Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

With the remaining members now taught the Soaring Luna Sword Art, the Baek Sword Corps reformation was complete. Baek Mu-Gun gathered the five squad leaders of the Baek Sword Corps.

Why did you call for us, Young Patriarch? Baek Cheon-Gi asked with an uncomfortable expression, having just come out of the training hall under Mu-Guns summons. His manner of speaking was worth a mention. He didnt talk down to Mu-Gun like he did before. After all, Mu-Gun was currently the young patriarch of the Baek Sword Sect before he was his nephew.

Under the rules of the Baek Sword Sect, the young patriarch position was higher than that of the Baek Sword Corps squad leaders. Therefore, it was no longer possible for him to talk down to Mu-Gun.

That didnt mean Mu-Gun could treat the squad leaders with disrespect, however. Even if his position was higher according to their rules, it was common practice to respect the squad leaders since they were relatively older and more experienced.

In addition, the squad leaders of the Baek Sword Corps were related to Mu-Gun, and many of them were his uncle by blood. Therefore, he couldnt treat them without care just because his position was higher.

The reason why I summoned the squad leaders is to teach you all another sword art.

Another sword art? Cheon-Gi asked, slightly taken aback by Mu-Guns unexpected response.

Yes. As you are all aware, I have taught the Baek Sword Corps members ranked Advanced and above a new sword art. Likewise, I will teach the squad leaders a new sword art as well.

What is this new sword art you are speaking of?

Its called the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art. Its the new and improved version of the 36 Phantom Moon Blades.

In other words, you mean to say that it is a more remarkable sword art than the 36 Phantom Moon Blades?

Yes. There would be no reason to pass it on to you all otherwise.

Were you the one who developed it? Baek Cheon-Ho asked.


Really? Cheon-Gi asked, finding Mu-Guns claim hard to believe.

If I didnt develop it myself, how would I have possession of it?

Ehem, I would like to see the martial arts first. Would you be willing to personally demonstrate it for us? To be honest, I find it difficult to believe that its superior to the 36 Phantom Moon Blades.

Sure. And should you wish against learning the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art after seeing it, I will respect your decision.

Mu-Gun had no intention of forcing them to learn the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art. However, as the old saying went, opportunity made the thief. The five squad leaders would do anything to learn the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art once they had seen it. Martial artists had a strong desire for ascended martial arts, and they wouldnt hesitate to risk their lives if it meant obtaining the manual of a martial art technique.

If seeing the Celestial Moonlight Sword Arta much superior sword art than the 36 Phantom Moon Bladesdidn't make their greed get the better of them, then they couldnt be considered martial artists.

Mu-Gun picked up a sword and stood in the center of the training hall. After giving a basic explanation, he began to perform the sword art in question.

As he displayed its techniques, the five squad leaders eyes widened with surprise. They all had mastered the 36 Phantom Moon Blades, so they could immediately tell that the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art was based on it. However, its power was vastly different.

How could that be possible?!

Cheon-Gi was surprised that the 36 Phantom Moon Blades could change that much. However, Mu-Gun himself surprised him even more. Improving an existing sword art to a higher level was possible only if he was in a higher realm than the said art. Despite his extraordinary talent, it simply wasnt possible for Mu-Gun to develop a transcendent sword art at the tender age of twenty-three.

However, that impossible feat unfolded right before Cheon-Gis eyes. Defeating Ak Gun-Hyo, the Sea Dragon Gang Leader, was nothing compared to this. He got goosebumps all over.

A monster. Mu-Gun was a greater monster than he had imagined.

Meanwhile, Mu-Gun finished demonstrating all of the Celestial Moonlight Sword Arts techniques except for the last three, which were the sword arts trump cards. He wanted those three to be possessed only by the Baek Sword Sect patriarch. He thought that the patriarch should at least have an ace up his sleeves, something that the five squad leaders did not have.

Despite missing the last three techniques, the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art was still powerful. The squad leaders expression of admiration served as proof of that.

