This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.45 – Approval

6.45 – Approval

"So," Zoey said. "How cool are you two with me knocking up other girls?"

If there was no good way to broach a subject, why not at least make a joke in how bluntly she did so?

Delta blinked, as did Rosalie. Unsurprisingly, the foxgirl answered first, barely fazed.

"Well, first off, it's hot," she laughed. "And second, you should've asked us that before you had a communion with the goddess of fertility."

"Wait. You knew that would happen?"

"I considered it," she said. "Aria thinks she's pregnant? That's what this is about?"

"Well," Zoey said. "Nobody knows for sure, yet. But she thinks it's likely." She coughed. "I was actually talking more generally, though. Apparently, um, impregnating women is a good way to earn holy energy. Especially priestesses, I guess. And Aria said most of them would take me up on that offer, if I made it." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I, uh, had mixed feelings on that, I guess?"

"Mixed feelings," Delta said slowly, "as in, should you do them all at once, or in groups of twos or threes?"

Zoey snorted, then outright laughed when she saw Delta was only halfway making a joke—her incredulity was somewhat genuine.

"Mixed feelings as in, is it ethical to be doing that."

"If they're agreeing, why not?" Delta asked. "Though if you feel weird about it, that's fine too." She stared at her. "But I think there's a lot of people who would hate you, if they heard you right now." She put on a mocking voice. "Oh, but should I knock up all these beautiful women throwing themselves at me? Or is that irresponsible?"

"But isn't it?" Zoey asked. "Irresponsible? And also, I wanted to know how you two felt about it. As my girlfriends."

Rosalie shrugged, entering the conversation. "I've made my stance on your dalliances clear. It's not like the possibility didn't broach my mind, even with your potions. You could forget to take one. Or they could be fallible in some other scenario. So no, I'm obviously not caught off guard, and certainly not bothered."

"Wouldn't mind being there for some of them, if that's an option," Delta grinned. "Team effort? Where I take the mouth, and you do the deed? Aria seemed to like it."

Zoey coughed. "Okay, well, that's good then." It solved one of her two major compunctions. "But the whole irresponsible thing?"

Sensing that Zoey was actually having a minor dilemma, Delta didn't make another joke. She gave the question some thought. "Obviously, if you didn't talk to your partner before a casual fling, and knocked them up, it's a little questionable. Maybe more than a little, even if that's the kind of thing that's always a risk when you're hooking up with strangers, so they should know better. But this isn't that. Assuming it'll be done as some, what, temple rite, then they'll be going in with plenty of understanding of what the situation is. If they want it, and you want it, what's the problem? You can make sure they're taken care of, financially speaking, if that's what you're worried about."

"That would create certain complications," Rosalie disagreed. "Like some people doing it just for the money."

Delta wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, true." She shrugged. "Well, this isn't going to be some super common thing, I assume. So you—or the temple I guess—would be able to vet who's signing up."

Zoey thought about that for a few moments. "Aria mentioned there'd be plenty of people who would want to try because they're infertile, and it'd be their only chance at conception."

Delta blinked. "Oh. Yeah, I suppose. Nascent goddess of sex and everything. Could maybe make that happen." She shrugged. "So that'd be the really obvious situation it's fine. But it's up to you. Do what you feel's right."

Hm. That settled her thoughts on the matter somewhat, even if no new information had been added, besides that Delta and Rosalie had no problems with it at a personal level. Not that Zoey had expected them to, but that was the sort of thing to ask rather than assume.

"But speaking of breeding," Delta said, her grin slipping back on. "When are you putting a baby in princess, over there? Everyone's thinking it."

"H-Hey," Rosalie said, the question catching her off guard. "Not for some time, I would hope. We have goals, and not short-term ones. That would be a rather large inconvenience."

"Oh? But you plan on it happening eventually?" Delta grinned, exceedingly happy she'd gotten a response that allowed that interpretation.

"Well— That's— I—" Rosalie said.

"How many?" Delta continued nonchalantly. "Two? Three? More? Or just one? You seem like a one-kid kinda girl, honestly." She patted Zoey's lower stomach. "But she's got plenty of firing power, so don't worry if not."

Rosalie made a flustered noise, and to be fair, the topic of putting babies in Rosalie was one even Zoey grew embarrassed by, even if she could normally join in on Delta's teasing.

