This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.26 – Exhibitionism

5.26 – Exhibitionism

Her skin tingling in excitement, Zoey looked around the busy restaurant. Not only did Maddy have a sound barrier in place, but she had a powerful, third-advancement illusion actively suggesting they were only having dinner. So Zoey could get away with a lot. But how much?

Biting her lip, she quelled her nervousness, then brought her hands to her shirt's hem. In a quick movement, she removed and set it to the side, leaving her in just her bra. Maddy, wide-eyed, watched it happen. She looked around the restaurant, as did Zoey, to see if anyone had noticed.

"This is fine?" Zoey asked, her body flushed with excitement. "They'll think I'm clothed?"

"Should," Maddy said. "Since most people don't, um, eat dinner topless. Anything unusual happens, the suggestion takes hold, and they'll revert to seeing what they think is normal."

"Perfect." She unclipped her bra and set that aside, too. She enjoyed Maddy's flustered expression, the way she stared at her exposed tits, before Zoey teased her, "So? Gonna join me?"

Maddy jumped. Her eyes flicked back up to meet Zoey's. "Uh. S-Sure."

Tentatively, while anxiously looking around at their neighbors, Maddy stripped off her top, then her bra. As Maddy had done to her a second earlier, Zoey drank in Maddy's exposed body. Maddy was a small, petite woman, as flat as a board. She was achingly cute, with pink, perky nipples, and Zoey's cock throbbed in excitement. The threat of Maddy's spell failing, or just generally being around so many people, turned the event from hot to scorching.

Maddy laughed nervously, sounding breathless. Her arm went to cover herself up almost by instinct. Despite apparently having a 'thing' for being out in public, she was even more nervous than Zoey herself. Or more easily embarrassed. "Usually I'm a little more circumspect when I do this."

"Sounds boring." Zoey stretched wide, making sure to show herself off. She leaned back and rested an elbow on the head of the booth seat. "And it's kind of freeing," Zoey said. "Feels weird that nobody knows." Indeed, nobody had turned their way, despite how both she and Maddy were naked from the waist up.

"It's, um, definitely something."

"Bottoms too, now?"


"Sure," Zoey smirked. "I will if you will."

Maddy swallowed. She scooted to the edge of the booth, then started undoing her shoes. Her eyes furtively scanned the room, despite knowing that her illusion should be more than enough to keep everyone unaware. She shuffled out of her skirt, leaving her in just her socks and panties.

"T-There," Maddy said. "Your turn."

Zoey obliged. She shuffled out of her pants and set them on the seat. Then, going a step further, she pulled down her boxers. Her cock sprung free. Maddy stared at it with wide eyes. It wasn't her first time seeing Zoey's weapon, but the memory must not have done it justice, because Maddy seemed enraptured.

It couldn't exactly fit underneath the table, not all fourteen inches, so Zoey tucked it up toward her stomach, letting it rest against the lip of the table.

"Don't mind her," Zoey said. "She's a bit unwieldy." She looked around the room. Sitting there completely naked, she couldn't help but be concerned whether Maddy's spell was as strong as she said it was. Would a fourteen-inch girlcock be an unusual enough sight to break the illusion?

By chance, a woman from a different table in the center of the restaurant happened to glance Zoey's way. Their gaze locked for a half-second, then her eyes dipped down. Zoey was mostly obscured by the table and the other furniture of the room, but she could still see Zoey's cock sticking up over the table lip. The woman's brow furrowed, as if confused, and adrenaline washed through Zoey. Maybe this had been a terrible idea. What were the laws of public indecency, anyway? Would this cause them problems? Real ones, with the guards? Maybe—

The woman looked away, returning to her meal, seeming clueless to what she'd seen.

Zoey released a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. Maddy also relaxed.

"For regular people, it should hold up against almost anything," Maddy said, though her voice was a little shaky with adrenaline. Knowing how secure the illusion was didn't diminish the thrill of the situation.

"Almost anything? Sounds like I should try harder."

She started scooting silverware and tableware to the right, clearing space. Maddy tentatively joined her, seeming confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Making room."

"For what?"

"For you."

"For … me?"

Zoey stood. Her skin burned at standing naked in front of the entire restaurant, but still, nobody paid much mind to her. She held a hand out for Maddy. The blue-haired mage took it, and Zoey pulled her up. Then, grabbing her waist, she lifted the light girl up, setting her on the edge of the table. Maddy settled back onto her elbows.

"W-Wait. Really?"

Zoey grabbed the edges of Maddy's panties, then tugged them down. Maddy instinctively reached down to stop her, then, at Zoey's insistence, blushingly let go. Zoey finished tugging them off and added the garment to Maddy's pile. She admired Maddy's exposed pussy, then the rest of her naked body, before looking around the room.

