This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.60 – Arrangements

6.60 – Arrangements

After two hours of practice, a messenger arrived to let Zoey know that Enzo wanted to meet with her. She had few delusions that such a summons meant 'whenever was best for her.' She was expected to make herself available immediately. That was fine, since she needed to speak with Enzo as well.

Back at the d'Celestin estate, she picked up Aria, and the two of them followed the messenger through the palatial hallways.

Enzo didn't host the meeting inside his throne room, thankfully, but rather an outdoor patio overlooking the city of Mantle. Pale blue eyes took in his two visitors, settling longer on Aria, who, maybe understandably, froze at having his attention on her. He waved the messenger away, as well as the servant who had been standing to the side. When the glass doors closed behind the man, the three of them were alone on the patio.

"Sit," Enzo said, gesturing at the empty seats across the short wooden table. There was a tray of what Zoey assumed to be tea already poured for them. "We have things to discuss."

"Y-Yes, my Lord," Aria said, curtsying and doing what had been asked of her with far more haste than Zoey. Not that Zoey delayed, but she realized, in that short display, that Aria was much more nervous to be in Enzo's presence than Zoey herself. Which wasn't to say Zoey wasn't nervous; she just had less respect for Enzo's title than the average citizen of this world. She hadn't grown up hearing legends of the 'Guildmaster of the Deepshunters.'

After a moment of silence, his eyes lingering again on Aria—who squirmed in place—he turned to Zoey and asked, "How did my daughter's debut go?"

He took a sip from his drink, and Zoey slid her own cup closer and sniffed: it smelled herbal. Definitely a tea of some kind, though only the heavens knew what specifically.

"Good, I guess?" Zoey said. "Depends on what your goals were. She fought the Talbot siblings and embarrassed them, which I assume is what you wanted." She raised an eyebrow at Enzo. "I'm sure you had someone watching, to give you an unbiased report, though. Why ask me?"

Enzo's lips twitched, and he inclined his head to confirm her assumption. He leaned back in his chair and draped an arm over the top.

"You speak too casually to me," he said.

Zoey blinked.

"I'm not trying to be rude, if that's what you're implying," she said. "I just don't know how to act around you. I'm not from high society."

"It's more than that."

She shrugged. "You expect me to grovel?"

"Not necessarily," Enzo said, his amusement growing at Zoey's bluntness. "But most would consider it appropriate, perhaps."

"I'm not your subordinate."

His eyebrows shot up at that, and Zoey wondered if this was the approach she should be taking. But it did need to be made clear.

"I'm your daughter's teammate," Zoey continued. "And I'm loyal to her. That's without question. But I'm not part of your guild, much less a servant of yours. I don't mean this in any confrontational or disrespectful way, I'm just explaining myself."

Enzo studied her, and Zoey didn't shy away from his intensity—and yes, he was a very intense man.

Finally, he laughed and gestured at Aria.

"You're making your partner uncomfortable," he said wryly. "Speaking that way to me."

Zoey glanced at her. Sure enough, Aria had all but broken out into a sweat. Zoey reached under the table to pat her knee reassuringly.

"This is Aria, by the way," Zoey said. "She's part of the reason I needed to speak with you."

"Yes, the priestess. Rosalie broached the topic in passing," Enzo said. "Something about needing a temple."

"To spare you the full details, my class needs me to start a following. I was hoping you could help with the logistics of acquiring a temple. Since I assume it wouldn't be the easiest thing to make happen, going through traditional channels."

"No," Enzo said, amused. "No, it would not be." He hummed. "What an interesting class, that requires you to 'start a following.' Your sponsorship is the topic I wished to speak with you about as well. My daughter has been rather tight lipped about it—while trying to seem like she isn't being."

"Ah," Zoey said. It looked like the conversation today would have trickier footing than she'd assumed. She couldn't say she was surprised. They were intentionally keeping the most powerful man in the world—and more importantly, Rosalie's father—in the dark on a number of topics. Any conversation with him would be complicated. "Well, I'm happy to answer."

"If that were true, you or Rosalie would have provided a full and unobscured explanation to me already. So no, don't lie to my face." He waved his hand as if to dismiss the matter. "I can arrange a temple. However, I would like to know what, exactly, I'll be condoning within my city. Your patron deity is Ephythithys, and as much as my daughter has been attempting to convince me of how Her godly domain includes bonds of less carnal inclination as well, I find myself dubious."

Zoey squirmed in her seat. While Rosalie had brought herself temporary relief using that excuse, it couldn't last. Not with Zoey starting a temple that would definitely be involving Ephy's stickier nature.

"Bonds are a major part of my class, yes," Zoey said. "And my domain only has partial overlap with Ephy's. So Rosalie isn't lying. But yes, this newest ability focuses on … more intimate aspects."

"And that means?"

