To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 237: Cured

Chapter 237: Cured

She could feel the enormous pain that envelop half of her body until now.

The pain was so painful that she wanted to cry her heart out. But the pain takes away all her strength so she cannot do so. 

In her lingering consciousness, she thought; 'what are the people around me doing, seeing me in this condition?'

One thing for sure was, they must have been shocked and panicked.

She felt very guilty for her choice of not telling them the truth. 

She thought there was no need to rush to reveal her condition. 

Everyone is still busy adapting to their new place of residence. 

Ars is very busy with his duties as the representative of Floor 2. 

That was why she did not want to disrupt everyone with her pity condition. She will reveal it when all things calmed down. 

However, her condition for some reason got severed. The Infection spread faster than normal condition.

At that point, she did not know what she need to do. Telling the truth to everyone became more difficult than she thought.

Then on one occasion, Ars got into her room. He wants to celebrate her birthday and asked what he deserved. 

That made her felt guilty because Ars will not get what he waited for long time. 

So she tells him to wait until night. She hopes that her condition will get better even just for a little, so she can think everything straight.

But worst come to worst. The Infection got worser, and she fell unconscious. 


She wakes up. 

She finally could open her eyes. She did not know how long she had been asleep. Finally, the Infection stop. 

She still could feel the painfulness through her body. But at least it did not as painful as before. 

She woke up in bed, in her room.

The window still showed a bright light coming from outside. That means the time is still in the day.

Thank God she wakes up before evening. If she fell asleep until evening, everyone will get worried and they would come to her room to see her condition.

She still has time to determine herself, to tell the truth to everyone. They might will be worried, or even mad at her because she did not tell the truth earlier. But that was okay. 

As long as she did not bother people, she would have no problem enduring the pain for a few days.

She gets up and ready to feel the painfulness. 

"Doesn't hurt anymore ...?"

The pain did not come. 

She tried to touch where the pain hurt, but it did not hurt.

"The crystallization, stopped? No, they all gone?"

She was surprised to see her body was clean from all the crystallization. 

Did all the crystallizations disappear while she was sleeping? Then that means miracle happened to her. 

But that is impossible. There has never been a history of someone being free from Infection. Except for one singular person. 


Somebody opened the door of her room. 

"Miss Arlene."

Did Arlene come to check on her? But Arlene's face looks so relieved, thankful, and sorry at the same time as she runs into her. 

"Um, what's wrong, Miss Arlene?"

Arlene hugged her so tight. Water droplets started to wet her shoulders. Arlene crying. 

"Thank goodness. You are cured."


So she is really free from Infection. 

"But, how?"

How is she free from the deadly disease? And, if Arlene said that, it meant that her condition was already known to people.

Arlene stop the hugging. She wipes her tears first, then talk. 

"Do you have energy to walk?"

So she did got saved by someone. 

"I think, yes."

She tried to get up from bed. Putting strength into her legs, she got up. 

She was about to fall on the first try. Arlene caught and helped her. 

"How long have I been asleep?"

Now that she accepted the miracle that saved her. There was no way she'd only fallen asleep for a few hours since she'd lost consciousness. Moreover, she lost a lot of energy.

"You have been asleep for almost two weeks."

Two weeks. She's been asleep that long since she lost conscious back then.

Get out from her room, Arlene led her to Ars' room.

Why go to Ars' room? She had a bad feeling about it.

Before they enter the room, Arlene had a few words for her. 

"Listen, girl, we are disappointed, but we don't blame you for this incident. All of this happened because of bad timing and misunderstanding. So, don't regret anything. Even if you regret it, please don't think that you don't deserve to live."

Her thoughts drifted in many directions. She was already about to cry because of Arlene's words.

Arlene opened the door's room. 

Ars's room when he is inside will never be peaceful. Yet, it was so peaceful. There was only one person inside, namely Ars himself, who was lying on the bed.

Elisa's heart was about to explode. She broke free from Arlene's grip, then ran to Ars' side.

Her head spun as he walked on her own. But she did not care about it, because something more important was right in front of her eyes.

Ars, who was getting fatter over the past month, looks thinner at that time. His cheeks even seemed to shrink. Shows poor cheekbones to look at.

For some reason, Ars lost his left hand. 

The sight was truly painful for her to see.

Previously, it was her outer chest that ached to death. Now it's her inner chest that hurts a lot. 

She does not know what happened. But, just by looking at her beloved one condition, it already makes her crying. 

She did not know what happened. But, just by looking at her beloved one condition, she could understand one thing, that her beloved one exchange his life for her. 


Ars' bedroom door opened.

From inside, a girl's crying voice echoed throughout the 3rd Floor.

Everyone living on the 3rd floor immediately rushed to the room.

But they got blocked by today's guardian. 

"Please leave her alone for now."

A certain girl crying by burying her face to Ars' chest. 

The girl who was cured had regained consciousness.

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