panic, "Don't do anything foolish! You can't imagine the power of the Cardinal of Ruins! I don't want to be buried with you!"



Dekan didn't bother explaining much to Isabel. He simply turned his head and looked at the [Destruction Demon Lord] that was still being suppressed in the distance. The[Destruction Demon Lord] continued to roar angrily from time to time. However, unlike before, it now had a terrifying mask on its face!

It was Dekan's [Curse Soul Mask]. The Curse Soul Mask prevented the enemy's summoned creatures from being dismissed and caused them to consume double the amount of mana.

This brings us to another aspect of Dekan's deck archetype. Apart from the Pain Reversal Archetype, there was also the Mana Evaporation Archetype.

"Cardinal of Ruins, how dare you bring such a tier 8 monster in front of me?" Dekan sneered. "Watch me crush you completely."

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