There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 138: Lord Dekan's Mission (Long Chapter)

Chapter 138: Lord Dekan's Mission (Long Chapter)

In the midst of a falling blaze, Evans' figure crashed heavily to the ground like a meteor. Evans had no idea how much explosive Dekan had packed into the magic airship to generate such power. But Evans knew, this time, he was utterly defeated.

In his condition, even with a robust priestly body, he couldn't withstand the unexpected explosion. His entire right arm had been blown apart by the fiery explosion, with blood and flesh splattering. Especially below the elbow, after confronting the magic airship head-on, many areas were completely blasted away, revealing bare and eerie white bones.

His once all-black priestly robe was scorched in numerous places, with several tattered holes, and even his red hair turned significantly dark.

Evans, on the brink of death, couldn't suppress the trembling of his body due to the indignant rage. He was the Cardinal of Ruin, surpassing thousands beneath him, feared by millions in the present era! How could such a day come?

In Evans' impression, although there were some formidable enemies in the world worthy of his attention, they were highly skilled and mostly carried a lofty demeanor before making a move.

Of course, that was also the biggest weakness of those strong individuals. Evans, who didn't hesitate to use any means against them, had a natural advantage.

Little did he expect to end up falling at the hands of Dekan, a guy who lacked martial virtue.

Evans even felt that Dekan was more disgusting than the corrupt cardinals in the church who he despised and loathed the most!

This guy named Dekan, regardless of his actual strength…

To be able to push him, Evans, into such a situation…

Even though he was a quasi-first class card maker…

Even with his talent, why did he have no pride? Why did he act completely like a ruffian?

Was this some sort of sick fetish? Was he fucking insane?

Filling an entire civilian transport airship with explosives…

Evans couldn't understand, and he was running out of opportunities to think further.

Whether it was his mana or vitality, Evans was running out.


In the wilderness, there was a slight movement.

There was the sound of someone approaching Evans.

Evans didn't have the strength to lift his head; he couldn't see, but he knew who was still around him.

Isabel walked with a faint step and came to Evans.

She gently shook her dagger. On her face was a slightly playful expression. She was admiring Evans' miserable appearance.

"Lord Evans, please hold on a little longer." With a soft tone, Isabel unexpectedly helped Evans up.

She had a gentle look on her face with a hint of fake kindness as she slowly poured a small bottle of healing potion down Evans’ mouth.


Evans just felt absurdly ridiculous, but he didn't even have the strength to resist being fed the potion.

This small bottle of potion undoubtedly meant giving him a little more time to live.

Perhaps Dekan wanted to torture and interrogate him a bit more.

But Evans didn't care anymore.

He had had enough.

There was nothing that could stir emotions in him.

Even torture or more terrifying things were nothing to fear.


Isabel’s voice sounded. "Lord Dekan ordered that you need to die by his hands."

This caused Evans' pupils to contract sharply.

He seemed to understand something.


He actually laughed maniacally with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

He laughed like that until he spat out more and more blood, gradually weakening.

"Take me to him... just thinking about the Kingdoms Federation and the other cardinals with their shit-eating expressions is enough..."

Evans looked dejected, but there was a crazy smile on his lips.

"Isabel... I'll be waiting for you in hell..."

Evans closed his eyes, like someone resigned to their fate.


Isabel chuckled coldly twice.

Watching Evans' miserable appearance, she couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

When I see you in hell, you might have to address me as big sister.

Didn’t you think about who the lord I’m serving is?


The night was deep, and the once dark sky was now adorned with twinkling stars.

Team Beautiful Heart’s trio returned to the lord's mansion. They were sitting on the sofa in the reception hall and chatting with Viscount Lampard about the customs of Tristin City.

Suddenly, Dekan raised his eyebrows, looking out of the window. He seemed to sense something.

"Old bro Lampard, lend me two guardian knights."


Originally chatting with friends about light topics, Dekan suddenly made this request. Lampard naturally understood what Dekan intended to do. He raised his hand, beckoning two guardian knights to come over and dispatched these two trusted subordinates to Dekan. He instructed them to strictly follow Dekan's arrangements, not to ask too many questions and not to think too much. Dekan nodded in satisfaction, leading the two knights quickly out of the mansion.

After leaving the mansion’s garden, he walked towards the small path at the back of the mansion. Generally, no one would pass through here because there was no gate at the back of the lord's mansion, only a courtyard wall.

"Please guard on both sides and don't let anyone approach, even if it's the guards on routine patrol," Dekan instructed. He added, "And no matter what happens here, don't come over. Come find me nearby after twenty minutes."


The two knights quickly dispersed according to Dekan's instructions. Dekan then looked around, ensuring there was no one, and skillfully transformed into a gray elf cat, jumped onto the wall and made his way to a corner.

Under the moonlit night sky, with poor lighting in the vicinity, a faintly visible and slender figure gradually emerged from the shadows. Isabel, dragging Evans, found Dekan's location. She had Evans wrapped in a sack, concealing any bloodstains and maintaining discretion throughout the journey.

There was no verbal communication between the cat and the woman. Under Dekan's cat gaze, Isabel opened the sack, revealing Evans.

"Not bad, meow."

Dekan Cat stood on the high wall with sapphire-like cat eyes shone unusually bright in the darkness. He leaped down from the wall. While looking at the barely alive Evans, he gently pressed his cat paw on the summoned [Blood Purification].

As the Blood Purification activated, blood mist dispersed and Evans' expression distorted. He tried to scream in pain. However, Dekan had long applied [Your Granddaddy’s Gag] on him, preventing Evans from disturbing the peace of the night. After all, Dekan valued civic moral conduct.

Repeated several times, Evans finally breathed his last.

"Isabel, go undercover in the capital. I'll find you in the capital, meow."