Delta seemed immensely pleased by their reactions, a smirk on her lips, but she didn't push the topic, pivoting instead. "Anyway, talking wasn't what I had planned tonight." She stood and walked around Zoey, before pushing Rosalie over and climbing onto her. The blonde scooted up the bed for better positioning as Delta immediately started kissing her on the neck, continuing to speak as she did. "And since me and Zoey made it official, that makes me and you, blondie, girlfriends-in-law. That deserves some celebration."

"I think just girlfriends is fine," Zoey said, also laying down, propping her head up with one hand as she watched the two with a grin. "It'd get confusing, otherwise, don't you think?"

"Hm. I guess I could go for girlfriends," Delta said. "Even if we're still working some things out. You?"

"I s-suppose that's fine," Rosalie stammered, even as Delta worked her kisses down her chest and then to her stomach. She was wearing pants, which Delta popped open, and tugged down. The blonde lifted her hips to let Delta slide them off, and she returned to planting kisses around her lower stomach and on the creases of where her thighs met her pelvis—but carefully away from anywhere too exciting.

Seeing how Rosalie's mouth was free, Zoey scooted over and took advantage of that. She cupped the blonde's cheek in one hand, and their lips met, softly at first, a tender pressing of their mouths. Rosalie made a quiet noise in the back of her throat, eyes fluttering closed. Zoey's tongue traced Rosalie's lower lip, asking for entrance, and the blonde parted her lips. Their tongues met, and the kiss deepened, Zoey tasting the sweetness of Rosalie's mouth and feeling her girlfriend relax, their previous conversations forgotten.

Zoey angled her head for better access, her hands sliding back to tangle in Rosalie's silky hair. The kiss grew more heated, open-mouthed and wet, occasional soft moans escaping one of them. It was easy to get lost in moments like these, drinking in Rosalie's intoxicating taste and scent, basking in the softness of her lips, the way she yielded like putty.

Idly, Zoey's hands began to roam, caressing the curves of Rosalie's body through her clothing as their kiss continued. She was vaguely aware of Delta doing something nearby, probably the cause of a few of Rosalie's hitched breaths, but her focus was solely on Rosalie.

The kiss broke, leaving them both flushed and catching their breath. Zoey looked down Rosalie's body to see Delta still lavishing her with attention, peppering kisses all across her lower half, hands stroking up and down her legs, getting her own fill of the girl. Purple eyes flicked up to meet Zoey's, and the foxgirl paused, briefly, to grin at her.

"You know," Delta murmured. "It's kind of nice she's keeping us a dirty secret. There's something a lot naughtier about ravishing the princess when nobody's supposed to know."

Zoey snorted, and Rosalie came to her own defense with a stammer. "I'm not keeping you two a 'dirty secret'," she said, a bit breathless from being kissed. "It's a matter of practicality. I've explained my reasoning."

"Mm," Delta said. "It still feels naughtier. So no complaints on my side." She planted a kiss straight onto Rosalie's pussy, through her panties, something she'd obviously been avoiding—and it got the desired reaction. Rosalie's hips arched upward just a bit, a needy noise escaping the back of her throat. "And don't lie. You agree."

"I, mm, don't—" Rosalie said, even as Zoey slid a hand under her shirt, then deftly pulled aside one of her bra's cups to find her nipple. "Know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't." Delta hooked her fingers into the edges of Rosalie's panties and pulled. "Lift."

Rosalie did so, and Delta pulled her panties down, exposing her. Zoey leaned in to capture Rosalie's mouth just as Delta pressed a kiss, again, onto her pussy, but without fabric in the way, this time. Rosalie moaned into Zoey's mouth, and Zoey delighted in swallowing the lewd noise created by one girlfriend pleasuring her other.

That concept was still a bit heady, a bit intoxicating, to be honest. Delta had made it official without much fanfare, but that didn't mean Zoey was immune to the butterflies of getting to use the official title. Girlfriend. Two of them, now.

"I hope you did a good job soundproofing this place," Zoey murmured into Rosalie's lips, even as Rosalie started to squirm, with Delta slipping her tongue inside her. "Because I think we're gonna be testing its limits, tonight."

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