"What do they see, right now?" Zoey asked. A few people had glanced over, with her standing and Maddy laid out on the table, and most seemed confused—but quickly put it out of their mind, returning to their own business.

"Who knows?" Maddy asked. "Some might see us sitting. Some, standing and talking. They probably don't think I'm on the table. That would be too much of a deviation from the suggestion." Her words came out shaky. Her entire chest was blushing along with her face; she looked a few seconds from bursting into flame. Zoey probably looked similar. Even this was a lot for her.

"Can you drop the sound barrier?" Zoey asked.

"Drop it? Why?"

"So you have to be careful with the noises you make," Zoey said. She placed both hands on either of Maddy's inner thighs, then ran them up and down, teasing her. "The danger is the fun part."

"But …"

"Do it."

At the authority in Zoey's voice, Maddy relented. The sound barrier dropped. The muted sounds of the restaurant came back in full force. The clarity of casual conversation all around them, the bustle of dishes, and other restaurant noises, reinvigorated the squirming in her stomach. She was really doing this? This wasn't a dream. She was really standing there, naked, with Maddy laid out on the table, also naked, and was about to start pleasuring her—right in front of a crowd of people.

Was she insane?

Illusion or not, this was risky. Zoey was pushing the ability's limit. More than that, if anyone was a wayfarer, then their chances of being caught were more than doubled. Especially if she started making Maddy moan.

"You better be quiet," Zoey murmured, getting down onto her knees, tugging Maddy's lower half closer to her. "We're already in risky territory. Be too loud, and we could get caught."

Zoey pressed a gentle kiss onto Maddy's inner thigh. The petite girl trembled on the table, her hand questing up to bury into Zoey's hair. She seemed stunned that they had ended up this way, with Zoey on her knees, her mouth only a few inches away from her pussy. The shaking of the smaller girl had Zoey's cock throbbing. The obviousness of her excitement stoked her own.

"When I asked you out to dinner," Zoey murmured, "I had a suspicion you'd be the dessert."

Maddy stared at her, then let loose a short, incredulous laugh. "Really?"

"Couldn't help myself," Zoey said. With her face so close, Maddy shivered at the hot air that brushed between her legs with each of her breaths.

"Well, fine," Maddy murmured. "Dig in, then?"


Zoey pressed a series of kisses around Maddy's pussy, then leaned forward and hovered a half-inch away. Maddy shivered, holding transfixed eye contact. Then she pressed Zoey forward by the back of her head. It didn't seem intentional; a sign of her need. Zoey's mouth pressed into Maddy's soft lower lips. Zoey opened her mouth and licked. Maddy's taste flooded her. Both of them shivered in excitement. The thrill of the restaurant and the danger made everything so much hotter.

She teased the girl, licking along her entrance, not pressing inside. When Maddy whined and tugged Zoey's head forward, she relented. She pushed her tongue inside. A moan escaped Maddy—a loud one, wrenched from her by her desire. Maddy clamped a hand over her mouth. Gray eyes surveyed the room in a panic, latching to several people who had looked over. She'd drawn their attention with the noise, even if the illusion held.

Zoey's own heart hammered. If she could take Maddy apart enough, have her a moaning, crying-out mess, then surely they'd be caught. The illusion did have limits. The idea made her cock throb. She wanted that. To have Maddy crying out in pleasure, to have their cover blown. It was the game they were playing. Who would win?

Zoey buried her face into Maddy's pussy, her tongue exploring deep. She sucked and nibbled at Maddy, her nose tickling the blue-haired girl's soft tufts of pubic hair. Maddy's hips bucked in response, muffled moan slipping out past her fingers, muted but still audible. She didn't have great self-control. Or the situation was too intense for her.

Bit by bit, Zoey worked her partner higher, using her skilled tongue to great effect. Honestly, being skilled probably didn't matter. It was the heat of the restaurant, the threat of exposure, that had Maddy falling apart so easily. It was also why Zoey's cock was twitching and leaking pre-cum, even without stimulation.

Before Zoey could force Maddy to that scalding-hot peak, a voice interrupted them.

"How are you two doing, dears?"

Both of them jumped. Zoey turned, head still between Maddy's legs, to see their waitress.

The brunette's brow was furrowed as she met eyes with Maddy, then Zoey, but she carried forward with the conversation as if nothing was amiss. Never mind that Zoey had, a second ago, been using her tongue to explore Maddy's insides, and that the blue-haired girl was laid out on the table, her legs spread to give Zoey access.

"Were you two thinking of dessert?" their waitress asked cheerfully, notebook and pencil held in hand. "I have some recommendations, if you'd like them. Oh, and I can get those dishes for you."

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