To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 196: To Pierce the Great Mountain

Chapter 196: To Pierce the Great Mountain

North Region / Great Mountains east hillside

Mining Sectors of the North Region. The second mining territory after the Seven Colour Mountains. 

In Seven Color Mountain, the focus of mining is mineral abyss which was commonly used in Arts affairs and weapon crafting. 

For the North Region Mining Sectors, the focus is just the strong soil and rocks of the mountain's cave. The soil is good for building purpose. The excavated soil is even exported to the 3rd Floor. 

The business was so good for the market and Abyssal Citizens. 


When talking about the cave, don't forget the topic about monster. 

There are many types of monster in the Great Mountains Caves. But the monsters that appeared frequently were:

[Crab Cave] [Shrimp Cave] [Killer Fish Cave] 

There are many other types. But only appear when go deeper in the caves.

The Excavation Business is the third largest business after the Culinary Business and Monster Hunting.


Mining Sector 3 / 

At a certain tavern / 

A customer comes inside. Found that the tavern was crowded. Filled with middle-aged men. They seemed like holding some kind of party. 

"Sorry if the atmosphere is so crowded."

Ars sat in front of an old man who was waiting for him. 

"Don't worry about it. I came to talk. Not to join this party."

The old man laughs a little. "We're not chasing anything, are we? So it's okay to have a little fun. Besides, I was a little surprised that someone as rich as you wanted to meet in a cheap place like this."

The old man knew who Ars is without them introducing each other. Ars did not even put on the Greedy Young Master mask that time. 

"Well, the goals we're going to do are stupid goals. So why should it be made meaningful?"

"Haha! That's true indeed."

The old man finished his drink. Then smashed his wooden cup hard against the table.

That loud sound was a sign for everyone to be quiet.

The maids of the tavern went behind. Every gentleman's attention directed to Ars and the old man. 

Ars had expected that there is the old man's member of all the people. But he didn't expect that the old man's member would be every gentleman in the tavern. 

"Pleased to meet you, Greedy Young Master. This old man name's is Dwalin."

"The leader of ex-Thousand of Passages Underground expedition party. You can call me Ars, old man."

That little introduction brought question and curiosity to Dwalin's member. They did not expect that the Greedy Young Master, the man who defeated the Wrath Samurai, to meet them in person and look just like any other young man. 

"From the information I got, you lost a lot of members on your first expedition. But I didn't think there were still this many of you."

There were about 30 of them with Dwalin counted. 

Even though they had suffered great failures in the past, their faces still had the fiery spirit of trying again. 

"We are used to be 100 back then. But, yeah. We lost a lot of men during the first expedition. Don't worry though. If the deal you offered is true, that you will join this expedition, these 30 old people would be enough to become your subordinates."

Dwalin without doubt offered himself and his member to be Ars' subordinates. 

[Expedition is To Pierce the Great Mountain]

Ars stands up. "So, it settled then. We will start the expedition by tomorrow."

That was both an order and a question for the expedition team. 

Showing determination in their face, the member of the expedition all stand up and cheer. 

"Let's do it!"

"We have been waiting for this moment!"

"Finally, we will conquer that cave!"

Ars walks outside after confirming the simple meeting. 

Dwalin and all the member followed behind Ars, sending the expedition leader to go home and meet again tomorrow. 

But before they were departing, Ars has one and two things to say. 

"Regarding the provision of food and weapons, I will take care of everything. But if you have something you want to bring, bring it." 

"So, you will also bring your party?"

If Ars said that, that means yes. He will bring his own party. Most likely a party with more members to bring supplies.

"No. I am my own party."

However, Ars' answer made the expedition member confused. But well, it was Ars they are facing. So they don't need to doubt his words when they have to submit themselves to the young man.

"Second, if anything, a condition where we are trapped and have no way out, I will without a doubt leave you and this expedition will indirectly fail."

The expedition team did not surprise at Ars condition. They even had expected that. 

"Well, if that time happens, can you hide about this stupid mission, but tell our family about our fight?"

