Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 859

Chapter 859: Curiosity About The Long Lost Daughhter

“As expected, Miss Hilda surely is a genius!” The old lady exclaimed with a proud smile as they rose from their seats.

Their class had just ended and in just the short while they had been together, Governess Twine could tell that the rumors about this child were true.

She was the genius the other tutors claimed her to be.

Hilda blushed at the praise before promising to do even better during their next lesson.

Finding the child to be both smart and adorable, the Governess patted her head lovingly before asking her to rest well before their next class could be held.

“I shall bring the materials you would be needing for your classes when we meet again next week.” She added as they walked towards the door.

Her husband’s business had bloomed after they had moved to the South and the Governess often helped him find newer clients through the pupils she tutored.


The pianos she had brought today were a part of their business so she was more than happy to bring everything else that the child would need.

The parents are willing to pay a hefty sum to teach their child so why would she refuse their goodwill?

Therefore, she was enthusiastic while dealing with the child who had brought a large chunk of profit for her family’s business today.

“Is there a particular piece that you would like to learn first?” She questioned, promising to help her learn it at the earliest.

Hilda had met numerous people who would try to use her position to make a profit for themselves in the past.

When she had first met such people, she had almost gotten led by the nose but thankfully, her Prince and his uncle had come to her rescue.

With their help, no one was able to take advantage of her name and position as the Crown Princess of their Kingdom ever again.

Once she had learned the truth about people’s hidden intentions and their greedy nature, she had been able to distinguish right from wrong.

Therefore, it was easy for her to catch the glint of greed and desire that flashed across the old lady’s eyes.

Hilda wasn’t aware of the comeback that Governess Twine was planning to achieve by making use of her rapid progress in the future.

Therefore, she had assumed that money was the reason for the older woman’s enthusiastic attitude towards her.

She wasn’t completely wrong as the old lady indeed had set her eyes on the money the Baroness, Hilda’s mother, was willing to spend on her beloved daughter.

Regardless of what it could be, Hilda was quick to accept the offer placed before her.

“Would it be alright if I learned the song, ‘Tears of Our Love’?” She replied with another question, fluttering her lashes to intensify how innocent she looked.

The Governess was stunned for a moment when she heard the name of the song her newest pupil wished to master.

It wasn’t a beginner’s choice and neither was it on an intermediary level.

That particular piece was an expert-level tune that took people months or even years to master to perfection.

However, dismissing the doubtful thoughts in her head, Governess Twine thought of how Hilda was called a genius and agreed right away.

“If you practice well then you will be able to master it soon enough.” She chuckled, her mind going back to the idea of regaining her top spot as the best piano tutor.

She had heard that one of Governess Lester’s pupils had been able to end her classes ahead of the usual schedule and was also able to play this piece to perfection without looking at the musical score.

She had kept an eye on her competition for many years now so gaining such information about the other lady wasn’t too difficult for her.

This only heightened her desire to defeat that woman and take back her spot as the best piano tutor by using Hilda’s hands.

If the young girl could master this expert level song despite being a mere novice then wouldn’t that prove her tutor’s excellent ability which helped her improve at such a rapid pace?

With this thought in mind, Governess Twine was more than willing to help the child out and even promised to teach the difficult piece once they learned the basics.

She had plans of rushing through the basics to get to the piece made by the talented musician who was leading a nomadic lifestyle, drifting through different places for many years now.

Receiving a positive reply widened Hilda’s smile and just as she turned, she caught sight of her mother and the maid who seemed to have returned at some point during her conversation with the old lady.

“Mother, I enjoyed my first class with the Governess.” She revealed what was on her mind before the Madame could question her.

Ignorant of the fact that her mother had sat through the whole duration of their class in the room next door, Hilda began explaining what she had learned today.

She might have been the Queen in her previous life but right now, she was just a nine-year-old girl who had finally reunited with her parents after many years.

Therefore, a part of her energetic attitude was to ensure that she played the role well while a major portion of it was to relive the childhood that she had been deprived of in her last life.

The mother smiled when she saw how energetic her child was and patted her head, praising and encouraging her.

Witnessing the comfortable air around this pair of mother and daughter, the Governess finally believed the rumors that had been spread about them until now.

Four months ago, the Baroness had brought home a girl whom she announced was her long-lost daughter.

Many were shocked and confused about this girl who had shown up out of nowhere.

They had all heard about the Baroness’s child who had died soon after birth so the biggest question in their minds was how could she still be alive?

This was when the noble lady had sent out an announcement, explaining how someone had played tricks to make her believe that her child had died at birth.

Whereas, the child was alive and had been stolen away while a dead baby was handed over to the mother who had just given birth.

With this, the Baron and his family had mourned the death of their firstborn child even when the baby was still alive and was taken away by some unknown figure.

After years, the Baroness had chanced upon the child who resembled her and when she looked closer, found that this was the same child she had believed to have died at birth.

Learning that the child she thought was dead, was instead living a miserable life somewhere far from her, the Baroness was moved to tears and brought her daughter back to their family immediately.

It took a while for the people of their fief to comprehend and assimilate everything that had taken place but they managed to do it after hearing the news about the long-lost child regaining her title as the Baron’s only daughter after a few weeks.

Once this news was confirmed, they cursed the person who had committed such a heinous act of stealing a newborn child from her mother.

At the same, they were curious to know what kind of person their Fief Lord’s long lost daughter was.

The Baron was a kindhearted man who took good care of his citizens so they were hoping that this child would be a good one as well.

Many were awaiting to hear more news about this child and their curiosity was sated upon hearing that she was kind to the servants and did not let her newfound title get to her head.

If that wasn’t all, they also heard much news about the child being a genius, further improving their impression of her.

The child who had been living a commoner’s life previously was now the daughter of a noble family and it appeared that she had finally found the place where she rightfully belonged.

Governess Twine had thought that there would still be some distance between the Baroness and her child who did not live as a noble until now.

Having met the Baroness a few times, she was sure that the noble lady would not be able to accept a child who had been living the humble life of a commoner previously.

When she heard word from the Baroness, asking her family’s business to bring a few of their best pianos to their estate, she had been curious to see how things would unfold later on.

She was waiting to see how the noble lady would treat the child who had not learned any etiquette all her life.

However, contrary to the stiff interaction between the mother and daughter that she had been expecting to witness after she entered this estate, all she saw was how the child was being doted on.

This proved that the mother had accepted the child, disregarding how she must have lived prior to their reunion only a few months ago.

She was right in thinking so as the Baroness had indeed accepted this child as her own ever since she had first laid eyes on her.

Hilda’s face was a replica of how her mother appeared when she was younger so there was no reason for the Baroness to have any doubts about the legitimacy of the child whom she had come across one fine day.

Her turning out to be a genius only increased the love the Baroness had for her long-lost daughter in her heart.

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