This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.40 – Other Skills

6.40 – Other Skills

"So," Rosalie said to Delta, once her and Zoey's labored breathing had calmed. "You just had her finish straight into your shadow's stomach. What happens when you dispel it, now?"

The table stared at her.

"What? I'm asking relevant questions. I feel like we've been disrespectful enough to this establishment, haven't we? Even if we somehow didn't get caught."

"That's … a good point," Delta said slowly. She peeked under the table, where a semi-catatonic shadow rested, slouched against Delta's side of the booth. "It'd be kind of a mess if it just dropped onto the floor. Especially when it's Zoey." She gave a pointed look at Zoey. "Couldn't you have cum a normal amount, for once?"

"I don't think that's something I can help," Zoey said dryly.

Delta's lip quirked up. "No, I suppose you couldn't. I did do a pretty good job." She laughed. "Okay, what's the plan? Just hope it vanishes? Or escort her to the bathroom? Sneak mission time?"

"Zoey's skills are generally considerate," Rosalie said. "So it might disappear. But is it worth the risk?"

"Probably not." Delta bit her lip. "Pretty sure a shadow person is gonna draw looks, though. People'll know we're wayfarers after that. No more privacy. So, how about we deal with it when it's time to leave? She can chill until then. She's out of view."

Nobody had any counterpoints for that suggestion; Delta received a collection of shrugged agreements.

Delta faced Rosalie. "So? Your turn. What'd you get?"

"Two skills," she said. "To be honest, nothing as interesting as yours."

Delta seemed a mix of smug and satisfied at her response. "Of course not. Like I said, I got the best one."

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "The first is Phalanx. When I'm fighting next to a shield-bearer, I gain additional damage and a portion of their resistances."

"Oh? That's good." Not more than a second passed before Delta perked up, an idea hitting her. "Wait, if you get a portion of their defensive stats, and Zoey shares everyone's stats with everyone else, then…" she trailed off and blinked.

"Then it sounds like I'll be double-dipping," Rosalie agreed. "And it'll be even more effective than it initially sounds." She nodded. "My class definitely seems to be pushing me toward a fighter off-tank role. I expected to be more of a duelist, like my father." She shrugged. "Not that I'm upset. I'll serve whatever role I need to."

Delta paused, then smirked at her. "Yeah, I'm sure you would."

It took a second for Rosalie to even understand the innuendo. When she did, her eyes narrowed into that familiar glare, cheeks tinting pink. "Can we have one discussion without some manner of double entendre?"

"Probably not," Delta said. "You make it too easy." She snickered. "Probably because you're too easy."

"And your second?" Zoey asked, throwing her girlfriend a line.


"Titanslayer?" Delta asked, her teasing evaporating, replaced with obvious interest. She leaned in closer to Rosalie. The blonde grew flustered for a different reason—Delta's closeness. "That sounds dramatic."

"Yes, I suppose it is," Rosalie said. "I deal bonus damage when fighting enemies of similar and higher advancement. Of course, it scales with the difference." She paused. "It was an interesting skill to have received, immediately before I was forced to duel my father."

"Oh, shit," Delta said. "I didn't even think of that. There isn't a bigger gap you could find than against—" She paused and glanced around the room. "Well, you know. Him. What'd it do?"

"In the duel? Next to nothing," Rosalie said. "It gives me extra damage, not speed. Do you think I could even touch him?"


"We did test it, though. He let me land a direct blow, unimpeded. It … surprised him, how strong it was." She snorted. "Obviously, it didn't hurt him in any real capacity. But he did take a step back."

Delta's eyebrows shot up. Maddy made a noise of surprise as well.

"When we're talking about a four advancement gap, that's still unbelievable," Delta said. "You should've been like a mosquito biting him. Not even biting. Just bumping into."

Rosalie nodded. "It scales with the gap. To a ridiculously enormous degree, apparently. Nonetheless, it's only usable up to a point; it hardly allows me to fight that far outside of my range." She allowed herself a small smile. "But it's definitely effective."

"No joke."

They each considered Rosalie's two skills for a bit. As teammates, everyone's abilities affected everyone else. They would probably identify the best synergies during shard exploration itself, or sparring practices, but it was still good to theorize as a group.

Eventually, Delta faced Maddy, her contemplative look clearing up. "And you?" she asked. "What'd you get?"

Maddy immediately put on an exaggerated pout, her shoulders slouching. "I mean, compared to all of you, nothing! Just a normal skill."

Delta laughed. "That's because you've only been on one shard with us. Keep adventuring with the goddess's chosen, and you'll start getting busted skills too."

"Really? It works like that?"

"Eh, no. Probably not. But it does seem like a little more than a coincidence, for us to be consistently getting such great skills." She shrugged. "Then again, I'm pretty awesome, so maybe the Heavens are just finally recognizing it."

Zoey snorted. Delta raised an eyebrow at her. She cleared her throat and, to save herself, asked Maddy, "But what is it?"

The illusionist hesitated for a moment, reminding Zoey that this was a personal question, and Maddy was the newest to their team and thus less-settled-in, but her internal debate didn't last long.

"Like I said, something normal. Hallucinatory Terrain. Illusions that I shape as part of the battlefield, or, you know, terrain in general, are much more effective at deceiving enemies. I think even bosses would be guaranteed to fall for it."

"Oh," Rosalie said. "That has interesting tactical uses."

"Tell me about it. Used right, I could lead them around on wild chases. Possibly straight off a cliff. Let us catch a breather, split enemies up, or—well, you know. Tons of options!"

"The utility is enormous," Rosalie agreed. Her attention tilted slightly up and away, eyes unfocusing as she considered how best to use the skill. Eventually, they turned back down to Maddy. "I expected something blander with how you were phrasing it. That's good, for your skillset. And unique."

Maddy blushed. "But it's not a sex clone, a funnel-holy-energy-to-level-people-up skill, or something that lets you hurt people four advancements higher, is it?"

"Sex clone?" Delta protested. "That's not all she is. You're gonna hurt her feelings." She glanced down between her legs. "Yeah, look. She's pouting now."

Zoey stole a glance under the table to see that, indeed, Delta had plastered a pout on the shadow's face. Zoey rolled her eyes.

Maddy obviously hadn't intended to phrase it like she had; her face had turned a deep red. "R-Right," she said. "I just meant a clone. A normal one. Not a sex clone. Why did I say that?"

"Obviously, you've got something on your mind." Delta's grin widened. "Methinks someone is jealous Zoey got all the attention."

"D-Definitely not!"

"Oh? So you don't want your own turn? She's still under there, you know."

Maddy's mouth worked soundlessly. "Anyway!" she finally choked out. "Let's talk about other ways I can use my skill!" She faced Zoey with a pleading look, trying to find help.

Zoey laughed and obliged.

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