Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 78 - Only Two Plagues?

Chapter 78 - Only Two Plagues?

"The First great plague"

Marquess Samed heard her read out the name of the chapter for her next lesson and then nodded his head.

"Let us start with the next topic which you had requested in our last class." He announced and then began to teach her about the plagues.

"The first great plague that devastated Rosenhyde occurred during the reign of previous King Greggor." He started and glanced at Yvonne.

Yvonne gave him a quick nod to prove that she was paying attention to what he was saying.

"Thousands of people died in this plague because the medical knowledge at that time was minimum and they had to get help from the neighboring Kingdoms to deal with it." He shook his head at the sad state of Rosenhyde in the past.

Yvonne read ahead through the book while Sullivan went on to speak about how King Greggor, present King Ophire's father, had implemented new laws that helped in improving the lives of his citizens.

'Dysentery?' Yvonne's eyes widened when she read the symptoms of the First Great Plague.

Bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain, cramps, fever, and malaise.

'Thousands of people died because they did not know that drinking contaminated water was causing them to fall ill?' She looked at the book in a daze.

However, Yvonne had refrained from making a snarky comment as the book also mentioned that medical knowledge was sparse and scarce in the Kingdom.

"When did the First Great Plague take place?" She questioned and Marquess Samed did not hesitate for even a second before answering her.

"Exactly 50 years back." He revealed and gained a nod from his student.

Thankfully, looking at the innumerable deaths that occurred, King Greggor began focusing more on the overall health and wellbeing of his citizens.

This in turn brought about a generation of medical geniuses in the Kingdom with the financial and political support of King Greggor.

"So when the Second Great Plague began in the Kingdom, roughly eight years ago, the medical staff of Rosenhyde was quick to come to their aid." He proudly disclosed what had happened while he was still a young man.

The second plague was also something that Yvonne had knowledge about from her previous life.

"The Second Great Plague was caused by a disease called 'Icterus'?" She inquired and Sullivan nodded in answer.

The reason why Yvonne knew about this plague was that the disease called 'Icterus' was commonly known as 'Jaundice' in her world.

A disease that caused the body to turn pale and the eyes to gain a yellowish hue.

This was caused due to many reasons but the main cause was that the liver had failed to function to its full capacity.

The symptoms of 'Icterus' were the same as what she was aware of.

The discoloration of skin, fever, nausea, and abnormal weight loss.

But what was different was the pace with which the disease progressed.

While it took time for Jaundice to become fatal in her previous world, 'Icterus' took a matter of days before the affected person would succumb.

Though it was not contagious meaning that it did not spread through physical touch, it was still widely spread in the Kingdom.

'Some of the aspects are the same, like the name and the symptoms but the other things are widely different from what I know.' Yvonne surmised after going through the entire information about the second great plague.

"This plague was the second and last plague that Rosenhyde suffered from." He proclaimed with a certain pride in their deceased King and his good policies that helped the general populous.

"King Greggor's laws combined with the then Crown Prince Ophire's quick thinking was what caused the second plague's death toll to be minimized." He praised the old King of the Kingdom.

"Not quick enough to save Mr. Peone's wife." Yvonne muttered, disgruntled as she had died due to the same plague.

Marquess Samed did not know how to respond for a moment after he heard her soft retort.

"That lady had died in the initial stages of the plague and hence could not be saved. But think of the thousands that were saved due to the timely help they received." He defended his Majesty and Crown Prince.

Yvonne knew that what had happened could not be changed yet she felt miffed that the diseases that could be cured easily in her world were called plagues in this world.

'This is all because of that blue bird! He is the one who made this world how it is right now!' She accused him for the faulty world that he had created in his script.

Sullivan noticed her gloomy appearance and he contributed this to the fact that no little child would be happy to hear about the deaths that had occurred in the place that they lived in.

Sorting out all the information she had accumulated in her brain from today's class, Yvonne felt that something was amiss with what she had learned.

'That's all?' She wondered as she flipped through the pages of the book but did not find what she had been looking for.

"Were there only two plagues?" She blurted her question out to her tutor with her eyes still fixed on the book.

Sullivan Samed almost fell off his seat when he heard the question that she had posed.

"You want another plague?" He retorted with a ridiculous look on his face.

'Here people are rejoicing that no major calamity has struck our Kingdom and this little girl is asking for another plague?' He glared at her for the bizarre question that she had asked.

Hearing his scornful words and looking at his irked face, caused a lightbulb to glow in her brain and this was when Yvonne recalled what she had been missing all along.

'Now I remember!' She exclaimed as her eyes widened after her mind went back to find more information about a particular matter that she had most certainly read before.

'In blue bird's script!' She cried out in her mind.

There was no mention of the first two plagues in the script that she had read however there was something else that was mentioned in it.

Something that wasn't written in these history books as it had yet to happen.

A third plague, much deadlier than its predecessors which had yet to occur in this timeline.

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