This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.28 – Dessert

5.28 – Dessert

Still laid out on the table, Maddy looked at the slice of chocolate cake with an expression Zoey couldn't quite decipher. The poor girl probably had a lot running through her head. Zoey did too.

Zoey picked up the plate, then held it to the side as she helped Maddy off the table. Maddy, with a burning-red face, looked around the restaurant. She slid back into her booth and slumped down, hastily retreating to what privacy she could. A towel appeared from her hand, summoned from her inventory.

"Nope," Zoey said. "Put that back."


"You're finishing dinner with me like this."

Maddy leveled an incredulous expression her way. "W-What? Zoey, I'm covered." She touched herself with three fingers on her cheek, and when she pulled back, cum dripped from them. To emphasize the point, another thick string fell from her chin and onto her lap. The poor girl was drenched. Was Zoey's output becoming even more ridiculous, or had the thrill of being in public—and this being her first real event with Maddy—drawn it out? Either way, she was proud of what she'd done.

"That's the point," Zoey said. "I think it's cute."

"Cute. You think me being completely covered in your cum is 'cute'."

"Yeah. So put the towel away."

Maddy gaped at her, but at Zoey's raised eyebrows—daring her to protest—Maddy finally blushed and did as she was told. The poor girl was as easy to bully as Rosalie. Maybe more so.

"F-Fine," Maddy said. "But I'm not going out into the streets like this."

"Actually, you are," Zoey said. "But we'll worry about that after dessert." She slid the plate back onto the table. She scrounged up a fork from the stuffed-aside tableware, then stabbed in and grabbed a bite. She held it out for Maddy.

Maddy accepted the offering, though her wide eyes stayed locked to Zoey. She chewed, swallowed, then said, "You can't be serious. We're safe in here, kind of, 'cuz nobody's a wayfarer. But out on the streets, there'll be at least a few."

"I'll let you put on clothes, then," Zoey amended. "But you're wearing that around," she used the fork to wave at the cum coating her face, "for the rest of the date. I like how it looks."

Maddy seemed like she was going to protest, but instead, she blushed, looked away, and pouted. "F-Fine. Whatever."


That had been easy. Too easy.

Zoey scooped up another bite and held it out to her. Maddy accepted it.

"What are we doing about the mess, though?" Maddy asked. "I mean, look at what we did to the table." To emphasize the point, she poked an errant strand of Zoey's cum, which had ejected all the way to the wall, covering table, dishes, and wall alike. "How did you even do that?"

"It was mostly your thighs' fault."

Maddy rolled her eyes—but the smile she hid with a hand said she appreciated the comment.

And a blushing, exasperated Maddy was twice as cute when covered in cum. A second string of white dripped off her chin. Yes, Zoey could definitely get used to having Maddy walk around like that. How lucky had she gotten that she'd found a fourth teammate who was a total exhibitionist?

"You Bonded with me, right?" Maddy asked. "You didn't forget?"

"If I said I did, could we go again?"

"S-Shut up."

Zoey laughed. "I didn't forget. But it was close. You're a bit distracting." She took a bite of cake. "This is really good. Good choice."

"I picked this restaurant for a reason."

"You've been?"

"Only twice. I didn't want to go anywhere I'm a regular."

"Why? Because you had a suspicion on how the date would end up?"

Maddy quirked her eyebrow in a silent answer.

Zoey snorted. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Back to small talk?" Maddy asked dryly. "While I'm naked, covered in cum, and half the restaurant was just staring at us?"

"I mean, we've got dessert to finish, and it's still a date. So yeah."

Maddy shook her head, exasperated. "I can't believe you're making me sit here, covered in this stuff."

Zoey knew the protests were superficial; Maddy liked it as much as she did. She hadn't even tried to convince Zoey otherwise. Not really.

The two girls worked through their dessert for a moment, a lull in the conversation appearing.

"This is a bit of a strange question," Zoey said, "but I've got a question on magic."


"Can two mages mix spells?"

"Mix? What do you mean?"

"Combine to make something else. You know. Joint spellcasting."