"Those who have the spirit to move forward deserved honor. You have my words."

Both party respect each condition. After all, they knew that it was a stupid mission and people would laugh when they found out they were on that mission.

"Apart from business interests, why do you want to do this mission, Ars?"

They knew that Ars interested to the chance of building a railroad if their mission successful. 

"But the chance of our successful is down below 25%."

That was quite low for the success chances of their expedition. 

"But with me in the expedition, it goes up to fifty. And for your question, I want to dominate this floor. But, knowing that there is still one region not being conquered? I won't be able to rest easy."

Dwalin and the rest put up realized expression. 

"So, with that, I'll be waiting you old men in the promised cave."

After giving that goodbye words, Ars disappears in the wind, teleported. 

The day is tomorrow. So the expedition member did not waste their time to get prepared.

To fully dominate all the regions of the floor. That was not actually Ars' reason. 


"I can't allow that."

Ars actual reason to pierce the Great Mountain was because of Hilda. 

"I can't allow you to take her to Floor 3, yet."

Ars had said that he wanted to take Huxian and Alexander with him to the Lower Floor.

Hilda does not care about Alex, but she did not let Ars to take Huxian away. 

"Eeeehhh, why?! Why do you keep tying me up and don't even want to let me go?! Didn't you say you wanted to throw me out if you could?!"

That was quite hard for Huxian to be with Hilda. 

However, Hilda did not deny that fact.

"Like I said, I would if I could. But, you are a dangerous creature and Samuel asked me to take care of you."

Huxian's Lust. That was the factor why Huxian had to be restrained from the outside world.

But at that time, Ars had suppressed that curse which could be seen from the disappearance of eight of the nine Huxian's tails.

"And the other thing is, Fafnir, did you really finish off Echidna with your own hands?"

Hilda's question did not really that surprised. But her knowledge on Fafnir's name, without Ars mentioning, makes Ars' alertness level towards the Legend rise. 

Luckily, there were only four of them in the room. Ars ordered Arlene, Skadi, and Elisa to get outside. 

"I could feel that Susano'o boy is really dead. But that woman, the real monster, I could feel that she is still alive."

Susano'o boy refers to Yamato. The strongest man called The Monster. But Hilda referred Echidna by calling the woman with The Real Monster. 

Ars cannot answer Hilda's concern because he was unconscious when Yamato, the actual person who killed Echidna, really killed the woman or not. 

"Ars. Tell her that you killed that woman. If you say so, she will definitely allow us to go."

Huxian has the right to deny Hilda's bridle in her neck. But she chose to solve the problem without upsetting Hilda.


"Y-yes, sir!"

Ars can also choose to deny Hilda. But he didn't want to take the risk.

"You said that you watch my battle. Say you watch it until the end."

The three pairs of eyes in the room stared at Alex. Ask for confirmation.

The three pairs of eyes put immense pressure on him. Alex could not stand all of that. Even so, he had to answer.

"Y-yes! I watch it until the end! But forgive me! Because when it was morning, the fog in the Mild Yellow Stone was so thick that I couldn't see anything!"

That could not be helped then. 

With that, Ars did not have a strong reason to deny Hilda. 

"If you want to go down to the lower floor, I won't stop you. But I can't allow you to bring Huxian. This floor needs at least one Emperor when there is one Soul Saint's children still alive and will most likely threaten this floor."

That is an indisputable fact.

"But, talking about the Soul Saint's children, isn't there one more person living quietly in Saint Arcane Cathedral?"

Huxian mentioning about Maria Christina. The Virtue of Diligence. 

"Just like Susano'o boy. She is an exception. She had betrayed the Soul Saint and sided with the Saint Staff. But, if Echidna, her fellow sisters, threaten this floor, she definitely won't do anything to save this Floor. So, Ars, are you really going to descend downstairs knowing that great threat to this land you rule?"

Hilda sure knows how to put her words together. 

Ars is made to think seriously by a woman who looks at first glance as nobody.

"I believe, that Female Monster is still in recovery and gathering strength. Soon, she will be out with great threat." 

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