To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 234: A Unexpected Disease

Chapter 234: A Unexpected Disease

Just as Ars opened the door and went inside, Elisa stopped making voices.

The girl was in the bed, covering herself with a blanket.

She looked at Ars wide-eyed. Can't believe that her beloved literally enters her room just like that without feeling a slightest guilt.

"Did I disturb you? You can go on if you want. Or, do you want me to do it for you?"

Ars took a sit and placed some snack, two glasses and a teapot filled with wine to the small table beside the bed. 

Elisa could not think what Ars meant to enter her room and casually sat watching her in relax. 

'Did I disturb you? You can go on if you want. Or, do you want me to do it for you?'. That what he said before. 

What did she do before that made Ars ask that?

She was groaning because of...

Now that Elisa thinks about that. She was groaning. But that was almost like a moan - she was moaning. 

Those two things are different, but sound alike. But moaning sounds more lewd. And it seems Ars thought that she was moaning because she was doing something lewd.

Elisa immediately hides her face in the blanked - felt truly embarrassed. 

"No. It was not like what you think."

"Nah, it's okay. I just never thought that you will do that kind of stuff."

Now Ars had officially thought that Elisa a lewd girl who thirst for a man's touch. 

Elisa is eager to refute Ars' assessment. But for one strong reason, she could not do that and had to get Ars out of her room.

"Just what do you need?! Casually enter someone's room like that!"

Elisa tried to get mad at Ars. 

Ars got a little shock because Elisa suddenly gets that mad. It was not his first time being scolded all of a sudden, though.

Arlene, Diana, and Sylvia once get mad at him just like Elisa did when they on their period. It looks like Elisa was in the same condition as them.

"Alright-alright. I'm sorry about that." 

The old Ars will never feel guilty and sorry for his wrongdoing. But he is different and better person now. 

"In the last few days, I have been busy with work, so I missed your birthday." 

If it weren't for his busy time, Ars would have known when Elisa's birthday was. Because he could check Elisa's age every day using [Eyes of the Dragon].

"That's why, I came here to ask what do you want for your birthday? I am not too late for that, right? Plus, if you can give me what I've been waiting for in return, I would be so happy."

What Ars have been waiting for that Elisa could give in return? 

What else if not her and her body?

Ars until now has been patient to wait for Elisa to be legal. And now she is officially legal to be touched by a proper someone. 

"U-uh, that's..."

Elisa confused. 

Ars looks very much looking forward to it. Elisa felt guilty if she did not give to Ars what she was promised. But  

"Can you wait until this night?"

"Alright then."

Ars stood up from his sit. 

Seeing Ars who was so submissive was truly a strange sight, but also something to be grateful for. 

"Right, do you want to do it in this room, or my room?"

"My room."

"This room, then. Okay, you better take a bath and if could wear the perfume, I left in the table."

Ars comes out of the room without showing any suspicion towards Elisa.

Luckily Elisa covered half of her face with a blanket, otherwise Ars would have been able to see Elisa's expression of enduring pain.

After that moment, Ars going on an adventure with Alexander. 

Ars might not realize it, but the other girls knew that Elisa was in pain. So they come to see Elisa in her more severe condition than this morning. 

They panicked and went straight to Frida for help.

Frida came upon herself as the God's Eye bearer and a doctor. Jeanne was also coming with her to see the Vigorous Maiden. 

When Frida checked Elisa's condition, the girls arguing because none of them told the truth to Ars about Elisa's condition. 

Arlene gave a reason that that was Elisa herself, who told them not to reveal her condition to Ars yet. Moreover, before that Ars went to see Elisa, but Elisa herself did not tell about her condition.

Frida got out of the room with a disappointed, pissed, and guilty expression.

"Did the girl happened to be in a part of a big fight that made her uses Arts for non-stop?"

That became Frida's first words to the girls. 

The girl looked at each other, and each took a turn to answer. 

"She was in a part of Blackish Mountain raid. But I immediately took her out, and she only uses Arts to heal some people," answered Diana.

"She was when Northeast Region in a war with Echidna's plan. But she didn't do anything at that time," answered Arlene. "Oh, right, when Shield City got raided, she was there with Sylvia, fighting the Demon King Commander. But Ars was there with her. So, she didn't do anything in particular with Arts."

"I never even seen her in a battlefield," answered Huxian. 

"She shared her breath with Ars when Ars fighting Yamato for almost 24 hours."

Everyone shocked when Skadi speak her answer. 

Arlene immediately realized that event. 

Frida and Jeanne 

Frida and Jeanne have heard that Ars won the battle with Yamato. But they just heard of the fact that the Vigorous Maiden was part of the battle.

"Can you tell me the detail of what happened? And what is that Sharing Breath about?"

Arlene answered Frida's question in great detail. She will never forget the girl's decision to fight together with Ars.

"So, that is the cause of her condition."

"But, that battle happened about two months ago. Why is the Infection attacked her now?!"

Frida decided that the cause of Elisa's Infection was the battle against Yamato. 

But Arlene denied that on the pretext that the fight had been going on for a long time.

If Elisa was really got infected, she would have felt pain when they were still on Floor 2. However, she did not show any kind of symptoms of pain. So why now?

"Probably because she crossed the Pit and because of stronger Mana environment that cause the Infection fastened."

The reason was making sense and reasonable. 

"It might also the reason she did not Aging despite being an active Arts user. Even so, this incident was still unusual. For the Infection to spread this fast."

Abyssal Hunter cannot be separated from Aging when they are Arts users. The volume of Aging they experience certainly depends on how actively they use Arts.

But, if their body cannot burden a certain amount of Mana they use to cast Art, then they will got Infected. 

Frida could see with her God's Eyes, that the girl who was infected inside had never experienced Aging even once.

The girl properly aged normally despite being an Art user. It might have happened because she had never forced her body to use such a large amount of Mana.

However, when the event against the Sin of Wrath, she shared her breath to Ars, which produces a process of Ars using Art through her body as terminal. 

Ars' wives still confused and could not believe that happened to their beloved Elisa. But they cannot deny the fact as well. 

Then they ended up with a decision.

"Please don't tell Ars about this."

"There is no need. Because he already knows it."

Frida said that as she opened Elisa's door room. 

There, a certain man sat on a chair, facing the sick princess, folded his arms and closed his eyes, thinking about something. 

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