Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 892

Chapter 892: The Golden Opportunity

Far away from the Capital, in a certain fief located in the Southernmost region of the Rosenhyde Kingdom.

Inside the well-lit room, a young girl was seen twirling a long strand of her fluffy brown hair while staring out of the window.

At a distance away from her, she could hear a pair of mother and child, giggling while they walked around in the garden below that was visible from this window.

A glint of displeasure flashed across her eyes when she saw the two enjoying their time together.

Thinking of how she ended up alone in this room while her mother and little brother were strolling together, Hilda felt her heart clench in pain.

Earlier, during breakfast, it was a rare occurrence for her father to be present with them.

He was often away for business or other official purposes, hence it was a joyous occasion for the family to find the Baron seated at the table with them.


Therefore, the Baroness had asked the chefs to prepare something scrumptious and the family had a great breakfast spread this morning.

During the first meal of their day, the young heir of the family as always was being doted on by the Baroness while Hilda lowered her head and focused on her plate.

She was already aware that her mother, though felt guilty towards her, continued to treat the boy better.

Therefore, she wasn’t affected by this preferential treatment as it was the norm in their Kingdom to give greater importance to boys, both in her previous life and in this one.

Keeping this in mind, she wasn’t affected when the Baroness was more attentive toward her younger brother.

Instead, Hilda chose to converse with her father who, in her opinion, was unbiased.

The Baron liked his children alike and often even asked his heir to look after the daughter who had gone missing at a young age.

Thanks to this, her life had been peaceful ever since she had reunited with her family in both lives.

Therefore, if she had to choose between her parents, it was without a doubt that she liked her father better at any given point in time.

This morning, it was a surprise to see the Baron at home since he was often away for various reasons.

Taking advantage of his presence here today, Hilda decided to get to know him better and build a deeper connection with this father of hers.

While the two were discussing minor topics which did not hold much significance, she heard her little brother grumbling about something which had attracted her attention.

“Mother, we have not gone for a stroll in a long time!” The little boy, Eddie, reminded their mother who only chuckled dismissively.

The Baroness had taken her children to the little woods close to their mansion for a picnic recently so the boy’s words were not true.

However, Eddie insisted that she had no time for him with a sad look on his face which caused the Baroness to feel conflicted.

Watching from the sidelines, the father smiled when he saw this adorable behavior of his only son.

“Take him.” He chimed in, speaking in favor of the young boy who was obedient most of the time.

He had taught his heir well so to see him acting out meant that the boy truly wished to spend more time with his mother.

The Sonete academy would begin soon and once the boy left, the pair of mother and son would not get to see each other for a while so the Baron felt that they should make the most of the time they had before the boy needed to leave.

After the head of the family had spoken, the Baroness had no other opinions and thus nodded her head in acceptance of the plan the child had made.

Since Eddie had gotten his way thanks to his father’s involvement, he had a happy smile evident on his face throughout breakfast time.

This sight made the father chuckle helplessly, reminding him that his son was still a child and deserved to be pampered at times.

Therefore, before he left for his work, he ordered the chef to get some snacks prepared for the young boy later.


When the time came for the boy’s stroll which he had requested, Hilda and the Baroness were ready to accompany him.

To their surprise, the young boy rejected his sister’s suggestion to come along and announced that he only wished to spend time with his mother.

“Elder sister must have a lot to study so I don’t wish to disturb her.” He explained his reason for doing so but Hilda wasn’t convinced.

It was clear that he did not want her to join them but used her classes as a shield to keep her away.

However, she felt that quibbling with a child was beneath her and hence agreed with his plans before heading in a different direction.

Thus the mother and son went outside, towards the garden, while she walked to the piano room, the same place she was in right now.


Therefore, staring at her brother who was trying to avoid her, she could not help but frown.

By now, he should have already opened up to her and started treating her better but she felt as though he was moving in the opposite direction.

Not only was he staying away from her but he was also trying to keep their mother away as well.

In the last few days, Eddie had been trying to stay with their mother at all times, and every time she spoke up, he would distract their mother’s attention.

Though his childish attempts to keep her away weren’t always successful, it was now beginning to annoy her.

Hence she looked away from the window where she could see her brother walking with their mother and stepped in the other direction.

Taking her seat before the grand piano, she decided to shake all thoughts about her brother away from her mind for now.

Instead, she chose to focus on the piano lessons that she needed to practice in order to display a satisfactory result when her tutor, Governess Twine, comes to visit soon.

Since she had vowed to become a lady worthy of standing next to the man she loved, she had been diligent in her ways.

She never skipped her classes and always did her best to excel in everything she was being taught.

However, while she was striving for a better future, she had not forgotten the grudges of the past.

Every single person who had hurt her would have to pay for the crimes they had committed against her.

Now that she had received this golden opportunity to go back in time, she would make good use of it.

She would no longer sit idle and let others torment her.

Her poor Prince had worked hard to teach those who harmed her a much-needed lesson.

However, in this life, she would be the one to lessen the burden on her beloved.

She would not sit around and wait for him to come to her rescue but would be proactive in achieving what she had set her mind to.

Therefore, looking at the piano she had obtained recently, a wicked smile formed on her lips which was unlike anything that the people in contact with her had ever since.

Sadly, there was no one else in this room to observe this unexpected expression on her face which faded soon enough.

‘Everyone who caused me pain should be willing to bear the consequences.’ Hilda declared in her mind while leering at the bright red piano placed before her.

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