Zoey glanced at Aria, who seemed to be more than happy to let her do the talking.

"Well," Zoey said. "Do I really need to get into the specifics? I have a sponsorship from the goddess of sex."

Enzo quirked an eyebrow.

Zoey would have been embarrassed to have this conversation if Enzo was a stranger, and him being Rosalie's father made the event twice as mortifying. She managed to keep a straight face, at least. She let the unstated stay unstated; Enzo was an intelligent man, so he knew what she was implying.

"Then you understand why publicly condoning your venture might cause problems," he said. "I don't consider myself prudish, nor my people. But there's a difference between being prudish and sponsoring a temple where …" he paused. "Whatever you have planned, will be happening."

That was a fair point. "You don't need to publicly condone it or anything that strong-handed. I just need help getting a temple, that's it. And I wanted to get your unofficial approval, of course. Considering we're in your city. And, uh. Will be doing those sorts of things."

"Hm," Enzo said. He took a sip from his tea, studying Zoey. His pale blue eyes turned to Aria. "And where do you come into this?"

Aria nearly blanched at having his attention on her. "Um," she said, shifting in her seat, looking around as if for an escape. "I would be Zoey's high priestess, m-my lord. In charge of the temple in an official sense, with Zoey being its figurehead and target of worship."

"Target of worship?" he echoed, facing Zoey. "This isn't a temple to Ephythithys, but rather you?"

Zoey grimaced. "Unfortunately."

He seemed interested by the reaction. "Unfortunately?" he prompted.

"It's by direct order from Ephy. I'd rather not set myself up as some kind of … nascent deity. But that's what she wants, and my class is demanding it too."

"Could I speak to her, somehow?" he asked abruptly.

Zoey froze at the change in topic. "Uh," she said. "I think that's unlikely. She's not someone I can just 'get in contact with.'" Which wasn't entirely true, since she had called Ephy using a ritual. Replicating that with Enzo was … not happening for obvious reasons. "Is there something you need to ask her?"

"There would be strategic benefits gained from a conversation with her, yes. But more than that, who wouldn't wish to speak with a deity in the flesh?"

"That's … fair? Still, I'm not sure how plausible it is."

"Look into it," he said. "Favors are meant to be repaid, no?"

"Right. Yes. Of course, I'll ask her, if I get the chance. Though even I might not see her any time soon. She's elusive. As goddesses tend to be, I would figure." Enzo was doing them a favor, helping with the temple, and more importantly, allowing it in the first place. Zoey didn't know how much of a scandal unofficially condoning a sex temple would cause in the city of Mantle. Society at large seemed less prudish than back home, but they still had decency laws. It had to be a headache for Enzo, if only a minor one rather than major.

"This will benefit my daughter as well, I'm to take it?" Enzo asked.

"Besides just by me being on her team? Yes. It seems extremely likely my future abilities will interface in various ways with holy energy—and I'm mostly a support class."

"Holy energy?"

"The resource I'll be earning for running a temple," Zoey said. "It's a strange ability, I don't fully know how it works yet." Not a lie, but also not the full truth. She didn't want to explain Patron to Enzo, because he might force her to advance certain individuals under his command.

"Hm," Enzo said. "Last question, then." His eyes grew sharp. "What will Rosalie's involvement be, with all this?"

"Her … involvement?"

"With you. With this sex temple you intend to create."

Oh. Oh, dear.

"The latter, nothing," Zoey said, and even let out a short, incredulous laugh at the idea, which hopefully sold the truth of the matter. "All of that is something I seriously doubt Rosalie will be interested in, even in the slightest." Delta might be willing to join in on the rituals, but Rosalie? Rosalie had made it abundantly clear she didn't like being with strangers. Not to mention how it would affect her reputation.

A tenseness in Enzo's shoulders relaxed, one Zoey hadn't even noticed until just then.

"And with you, specifically?" Enzo asked in follow-up.

Zoey hadn't wanted to lie straight to this man's face. "She's my friend and teammate. I care about her. She helped me when I found myself lost and confused in a world I didn't understand, missing most of my memories. If you're questioning my loyalty to her—" Zoey didn't actually think that was what Enzo was getting at, but this was a safer way to veer the conversation, "—then you don't need to. I trust her, and will be doing my best to repay her."

Enzo scrutinized her, though in an impassive manner, head slightly tilted. Eventually, he shrugged.

"I'll arrange this request of yours," he said. "And send a coordinator to your room," he looked at Aria to indicate who he meant, "to work out the details. Is there anything else you need?"

"That was it. Thank you."

"Remember my request," he told Zoey. "See if She's interested."

He meant the meeting with Ephy. Zoey nodded.

"You are dismissed," he said. "If you see Rosalie, tell her she did well. Ah," he said in sudden remembrance. "And that Charlotte is back, so she should be expecting her soon."

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