This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.38 – Under the Table II

6.38 – Under the Table II

Zoey leaned back into the booth seat, taking a relaxed posture to try to calm herself. Which had maybe the counter-intended effect, since the new vantage gave her a peek underneath the table, where her fourteen-inch cock was draped heavily across the shadow's face. She rubbed gently up and down, one hand pressing into the side to further smoosh Zoey against her face. Her eyes were closed, mouth slightly parted as the heavy slab of girlcock ran across her delicate features. Zoey throbbed once, hard, her cock jumping in the shadow's hand. Zoey tore her eyes away before the sight overwhelmed her.

Except the image above wasn't much safer. Delta, Rosalie, and Maddy stared at her with varying levels of blushes and wide eyes. Delta grinned with a hazy look, chin on her hand as she looked at Zoey, feeling everything her shadow did.

"Well?" Delta said. "We're waiting."

Right. Her skills. That could be her saving grace. The distraction she could seize ahold of.

Though, being watched by all three of her teammates while she was obviously being pleasured underneath the table … that was a difficult task to keep a level head through.

"You said there were two of them?" Delta prompted, clearly finding Zoey's flustered state amusing. "Two of your runes advanced? Which?"

"Yeah," Zoey said, grateful for the helping hand. "Bonding and Arcana."

That captured Delta's attention. Her eyes widened, and she leaned forward, more interested. "Those are the two best. Your mythic, and your combat rune. What ridiculous shit did you get this time?"

"I'll start with arcana," Zoey struggled out. "The bonding one is gonna be a discussion and a half."

Rosalie snorted. "It's a mythic rune's fifth-advancement ability. Of course it is." She already knew what Zoey's two abilities were, having been the one to read them from her tabula anima back in the bedroom. Though they hadn't had much of a chance to discuss it.

Zoey faced Maddy since this ability was most relevant to her. The mage was responsible for helping Zoey develop and utilize her magical abilities to their fullest extent.

But Maddy's eyes didn't meet hers. The petite girl was leaning back against the booth seat, seated at an angle that allowed her to see under the table. Her attention was locked on Zoey's cock and the shadow rubbing her face into her meaty member in long, slow strokes.

Delta's lips curled up, seeing the mage's distracted state. She seized control of the shadow, having the figure face Maddy. Grabbing Zoey's cock, she pulled back and planted a wet kiss on Zoey's tip, winking at Maddy as she did—the action obviously more for her than Zoey. Then the shadow gestured up Zoey's body, trying to draw Maddy's attention back to reality.

Gray eyes flicked up to Zoey, then around the table, to see that all three of them were staring at her. The mage squeaked. "S-Sorry! Did you ask me something?"

"Just waiting for you to pay attention," Delta said. "Zoey has a skill to share. It's impolite to ignore her, even if there's something more fun going on." A loud clap of cock-on-face filled the air as if to emphasize her point, making both Zoey and Maddy glance back down. Delta laughed. "Seriously, stop distracting her," she scolded Maddy. "I wanna know what skills she got."

"You're the one underneath the table," Maddy protested. "How am I distracting her?"

"What? I'm not. My shadow is. I can't be blamed for her actions."

Zoey shook her head in exasperation and faced Maddy again, determined to push through. Even when Delta ran a wet tongue up the length of her cock, ending at her tip and licking around the ridge, she focused on her goal. "It's another element," she said with some difficulty, holding eye contact with Maddy, ignoring the blushes on both their faces. "Lightning. So I'll need help figuring it out, like with ice."

The words took longer than they should for Maddy to digest, which was fair, since they had taken longer than they should have for Zoey to struggle out. Eventually, understanding dawned, and Maddy blinked, her flustered expression clearing slightly.

"Oh? Another element? Lightning?" She tilted her head as she considered. "That's amazing. Lightning has incredible destructive potential. Less utility compared to ice, but seriously powerful."

"That's what I figured."