After saying this, Dekan returned to his human form.

He didn't intend to bother with Isabel anymore; he just stood in place, waiting for the knights to come at the designated time to transport Evans' corpse back to the lord's mansion.

After turning over this corpse to Viscount Lampard, the lord would naturally write various reports, handle all the troublesome aftermath, and then hand over Evans' remains to the Norton Kingdom and the Kingdoms Federation. Dekan could then enjoy a pleasant holiday with his friends in the following days.

Thinking about being able to freely play in such a dreamy and beautiful city with friends, Dekan could hardly contain the smile on his lips.

"Lord Dekan..." Isabel, somewhat shaky, spoke up behind Dekan.

This made Dekan furrow his brow slightly as he turned around.

From her appearance, it seemed she wasn't planning to leave yet.

"Is there something else?"

"You said just now that I did well in my first task."

"... What? Are you implying you want a reward?" Dekan paused, turned his head, and stared at Isabel.

"I dare not!" Isabel quickly waved her hands.

"You are just a tool I can discard at any time. Even if you are truly loyal to me, it won't erase your crimes." Dekan said coldly.

However, he thought about it again. To make the tool more effective, it wouldn't hurt to give her some inconsequential rewards.

So Dekan continued. "But since you've done something for me, if there's something you want, just say it."

Isabel took a deep breath, seemingly summoning courage. She gazed earnestly at Dekan and said, "I want a collar."


Dekan was momentarily stunned at her request.

He didn't know how to respond to Isabel's unreasonable request. Dekan initially thought Isabel wanted the two cards, pCaptain Durrkan] and [Nirvana’s Temptation.]

However, Isabel's sudden wild statement caught Dekan off guard. He quickly realized that he had triggered some extraordinary attribute within Isabel.

"I want you to bestow upon me a collar to wear," Isabel repeated with courage after seeing Dekan's stunned expression.

"I refuse. You're really disgusting," Dekan frowned, expressing clear disdain.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Lord Dekan!" Isabel, meeting Dekan's disgusted gaze, inexplicably blushed. Even her breathing became rapid. Even though she knew her behavior might anger Dekan and that she was playing with fire, for some reason, she found herself somewhat anticipating a severe punishment from him.

"Deal with your tasks. And if you want a reward, fine. But be mindful; there won't be another chance," Dekan's gaze turned colder, unable to hide his disgust as he averted his eyes. It was as if he was unable to tolerate something dirty.

However, this attitude seemed to excite Isabel even more; even her breath became heavier.

Dekan couldn't help but think, "Is this woman a freak?" He almost couldn't resist cursing aloud.

He didn't know whether to punish Isabel or not. It seemed like she was liberated or her nature was twisted to adapt to being enslaved. No matter how he punished her next, it felt like a reward. Once she accepted her submissive tendencies, she seemed invincible! It was pointless!

Dekan despised villains who had given up the most! He could only hurry and drive her away; out of sight, out of mind.

"For now, don't let me see you again." Dekan didn't want Isabel to affect his good mood for vacation.

"Yes, Master," Isabel's voice carried three parts delight and seven parts satisfaction.

Then, like blending into the shadows, she disappeared into the night.

Dekan stood under the night sky, pinching his brow.

He began to reflect on whether he had over-tamed this time and how to deal with and avoid such situations in the future.

Humans are truly mysterious.


Not long after.

Dekan commanded two knights, one in front and one behind, to carry the sack back to the mansion and deliver it to Viscount Lampard.

"Check the goods, Brother Lampard," Dekan calmly sat back on the sofa, casually speaking.

"Oh, yes," Viscount Lampard stood up, responding in a daze.

He looked at the wrapped corpse on the floor and couldn't help but feel his legs trembling.

He was well aware of who was inside.

Even now, Lampard felt somewhat surreal.

The legendary Cardinal of Ruin had now become a corpse, laid out in front of him.

Exactly as Dekan said at noon, he had brought judgement upon Evans!

Moreover, Dekan's demeanor gave Lampard a momentary illusion— that he was a feudal lord colluding with a mafia boss!

Dekan: "You'll have to take care of the subsequent tasks. Just write the specific reports as I told you."

Lampard: "Alright, no problem."

"Today was really exhausting. I always feel like this isn't the sort of pressure a student should endure," Dekan sighed.

Croix nodded in agreement, acknowledging the intensity of this social practice activity.

On the other hand, Cornelia blinked her eyes. She felt like she had played around for most of the day without doing much.

"...You guys could also consider entering the workforce directly.” Viscount Lampard expressed the sentiment of ‘You guys fucking knew you're still students?’ in a highly emotionally intelligent way.

Just as the group was casually chatting, a guard suddenly ran over, urgently signaling that the lord had a visitor. The lord's expression changed abruptly upon hearing the visitor's name, and he quickly stood up, striding towards the mansion's gate.

"Holy Knight Commander Lady Judith." Lampard respectfully welcomed the visiting woman.

She had a tall figure and an unusually beautiful appearance, but the color of her lips seemed slightly faded, giving the impression of lacking a bit of vitality. Her silver armor, covered with the protective magic patterns of the Church of the Sun God, now appeared quite dim. The moment she saw Lampard, the female knight worriedly placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Lampard, be cautious. Evans might have entered your territory! I'll do my best to pursue him. Please prepare yourself and activate the highest level of alert for the city!"

After arriving at Tristin City, the knight Judith witnessed some strange scenes.

The town seemed to be celebrating today. After inquiring with the knights, she confirmed that the Cardinal of Ruin had indeed arrived in Tristin City.

However, he didn't pose any threat; in fact, the residents were celebrating even more enthusiastically because of his presence. This town, which she used to be quite familiar with, now gave her an indescribable sense of strangeness, making her uneasy.

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