Ti Shen

Chapter 29

The car drove into a majestic mansion.

"Young master, you've come back!" a young teen of about thirteen or fourteen called out respectfully.


"How is the mistress?"

"No worries, the doctor said she will be discharged from the hospital in another two or so days." The little young master replied although his entire focus was on little Ran Feng Ge who was asleep in the backseat of the car. He removed his own seatbelt and ran to the back door, his small fingers grasping onto the car door handle before throwing it open. Reaching in to tap on Ran Feng Ge's rosy cheeks, "Oi, Little Liar, get up, I know you are just faking it!"

Ran Feng Ge however, remained asleep – his little face red, his small mouth open as his shallow breaths rang harsh.

The slightly older teen asked curiously: "Young master, who is this?"

"I found him on our way back! He's a little liar, but I saw through his scheme! You all will help me deal with him! Hmph, trying to cheat my family out of their money - no way!" the little boy announced before continuing, "Little Liar, stop pretending! Get up now!"

Regardless of how much he rattled the other boy, Ran Feng Ge refused to open his eyes. Annoyed, the little young master crossed both arms across his chest and ordered: "Ah Jiu, go get a bucket of water!"

"Young master…" Ah Jiu said as he eyed the unconscious Ran Feng Ge, taking in the red tinted face and the uneven breaths, "Young master, he looks like he's running a fever, that must be why he's not waking up."

"…." The little boy balked at the information and hurried to the other boy's side, "A fever?". Raising his little hand against Ran Feng Ge's forehead, the little young master could not hide the surprise in his voice: "Ah, he is really running a fever!"

The reason why was because Ran Feng Ge had spent the entire night before curled up crying outside the hospital before falling asleep in the same spot. There was no way he wouldn't have fallen ill, he was but an eight-year-old child, how strong could his immunity be? The moment he fell asleep in that cozy and warm interior of the car, after all the stress he had been through recently, his body decided to just give up.

The little young master forgot all about his plan to wake up the Little Liar and quickly said: "Ah Jiu, quick! Carry him to my room. Ah Qu, go get Doctor Lin!"


The dreaming Ran Feng Ge was full of unease, one moment all he could see were his uncles screaming at him, calling him a little bastard. The next moment his mother was hitting and screaming at him, most of it targeted towards his absentee father, calling him a liar, a bastard. Even his beloved grandfather who had loved him the most would only look at him with a cold glare…

Ran Feng Ge could not stop himself from feeling as though he had been abandoned, he who was once the jewel and pride of his family, had fallen to the depths of becoming an unwanted burden.

He wanted to sob and wail at the top of his lungs, but no matter how much he tried to scream it all out, nothing came out. Forcing a sound out only made him collapse into a coughing fit.

The little young master who had been standing by the bedside had watched Ran Feng Ge's expression morph from sadness, to guilt, to confusion, small pearls of tears were leaking from the corner of his eyes. His own heart wrenching as he watched the younger boy before him suffer in silence, Dr. Lin still hadn't arrived. Quickly grabbing the clean hand towel from the bedside table, the little young master soaked it in the pan of cold water and squeezed it out before applying it gently across Ran Feng Ge's burning forehead.

"Mama… Please. Please don't abandon me…" the soft voice of Ran Feng Ge sounded as he begged the figure in his dreams, his small hands reaching out towards the older boy, "Please don't abandon me… Plea—cough, cough—Mama please…"

The little young master could not stop the shock he got as soon as he heard the words leave Ran Feng Ge's mouth - Little Liar's mama did not want him? That is too sad!

At this point, Doctor Lin finally entered the room to take a look at Ran Feng Ge. His final diagnosis was that Ran Feng had exhausted his little body, and in addition to exhaustion he had pneumonia from staying outside in the cold the entire night before. Because the little young master refused to let Ran Feng Ge leave his side and go to the hospital, Doctor Lin could only install the IV drip in the house.

Doctor Lin had been the Su Family's family physician for years and his medical skills were on par with doctors in big name hospitals, therefore treating Ran Feng Ge here in the house was no different to sending him to a hospital to get treatment.

From outside the room, a man in his early thirties walked in, "Ah Su."

That's right, this little young master is indeed Su Yi Mo.

At this time, Su Yi Mo had yet to lose his childlike innocence and was far from the iceberg of a human he had become in the future.

Hearing the voice, little Su Yi Mo turned his head quickly, seeing his father standing by the doorway. Without a moment's hesitation, little Su Yi Mo quickly made his way over to the older man's embrace, his voice like honey as he cried out: "Daddy!"

"I heard from Ah Jiu that you had called for Doctor Lin, are you not feeling well?" The older man asked as he scooped his son up into his arms and eyed him for any signs of discomfort. Seeing that his son was looking as healthy as the last time he had seen him, a sigh of relief escaped from his lips.

"It's not for me! But for Little Liar. He's sick." Su Yi Mo said before he remembered how painful Ran Feng Ge had looked, his mood dropping immediately as he looked towards the bed.

"Little… Liar?" The older man asked, a confused expression gracing his features.

"En. Little Liar's mummy doesn't want him anymore. He's very pitiful! Daddy, daddy! Can we please keep him? Please let him be my little brother. Please?" Ah Mo placed both his arms around his daddy's neck as he pleaded.

The older man struggled to keep himself from chuckling as he pinched his son's nose: "How do you know that his mummy doesn't want him anymore?"

