To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 171: To Catch Up

Chapter 171: To Catch Up

Northern region peninsula road / 

A black motorbike raced along the road. Through all areas, not thinking of making a stop or resting.

"But I think my heart needs a rest, Miss Arlene!"

In the passenger seat, Elisa's heart was pounding like the hooves of a horse.

Their speed was above average. Actually, Elisa was fine with that, it's just, the driver, the red-haired Bounty Hunter, rode her motorcycle and hit all the terrain without caring. It causes motorbikes and them to jump on every incline and hole, shaking when they bump into the uneven ground.

Arlene lowered the gas out of pity for the girl.

"I'm sorry, Elisa. It's been a week since that incident, and finally I can move on and move forward. My Bounty Hunter instincts returned, and I forgot you are with me now."

A week after the Catastrophe incident and The Appearance of Demon Queen in the northeast region.

At that time, Arlene had lost a lot. Father-in-law as well as her mentor. The man she once loved. And most of all, her long lost beloved daughter.

Elisa felt the same way. But she still has her adopted mother and big sister. In Mutiara City and the cathedral, there were also many people waiting for her return. So when compared to Arlene, Elisa feels embarrassed that she is still thinking about the past.

"What is it, Elisa?" asked Arlene. 

"I'm just thinking you are a really strong woman, Miss Arlene."

"Is that so?"

Arlene is a Seven Color Weapon Holder. If she doesn't enter the Bounty Hunter Unit, she will definitely be in the Diamond rank. 

Despite her strength, she prefers to work in the shadows as a Bounty Hunter rather than taking credit in being an Abyssal Hunter.

"Actually, there are many women who are stronger than me. For example, the Diamond Hunter who just retired from the Hunter world, Sylvia Shield of the Blue. She and Jade of the Green are some people I really admire. They are two strong women who are devoted to society and do not ask much for their credit."

Arlene just mentioned the name of her adopted sister. Elisa is happy with that.

"I really admire both of them too. They are vigorous, beautiful, strong, and they have people who are loyal to them. I admire you too, Miss Arlene."

At Elisa's honesty, Arlene smiled wryly to herself. "But, I'm not as vigorous or strong like them. No need to talk about beauty, I don't even have the confidence to show my identity as a woman. Then again..."

"Please, stop that!"

Arlene immediately hit the brakes at Elisa's request.

"W-what's wrong?!"

"E-eh, I mean, not the motorbike, but, your negativity."

They both have misunderstood. So Elisa continued speaking to straighten up.

"What I mean by stop your negativity is, you are beautiful, vigorous and strong in your own way, Miss Arlene." 

Arlene took her hands off the handlebars. Take the time to listen to Elisa.

"In the past, I was an arrogant girl, didn't want to trust anyone, and people looked at me with a look that I was ugly. However, all that changed when I met a man who was worse than me."

Looks like Arlene can guess who the man Elisa is referring to. 

"Being with that man taught me many things and made me show many new expressions. Because he is so arrogant and greedy, there are so many difficult moments that make me annoyed and angry at him. But following him made me realize that the world is tough and cruel. Nobody works as heroes to help the weak, but if we follow a decent strong people, we will definitely get the protection we need. And that man is one of those people. Although still, he wants a lot just to provide something we needed."

Arlene chuckled at Elisa's expression.

"That's a pretty deep paragraph to say for a young girl like you, Elisa."

Arlene restarted her motorbike. They must not linger outside the safe area for long.

"Well, that's what I learned during my three years living in this world."

They walked back north. But at lower speed than before so they can continue chatting.

"So you have 'awareness of the outside world', Elisa?"

"Yes. It's because my sister keeps reminding me, that we are not from this world and one day we have to go home."

Abyssal Terra is a world created by Abyssal God, and Hunters are participants in the game created by the God.

"But most people today have forgotten that fact because they feel very comfortable living in this world."

"Yes, and it is the job of those who remember and keep moving forward to free us all."