"I wonder why ice and lightning were what you were given," Maddy mused, her blush lessening by the second as she genuinely mulled over the situation—like Rosalie, easily distracted when it came to matters of her wayfaring domain. "Seems a bit disconnected from your class as a whole. But I guess there aren't many elements that connect to …" she paused as she obviously didn't know how to phrase it.

"A sex goddess class?" Delta suggested.

"Bonder," Zoey said firmly. That had been the name Ephy had used way back when.

"I like mine better."

"R-Regardless," Maddy said. "Lightning. Especially with all of your boosting abilities … and Arcane Link, too, which we haven't used that much … you'll be able to create some devastating attacks."

"I knew a lightning mage," Rosalie commented. "I think of any individual element, it's the most individually destructive."

"No," Maddy disagreed instantly. "Something chaos or void aligned would definitely be more dangerous overall. Far fewer means of resisting, both for monsters and people." She paused as she realized that she'd rather bluntly dismissed Rosalie, which wasn't like Maddy's normally polite nature. Another sign of the girl getting caught up in her field of interest. "T-Though those elements don't show up in lower advancements, and lightning is probably the strongest offensive mid-tier element, which is probably what you meant."

Rosalie nodded.

"I would offer to sketch up a few spells for you," Maddy told Zoey. "But considering just where we are …" she glanced at Rosalie. "I think we'll be able to find better resources than my scribblings. I'm not a lightning mage or even an ice mage. You'll want to get your hands on higher quality resources now that we're no longer limited in such a way."

"There'll be something in my family's library, yes," Rosalie said. "Even if not, I'd be able to make arrangements."

"You'll still teach me, though?" Zoey asked Maddy.

"Hm? I bet the d'Celestins could find a real lightning mage to tutor you. Why me?"

Zoey frowned. "Because I want you to? If that's fine? I like spending time with you, and we're already so busy as things stand."

The blush that had slowly faded from Maddy's face reared back up, and for a different reason this time. "If that's what you want, I don't mind," the girl said, looking away. "I … also like teaching you."

Zoey smiled, opening her mouth to reply—

Then sucked in a gasp of air as wet heat surrounded her cock. Delta had briefly eased up on her teasing to let Zoey talk, but had come back with a vengeance. Zoey's cock tip penetrated a tight ring, sliding down a wet hot tunnel with no forewarning as Delta's shadow clone took Zoey into her throat.

Her back arching, Zoey sat there, frozen for a second. A loud choking noise came from underneath the table as Delta's clone struggled to hold Zoey in her airway.

"Oops," Delta said. "Didn't ruin the cute moment, did I?"

Zoey forced herself to relax, trying to ignore the foxgirl choking on her cock. Which was obviously not an easy task.

"I mean it," she said earnestly to Maddy, whose eyes were flicking between Zoey and the girl underneath the table, wiggling a bit further down Zoey's cock with each second. "Maybe considering the gravity of everything, I should be focused more on efficiency, but I would much rather have you teach me than some random person. Even if you aren't a lightning or ice mage, you're obviously great at what you do."

"T-Thanks," Maddy said. "And, um, yeah, I'd be happy to. But you'll want to pick up a book of spells, at least. I can help you learn them, but designing spells from the ground up is probably too much work, only for an iffy result."

Zoey nodded. She looked down to her lap, where the shadow had her lips wrapped around her cock a few inches above the base. Taking pity, she grabbed the back of the girl's head and pushed down violently. She finished sheathing herself, Delta's shadowy lips kissing into the base of her crotch.

"Thanks," Delta said, shivering in place as the ghostly sensations echoed onto her. "The last few inches are killer. Why the hell are you so big?" The clone choked loudly under the table as if in agreement, the vibrations massaging Zoey's cock.

"And your other skill?" Rosalie prompted, clearly trying to ignore the lewd happenings underneath the table. "What'd you get for your bonding rune? That's the one we really need to talk about."

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