"Wu… He.. He said it himself just now…" Ah Mo said sadly as he pointed at the unconscious Ran Feng Ge, "See! He's so sad he's already crying!"

At this, Su Yi Mo started struggling within his father's grip as he tried to make his way back to Little Liar's side, grabbing the arm that did not have the IV drip attached, his little face full of tenderness as he muttered gently: "Little Liar, don't cry… If your mummy does not want you, I want you! You can be my little brother, and I will protect you. How is that?" Su Yi Mo reached over to wipe away the tears that had rolled down Ran Feng Ge's little cheeks.

Hearing his son's words, the older man could not help the little smile from forming on his lips, children will be children, so sweet and naïve, believing whatever they wanted to do can be done. Liking something means liking it completely, hating something meant hating it completely, there was only black and white, there was no such thing as grey zones in a child's mind. Unlike adults, children never needed to think about the consequences or repercussions, they did not need to worry about unnecessary things.

"Ah Huo, what is going on here?" the Su family's master finally turned towards the driver Ah Huo once he decided to get to the bottom of the matter.

His beloved little son was supposed to have gone to the hospital to visit his mother today, so how did he end up bringing him someone else's son? Such a cute-looking boy, surely someone will be missing him and will be looking for him dearly.

Ah Huo explained the entire situation from start to finish to his master, from the side, Ah Jiu could not help but interject: "Master, young master said the moment he came back that that little boy was a cheat, and that he planned the entire accident to get knocked down to try and get some money out of the Su Family…"

"Oh? Is that so?" the master of the house asked as he glanced at the little boy lying on the bed.

The Su Family was new in the business scene, they were not yet well known. Although he has tried to convert the family business to be an above board business, there were still many aspects that fell in a gray area, especially the rivalry situation regarding the Chasing Hawk fraction from the head family, who knows if this was part of another one of their schemes or not.

It could very well be a scheme to get close to Ah Mo…

Talking about a scheme, Su Yi Mo was his only son, his beloved pride and joy that was even more precious than his own life itself. A child that was beloved by both sides of the family, keeping him sheltered and protected was their main priority. This was no different from how little Ran Feng Ge used to be treated.

Su Family's Master would never allow anything to happen to his beloved son.

"Send Ah Yi to check the background of that child."

"Yes sir."

Whilst Ah Yi was still checking up on Ran Feng Ge's background, the boy in question finally woke up.

Having had an entire bag of IV, Ran Feng Ge's fever had subsided substantially. His color was also looking a lot better than before; except for the occasional cough that sounded as though Ran Feng Ge was trying to cough up his lungs.

Little Su Yi Mo had just finished washing two snow pears, taking on his self-given older brother status, Su Yi Mo handed the bigger of the two snow pears over to Ran Feng Ge: "Here, Little Liar, take this! If you eat one of these snow pears, you will not cough as badly. It is very very effective!"

Ran Feng Ge was feeling a little bit guilty, he had started out as wanting to swindle this older brother, but it turned out that this older boy and his family were treating him so well: calling a doctor in for him, giving him an IV drip and now still giving him yummy things to eat.

"Take it!" Su Yi Mo said as he watched Ran Feng Ge tighten his fingers over the blanket edge, refusing to raise his head to look at him. Shoving the snow pear into Ran Feng Ge's hands, "Don't be sad, I will be your big brother from now one, and no one will be able to bully you anymore!"

Ran Feng Ge had to use both his hands to hold on to the snow pear that was shoved at him, hearing Su Yi Mo's words, he could not help but raise his head to look at him, when did he become my older brother?

"Go on, eat it." Su Yi Mo bit into his own pear, both his eyes becoming crescents, "They are very sweet!"

Ran Feng Ge decided to listen and gracefully took a bite of the pear.

Mouthful after mouthful, Ran Feng Ge slowly ate the pear. However, the pear was indeed too big and too much, Ran Feng Ge could only finish half the pear before he felt too full.

Su Yi Mo took the pear from Ran Feng Ge's hands and placed it on the bedside table, before clamoring up onto the bed to lie down next to his new younger brother and chat with him: "Little Liar, is it true that your mummy doesn't want you anymore?"

Ran Feng Ge's face fell as he silently shook his head.

"Really? She really doesn't want you anymore?" Su Yi Mo asked, mistaking the shaking of his head for Ran Feng Ge's mother not wanting him anymore. "Then, I will be your big brother from now on, how is that? My daddy and mummy are the best!"

Ran Feng Ge wanted to reply, but he felt guilty for lying to the older boy before him.

Su Yi Mo could not help the smile from gracing his face as he asked: "Ok? Ok?"

Ran Feng Ge felt turmoil tear at his heart strings, although his mama and his grandpa were no longer treating him the way they did before they were still his family. And now, both of them were hospitalized, the doctor there even said that his mama's condition was very severe, that was the reason why she could no longer recognize him. Therefore, Ran Feng Ge knew that he had to grow up quickly, really quickly, so that he could earn lots of money to treat his mama's condition, that way, his mama would love him like how she did before.

As for his grandpa… Grandpa was only very sad for now, that was why he could not care for Ran Feng Ge as he did before. So, Ran Feng Ge has to be obedient, and not make his grandpa upset.

Therefore, Ran Feng Ge cannot become someone else's son. In front of Su Yi Mo's expectant gaze, Ran Feng Ge shook his head firmly.

Greatly disappointed, Su Yi Mo asked: "Ah… It's no good? You don't want me as an older brother?"


Translator: Jypoonie

Proofreaders: Lyrick

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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