To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 214: Can Relax - Confession (Arlene)

Chapter 214: Can Relax - Confession (Arlene)

The chaos has been resolved. The Virtue of Charity, Echidna, has been defeated. 

There were many people who made sacrifices in order to stop the chaos. But that is a necessary.

Peace has returned to Floor 2. All thanks to the sacrifices made by brave soldiers and Greedy Young Master.


Northwest Region / Mild Green Hill

North Coast Palace / Garden

Morning /

"Now call me the Dragon King!"

"Don't move your head while I'm cutting your hair!"

Arlene was cutting Ars' long hair when Ars suddenly shouting.

"Do you want me to cut your ear?!"

"Then you have to be my ear replacement."

"It can be a romantic sentence if you say it at the proper time."

Previously, Ars was only gone for about a month. But without Arlene realizing it, Ars' hair has extended to his neck.

Or Arlene just realized that Ars' hair had been that long.

The first time they met was in the Giant Leaf Tree. 

Like a young man in his 20s, Ars is still very young. Arlene lied that she didn't think Ars was handsome.

But at that time, she was disguised as a Silver Hunter, and Ars still hid himself as The Chosen.

One year and a half had passed. A lot has happened. From the incident on Seven Colour Mountain, Shield City, and Northeast Region. 

Arlene had lost many beloved people in the process. Until she finally arrived at the point where she is now.

"Alright, time to move on to your mustache and beard."

At first, she didn't think about falling in love a second time.

After the incident on Northeast Region, she decided to follow Ars along with Elisa.

In that process, she thought, Ars will not accept her as a colleague's. Because Ars has a habit of doing everything by himself.

However, an incident with Virtue of Charity and Sin of Wrath brought them together.

They fought bitterly till the end. They did not win the fight, but they all safe. 

After the battle, one-sidedly, Ars included her and Skadi in his harem.

At first, she did it out of necessity, and to repay a debt of gratitude.

However, something beautiful begins to grow in her heart. 

"Okay, done."

She fell in love. 

After cutting her beloved hair, mustache, and beard, she looks at her beloved in deep, attached gaze.

"What? Am I aging?"

Ars uses Arlene's eyes as a mirror. He looked at his reflection while observing his gaze.

Arlene blushed because Ars did not hesitate to do that.

Usually, she would be the teaser. But sometimes she could not endure Ars spontaneous act.

The distance between their faces was only a finger. It was supposed to be a romantic scene, but Ars gotten excited about seeing his reflection in her eyes.

"Hm, just like I expected. I am still handsome although my age has increased by five years."

"Five years?!"

Arlene, shocked that Ars diagnosed his age, had grown that old. 

"Wait, how long have you been in this world?"

"Hmm, I got thrown to this world about two years less. In that process, I have been fighting using a lot of manas. So it's natural that aging makes my body age that much, right?"

In Abyssal Terra, if you fight using a big volume of mana, two things will happen to your body. 

First, if your body not strong enough to withstand the large volume of mana you use will experience Infection. Infection will rotten your body and made you die in a short time. The Infection can be slowed down with treatment, but you will feel pain during the process.

The second, if your body is strong enough to endure such a large amount of mana, you will be one of the strong men on terra. However, there is a price to pay for that blessing. That is Aging. Aging will make your body aging faster because of mana you use.

These two things both hasten your death. But at least Aging is still better because you only need to trade age for disease.

"But, how can you diagnose that your age has increased that much?"

Ars has only been at Abyssal Terra for two years. However, due to aging, his body aged five years from the time it should have.

"With my Dragon King eyes."

Ars said that by showing Arlene his dragon eye.

A sharp eye with golden pupils.

Those eyes are one of the reasons why Arlene loves Ars.

"Does that eye have a function of measuring someone's age?" asked Arlene, wondering.

"No, this eyes even greater. I can measure a thing's value just by looking at it. That's why, since I first met you, I know that our ages are 10 years apareeettt."

Arlene pinched Ars' cheek in irritation.

She remembered that moment very well. When a young man she just met said that their age was 10 years apart.  Which woman doesn't get annoyed when her age is known so easily as that?

"Then, you hate old women who have given birth once, is that so?"

That makes Arlene asked Ars' seriousness of her. 

Responding to that, Ars looking at Arlene with sharp eyes. That makes Arlene shocked a little.

"What do you mean by that?"


Is he mad that I asked that? She felt that Ars was angry because she asked about his choice.

Of course, because Ars would not want to sleep with her if Ars hates an old woman.

But Ars's lecherous attitude answered her restlessness.

"You're a perfect reflection of a perfect milf!"

"M-milf what?"

"You're still pretty, and your plump ass is my favorite. You're great at kissing and that's my favorite too."

Ars shared all his perverted words with great pride. 

Arlene didn't know if she should feel praised or angry about it.

However, some passing by maids heard Ars' perverted words, and they felt embarrassed to hear it.

"Your body is the leanest of all my harems. But that's what "

"Okay, stop!"

Arlene slapped Ars with both hands, leaving a red mark that looks quite painful.

Unable to resist embarrassment, Arlene moved to Ars' back, then hid her face by hugging her beloved.

Ars accepted the hug without asking. Besides, he was even proud because he had praised one of the women who loved him and he loved.

"If you love me that much, can I ask one request?"

Arlene requested that with a peek at Ars.

Without the need to ask for further explanation, Ars knows where the question is going.


That became his answer.

Arlene knew Ars would answer that. But she still feel disappointed. 


She did not give up. 

"You're going to cry again and won't let go of her."

Ars still refused the request.

It happened when, after a long time, Arlene found a girl she had given birth to.

But unfortunately, the girl had become something that was not from this world, and was lifeless when Arlene receives it with her hand.

Arlene struggled for years only to find the girl. Then, when he finally found the girl, but her struggles seemed in vain, she cried out with regret and anger in one big cry.

"That's why, when we reach the depth of this prison, we will do something about her."

It was a promise that Ars made to relieve her sadness and pain.

It was also what made her fall in love with him.

"Thank you."

She might not the only one who loves Ars. She might not the one who gives Ars the biggest love. But she will give Ars all of her. 

Not for complicated reasons. All because Ars deserves it.

"And, I love you."

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