"Oh," Maddy said. "Sure. It's possible. It's just not done very often."

"Because it's difficult?"

"Because it's impractical, mostly. From a combat perspective. You get diminishing returns. Two individual spells are stronger than a combined one. You're talking about us doing that in a shard?"


"Oh. Then what?"

Zoey rubbed her chin. The idea was still forming in her head. "I'll explain my goal, and you can tell me if it's possible."


"So, all of this," Zoey gestured around, indicating the restaurant, and she and Maddy's state of undress. "Got me thinking. It's fun, but getting actually caught could cause some problems. At least by people who aren't, you know, fond of the idea. Or don't want to see all this."

Maddy's eyebrows stayed scrunched. She didn't know where Zoey was going.

"So, can we make a filtering illusion?" Zoey asked. "Maybe by combining our two specialties, make a spell where only people who want to see us naked, or doing whatever, actually see us."

Maddy's eyes widened. "Oh. Um. Good question. Definitely a … novel … idea for a spell." She paused, then blushed. "But you mean, you want other people to catch us? Like actually?"

"Isn't that the fun of it?" Zoey asked. "Means we could be out in public, and get some real reactions from people. But only people who want to see us, would." A considerate form of exhibitionism. They were in a world with magic, so why not use it? And Maddy's specialty had to do with mental effects—so she ought to be able to make something that sensed if they would want to see through the illusion, when combined with Zoey's lewd specialty. Or, that was the idea.

"Huh," Maddy said.

"So? Think it's possible?"

"Honestly? I'm not sure. It'd be tricky to design."

"Maybe my class would help cheat?" Zoey asked. "It seems to be pretty friendly to the idea of … you know, all of that stuff. So it might smooth the edges of the problem. Make it easier."

"It could," Maddy agreed, seeming thoughtful. It was a somewhat humorous expression while cum still dripped from her chin.

"Just an idea," Zoey said. "Seems like it would make our second date even more fun."

"Yeah," Maddy said, cheeks coloring. "It would, um, definitely be something. I'll look into it."


Zoey looked forward to testing it out.


The date continued. Though it drew some strange looks, they cleaned up the table, plates, and surroundings that Zoey had ruined using supplies from their inventories. They were at least somewhat considerate in their inappropriate misadventures.

From there, she headed back to the Guild with Maddy. As promised, Maddy wore her thick coating of Zoey's seed as a badge of honor throughout the walk. It hadn't been hard to convince her, and Zoey doubted that was entirely because Maddy was a complete bottom, quick to accept Zoey's orders, but rather, because she wanted to. All it had taken was Zoey to insist, and the poor girl's token protests had folded.

Maddy squirmed and blushed the entire walk over, and Zoey wasn't sure if anyone saw through the illusion, but she enjoyed herself nonetheless. Getting to walk with a cum-covered Maddy with an arm looped around hers, blushing whenever someone looked their way, was a definite highlight of her day.

Nearly back to the Guild, Zoey allowed Maddy to clean herself up. Inside the congregating point for wayfarers, there would be someone who could see through Maddy's illusion. There was a difference between the thrill of a low-percent chance of getting caught, and a guarantee. Plus, lots of adventurers knew Maddy. Zoey wouldn't be that mean, to force her to parade around with a coating of cum on her face around friends and acquaintances. Though, maybe if Maddy showed interest in the idea, she would convince her to be more brazen in the future. To show off even when they both knew she would be seen—and by people she knew. Zoey looked forward to pushing the mage's limits.

Afterward, Zoey said her goodbyes, then headed for Delta's room. She had an evening left, and there were always practical matters that needed attending. Especially with the Church of the Shattered Sphere being a dead end, and the vampire having not emerged, Zoey thought it was better she got into contact with their last hope earlier sooner than later.

She knocked, and after a few moments, the door swung open, and Delta leaned against the doorframe with a raised eyebrow. "What's up?"

"Hey. You busy?"

"Not especially."

"Still wanna ravage an innocent priestess with me?"

Her tall fox ears twitched in excitement, and a grin split her lips. "Uh, hello? Do you even need to ask?"

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