This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.20 – Catching Up

5.20 – Catching Up

Following mini-Mel’s feeding, Zoey returned to her original goal: getting cleaned. A quick shower later, Zoey stepped out, feeling fresh—all the sweat and other sticky substances cleaned off her skin. A quick glance showed mini-Mel luxuriating in her jar, happily stuffed full. The sight was a bit odd, and Zoey blushed before looking away. That had definitely been one of her stranger misadventures.

Zoey had barely settled on the bed and cracked open her alchemy textbook—her standard free-time filler—before the rummaging-around of a key in a lock announced Rosalie’s return. The blonde strode in, a distracted look on her face.

“Welcome back.”

“Thanks. How was …” Rosalie trailed off, eyes latching to Mel’s jar. Ever attentive, it hadn’t taken long for Rosalie to see it. Inside, a comatose, stomach-bulging mini-slime rested, wearing the easily identifiable expression of someone well-fucked to near unconsciousness. Rosalie stared at the jar for a moment, then turned two raised eyebrows at Zoey.

“Uh. I can explain?”

“Is that Mel?”

“Sort of.”

“And is that cum?”

“Well, yeah.”

“You came inside a seven-inch version of Mel.”

“She asked politely?”

Rosalie stared incredulously at her, then shook her head. “After today, who am I to talk? I suppose we’re both degenerates.”

"Both of us? What happened?” Zoey’s mind of course went to that interruption back during Sabina’s alchemy lessons—when Rosalie had decided to store Zoey’s cock inside her for an extended period. It had made paying attention to what Sabina was saying rather hard.

Rosalie’s cheeks tinted. “You haven’t heard? Did you see Maddy today?”


“Well, never mind, then. What happened with Mel?”

Zoey considered pushing, since her curiosity had been piqued—especially with how Maddy was apparently related—but decided against it. For now. She would press later.

“I came back, and she was like that,” Zoey said. “Or, well, back in her human shape. Not …”

“Cream filled?” Rosalie asked dryly.

“Since when are you crude?”

“Since a certain girlfriend of mine corrupted me.”

“Guilty as charged, I guess.”

Rosalie rolled her eyes. “So, what does feeding her do? Mel said you would need to, but what’s it for?”

“I kinda assumed she’d get bigger. Maybe we’ll have our own pet slimegirl after some time.”

Rosalie couldn’t entirely hide her interest at that. She was more reserved than Delta, and hadn’t wanted to sleep with Mel in either of the opportunities that had arisen—but Zoey suspected she would warm up to the idea over time. Especially if she got to know Mel better; that was the prerequisite, Zoey knew. Her girlfriend wasn’t quite as willing to sleep with strangers and she and Delta were.

“I’m curious how that’ll develop,” Rosalie said. “She doesn’t have Mel’s current memories, right? Not linked to her mind? Actively so?”

“No? Or, I wouldn’t figure? I guess I can’t say for sure. Why?”

“Can she tell us if the vampire is still there?”

“Ah,” Zoey said. “Good point. Well, she can’t talk, but she does understand us.” She glanced Mel’s way. “But she’s a little … unavailable, at the moment.”

Rosalie glanced at the cum-stuffed miniature slime, then blushed. “We’ll ask later. I don’t have high hopes, but it’s still worth checking.” She sat on the bed next to Zoey and kicked her shoes off, then leaned into her side. “So. What trouble did you get into, today?”

“Who says I got into trouble?”

Rosalie leveled an unimpressed look at Zoey, and Zoey conceded, “Okay, I do have a penchant for it.” She scratched her cheek. “And we definitely got into some trouble. It was more Delta’s fault than mine, though.”

“I can believe that,” Rosalie said. “But not that you were innocent. You enable her.”

Yeah, that was fair.

“We’ll talk about the important stuff when Delta’s here,” Zoey said, “But besides that event, I also went on a date with her. At an arcade. That was fun.”

“An arcade?” Rosalie scoffed. “A dexterity class against a mage. She wanted to show off.”

“She has some crazy coordination.”

Zoey was relieved to find that Rosalie didn’t mind the date—not that she had expected her to. Rosalie had made it abundantly clear that she didn’t mind Zoey dating or being with other girls; still, Zoey wanted to keep checking in on that. It was definitely her own society’s standards making her overly concerned—polyamory seemed far more common in this world.

Before Rosalie could reply, several loud knocks arrived at the door.

“You two better not be fucking without me!”

Rosalie immediately starting sputtering, then rushed to the door. She swung it open and glared at the foxgirl. “Are you insane?” she growled, pulling her into the room and closing the door. “Why are you shouting that in the middle of the hallway? People will hear.”

“Cool. Maybe we’ll get a surprise fourth,” Delta grinned. She strode in, unaffected by Rosalie’s outrage, then plopped down onto the bed next to Zoey. “When’s it an orgy, officially? Four? Or five?”

“Don’t be disgusting,” Rosalie said.

“So,” Delta said. “What were you two up to? Surprised to see you still had your clothes on.” She tutted disapprovingly. “I expected—” She trailed off, finally noticing Mel. “What the hell is that?”

Another incredulous and amused explanation took place, catching Delta up to speed on the Mel situation. She was, in contrast to Rosalie, practically ecstatic at the development—both in amusement for seeing the stuffed slimegirl, and the potential that Mel would continue to grow larger, until they had a full slimegirl as a companion. Though that was just a theory.

“Okay,” Delta said. “So. Back to the point. What were you two doing?”