Arlene and Elisa are two of those people. They can't do that with just them alone. Therefore, they were on their way to pick up a man who could do the hard mission.

"Look Elisa, Black Dragon Kingdom!"

Arlene points to a kingdom, the heart of the northern region. Black Dragon Kingdom. 

A city bigger than any city Elisa had ever seen. A city that can accommodate more residents than any other territory.

They got into the gate queue without a problem. However, because they were on a motorbike, it attracted many eyes to look their way. Especially the eyes of the men.

"Hey, pretty boy, this is a nice car you got."

"Yeah, also, isn't this girl too pretty for you?"

All the men started harassing them with obnoxious rotten words. 

There, Arlene wanted to do something to get rid of them. But with one condition.

"Elisa, close your ears."

"My ears?"

Elisa was curious, but she did as she was told. She also closed her eyes out of reflex. 

After that, she could hear a loud, ear-buzzing voice. However, because she closed her ears, she didn't hear the sound too loud.

When Elisa opened her eyes, Arlene was already running the motorbike. Without her knowing that the men behind are suffering from the previous loud noise. 

Black Dragon Kingdom is a bustling place, more crowded than the old Shield City. 

Having spent more than a week in the northeast region, Elisa was a little surprised by the crowds of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

"Um, Miss Arlene, is it okay for us passing the street with this motorbike?"

They were on the road that was dominated by the Abyssal Beast carriage. So they attract a lot of attention because of that.

"Don't worry too much about it."

Well, if Arlene had said that, Elisa couldn't ask for else.

"By the way, Ars did say he went to this place. But where do we start looking for him?"

"To the place of the one who knows everything in this kingdom."

Sounds like a really great person. 

Because she enjoyed traveling too much, Elisa forgot that Arlene was a Bounty Hunter. Maybe they will meet an intel who has many eyes at work. A person who works in the IT field who owns a super computer. Or a ruler of the kingdom itself.

"Um, Miss Arlene, are you sure about this?"

They were right at the door of the Black Dragon Kingdom's palace. 

Arlene even casually parked her motorbike in the park. 

"Hey, you, intruder, hold yourself!"

The guards were after them because Arlene had broken in earlier.

"Miss Arlene!"

Elisa takes cover on Arlene's back, but they are surrounded by the guards.

"Freeze! Raise your hands up!"

At the orders of the guards, Elisha immediately raised her hands. For Arlene, she first took out her necklace.

"Don't try to-!"

The guards would move instantly due to Arlene's suspicious movements.

However, it was restrained because Arlene let out something shining brightly.


"What is that?!"


"That's a Spear Saint's emblem!"

What Arlene took out was an emblem in the shape of a spear. The emblem gave off an extremely powerful aura that kept the guards from getting close.

"Take me to your king."

At Arlene's order, the two of them were immediately directed to the king's room by the royal dignitaries.

When they reached the place, Arlene stopped their footsteps.

"You wait here, Elisa."

Arlene broke into the king's room. At that very moment, a woman's scream was heard, followed by a maid running out in embarrassment.


That startled Elisa. 

"Elisa, come in!"


Having seen a strange sight just now, Elisa hesitated to enter.

"Excuse me..."

Elisa went inside and found Arlene face to face with a blonde man in a royal dress.

"Close the door, girl."

Behind the door, the royal dignitaries watched with great curiosity what was going on. But their curiosity had to be put off because Elisha closed the door.

"I-I am sorry for the inconvenient."

Elisa closed the door. Only the three of them were left there.

There, Arlene took something from her pants pocket. A small device which was squeezed and issued Arts.


Elisa doesn't know what just happened, but it was cool.

"Now, shady guy, why don't you turn yourself to the real yourself."

"What?! You came here by breaking into my kingdom, and now you are asking me to do that?! You're asking too much!"

Arlene wants to take out her emblem necklace at the king's denial.

"A-alright-alright! Just don't put out that shit on me!"

Finally, the king did what Arlene ordered.

He did something, which made Elisa feel disgusted of seeing it.

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