This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.50 – Solidify

5.50 – Solidify

"Unbelievable," Delta said. "Another advancement, already." She huffed. "You know, I'm kind of pissed. You advance your runes by fucking girls, meanwhile we have to risk our lives and wade around in monster guts to progress." She paused. "Though," she conceded, "I guess you're doing your own fair amount of wading around in guts—but not like we had to."

Zoey laughed at the turn of phrase, while Rosalie eyed her with distaste. "Must you always be so crude? Have some decorum."

"Yeah, that's not happening," Delta said. "But really—don't you agree?"

Rosalie, who had instantly reached over to place her hand on Zoey's cheek, reading her tabula anima, pursed her lips. Zoey didn't need an explicit answer to see that Rosalie did agree. Zoey couldn't fault Delta's outrage, either. Compared to most people, her form of leveling was definitely far more enjoyable. Unfairly so.

"Well, anyway. What's it looking like?" Delta asked. "Which rune was it?"

"Runes, actually."

"Two of them?!"

"All four," Rosalie said, her tone dry.

Delta's mouth fell open, and she full-on gaped at Zoey. Even Zoey's eyebrows went up. This was the first time all four had incremented over the same night. The foxgirl recovered, then glared at her. Zoey raised her hands defensively. "Look, I know I'm lucky. I'm hardly denying that. I have both of you in my bed, don't I?"

"Flattery won't save you," Delta said, poking her in the shoulder. "All four runes? You haven't even been in a shard. We're been running around the city and fucking like rabbits, and you've advancing all four runes?"

"I've been taking my lessons seriously, too" Zoey said defensively.

"And? Most wayfarers do. But they don't advance four runes in less than a week while lazing about."

Zoey certainly wasn't lazing about, at least in the full meaning of the phrase. But she didn't defend herself; she understood Delta's sentiment.

"I'll remind you that you're benefiting too," Rosalie pointed out. "Her Growth skill means our next shard will probably boost both of us to our next advancement—or at least close."

"Still," Delta grumbled. "It's insane."

Zoey knew Delta wasn't actually upset. She was just incredulous, and teasing in her usual over-the-top way. Zoey completely understood how her easy progress could feel kind of invalidating to her months of hard work. Most people spent their lives nearly dying to reach the higher advancements, and here Zoey was, doing it while—well, as Delta said, frolicking about, fucking like rabbits. Even if Zoey was also attending her alchemy and magic lessons as a diligent student.

"So, what's she got?" Delta asked.

Rosalie withdrew her hand, having sorted through Zoey's newly gained abilities.

"And we should probably teach her how to do that herself," Delta added. "It's not that hard to learn, even if she's an alien."

"She's not an alien," Rosalie said. "Just a …" she failed to find the proper word, so sniffed and moved on. "And yes, I've been meaning to get around to it."

Zoey knew the real reason Rosalie hadn't prioritized teaching her: she found the act of reading her skills intimate. And while Zoey would like to be able to read her tabula anima herself, so she could sort through her abilities in her own mind without Rosalie's help, she didn't mind indulging her girlfriend. It wasn't that high of a priority.

"So?" Zoey prompted. "Hit us with it."

Rosalie didn't seem flabbergasted by anything she had seen, like some of the earlier reveals, but that was more likely because she understood Zoey's position better—and a person could only be surprised by her class so many times. Her lips were pursed, anyway, so whatever skills she'd read, they had prompted some sort of reaction.

"Which first?" Rosalie asked.

"Whatever one's got you frowning like that," Delta said, poking at her cheek—which Rosalie leaned away from and eyed her for. "Cuz that's gonna be the fun one."

Rosalie looked at Zoey, pointedly ignoring the third woman.

"Uh—how about arcana, first? Honestly, that's what I'm most excited for." Her lewd abilities were fun, and she was excited to see what she'd gotten, but the reality of her transmigration through worlds had been hanging over her head more and more. She didn't think 'saving the world', whatever that meant, would include a traditional set of combat skills, but her Rune of Arcana was her most standard wayfaring Rune—her most practical means of fighting.

Plus, it gave her access to free-form magical abilities. Who wouldn't be excited to see how that developed?

"Arcana. There's two skills that came with it," Rosalie started, though she was quickly cut off by Delta.


"One of them is a filler," Rosalie said. "A Circle upgrade."

"Huh?" Zoey said.

"Second Circle: Cast spells up to two Circles in complexity." Rosalie shrugged. "I'm not a caster, but as far as I know, it's standard to receive on second or third advancement."

