Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 837

Chapter 837: The Insomniac Prince

When Yvonne was already on her way to meet the Captain, someone was still laying in bed.

A large wolf was seated in the corner of the room, silently watching his Master whose sleep had been disturbed due to his actions.

Prince Draco’s brows were furrowed as the light from the window hit his face but he did nothing to shield it.

He had not been able to fall asleep until late last night due to the loud and overwhelmingly annoying sighs coming from a certain someone who had insisted on sleeping in his room yesterday.

Even after he had succeeded in threatening the beast to stop disturbing him any further, he had been awake for a very long time as sleep did not come easy to him.

Though when he finally managed to fall asleep, he couldn’t rest for too long, especially since his etcher had once again interrupted his slumber.

Therefore, the young prince slowly sat up in bed before glaring at the figure stuck close to the wall.


Astolfo displayed no hesitation even when he met the King’s etcher but facing his Master’s anger was not something he could bear until now.

He never could go against his Master and despite how he behaved every time he opened his mouth, he did respect and admire him.

Prince Draco scoffed at his beast who did not dare to look up at him before getting off his bed.

If this had been any other day then he would have already started his training with his Shadow knights but due to his inability to fall asleep last night, he had woken up much later than usual.

Since his schedule for the rest of the day would get affected if he went to train with them now, the Prince decided to skip a day.

Not much movement could be sensed in the Cloud Palace where this prince resided as he did not like too many people moving about in his personal space.

There were no servants here but would arrive later to look after the Palace then leave before the sun could set.

Therefore, the Prince who had already been used to looking after himself rose from his bed and headed to the bathroom where he could freshen up.

He could have summoned his shadow guards to serve him but rather had opted to do so himself this morning.

All along, Astolfo had been his breath lest he caught the attention of his master who often took on the form of a fire-breathing dragon when he was offended.

When the Prince returned to his room, dressed in a new set of clothing that was comfortable and easy to move in, he found that there was no one around.

His etcher had fled the room sometime after he had gone to wash up and he knew that Astolfo would be gone for the entire day.

‘Why isn’t he this considerate when I’m trying to sleep?’ Draco sneered at the wolf who must have already reached one of his many hiding spots inside this Palace grounds.

Last night, the etcher had placed a request before him and upon receiving a stern rejection had not stopped sighing until he was threatened to be thrown out.

Astolfo rarely ever slept in the same room as him but yesterday had insisted on doing so.

Now the Prince had grasped what was the reason behind his etcher’s unusual behavior.

The etcher was trying to curry favor with his Master in order to get his way but sadly, had failed right away.

It wasn’t that Prince Draco was against what the request pertained to but the time wasn’t right.

Therefore, he had rejected the etcher’s request and would continue to do so until he finally found the right time for it.

He had a lot on his mind and there was also a lot that needed to be done.

Thus he pushed aside the thoughts that had popped up in his mind and headed outside his room.


Prince Draco had woken up late so he chose to rather watch over his nephew’s training than to join him in doing the same.

When the other prince turned around after feeling someone’s presence close to him, he raised his brow at the sight now before him.

Prince Fritzen gawked at the darkness evident below his uncle’s eyes and also the tired look that was still present on his face.

“What kept you up all night, Uncle?” He inquired, taking a short break from his morning exercises.

Prince Draco shot him a look that advised him not to pry deeper and Fritzen was more than willing to comply.

He did not want to get on his uncle’s nerves when he already looked miserable.

Lack of sleep for just one night was enough for him to look this way, making Fritzen wonder how he would do in the future.

He had heard from his parents that Uncle Draco wished to move away from the Capital and to his maternal fief which would give him a better chance of looking after it.

Running a whole fief was never an easy task and to do so in a new place where you did not know many people would be further challenging for the young boy.

Therefore, Fritzen was worried for the sake of his Uncle’s health, especially after taking a look at how delicate his body was after one night of insomnia.

Draco had no clue that his nephew was fretting over his health so he simply used this opportunity to instruct Fritzen on how to improve his stance while practicing the movements he had been doing earlier.


By the time the servants came to fetch them for breakfast, they found Prince Draco seated leisurely on the bench while Prince Fritzen was drenched in sweat at the rigorous training he had just undergone.

This was a new sight for them as usually the older prince would also be seen in a similar state whenever they practiced together.

However, something seemed to be different today about Prince Draco but they could not put their finger on what it was.

“Go wash up while I fetch Felly.” The older prince suggested his nephew as he walked towards the exit.

They were in the Sycamore Palace which was right next to the Rose Palace so Prince Draco decided that he could escort Felicia here before they headed to the Main Palace where they would have breakfast with the rest of the family.

Saying so, Prince Draco was already out of their sight so Fritzen shook his head before rushing inside to get ready for their breakfast together as a family.

The Royal family had not gotten the opportunity to dine together for many months so when they were all assembled in the Palace for once, they wished to spend time with each other before they got busy again.

This was not a routine throughout the year but they tried to do so for the last week since Prince Fritzen had returned to the Palace for his break from the Royal Academy.

Knowing that the King and Queen would be waiting, the servants hurried to help the young prince out while the same situation was seen in the Rose Palace.

When Draco entered this neighboring Palace, he met Governess Bloom, his previous nanny and also his mother’s cousin, who had come out after hearing of his arrival.

The Governess smiled when she saw the young boy who had grown taller once again and gestured for him to take a seat while they waited for the little Princess to get ready.

However, Prince Draco shook his head and stood where he was.

Thankfully the Princess did not make them wait for too long and approached them, smiling happily when she found her uncle waiting for her.

Ever since he had arrived at the Palace, he made it a point to meet her whenever he could, which she appreciated a lot but their clashing schedules made it hard for them to see each other often.

Therefore, the breakfasts were the only constant setting for them to see the rest of their family members each day.

After meeting his niece, Prince Draco and the Princess headed towards the Sycamore Palace and found Fritzen already awaiting their arrival.

The young prince had rushed his routine and was done even before the others could reach his Palace which was on their way to the Main Palace.

“Let’s go!” Fritzen declared while holding his little sister’s other hand.

The two princes were on either side of the Princess who had a wide smile on her face as she walked between them, on their way to meet the King and Queen next.

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