Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 900

Chapter 900: Bold And Unrepentant

‘Why didn’t you bring him along?’ Yvonne, ignorant of the thoughts going through the young boy’s head, retorted after hearing that bland reply.

She could not forget the cute etcher whose entire face was covered in white fur.

In the past, she had felt that Fryght was the most adorable pup she had ever seen but sadly, that etcher never let her get close to him.

Not to mention that her feelings towards the wolfhound pup faded by a large portion after she had seen his true appearance in the past.

The image of the huge and scary hound was nowhere close to what she wished to pet and cuddle.

However, when Fryght reverted to the pup-like appearance that he often maintained to abide by his master’s commands, Yvonne could not help but sigh at the adorable yet misleading facade he put on.

Nevertheless, getting close to him was an impossible task due to his stubborn nature which made it hard for her to approach him.


Therefore, she had given up on her thoughts of petting him for a while now.

However, her dismay for this failure dissipated when she met a new etcher that had been brought to her mansion one fine day.

One look at Aster was sufficient to dethrone Fryght from the position of the cutest pup in her sight.

To top it all off, the white-furred pup wasn’t averse to the idea of getting close to her.

Instead, Aster was friendly towards her and was even able to get close to Demon which other etchers often struggled with or avoided doing.

Therefore, in Yvonne’s mind, Aster had already taken the spot of best etcher.

‘After Demon, of course.’ She interjected her thoughts, not forgetting to place her beloved etcher at the top of that short list.

The number of etchers she had come in contact with until now were very few so ranking them according to her preference wasn’t a difficult task for her.

Right now, the top three spots belonged to Demon, Aster, and Rouge in that particular order.

If the red fox and the white pup were to learn of this then they surely would be pleased but the same could not be said about the gigantic black horse who most certainly was territorial when it came to his master.

Oblivious to all the thoughts going through the young girl’s head, Damien blinked while looking at her as though he had just heard something absurd.

‘And have my etcher flocked by these groups of girls?’ He responded in a cynical tone and the ridicule in his voice was quite apparent even for the young girl to grasp.

Earlier, Yvonne had let out her dissatisfaction towards Damien and inquired about Aster’s condition because she wished to meet the cute etcher.

To continue on this same line of thought, she had questioned about the etcher’s absence as a large part of her yearned to see the pup once again.

However, hearing the sarcastic but logical words, she could only nod in disappointment as she understood why Damien had not brought Aster along.

This was his best friend’s residence so bringing Aster here wasn’t an issue if this had been any other time.

Unfortunately, the presence of numerous others whom he wasn’t acquainted with made it difficult for him to bring his etcher along.

He particularly could not approve of it after considering the fact that his etcher’s adorable appearance was one that was capable of attracting everyone’s attention

No matter how poised the young girls gathered here may appear to be, they would still find it hard to stay away from the pup’s cuteness.

Yvonne St. Claire who often maintained a distance from many was the biggest proof of his theory.

After all, hadn’t she rushed ahead just to inquire of his etcher’s whereabouts?

If Aster had come along then she surely would not let go of the chance to pet and play with him.

Hence Damien had not thought twice before coming here alone instead of letting his fated beast accompany him.

The fewer people knew of his etcher, the better it would be for him.

‘So Master acknowledges my superior appearance?’ A tiny voice rang in both Yvonne and Damien’s minds, snapping them out of their individual thoughts.

This voice brought different expressions to their faces almost immediately.

Yvonne smiled when she recognized this soft and soothing voice as she had heard it a few times now.

On the other hand, Damien who was used to hearing this annoying voice every single day wasn’t as appreciative of it as the girl he was facing.

Instead, soon a scowl had formed on his lips when he noticed that someone had intruded on their conversation.

‘Who asked you to butt in!?’ Damien sneered at his nosy etcher who did not know how to remain silent.

Since the two youngsters were using their mental link to converse with each other, it was obvious that their etchers could hear what they were talking about.

