This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.19 – Two Versus One I

6.19 – Two Versus One I

The two lava elementals stalked toward her, leaving their weapons discarded behind them. Zoey retreated sideways, leading them away from the rest of her party. With the main boss beginning to re-animate, Maddy and the others couldn't spare Zoey and her situation much attention; they focused on their own task.

"So, uh," Zoey said, backpedaling, keeping a wary eye on them. "You two have names?"

"Not ones that matter to you, human," the right elemental, the one without the extra equipment, said. The one who had already seemed irritated, which the curt response confirmed.

Hearing her speak didn't exactly surprise Zoey, since she'd been ready for the possibility, but talking monsters would always give her some pause.

"She's Ignis, I'm Blaze," the other elemental offered in far friendlier manner, which drew an annoyed glance from her partner. Blaze blinked innocently back at her in reply, as if confused at her friend's hostility. "What's yours?" she asked Zoey, tilting her head.

"Zoey. It's nice to meet you?"

"You as well," Blaze said cheerfully. "But, this is a very strange way to fight, Zoey," she said. "And why are you running? You aren't gonna make us chase you, are you?" She didn't sound like she'd be too upset if that were the case.

"No, no. Just putting some space between us and them. Finding our own private arena." Zoey's eyes flicked over her shoulder, to her teammates and the larger elemental.

"Hmph," Ignis said. "This won't last long, regardless. So stop running and accept your fate."

"I don't know," Blaze said dubiously, eyes flicking to Zoey's cock. Her own meaty member jumped in excitement at what she saw. "She looks pretty strong, Ignis."

"Against two of us?" Ignis snorted in derision. "You're mistaken."

Having backpedaled nearly to the edge of the surrounding lava moat, Zoey had ventured far enough away. Over Blaze's shoulder, she could see Rosalie and Delta engaging the boss once again.

Even if Zoey would be carrying her weight by distracting these two add-ons, she had to treat this situation seriously. To be a good teammate and not dally when her teammates were fighting for their lives.

Though Zoey might be fighting for her life as well, honestly. She still didn't know how 'defeat' worked when it came to lewd encounters. And she didn't intend to find out. That was a mystery best left unsolved.

Having come to a stop, the gap between her and her opponents rapidly shrank, Blaze and Ignis not slowing in turn.

"Any special rules?" Zoey asked in the last few seconds before the fight began. "Anything that doesn't go?"

"Doesn't go?" Blaze asked curiously.

"No," Ignis said, eyes narrowing derisively, more easily picking up on Zoey's question than her innocent partner. "No limits. Win by any means."

"Alright," Zoey said. "Not a problem with me, either. A good, fair fight."

Ignis snorted.

Zoey chose her target. Of the two, Blaze seemed the more vulnerable, and not just because of her more open personality—the lack of intensity and competitiveness Zoey could see in Ignis. But also because of a certain twelve-inch, twitching sensitive spot that was giving away just how interested Blaze was in this 'new type of fighting'.

Now, this encounter might be a two-on-one, but Zoey had her own significant advantages. Specifically, Influence. Magic that could inflame senses. The goal of the fight was, presumably, to bring her opponents to orgasm, probably several times—or maybe a single explosively insane one would be enough—while holding away her lust herself. That meant whatever pleasure she could inflict while receiving as little in turn was the ultimate goal.

With that in mind, there was an obvious starting point.

Getting her mouth around some lava-cock.

The problem was that Blaze might resist the position. To insist on mutual pleasure in some way.

But perhaps Zoey could erase those practical thoughts. Make Blaze forget about trying to win. To do that, Zoey just had to make her too horny to care. And she had just the means to do so.

Tracing a well-practiced magical diagram into the air, Zoey quickly manifested a spell. Blaze froze in her tracks as it took hold, her body locking up as her senses went wild, arousal spiking through magical means. Her eyes widened to a nearly comical degree, and Zoey would even swear her cock swelled another half-inch, throbbing violently and bouncing between her legs.

Just as quickly, Zoey moved. She dropped down onto her knees in front of the frozen Blaze and wasted no time in wrapping her hands around the stiff lavacock in front of her. The heat seared through her palms immediately, though strangely, in a pleasant way. Not unbearable, thanks to the various resistances protecting her.

She began to pump, bunching gooey lava as she stroked up and down, twisting her wrists as she went. The elemental moaned aloud, hips bucking involuntarily as Zoey's Influence-enhanced desire clashed with her goal to come out victorious.

"W-Wow," Blaze gasped. "Woah. That's—that's, uh—"

Zoey's hands traveled up and down. The girl's huge magma cock had a strange composition to it: not quite as squishy as Mel, but not as firm as a regular body. Lava bunched up and down, goopy and free-moving as Zoey jerked her opponent off. Zoey nearly marveled at the sight, the non-human biology on display. Against her own will, she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like inside her. Though, she wouldn't have to wonder for long. It was certainly going to happen before this encounter ended.

