Thumbs Up, Level Up

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

As soon as Ji-Cheok stepped inside, a man and a woman stood up behind a reception desk and greeted him.


Ji-Cheok handed over his exam registration details, and a male employee walked toward him.

“Ah, you’re Mr. Um Ji-Cheok. I’m Choi Tae-Jin, and I will be your attendant today. I will show you to your fitting room.”

The employee acted so rigidly, it made Ji-Cheok nervous too. He fought his own unease and put on a warm smile. With a light chuckle, Ji-Cheok tried to break the ice.

“Thank you! It’s my first time here, so please forgive me if I’m a little awkward. I trust that you’ll take good care of me? Hahaha!”


[Employees 1, 2 and 3 like your humble smile.]

[Employee 2 is especially touched by your considerate attitude.]

[You have received 2 Likes.]

[You have received 2 Likes.]

[You have received 3 Likes.]

Ji-Cheok was impressed by how easy it was to earn those Likes. Investing lots of money on his looks sure produced immediate results, with the amount of Likes he gained.

Haha, he liked my humble smile?’ He wondered how bad the other Hunter trainees were if he received seven Likes from this small gesture alone. People’s arrogance was at peak level during test days, but… there was no way that his small gesture would touch them so much, right?

The employee said, “No sir, we should be asking you to take good care of us!”

He then led the way to the fitting room.

“You can change here into your medical examination gown. Also FYI, I wouldn’t recommend using the innermost locker. It tends to break easily,” the employee added.

[Employee 2 gave you sincere advice.]

“Oh my gosh, thanks for your help.”

Ji-Cheok intentionally made it a big deal that the employee had helped him, so he could fish for some more likes.

“It’s not a problem at all. Seriously, it’s just one locker that acts up. We’ve submitted a request for a replacement, but they said it’ll take at least one month,” the employee explained.

[You have received 1 Like.]

Ji-Cheok was thankful, but also wondered what kind of horrible people the employees had to deal with on a daily basis. The threshold of being impressed by someone’s kindness was way too low, and they gave him Likes for things that he thought anyone would say.

Afterward, Ji-Cheok changed and was then led to a medical examination room where the employee measured his weight, height, blood pressure, lung capacity, and vision. They also drew some of his blood. After all that, Ji-Cheok was instructed to go inside a machine that was like an MRI.

“Please relax and do not move until I tell you it’s over.”

“What is this?” Ji-Cheok asked.

“This machine measures a Hunter’s power.”

Is he measuring the level of my skills and abilities, or the power of my stats all together? What kind of power is he referring to?’

Ji-Cheok went inside the machine and laid still for a minute.

“The results will come out next week,” the employee informed him.

“Ah, I see.”

“Next, we’re going to begin your practical test. Please change back into your original clothes.”

Ji-Cheok nodded and returned to the locker, the clothes he had roughly taken off were neatly folded in a plastic bag.

[Approved / Authorized for test use.]

He had worn a black leather jacket, dark black jeans, and black gloves for his exam today. They were the most expensive clothes that didn’t exceed the amounts that the test standards had set. The jacket was made of tanned black ogre leather, which made it thermal shock resistant. Despite how unfairly special this jacket was, it was approved for use during exams because no sorcery was used to create it, nor did it have any special magic on it.

Ah, Jung Ji-Han spent too much money on my clothing.’

This was way too much, even if Ji-Cheok was the face of Jungjin. Ji-Cheok heard somewhere that Ji-Han had requested a famous Italian designer to make it so that Ji-Cheok wouldn’t get hurt. That was why it was so expensive, and since the Italian designer was just an ordinary person, the board had approved it.

Then, Ji-Cheok took out the watch and put it on his wrist.

[Approved / Authorized for test use.]

“Seems like you’re just sturdy and nothing else special,” Ji-Cheok mumbled.

Other than maybe the fact Ji-Cheok could see mysterious patterns when a light was shone on the watch, it was fairly ordinary. He had hoped to stumble across some hidden features or effects since it came from another world, but it seemed like there was nothing else and thus it was approved.

“Oh, well… as long as I can check the time.”


Another employee was waiting outside when Ji-Cheok came out of the fitting room.

“He looks better in person… No, nothing! Did I say something?” The employee realized they had spoken too loud.

‘I love how Kim's hair styling and my Prince Charming skill made me look!’