After all, the beasts were the ones maintaining the link for their masters to be able to communicate privately.

However, unlike Demon who was a silent member of this conversation, Aster did not seem to share the same views as the horse.

The white pup had no qualms in not only eavesdropping but also chiming in his thoughts about what was being discussed.

Therefore, Damien, the master, who did not approve of this behavior, did not hesitate to chide his over-enthusiastic beast for jumping in unannounced.

‘But Master was talking about me!’ Aster whined while defending himself, bold and unrepentant now that he wasn’t anywhere near his fierce master.

Witnessing this pair of etcher and etched converse so freely as they went back and forth, Yvonne raised her brow in amusement.

She had always thought that this older boy standing before her was not someone who spoke comfortably with others.

Even when he was dealing with her, there was a sense of distance and detachment present in his tone.

Whereas, with Topher, his best friend, though the detachment wasn’t evident, their interaction wasn’t able to bring out such animated reactions from him.

Therefore, Yvonne was surprised to see him behaving this way while dealing with his etcher.

Aster was able to bring out the side of the boy that she had not seen ever before, fascinating her as she watched them bicker like little children, something that she had never expected from someone as rigid as Damien.

The way they spoke also revealed that they had gotten used to each other’s presence and were comfortable disclosing their true nature to the other.

This realization brought a subtle smile to her face as this showed Aster’s trust in his master which she was now sure was being reciprocated as well.

While she was busy assessing the relationship between this pair of etcher and etched, Taylor had finally had enough.

For the past few minutes, he had been frowning and sulking as he watched his Vonny staring deeply into the forest green eyes of the older boy whom he had warned to stay away from his baby sister in the past.

However, his warnings had fallen on deaf ears, and right now, he was watching them gaze into each other’s eyes without even trying to look away.

He glanced at his best friend and cursed in his mind when he noticed that Howard’s attention was aimed at Lyon as they conversed about what the other boy had experienced with Zimon Yona.

‘And he calls himself Vonny’s big brother!’ Taylor scowled before averting his gaze, fixing it on the older boy with brown hair.

Not wanting to watch this scene continuing any further, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

“Ahem!” He cleared his throat out loud which though sounded unnatural and forced, had managed to achieve what he was hoping for.

Yvonne was the first to break eye contact since Aster and Damien were still bickering among themselves when she heard her sworn brother’s voice.

Therefore, her lack of involvement in their conversation made it easier for her to look away and focus her attention elsewhere.

Turning towards the source of the sound, the little girl tilted her head while trying to figure out whether he was feeling uncomfortable somewhere.

It wasn’t just Yvonne but the rest present in this group had also done the same and were now staring at Taylor, to check to see if he was alright.

The triplets had long since noticed the strange atmosphere between the handsome stranger and their young acquaintance.

However, before they could get any answers to the immense curiosity that had bubbled within them, they were distracted by the second son of the Tanner family.

Likewise, Topher too had a frown after realizing that it was his brother who had disturbed the interesting view that he had been intently gazing at.

‘I’ll deal with him later.’ He decided, shooting a stern glance at his little brother before sneaking a peek at his best friend who by now had put an end to the mental link that had been present between himself and the daughter of the St. Claire family.

Taylor flinched when he received that threatening glance from his elder brother but soon shrugged it off as he had bigger issues to deal with.

“Vonny, would you like to take a walk?” He suggested in an attempt to separate the two who had been gazing into each others’ eyes without caring for the rest around them.

When Yvonne heard his proposal to head somewhere else, she nodded as she did not mind where she was as long as she wasn’t doing anything too tedious.

“Celestial and Rouge are in the greenhouse.” He revealed, implying that their walk would lead them to the destination he had just mentioned.

Hearing the names of the two etchers she had met in the past, the little girl nodded once again, this time with greater enthusiasm.

‘The third cutest etcher on my list!’ She exclaimed in her mind and her thoughts reflected in her sparkling amethyst eyes.

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