There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 173: Dekan's Death Arena

Chapter 173: Dekan's Death Arena

The situation from last night had already made these three Resurgence Church followers feel uneasy. Why would the Shadow World give out tasks that seemed like traps? It was as if the Shadow World had conspired with the final boss to trap challengers! Generally, tasks in the Shadow World weren't supposed to be this unsolvable.

Now it seemed that being captured was actually a necessary step towards success. Only when they were captured would it trigger the mysterious priest of the Holy Ritual Church to come and save them! Once they escaped from here, gathered enough evidence and intelligence, they could follow the priest to the Holy Ritual Church to request support. Then, they could sweep away the vampires lurking in the lord's mansion!

This was the correct and rational strategy path!

"You better quickly spill out all the information. Otherwise, I will make you taste all the pain that the world can offer," Dekan threatened. Although his words were threatening, he once again played the role of a merciful and righteous priest.

He placed three bottles of high-level healing potions in front of the three prisoners and continued to convey messages to them with pen and paper: "Quickly heal yourselves, I will help you unlock the chains and create opportunities for you. Please make sure to defeat those two vampires! The glory of humanity will last forever!"

Dekan's back was as straight as a pine tree. Every stroke of his pen was vigorous and powerful, as if filled with hatred towards the vampires and the determination to avenge his dear friend. Even though Dekan was wearing a mask, it was hard to conceal the righteousness emanating from him.

His noble and dignified priestly aura seemed to become the only light in this dim and cold cell, radiant and dazzling.

For a moment, the three prisoners were somewhat stunned. They never expected that one day, they would receive such redemption. Their emotions were complex.

Soon enough, Cornelia walked behind the three prisoners, grabbed the chains connected to the shackles, and then, one by one, broke them apart. She had a professional skill in lockpicking, adept at it whether in daylight or at night, and knew exactly how to twist the metal to make as little noise as possible.

Thus, Cornelia, as if casting a spell, freed the three prisoners from their bonds.

At this moment, Dekan wrote down the next set of instructions on paper: "Wait for my signal, I will deceive those two vampires outside to walk in without any suspicion. Use all your strength to seize the opportunity and ambush them! Then, run directly and transmit the information! We will also help you to distract Countess Lysilina and her remaining three lackeys!"

Dekan's words carried a sense of readiness for sacrifice.

The three prisoners all nodded heavily, feeling a certain amount of respect for this "native" of the Shadow World standing before them.

Soon enough, Dekan walked out of the door and spoke to the two vampire servants guarding outside. "They've been interrogated, they no longer hold any value. You can feed now."

"Really, can we?"

Upon hearing Dekan's words, the two vampires showed excited expressions. They hadn't hunted for prey during this time to adhere to Countess Lysilina's policy of keeping a low profile.

Plus, last night, they hadn't even tasted a drop of blood to keep the captives alive for questioning.

"Don't worry, this is the marquess's decision. The more you contribute, the more you will gain. We will never exploit any labor," Dekan reassured, patting the shoulder of the vampire servant beside him.

The two vampire servants thought about it and found it reasonable. After all, they had stayed up all day without sleep, working overtime.

What harm was a good meal?

"Then we'll get to it. We thank Lord Marquess for his permission," one of the vampire servants replied.

Just as the two vampire servants were about to enter the room, Dekan held back the shoulder of the vampire servant beside him and whispered in his ear. "Be careful when you go in. It seems they have some tricks up their sleeves to break free from the chains and counterattack."

The vampire servant nodded in quick understanding. The three prisoners might still have some tricks up their sleeves. The cards that couldn't be found on them were likely their hope for a comeback.

So, as the two vampire servants stepped into the cell, the stage was set for a fierce battle to begin!

One side prepared for an ambush while the other prepared to counter the ambush.

Soon, it turned into a head-on life-and-death confrontation!

The cell suddenly seemed like it had been hit by an explosion. Even standing outside, Dekan could feel the room shaking as if an earthquake had struck. If it weren't for the cell being sturdy enough and reinforced with a powerful magical barrier, the commotion might have brought down part of the mansion.

"Die, vampires!"

"Foolish humans! Do you think we can't see through your little schemes?!"

The two sides had harbored a deep-seated hatred since the previous night. And now that they were face-to-face, they fought with a ferocity that made everything around them turn red.

Dekan, being considerate, closed and locked the iron door behind them. A fight like this was a "fight to the death” with “no retreat till an outcome is determined."

Then, Dekan took out one of his most commonly used spell cards, [Rampant Desires,] and eagerly activated it.

As the card took effect, the screams and howls from the vampires and Resurgence Church followers inside the cell grew louder.

Both sides were already quite worked up. And now, it seemed they wouldn't rest until one side emerged victorious.

"Love and peace~" Dekan hummed a little tune as he listened to the beautiful sounds coming from the cell.

After they had fought for a while, Dekan felt that their conditions must have deteriorated. The shouting seemed to have died down. It was like they hadn't eaten and lacked the strength to continue.

He needed to spur them on a bit.

So, Dekan summoned the "Ruined Poet" from outside the door.

Suddenly, the roars in the cell turned into screams. The enemies were still killing each other, but the pain had intensified tenfold.

The nature of this deadly struggle changed instantly.

The Resurgence Church followers and vampires in the cell were now killing each other with a fervor even though they knew it was a game of death.

After a while, Dekan was certain that the sounds from the cell had weakened to an unprecedented level. It seemed that two or three had fallen.

Perhaps there were still a couple of tough ones left, battling it out to the end.

At this point, he couldn't let them continue fighting. Dekan wasn't about to let them have their way.

"Cornelia, it's your turn," Dekan instructed.

Upon hearing Dekan's command, Cornelia immediately activated [Olive's Extreme Madness] and grabbed the [Blood Detective's Book] before rushing into the cell through the iron door.

Soon after, the cell was filled with even more agonizing screams.

Within five seconds, the entire cell fell silent.

Dekan strolled into the cell as if taking a leisurely walk, looking at the five guys lying on the ground.

The three Resurgence Church followers were most likely dead. Cornelia had already begun to search for the cards they had dropped.

As for the two vampire servants, their blood pool was simply too vast. They were still alive even after everything. Cornelia had knocked them out cold for the time being.

But that wasn't a problem. They could be dragged out to bask in the sun later, or tied up and roasted over a fire to finish them off.

"Well, that takes care of five troubles, doesn't it? Now it's your turn, Countess Lysilina," Dekan hummed a tune with his hands behind his back, leisurely walking towards the stairs.

Cornelia jogged over to walk beside him.

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