This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.11 – Cage

6.11 – Cage

Their reward for finding a way past the obstacle was a bit perplexing: a small silver key lying on a pedestal. An inch long, the ornate bit of metal came with no explanation nor even a description to explain its use. Zoey and Maddy shared confused looks before shrugging and moving on, Maddy pocketing the key into her inventory. Zoey assumed the key would be relevant later. The obstacle had hardly been that tricky to solve, so Zoey hadn't been expecting anything amazing. Though maybe more than an unexplained silver key.

Upon exiting the small cavern, the ground rumbled beneath their feet, and a cascade of boulders crashed down behind them, blocking them from returning to the chasm room. Again, Zoey and Maddy shared a look, then shrugged and continued forward. Typical shard shenanigans. It was good they hadn't left anything behind.

Not more than a minute of walking later, they entered a new cave room—and Zoey's mood soared since, finally, it had happened. Two other figures were in the cavern: a platinum blonde and an orange-haired foxgirl. Even if the key was unexplained, solving that obstacle had provided a quick path back to her teammates. That was reward enough, as far as Zoey was concerned.

From a glance, Zoey could see there were several passages in and out of the cavern, and though Rosalie and Delta had been initially facing away, they turned the moment they heard Zoey and Maddy's footfalls—seeming tense at first, but relaxing when they saw who it was. Zoey waved in greeting, and Rosalie nodded back at her.

Of course, Zoey couldn't help but rake her eyes across Rosalie and Delta's bodies, hugged in tight by clinging latex bodysuits, the same as she and Maddy. It was everything she'd been hoping for. While Maddy's flat, petite figure was delightful in latex, so, obviously, were Rosalie's and Delta's curvier ones. Delta especially, who, of the three of her teammates, definitely had the largest assets; the material really strained to contain her chest.

But Zoey couldn't fully admire the two of them, because something else immediately caught her attention. A glint of silver between Delta's legs. Zoey blinked as she finished casually closing the gap between them, the two teams officially rejoining.

Delta huffed at her. "Hello? It's rude to stare, you know."

"What is that?" Zoey asked, peering at the metal contraption between Delta's legs. Her brain didn't make sense of it right away.

Delta crossed her arms. Her eyes skirted away from Zoey's, clearly embarrassed—which was way out of character for her, so Zoey was instantly interested.

"It's a chastity cage," Delta said, sounding annoyed.

"What? It is?" Finally, the shape of the object clicked in Zoey's head. A cage of metal, just the right size to fit Delta's soft cock, keeping her trapped. And on top of latex, no less. "Oh," Zoey said, caught off guard—if nonetheless intrigued by the development. She faced Rosalie, raising her eyebrows. "Sounds like you two have been having fun, then?"

Rosalie seemed unamused. "You two?" she quoted back at Zoey. "No. Some of us can control ourselves. Some of us have standards."

"Oh, please," Delta shot back. "As if Zoey wouldn't have gone for it either. And she's your girlfriend. So what's that say about 'standards'?"

Rosalie glared at the foxgirl before facing back to Zoey. She crossed her arms, then accusatorily said:

"Delta fucked a wall."

Which was … quite a statement to drop on her.

"Uh," Zoey said.

"A wall-pussy," Delta defended herself. "Not just a wall. And, I mean, obviously, it wanted to be fucked. Why else would it be there? It unlocked a doorway for us."

"You fucked a wall?" Zoey asked.

"You had no idea it would unlock something," Rosalie sniffed. "You're just completely incapable of controlling yourself. And worse, now you've made yourself useless."

"Useless?" Zoey asked, unsure whether to be concerned or amused by all of this. She settled for being both. Her eyes flicked down to between Delta's legs. It really was an odd little contraption to see there. Zoey didn't know much about them, for obvious reasons. So what—Delta couldn't get hard, now? She was trapped inside it? That seemed like an unfortunate fate, to be honest. Zoey didn't envy her. Did it hurt?

Zoey also asked the obvious question: "And how's a wall-fucking lead to a chastity cage?"

Rosalie shrugged. "She fucked the wall, it unlocked a doorway, but also put that on her. Because she doesn't understand what the word trap means."

"How was I supposed to know it was a trap?" Delta insisted. "Sometimes, they just give rewards. Or unlock doors."

Rosalie shook her head, exasperated.

Zoey sympathized with Delta's point. Sometimes, the lewd encounters really weren't traps, just ways to progress through the dungeon faster. Even Rosalie had engaged with one of those, back in the second shard.

And that Delta had jumped into a situation like that hardly surprised Zoey. She was obviously more than willing to interact with lewd encounters—traps or not. She'd seen that when the foxgirl had gleefully been groped by the vines back at Mel's shard.