I plan to teach this sword art to all of you. However, as I previously mentioned, if you do not want to learn about it, you dont have to force yourself to do so. What do you say? Would you like me to teach you the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art?

I would be happy to learn from you.

I feel the same way.

The squad leaders agreed to practice the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art without a hint of hesitation except for Cheon-Gi. Mu-Gun looked at him and waited for his answer.

Cheon-Gi sighed softly, his expression filled with different emotions. How could I disregard the young patriarchs hard work? I also desire to learn about the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art from you, Young Patriarch.

Cheon-Gi couldnt bring himself to refuse to gain such exceptional sword art.

Then, I will teach you all this sword art for two hours every day from today onwards.

Mu-Gun immediately began to pass down the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art to them, and the squad leaders once again basked in its greatness. Mu-Guns capabilities also deeply impressed them for creating such an amazing sword art.

Except for Cheon-Gi, the squad leaders acknowledged Mu-Gun, who defeated the Sea Dragon Gang Leader, as the young patriarch. On top of that, they couldnt help but commend him for developing such an outstanding sword art and generously passing it down to them. As such, Mu-Gun won the favor of the Baek Sword Corps squad leaders through his martial prowess alone.

That's all for today. Lets meet here at the same time tomorrow.

As he mentioned earlier, Mu-Gun ended their session after two hours, then promised to do the same the next day.

Thank you for your hard work.

The five squad leaders said their goodbyes and left the training hall.

First Uncle, Mu-Gun called out to Cheon-Gi just as he was about to leave the training hall with the other squad leaders. Can you stay for a bit longer? I have something I want to talk to you about in private.


Cheon-Gi meekly accepted his request despite having a puzzled expression.

Why did you ask me to stay? He asked when only the two of them were left in the training hall.

Uncle, Im well aware that you wanted to make Yong-Hwan the next patriarch of the Baek Sword Sect.

Young Patriarch, it seems like there is some misunderstanding

Im not trying to blame you, Uncle. Im not trying to quibble over whats right and wrong either. I just wanted to tell you about the Baek Sword Sect I dream of.

The Baek Sword Sect you dream of?

I will make the Baek Sword Sect a sect comparable to the Seven Great Clans. No, under my leadership, our sect will become greater than them.

Your dream is too big.

One doesnt achieve great things right at the beginning. Just like how a child grows into an adult, we will grow little by little. Thats how the Seven Great Clans turned into what they are now too.

However, not everyone can achieve that.

Youre right. Do you know what the Baek Sword Sect needs most if we want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Seven Great Clans?

What is it?

A master who possesses absolute strength.

Are you claiming to be that master?

It may be clich to say it myself, but even the Ten Grand Masters wouldnt have been able to defeat peak-level experts at my age. And Ive barely just begun. I would likely become a master of the absolute realm before I turn thirty years old.

The absolute realm is not a place that anyone can just achieve. No matter how amazing of a talent you possess, you wont be able to easily break through the walls of the absolute realm. You likely won't even be able to overcome it in this lifetime.

Somehow, I feel like thats what you want.

Im just telling you the general truth.

Be that as it may, I will attain the absolute realm.

Confidence is good, but too much of it leads to conceit.

Didnt you see the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art that I created? Someone with eyes as discerning as yours would know full well how high that sword arts level is. Youre also likely already well aware that to create a sword technique of that level, Id have to at least have the enlightenment of a level equal to it.

It was difficult for Cheon-Gi to deny what Mu-Gun said. If Mu-Gun really developed the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art himself, then his enlightenment should already be close to the absolute realm. If so, then it would only be a matter of time before he advanced into the absolute realm for as long as he trained with that enlightenment as his foundation.

Are you trying to show off to me right now? That you can attain the absolute realm? Cheon-Gi retorted, annoyed by the fact that he could not deny Mu-Guns words.

Im giving you a chance, Uncle.

A chance?