“Talking business,” Zoey said. “Or, kind of. I was actually gonna go get you. We should catch Rosie up on the whole cult business.”

“Cult?” Rosalie asked. “Excuse me?”

“Ah, right,” Delta said. “Yeah, probably should.” She faced Rosalie. “So, we might have made enemies out of The Church of the Shattered Sphere. They may or may not be looking for us.” She shrugged. “Not that it’s that big of a deal. Doubt they’ll start trouble with three third-advancement wayfarers. But just a heads up.”

We started the trouble,” Zoey said. “Not them.”


“Explain,” Rosalie said.

Zoey and Delta did so. The Church shenanigans were easy enough to summarize. Rosalie of course disapproved of their recklessness, but to Zoey’s surprise, didn’t seem at all bothered by how they’d stolen Jacquelyn’s body; that barely phased her. It seemed neither of her teammates were overly concerned about legality and morality when it came to completing a mission—instead, Rosalie was annoyed at how poorly they’d gone about it.

The part of relevance, though, was first that they might have some Church members seeking them out, and secondly, the discovery they’d made.

“Your shards persist,” Rosalie said. “For other wayfarers. You’re going to wreak havoc on Mantle’s local shards. What do we do about that?”

“Could just keep going to the same ones,” Delta said, “but that’s boring. Why not corrupt them?”

“Not everyone would want to engage with … that,” Zoey said. In fact, Rosalie had been one such person to stalwartly avoid it, back in the first shard.

“We’ll mark the entrances to warn people, then,” Delta said. “They’re adults. They can make an informed decision. Besides, I think more people would be okay with it than not.”

Rosalie shook her head, seemingly annoyed with the situation. “You’re not wrong. Still, why is it always complications with you two?”

“Hey, this one is Zoey’s fault. Don’t look at me.”

“Ephy’s,” Zoey corrected. “It’s Ephy’s fault. I won’t be blamed for her meddling.”

Both girls paused at that, the reminder that Zoey was some kind of priestess for a lust goddess still something that could catch them off guard. It was a rather strange situation.

“What about the vampire?” Rosalie said. “You didn’t find anything out?”

“Not really.”

“And you haven’t noticed anything?”

“Besides the general feeling of being watched, sometimes, no. And that might be in my head.”

“So what are we doing about her?”

“What is there to do?”

“Think we just have to wait,” Delta said. “Starve her out. Once she’s hungry, we can barter.”

“Think that really is our best chance.”

“You know,” Rosalie said dryly to Zoey, “I can’t believe there’s two separate entities that need cum feedings from you. That seems like it should be a one-time thing.”

“Two?” Delta asked. “There’s three. Don’t forget to include yourself, blondie.”

Rosalie sputtered, and Delta laughed. Delta sprawled out against the bed, shaking her head. “Honestly, maybe four. But really—you make it too easy.”

Cheeks red, Rosalie turned to Zoey, stalwartly ignoring the foxgirl. “Anyway, I checked in with Fe. The item’s not remotely done being researched. It’ll take time. It’s dangerous, unknown, and progress is slow with the precautions she’s taking.”

“That’s fine. Before the week is up?”

“She’s not sure.”

“Huh,” Zoey said, then shrugged. “We can only hope.”

“And make sure you make your meeting with Maddy tomorrow.”


“She mentioned she has some things she wants to talk to you about.”

“Like what?”

“It’s her business. But, well, she’s probably come to a decision.”

Both Zoey and Delta digested that, and Delta cheered. “Our threesome’s turning into a foursome?” she asked. “It’s about time.”

“Don’t phrase it like that,” Rosalie growled. “It’s not a foursome.”

“It literally is,” Delta said.

“Ugh. Insufferable.”

Silence lingered for a moment, and at the lull, Delta decided to pivot topic. “But anyways,” she said loudly. “Blondie’s all caught up now, right? So can we get to the fucking, already?”

Zoey and Rosalie looked at her, respectively amused and unimpressed.

“Nice segue,” Zoey said.

“Hey, I’m just saying what’s on everyone’s mind.”

“Speak for yourself,” Rosalie said.

“I wanna see how she handles that new potion of yours,” Delta said. “Like, really badly. I bet she can’t even get them inside.”

“Get them … inside? New potion? What are you talking about?” Rosalie looked to Zoey for an explanation.

Delta didn’t let Zoey answer; she explained it herself. “Zoey has a potion that lets her grow a second cock. If you thought one of those bad boys was a handful, get ready for one in each hole.”

Rosalie stared at her. “You’re serious?”

“I’d never joke about something so important.” An amused quirk appeared on her lips. “I mean, her cocks are literally divine. It’d be blasphemy, wouldn’t it?”

Contrary to the sputtering Zoey had expected, Rosalie turned to Zoey with wide eyes—looking for confirmation.

“Well, yeah,” Zoey said. “Sabina made it, of course. Have a bunch of them.”

“Oh, hurry up, I’m impatient,” Delta said. “I wanna see blondie stuffed, then I want you inside both of us.” Delta stood, walked around Zoey, then plopped back down next to Rosalie. She wrapped a hand around the blonde’s waist and leaned in to murmur. “How’s that sound? Me on top of you, both of us taking your girlfriend’s cock at the same time? Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Rosalie, face burning furiously as this point, turned expectant blue eyes at Zoey. Delta, seeming smug at how easy Rosalie had been to turn to her side, also raised her eyebrows—her expression saying, ‘Well? She approves. So why are you still not naked?’

Which was a good question. Zoey got to work fixing it.

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