And as for her accusation that Zoey also would have engaged—she had a point there too.

Though, they really should be more careful when it comes to traps. At least from what they'd seen, the blatantly lewd ones weren't violent. Just aphrodisiacs and potentially other concerning things like, well, the chastity cage, apparently. But they didn't cause direct bodily harm. Even when they did turn out to be traps, they were a different type of trap.

"Why is she useless?" Zoey asked.

That part had stuck out; it didn't seem like Rosalie simply chiding the woman.

"It reduces her stats by half," Rosalie said. "So long as she's wearing it. I've had to escort her around, since then." She flicked an annoyed look toward the woman. "She's lucky I can handle myself alone in this environment. Most people at our rank couldn't."

"Yeah, yeah, you're hot shit, we get it, blondie."

Despite putting on her usual act, Zoey could see Delta really was embarrassed by the whole situation. She couldn't quite meet either Rosalie's or Zoey's eyes. To be fair, getting trapped inside a chastity cage and subsequently turning into dead weight was fairly humiliating. And maybe the second part far more than the first, since sexual matters didn't typically fluster Delta. Rather, Zoey intuited, Delta was annoyed that her actions had put her and Rosalie in danger. Maybe she was shameless when it came to sex, but she also prided herself as a competent wayfarer.

"How do we get it off?" Zoey asked.

"Dunno. There's a slot for a key, I think," Delta grumbled. "We're looking for it."

"A … key?" Maddy chimed in abruptly, her first addition to the conversation. She was, understandably, a bit flustered by the discussion, and … well, everything. She hadn't grown used to the absurd situations Zoey's shards could create. To be fair, this was a funnier one than usual. "A key like this?" Materializing the object from her inventory, Maddy held the silver object up.

Zoey's eyes flicked between the cage and the key. They were, at least, the same bright silver, and she supposed they fit together in design.

So. It seemed the mystery of their reward was rather short-lived. The chasm had provided a fast path to her teammates, and a solution for Delta's … perhaps hasty … urges.

Her urges to … fuck a wall.

Even by their standards, that was a bit much. Though, Zoey really couldn't talk.

Delta peered at the item, then sighed a huge breath of relief. "Oh, thank the heavens." She held a hand out. "I need out of this thing like, right now. You have no idea what it's been like, seeing blondie swing that ass while being stuck in a cage. Thought I was gonna break through the metal a few times. She's quite the little acrobat."

"Excuse me?" Rosalie sputtered.

Maddy placed the key in Delta's hand, flushing at the woman's words. Rosalie looked at the foxgirl incredulously, though how she could still be surprised at the woman's crudeness, Zoey had no idea. After getting no response from Delta, who simply busied herself with the lock, Rosalie faced Zoey instead, looking for support from her.

"Well, she's right," Zoey said. "That had to have been torture." Zoey paused. "Speaking of, can you turn around, real quick?" She hadn't gotten a chance to see the full picture of Rosalie's latex bodysuit, yet. Specifically, from behind.

Rosalie crossed her arms, seeming unamused. Zoey laughed and raised her hands placatingly. "Okay, sorry, you don't have an amazing ass. Is that better?"

Rosalie's eyes narrowed further.

"Delta is a gross pervert?" Zoey suggested.


"Yes," Rosalie said. "Yes, she is."

"You two are fine, though?" Zoey asked. "Nothing serious came up, besides that?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes, obviously not offended at the teasing—just defending her honor like she usually did. Meanwhile, Delta was still fidgeting with the key down at her crotch.

"Yes, we're fine," Rosalie said.

The metal finally clicked. Delta peeled her metal confinement off of herself, sighing loudly in relief.

"That feels so much better," the foxgirl said.

She cupped herself through her bodysuit and gave herself a few firm squeezes, as if massaging the thing between her legs. And not for pleasure, for once, but simply because it'd been trapped for way too long and had grown uncomfortable. Though it had the same effect: blood swelled downward, and the foxgirl's cock quickly stiffened inside her bodysuit.

"Seriously?" Rosalie asked.

Delta, for the third time, sighed contentedly. Her cock grew to full mast. It was a bit amusing. It really didn't seem like sexual pleasure in the slightest. Purely relief.

"There she is," she said, giving herself a few wiggles as her erection finished filling out. "Welcome back, troublemaker. You're causing me a lot of problems recently, you know."

"You cause yourself problems," Rosalie said. "Don't blame it on that thing. You were the exact same before it." She huffed in exasperation and faced back to Zoey and Maddy. "Anyway," she said. "You two are fine as well? Nothing came up while we were separated?"

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