Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 827

Chapter 827: Topher’s Observations

Damien had been inside the Mansion of the St. Claire family only once before and it was for a very short period.

Most of the times he had come by their estate, he would stay only for a few minutes before leaving soon after.

Therefore, it was natural that his eyes darted around to see how much this place had changed but he did it discreetly so as to not appear like an ogling fool.

The St. Claires were said to be the richest among the nobles after the King and his family and now he realized that it was true.

While the mansion from the outside was grand, the inside was much more splendid and grandiose.

The servants were well-trained as they moved around without making any sounds and the guards he had sensed outside only proved that this family was extravagant and wealthy enough to afford them.

Walking next to him was the little pup, unlike the kitten who was comfortable in the arms of Taylor Tanner who refused to let it down.


Aster was given no such preferential treatment and could only waddle along in haste to keep up with the large steps his master took due to his long legs.

Yvonne was taking peeks at the poor pup before glaring at the young boy who was tormenting it in this way.

However, Damien turned a blind eye towards her accusing glances and only focused on where they were heading.

Earlier, when he and Topher had first arrived, the Earl had been informed about it.

Topher had revealed that the purpose of their visit was to get their etchers acquainted with those present here so the Earl had given them permission to do so.

The largest contributor to the quick and effortless approval they received was due to the fact that Rutherford was busy with his wife.

He had asked Butler Limo to look after them and make sure that nothing went wrong.

Therefore, right now, only children were entering the same parlor as before with Jax who would be in charge of looking after them while Butler Limo would stay outside.

Taylor and Howard were excited to hear more about how Damien had found his etcher and also questioned him about what kind of animal it was.

“And what did Vonny mean by that word you said earlier?” The elder brother inquired while shooting a glance to the little girl who sat alone while the two pairs of best friends shared the other couches here.

“Samoyed?” Yvonne muttered to gain confirmation from them and saw Howard nod soon after.

She could not let them know that it was the name of a dog breed from her previous world so she had to come up with something that was close but not the whole truth.

“I read that it’s a kind of dog that shares the same features as Aster so the name just escaped my lips when I first saw him.” She revealed, doing her best to make sense while explaining this strange concept to them.

Damien and Topher seemed suspicious of her words but the other two did not find anything wrong with what she had just said.

Who did not know that Yvonne St. Claire was a top student and spent a lot of her time reading?

Therefore, they assumed that she must have come across this name in one of the many books she had read until now.

Yvonne smiled while nodding at her brothers, not glancing at the two skeptics also present in this room.

‘Well, you did improve in concealing your thoughts.’ She heard Damien’s mocking voice in her head, proving that he did not believe a word she had just said.

More than the ridicule apparent in his tone, Yvonne’s mind went back to the jeering advice he had given to her almost six months ago.

She had taken his words to heart back then and pondered over what he had said.

Therefore, now, she wasn’t too offended by his backhanded comment.

‘Looks like my hard work paid off.’ She replied as she shot him a sardonic smile that lasted not more than a fraction of a second before she reverted to her neutral expression.

Damien had not seen that smirk in a long time, almost making him chortle now that he had been graced with one.

Seated next to him, Topher was observing this silent conversation that the two seemed to be having through the mental link formed between their etchers today.

Of all the people he knew, only Yvonne St. Claire could lighten Damien’s mood even if it was a petty quarrel between the two that had brought a smile to his face.

‘Things are getting more interesting the older we get.’ He concealed the smirk by using the teacup the young butler had placed before them a while ago.

While he was observing everyone in silence, Damien did not address her reply and had already shifted his attention from the girl to her two fanatic elder brothers.

Each of them was shooting him one question after another about his etcher but he answered the ones he desired while remaining silent for those which he felt served no purpose here.

“Hmm... I met him on my vacation last summer.”

“He’s some kind of a dog as Miss St. Claire had speculated.”

“I have no clue how old he is.”

“Of course, he will grow bigger. Isn’t that obvious?”

“The meaning of his name... I chose one at random.”

Damien answered in the simplest form and was glad that they did not ask him to elaborate further.

The answer to each question was making Aster’s mood drop so when the conversation died down, he finally let out his grievances.

‘How could you say that about me, Master?’ The little pup grumbled, communicating his displeasure straight to his Master but all he received was a shrug in response.

At first, he had been glad to come here and meet that mighty etcher but that feeling faded away after enduring so many stabs that wounded his little heart.

‘Shut up.’ Was all he gained from his cold-hearted Master who cared not an ounce about how he felt.

Unaware of the silent conversation taking place, Yvonne scoffed at his lazy replies to Taylor and Howard’s questions which proved that he did not care much about his fated beast.

Especially hearing the final answer had made her scowl at him.

“At least Aster is a better name than Demon.” Damien was quick to snap back at her, further widening the smirk that had formed on Topher’s face.

His best friend who was known for keeping his calm at all times was affected just by the simple glances of a child so how could Topher not enjoy this sight?

Neither Yvonne nor Taylor and Howard knew what was going through his mind but Jax who had lived all his life by observing others had caught sight of the excitement fluttering in Topher’s eyes.

‘No one will ever doubt if he is truly related to the Marquess.’ He remarked as right at this moment, Topher’s face resembled Marquess Samed’s every time something interesting took place in his presence.

When the heir of the Tanner family realized that someone had been watching him, he coughed before averting his gaze.

On the other hand, the jab thrown at Demon’s name brought a frown to Yvonne’s face as she glared right at the culprit.

“Demon’s name is adorable so don’t find fault with my naming skills to cover up just how terrible you are.” She scowled, not restraining her words or even her expressions that displayed her disdain for what he had just said.

In response, Damien only stared at her as though her understanding of the word ‘adorable’ was exactly what was terrible here.

Meanwhile, Topher was doing his best to stop the roar of laughter eager to break free while also wondering if he was just imagining it or he was right to think that her attitude had worsened in the six months they had been away?

‘I should remind Cel to get along with Demon.’ Taylor was surprised to witness this outburst and soon planned to have a long talk with his etcher once he gets back home.

Demon had a special place in his sister’s heart and he did not want to hurt her feelings in any way so he would make sure that Celestial and Demon become good friends in the future to avoid situations like what had happened earlier.

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