“Hahaha, you were complimenting me. I appreciate it,” Ji-Cheok said.

[You have received 3 Likes.]

‘Why are they impressed by my manners?’

The employee then took the lead in guiding Ji-Cheok and muttered, ”I wish all the other Hunters were like Ji-Cheok…”

...What the hell is going on here?’

They stopped in front of an enormous door and Ji-Cheok was told to wait in the room before the practical exam started.

[Waiting room for practical test examinees]

When Ji-Cheok opened the door and entered, he walked in on something he wasn’t supposed to see.

“Did I tell you to put the ice in coke?! No, I just told you to bring it!” A guy with bright red hair used one hand to hold an employee by the collar. Ji-Cheok was surprised; a guy so tall and strong was furious about… ice in his coke? The employee coughed as his feet dangled in the air.

“I’m sorry. I’m… so sorry, sir!”

“Why am I not surprised that government employees are like this? You guys can’t do anything properly!” The red-haired guy shouted.

The employee that was dangling in the air was the one that had first guided Ji-Cheok to the medical examination room. He probably got a fellow employee to help Ji-Cheok because he had to run an errand for this red-haired guy.

There were other Awakened watching what was going on and some of them started laughing, probably part of the red-haired guy’s group.

That red-haired guy looks familiar…’

Ji-Cheok couldn’t recall anything on the spot. With how tense the situation was, he let his instincts take control, ran towards the guy, and grabbed his arm.

“You’re going to kill him,” Ji-Cheok said.

“Who the hell are you?!” The red-haired guy yelled at Ji-Cheok.

“I’ll tell you after you let him go.”

“Let him go? Are you trying to order me?” The red-haired guy glowered at him.

“Yeah, you’re choking him to death right now.”

“Do you know who I am?” The red-haired guy’s lips twitched.

“I have no idea,” Ji-Cheok replied.


“Before we talk about that, please just put him down.”

Ji-Cheok grabbed the guy’s arm and slowly lowered it.

“Oh, you want to see who has the better strength stats? C’mon let’s see…”

That didn’t faze Ji-Cheok, as he successfully lowered the red-haired guy’s arm all the way down. Everyone looked at Ji-Cheok in amazement, including the employees who also tried to convince the red-haired guy to let go of their coworker.

“Fine, you fucker. I heard that you have quite the skills,” the red-haired guy yielded.

“You know me?

At that moment, flames flared up on the red-haired guy’s arm.


The flames leapt onto the employee’s collar and burned his skin.

It was then that Ji-Cheok suddenly realized that compared to these guys, he had been in fact very well-respected as a Hunter Assistant. A Hunter Assistant’s job dealt with monster corpses, and maintaining the quality of the harvested products played an important part in the Hunter’s incomes; as such, they treated Ji-Cheok well. That was also why the Hunters would only complain about how smelly he was, but never provoke him further.

Messing around with these employees was not okay, especially when who knew how much of a factor they played in the exam going well today.

This jerk is doing this because I hurt his ego… That bastard!’?Ji-Cheok thought.

“You can’t be going around hurting people with your skills,” Ji-Cheok said.

“Well, is Shelton in jail? No, he’s not!” The red-haired guy mocked.

The International Hunter Protection Treaty was formed to protect Hunters as the world needed them to fight against monsters. Hunters had to serve in the military, but they had special privileges, including tax exemption and immunity. Many of them abused their privileges so often that their military service obligations seemed like nothing. Both Shelton and this guy would probably avoid jail time with this treaty in place.


As Ji-Cheok held down the red-haired guy’s arm, he stepped onto his shadow with one foot. Fortunately, the black ogre gloves protected his hands from the flames.

Jung Ji-Han was right. It’s better to spend more money on higher-quality goods.’

Initially, Ji-Cheok thought that Ji-Han was being too cautious in purchasing expensive protective clothing, but he realized that this was a necessity to fight off the many freaks in this world.


Although the red-haired guy was exerting powerful flames, Ji-Cheok managed to push his arm slowly down again.

“This asshole is using the same curse skill as he did in his video,” the red-haired guy announced.

“Yeah, I also used my healing skill,” Ji-Cheok replied. As he said that, pieces of light rose and surrounded the burned employee. Even though Ji-Cheok couldn’t prevent the burns, he could treat him immediately.