Ignis, of course, wasn't going to let Zoey attack her partner without retaliation. Only a second after Zoey had dropped down to her knees, Ignis followed, shuffling between the two of them—getting between Blaze's legs and earning access to Zoey's own aching cock, which stood fully at attention.

"Hmph," the more aloof lava girl said. "I can't believe it's even bigger than Blaze's. But, I bet that means it's more sensitive."

Two hands wrapped around Zoey's cock, gripping firmly. Zoey sucked in a breath of air at the sudden heat, the intensity of Ignis's soft but blazing hands. Her digits seared their way down her cock, leaving a trail of tingling heat where they passed. Again, it wasn't painful, just intense in a way that made Zoey's toes curl, her stomach clench and squirm in delight.

This might be harder than she'd first assumed. The radiating warmth from the two monsters was an unexpected threat, especially when applied to her sensitive cock.

"Fuck," Zoey sighed, stroking Blaze faster but, unfortunately, also basking in her own servicing.

Zoey's inflammation spell at least seemed to be working as potently as she'd hoped for. Even just gripping Blaze's cock had her squirming in place, clutching her breasts as her hips wiggled side to side.

"M-More," Blaze gasped. "I want more. I want to feel it inside you, human."

Maybe, even, it was more potent than Zoey had expected.

Because Blaze didn't even let Zoey reply before she grabbed Zoey's head and pushed her hips forward, thrusting her long twelve-inch lava cock up and along her face, gooey magma sliding lewdly along her features. Her face was even less protected than her body, so that radiant heat nearly scorched Zoey where it slid, and when Blaze pulled her hips back to line her tip up to Zoey's mouth, a trail of residue was left behind, burning her skin where it touched.

Blaze wiggled her cocktip around Zoey's lips, threatening entry, but failing to get past Zoey's closed teeth. The girl whined in annoyance.

"Lemme in!" she pleaded, thrusting back and forth, but only glancing along Zoey's teeth. "I want a hole! Give it to me!"

"Blaze," Ignis said, aghast, staring up at her partner. "Have some control. We're supposed to be—"

But her words cut off, because Zoey finally yielded, opening her mouth. Blaze desperately plunged in.

Zoey had gotten the impression that this girl was the politer, more considerate of the elementals, but Zoey's powerful inflammation skill had completely erased her ability to moderate herself. Holding Zoey's head, her hips slammed forward, claiming Zoey's throat with a nearly animalistic urge.

Twelve inches of thick and gooey lava crammed its way down Zoey's throat, stretching the slim passage out. Blaze's cockhead buried farther and farther in one smooth, hard motion, burning Zoey's sensitive tunnel as it went, until Blaze's lower stomach slapped loudly into Zoey's face.

Zoey's hands shot up to her neck in shock—as much from the heat as the suddenness—and she could feel the thick bulge there, bending out tight muscles and emanating a heat she could feel even through the layer of skin. The heat was so intense that she wouldn't be surprised to see her throat glowing.

Blaze held Zoey's face hard to her pelvis, bent over in pleasure, quivering, and for a few seconds, Zoey just choked on magma-girl cock—but then the girl began to thrust, desperate to use Zoey.

"S-Sorry, Ignis," Blaze cried out. "I t-thought I'd do better. But it's too good! Human holes feel too good!"

Ignis stayed frozen down between Zoey's legs, forgetting even to take advantage of Zoey's compromised position in her shock at seeing Blaze's compromised state. But finally, she spurred herself back to motion.

"It seems like I have to make up the difference," she growled, shuffling herself down onto her stomach. "Maybe you're good at that," she said, eying Zoey's bulging throat, "but I bet I'm better."

Zoey was a little incapable of responding with Blaze's cock pounding into her, bulging out her neck in obscene ways with each thrust. She choked, struggling to keep her throat open for the invading cock—and her thoughts admittedly going fuzzy at the rough treatment, the burning goo squelching in and out of her tight tunnel.

Then, her situation became even more untenable, because Ignis started to service her back. Her hot tongue slid along Zoey's cock, coating it in a heavy film of lava drool. Zoey's eyes went wide at the sudden, extreme heat, and on her most sensitive of parts. Her toes curled, and the brief precursor wasn't nearly enough time to brace for what was coming.

Ignis dove down. Zoey's cock slid into a tight, sticky, burning tunnel. If she'd thought receiving lava-cock had been intense, it was nothing compared to being surrounded by that substance. In having her dick wrapped by Ignis's lava throat. Even as Blaze thrust into her, Zoey's own cock sank deeper and deeper down Ignis's mouth, the elemental struggling to fit Zoey. She forced herself down until her own face was squished into Zoey's pelvis, and her entire fourteen-inch member was being squeezed in an unbelievably pleasurable heat.

Then, shamefully, Zoey's hips pulled back and thrust forward. The lava girl gagged, and the lewd noise joined with the sensation, meant Zoey couldn't help herself. She worked into her own rhythm, quickly growing as desperate as the inflamed girl using Zoey's own throat.

And how couldn't she?

Blaze had said human holes felt too good, but lava-girl throat-pussy was three times as unfair.

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