There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 180: Dekan's Grudge

Chapter 180: Dekan's Grudge

Unfortunately, [Blood Destruction] would clear all of the user’s own statuses effects upon casting, rendering [Pain Nullification] useless. Dekan remembered Marquess Roderick's screams quite vividly during his self-destruction. From now on, unless absolutely necessary, Croix wouldn't resort to such a suicidal move.

"Speaking of which, we can finally bring Croix along for our next Shadow World raid," Dekan remarked as he reached tier 4. Having reached tier 4, they now met the requirements to team up with the tier 6 Croix.

However, Dekan felt a slight worry creeping in. What if, upon entering the Shadow World next time, it was discovered that Croix possessed [Blood Destruction?] Would the Shadow World explode in anger?

"Ha, there's nothing to fear. I can't wait to see the Shadow World even more frustrated," Dekan chuckled.


So the two, along with the Cat, left the transitional space. When they emerged, Dekan was surprised to find not only Croix but also Professor Arnold waiting for them at the exit.

Dekan noticed the slightly serious expression on his class advisor's face.

"What's wrong, Professor?" Dekan asked, puzzled.

"Sigh," Professor Arnold sighed. "It's about your team's registration. Currently, you are in a rather special state. You should consider declaring yourselves as a tier 7 team."

Although Dekan and Cornelia were both at tier 4, the Shadow World seemed to default to matching them against tier 6 Shadow Worlds. This was partly because of their outstanding performance in the Shadow Worlds previously, where the Shadow World had given them a rating different from their tier.

On the other hand, the more members in a team, the higher the Shadow World's estimation of the team's strength. After all, teaming up with familiar people would naturally provide intelligence and tactical advantages.

So in most cases, teams would only be pairs or trios. Only a few teams with exceptional compatibility would use the five-persons team cards. Most challengers dared not form large teams as it would escalate the difficulty.

Dekan understood Professor Arnold's meaning. From the latest Shadow World raid, it was evident that after Dekan and Cornelia teamed up, the Shadow World judged them suitable for tier 6 Shadow Worlds. Adding Croix, who was already tier 6, and considering the curse on Croix that increased the Shadow World's difficulty, the three of them would almost certainly enter a tier 7 Shadow World.

However, starting from a tier 7 Shadow World, these Shadow Worlds were not always available. Their numbers were limited, appearing as frequently as once a month or as rarely as once every six months. Most importantly, under the Kingdoms Federation's agreement, challengers couldn't freely choose to challenge them.

Once tier 7 and above Shadow World indicators appeared, the Kingdom Federation would conduct negotiations and make preparations in advance, then allow suitable challengers to enter. Because failure in these tiered Shadow Worlds would trigger extremely intense natural disasters.

The Kingdoms Federation aimed to increase the chances of success as much as possible, even if it was just a 0.1% probability.

"So what do we need to do to get the Kingdoms Federation's approval?" Dekan asked.

"Norton Kingdom has done its best to advocate for you, but... there is resistance from the Kingdoms Federation. As you might know, it's those unruly fellows from the Northern Countries. In the end, we've only managed to secure a fair testing opportunity for you, not an exemption from the tier 7 team assessment," Professor Arnold replied.

To facilitate more efficient teaming for experienced challengers, like those elite individuals who often preferred to work alone but occasionally teamed up on the fly, there was a fast track that allowed them to work more efficiently.

Norton Kingdom believed that Dekan's team fully deserved to apply for this fast track. After all, Dekan and Cornelia's performance in clearing the tier 6 Shadow World was outstanding. With Croix joining the team, despite their low tier levels on paper, challenging a tier 7 Shadow World was more than feasible.

However, the dissenters were stubbornly fixated on the issue of the trio's tiers. They insisted that these newcomers, with two at tier 4 and one at tier 6, shouldn't be matched against tier 7. They claimed it would significantly increase the chances of a raid failure.

Due to the importance of higher-tier Shadow Worlds and the pressure from the Northern Countries, the Kingdoms Federation had no choice but to follow the most agreeable and normal assessment process.

"I see..." Dekan didn't need to guess; he knew it was those names on the list causing trouble for him. After all, preventing Dekan from participating in tier 7 Shadow World raids was an effective way to hinder his growth.

"So, the three of you will have to complete the tier 7 team assessment from the Kingdoms Federation if you want to team up and challenge the Shadow World. The next assessment is scheduled for two months from now," Professor Arnold added.

"And where will it be held?" Dekan inquired.

"You don’t have to worry; the assessment will take place in a neutral kingdom. That said, I’m certain there will be some people trying to hinder your progress."

Surprisingly, Professor Arnold sensed a hint of disappointment in Dekan's expression when he mentioned that the assessment wouldn't be held in the Northern Countries.

"...speaking of which, if I catch anyone intentionally causing trouble for us during the assessment, what can I do to them?" Dekan asked.

Currently, he didn't want to do anything that would make things too difficult for the Norton Kingdom. So, Dekan thought it best to ask Professor Arnold for some guidance.

"If someone tries to harm you, you don't need to have any reservations. Go ahead and do whatever you need to do," Professor Arnold replied, his expression cold and ruthless.

That surprised Dekan a bit. He thought Professor Arnold would at least advise him not to harm anyone too severely.

"Really, is that okay?" Dekan asked.

"...wait, hold on. Dekan, why do I feel like you're getting a bit excited?" Professor Arnold gradually began to doubt whether he should have said what he just did.

If everyone else was taking the assessment normally, he certainly wouldn't want Dekan to go overboard. But Professor Arnold was worried that some jerks from the Northern Countries might try to harm Dekan during this opportunity. So, prioritizing Dekan's safety, he was in favor of Dekan using full force.

But looking at it now, Dekan, who was suddenly put on a moral high ground, might go a bit too far.

"Hehehe..." Dekan chuckled coldly.

He was about to prepare to give some retribution against the troublemakers from the Northern Countries. He hadn't expected those guys to pick a fight.

He needed to make an example out of at least one unlucky individual.

"Professor Arnold, tier 7 hostages must be worth quite a lot, right?" Dekan asked suddenly.

Professor Arnold: "???"

Inside his head, Professor Arnold was roaring in frustration. When he said "anything," he definitely didn't mean kidnapping!

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