Eventually, the red-haired guy sighed and let go of the employee’s collar.

“Do you really not know who I am?” The red-haired guy asked.

“No, I really don’t know. You seem to know me, though…”

“Everyone knows you in this country. You’ve been paraded around by the media,” the red-haired guy scoffed.

‘Who the hell is this guy?’

“Hey, tell him who I am.” The red-haired guy looked at the employee on the ground, and the employee barely managed to speak while grabbing his neck in pain.

“He’s a talented Awakened with fire abilities. He awakened not too long after you, Mr. Um Ji-Cheok. His name is Yum La-Du…”

“Yeah, I’m the son of the famous Yum Fire Family,” the red-haired guy said proudly.

Ji-Cheok still didn’t know who Yum La-Du was, since he didn't have time to watch the news. The red hair was a bit familiar, though. Ji-Cheok thought he must have seen him on a GodTube advertisement banner.

The Yum Family was well known for their flame skills, and Ji-Cheok had heard that the family was protected by the Flame God.

So what? If he recognizes me, that doesn’t mean that I have to know him, too?’?

Ji-Cheok ignored La-Du and helped the employee stand up.

“Go to the infirmary. I used a healing skill on you, but you still need to see a doctor.”


[Employee 2 expressed his sincere gratitude for your kindness. You have saved a life!]

[You have received 100 Likes.]

“Are you ignoring me?” La-Du raised his voice.

“Nah, man,” Ji-Cheok replied.

“Oh, you think it’s okay to just speak casually to me? Fine. You’re want to show your true colors, don’t you? I knew it.”

Awakened with powerful skills seemed to be in their own little world, where they believed they were the chosen ones and superior to ordinary human beings. La-Du was a powerful Awakened, born in a famous Hunter family, thinking that the world revolving around him was an irrefutable fact. It was why he had apparently grown up as a crappy adult, though in a different way from Shelton.

La-Du’s hands flamed up once again. Ji-Cheok raised his sword, still in its sheath, and smacked La-Du’s hands.



Despite the power and money that La-Du had, it seemed like he had never fought in real life. Ji-Cheok had gone through all sorts of weird fights, so La-Du was just a trivial inconvenience, even more so considering he was weaker than Shelton.

At the same time, Ji-Cheok pulled out another sword with his other hand and swung it toward La-Du's Adam’s apple. La-Du flinched and closed his eyes tight in fear.


The blade stopped right in front of La-DU’s throat.

“I like this frightened look,” Ji-Cheok smirked.

“You fucking…”

“What? Should I use the edge instead?” Ji-Cheok taunted him.


La-Du moved his lips but couldn’t make a sound. It was far more embarrassing to be humiliated by Ji-Cheok than to be defeated by him.

“I’ve seen so many people like you before awakening. You, sir, are the worst,” Ji-Cheok declared.

People described La-Du’s attitude as having the ‘Hunter Syndrome.’ Similar to the ‘Awakened Syndrome,’ it mainly referred to people being self-centered and believing that they were some special chosen ones. Only when a Hunter with Hunter Syndrome survived a life-or-death crisis, or got crushed by a powerful opponent, would they become more self-aware. Unfortunately, this wasn’t common, and many of these people continued to live in their own world. Ji-Cheok had met Hunters like that before, but fortunately, there was no need to talk to them, and there weren’t any guys like that in the easy dungeons that he used to work at.

‘There are so many idiots in this world.’

“I… I'll get my revenge,” La-Du stuttered.

“Hahaha. I probably still won’t remember your name, but I’ll remember your stupid face,” Ji-Cheok mocked.

“You motherfucker!!!”

La-Du got up, and as he did, Ji-Cheok’s sheathed sword lightly hit his Adam’s apple.


Notifications kept popping off as Ji-Cheok surprisingly received Likes from both the employees and Hunters around him. Sure, it made sense for the employees to give him Likes, but Ji-Cheok had never thought the Hunters would as well. Maybe it was because they liked how he established dominance over La-Du? Power was an important driving force in the world, and Hunters respected it.

The door across from Ji-Cheok opened, as La-Du kept coughing.

An employee hurriedly yelled, “The examiner is here!”

1. Ability to withstand a sudden change in temperature, whether heating or cooling.

2. His last name and first part of his name, ‘Yumla’, means ‘underworld’ or ‘hell’

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