I apologize for saying this, but its not difficult at all for me to kill you, Uncle. I dont think eliminating you will cause a big loss to the Baek Sword Sects combat capability either. I dont know when youll backstab me, so perhaps it would be better to get rid of you once and for all rather than keep you around. That seems to like a much better solution for both me and the Baek Sword Sect. Even so, we still have the same bloodline, so I thought I should give you a chance at least once, uncle.

Are you threatening me right now?

No. This is an opportunity. An opportunity to live for the sake of the Baek Sword Sect. An opportunity to let Yong-Hwan be hailed as a hero of the Baek Sword Sect instead of being known and exiled from the sect as the traitors child.

Cheon-Gis eyes shook upon hearing Mu-Guns words. Looking at Mu-Guns deeply sunken eyes, he could sense it. If he were to forsake this opportunity, he would really be killed.

What do you want from me, then? Are you telling me to get down on my knees and swear loyalty to you?

Not at all. I dont expect nor do I want you to be loyal to me.

Then what do you want?

I just want you to be loyal to the Baek Sword Sect. I hope that you live for its sake.

For the sake of the sect, huh

The greed that you currently harbor in your heart isnt in the Baek Sword Sects best interest, Uncle. Its for your own sake. If you truly wanted to kill me for the sake of the sect, I wouldnt blame you. No, rather, before you can even pick up a sword, I would have already relinquished my position to you. However, the reason you want to place Yong-Hwan in the position of young patriarch and make him the patriarch of the Baek Sword Sect is purely to satisfy your personal greed. If thats not the case, then please tell me otherwise.

Cheon-Gi couldnt respond.

I think this conversation has made you fully understand my point. Let me be clear, this is the only opportunity I can give you. Its up to you to decide what to do with it. I hope you make a decision you wont regret.

Cheon-Gi felt like Sun Wukong, standing on Buddhas palm. Mu-Gun completely read his mind. In addition, Mu-Gun possessed power great enough to not fall prey to anything Cheon-Gi could do. He realized that he truly couldnt do anything to Mu-Gun with his skills.

So this is how its going to be in the end, huh?

Cheon-Gi had a dispirited look on his face. He gave up on the notion of making Baek Yong-Hwan the Baek Sword Sect patriarch to fulfill the dream he failed to achieve. He still wished for that. However, he did not have the tenacity to put his life on the line when he was at a dead end.

If he had that sort of tenacity, he would have already committed to it instead of waiting for an opportune moment until now. He was just a half-baked man with half-baked desires.

As you wish, Young Patriarch, I will live for the sake of the Baek Sword Sect from now on, Cheon-Gi responded with a despondent expression.

There will come a day in the future when you will definitely be happy with your current choice.

I pray for that to be the case. If you have nothing more to say, I will go back now.

Cheon-Gi smiled bitterly and left the training hall. Mu-Gun watched Cheon-Gi as he left the training hall. His shoulders had drooped, and he looked like he had lost everything. Mu-Gun thought that Cheon-Gi had truly let go of his fruitless greed. Of course, his current appearance could just be an act. However, it didnt matter even if that was the case. It couldve been a problem if he was oblivious to his uncles intentions. However, he was fully aware of it. Hence, Cheon-Gis tricks wouldnt be able to fool him for as long as he remained vigilant.

Others would likely say that he should root out the evil rather than leave a seed of trouble around. Perhaps that truly was the wise thing to do. However, Mu-Gun thought it wasnt right to point his blade first just because there was a possibility for something that had yet to happen.

As an ancient saying went, one wasnt considered a man if he couldnt be heartless. However, at the very least, he did not want to be so cold-hearted to his blood relatives unless he truly had no other choice left. Furthermore, getting rid of Cheon-Gi without a good reason except to eliminate the seed of trouble could make him lose the Baek Sword Corps trust.

Mu-Gun did not want the Baek Sword Corps to follow him out of fear. He wanted them to truly respect him and follow him wholeheartedly. To do so, he had to uphold humaneness and righteousness even if doing so was a little annoying and cumbersome.

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