In that case, that would make this rune the only one growing at a normal pace. As she'd already noted, her Rune of Arcana was her 'typical wayfaring rune'.

"And the other?"

"Arcane Link," Rosalie said. "Join with target and control their mana, allowing for greater casting. I'll be honest—I don't think I've heard of that. The ability to seize another person's mana. It's quite interesting."

"Maddy's gonna have a field day with it," Delta said thoughtfully. "Get ready for her to be all over you. She'll probably want you for a full day of experimentation." She paused, then waggled her eyebrows—turning it into an innuendo after the fact.

Zoey rolled her eyes, still digesting the news. Unlocking her second spellcasting circle meant she could create notably more detailed spells. Though unfortunately, she was restricted to designs provided to her; she didn't have the experience to make her own. Maddy was a huge resource in that regard.

And linking to her? Controlling her mana? She could imagine the potency of that. It was worth a dedicated day of experimentation. It was a shame Zoey would be the one in control; if it had been Maddy, who knew what the experienced mage could do?

"Does that mean I'll have access to her specialties?" Zoey asked. "Like, her illusions and such? Since I'll be controlling her mana?"

"Maybe," Delta said. "I would assume so. At the very least, you'll be able to mix your runes." She shrugged. "Or, that's what I figure. Wouldn't think it's just a way to boost your mana pool."

"Her Lust," Rosalie corrected. "She doesn't even have mana."

"Right. Well, even more reason to think you'll get her specialties." Delta leaned forward. "And that's all interesting, but come on—get to the good stuff."

Rosalie spared a disapproving look for the foxgirl. "That is the 'good stuff'. Both upgrades are highly practical."

"Yeah, yeah. But gimme the sex spells."

"How about bonding next?" Zoey suggested.

"Bonding. Fourth advancement. It's called 'Solidify Bond'," Rosalie said. "Amplifies and cements bond, turning them permanent."

Zoey and Delta paused.

"What does that mean?" Delta asked. "It wasn't already permanent?"

"Her Share skill defines a maximum amount of bonds. Five," Rosalie said. "And no, it's not permanent. She can change who the bonds go on. As for what amplifying the bond itself means—I'm guessing it strengthens all skills related to bonding. Like how many stats we share, and how much Growth, Bolster, and Alacrity affect us."

"Seriously? But it's already so strong."

Rosalie grunted in agreement.

"Should I use it now?" Zoey asked.

Both girls paused, looking at her.

"Kind of a big decision," Delta said slowly. "Permanent is permanent, you know."


Again, both girls paused.

Delta turned to Rosalie. "She's just saying that because we woke her up with morning sex. Give her some time to think on it."

Rosalie spared an annoyed look for Delta, but she faced Zoey. She clearly agreed. "She's right. It's not something you should decide on the spot."

"What?" Zoey asked, confused by their reaction. "Obviously I'll be using it on you two. As long as you agree?"

Rosalie's cheeks turned pink, but she didn't look away, like she usually might when growing flustered. She grabbed Zoey's hand and squeezed. "I do. But it's a big decision. Forever is a long time, Zoey."

Which … yeah. She guessed. She understood where they were coming from, but at the same time, obviously she would use the new skill on Rosalie and Delta. "I'm well aware," Zoey said, only hesitating for a second. She grabbed Delta's hand, too. "I'm not sure if you two have noticed, but I have zero intentions of going anywhere you don't. We're in this for the long haul, aren't we? I mean, saving the world and everything is probably something we should play all of our cards for."

Zoey had maybe given away a bit too much with the words, or how easily she made the decision. Her two girlfriends reacted in varying ways. Rosalie, face rapidly turning scarlet, and Delta, who went suddenly still. The second was obviously more concerning—but the reaction didn't last long. Delta shrugged, then leaned back into the headboard and stretched wide, obviously forcing herself to be casual. "You've only known us for a few weeks. You sure commit fast, don't you?"

"I guess I do."

Delta bit her lip. "Well, it's your skill. So, if you're certain, then it's your choice."

"I am certain. Completely."

At Zoey's bluntness, the foxgirl's face finally started to turn red. The reaction eased Zoey's nerves. Purple eyes glanced away. "Okay. Then, yeah, whatever. But you should still think on it, at least for a day. That's just common sense."

Rosalie nodded in agreement. "There's no rush."

"What are the other two?" Delta asked Rosalie, not letting Zoey push the point any further. "They better be sex related."

Rosalie sighed. "They are, actually."

Delta leaned back forward, grinning—brushing past the bout of intimate honesty the earlier skill had forced out. "Lay it on me," she said, ears twitching in excitement. "What's her gross new way to buff us?"

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