Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 867

Chapter 867: Divine Intervention?

‘Hilda should be busy with her studies anyway.’ The Baroness decided that it would be better to focus on her son for the next few days.

Soon after the family had reunited, Hilda had begun her etiquette lessons and all other classes that a daughter of nobility was expected to receive.

Therefore, for almost six months now, her daughter had been trying to perfect the basics of all classes and was doing a splendid job.

With the addition of piano lessons today, her workload would only increase.

Thus she planned to reach out to her child and ask her to concentrate on her lessons for the next few days and also understand her younger brother’s needs.

Having made up her mind, the Baroness glanced down at her adorable son.

“Mama will spend a lot of time with Eddy from now on.” She promised while squishing his chubby cheeks, making him pout at her which brought out chuckles from the Baroness and her maid.


Not being able to understand why they were laughing, his cheeks puffed up in annoyance which only intensified their laughter.

The Baroness did not want her son’s cheeks to turn red next so she stopped laughing before hugging him tight in her arms.

‘He’s growing up so fast...’ She sighed, recalling a time when he could not even walk two steps without her help but now he was spending months away from her for his studies.

Watching the sight of the little boy being cradled in his mother’s arms, a gentle smile appeared on the maid’s face.

This was the same maid to whom the Baroness had confided about the truth of her firstborn’s disappearance which had been concealed from everyone else.

Only the Baroness, her personal maid, and the nanny were in on this massive secret which was later revealed to this new maid as well.

Over a year ago, she was the one who had unexpectedly come to serve the Madame in the place of a different maid and thus had chanced upon the portrait in the storeroom.

She had promptly recounted how she had seen a child very similar to the one in the portrait, only to be let in on one of the most terrible secrets kept in this mansion.

Being a good-natured and just maid, she despised those who played tricks, especially against their masters.

Therefore, she had vowed to keep her mouth closed but at the same time, to also help her Madame find that child.

Had it not been for the plague which disrupted their plans, she would have reached the Lumex fief where the inn was located and brought back the Baroness’s daughter over a year ago.

However, the plague had closed off all routes in and out of the fief which left her stranded in the same place.

Only after the devastating epidemic had come to an end did she get the chance to head towards the Lumex fief.

To her dismay, her trip was too slow with constant delays as many were rushing back to their hometowns after being stuck in different places during the plague.

The heavily populated streets made it impossible for her to rush to her destination and could only sit still while the carriage moved at a snail’s pace.

It had taken her much longer than expected but her joy for finally reaching her destination did not last for too long.

After all, another obstacle had blocked her path, this time a rather mighty one that she did not know how to overcome.

Upon reaching The Cozy Inn, the place where she had met the child who resembled the Baroness, she had heard some devastating news.

The inn had been taken over by another couple who belonged to that town and they were the ones who informed her of this tragic news.

From them, she learned that the previous family which owned this establishment had all perished in the plague.

Her words had given the Baroness new hope for meeting her child but this news would crush all of her Madame’s dreams.

She could not think of anything else but to rush back and infirm her Madame about this new development in this matter.

Thus the maid boarded the carriage once again and headed back to their fief.

When she reached the Baron’s mansion, she had alighted with a heavy heart and was prepared to break this terrible news to her Madame.

However, before she could do so, she learned something new and exciting which brought back the joy to her eyes.

By the time she had returned from the Lumex fief, almost everyone in and around the Baron’s mansion had heard about the long-lost daughter who had returned home.

Therefore, she too heard about it from her fellow maids and thus rushed to her Madame’s side to check if this was true.

When she entered the Madame’s parlor, she was stunned to see the child whom the new owners of the inn claimed to have perished in the plague, sitting right next to the Madame and sipping tea gracefully.

Though the child’s manners weren’t perfect, she wasn’t all bad and could make immense progress in the future.

While she was assessing the child, the Madame had noticed her arrival and sent everyone out to have a private conversation with her.

She then progressed to reveal everything she had learned after visiting the inn, from the new couple who worked there.

The Baroness simply explained how she had met Hilda in the flower store and what the child had disclosed to her later on.

The difference in the couple’s and the child’s version of the story was far too great.

This made it clear that the couple had lied to the maid as the family who owned that inn previously had not died there but had been brought to the Royal Hospital located in the Baron’s fief.

Hilda had been very concise when she revealed what had taken place in the past.

With this information, the maid was now sure that the couple had lied to everyone in order to seize the inn which did not belong to them.

The original owners and the child were brought to the hospital where the adults had perished but the little girl survived the plague.

Just three weeks after the maid had begun her journey to the Lumex fief, the Madame had found her daughter in the flower shop she frequented in the past.

These coincidences made the maid marvel at how fate worked.

Just when she was thinking of how to break the devastating news she had brought back, she discovered that the child was alive and had even found her way back to her mother.

It was as though divine intervention had been involved, making human plans futile because the one made by fate had proven its worth in the end.

Thankfully, after facing so many hardships, the Madame had reunited with the child and everyone had accepted the new daughter.

By the time this maid had returned to the mansion, everything had already been sorted out.

After she had returned, she had become the new nanny of the long-lost daughter while the Madame’s personal maid had always been the boy, Edgar’s nanny since he was a newborn child.

Now watching how the Madame got to love both of her children, the maid could not help but smile as this family’s days of happiness have finally arrived.

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