To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 247: War of Sin and Virtue (6)

Chapter 247: War of Sin and Virtue (6)

Abyssal Terra /

Floor 3 / Sector 2

Eria / Afternoon

The war of Eria versus Black Hunter, Sin versus Virtue, is still continuing. 

In the first hours, Eria can still defend and withstand the overwhelming attacks of Black Hunters. 

However, Eria's power had limit that could be calculated. On the other side, Black Hunter keeps on sending their troops without stopping.

Eria losing man and power. Black Hunter keeps on pushing forward to the city. 

Eria had to send a messenger to go to the upper floor to ask for reinforcement, but it takes time. The scary thing is, the reinforcement might come late and that would be the end of Eria. 


Palaces Area / Back of Palace of Moccuss

"Just give up, Spear Saint. You don't have anymore trick to stop me."

Jeanne had reached her limit.

She went through many battles. Her experience was the longest in Eria in Floor 3. But she had used all of her experience against Blade. 

In physical endurance, Blade is superior to her. In both gender and age aspect. 

So Jeanne had nothing left to fight Blade.

"Now, I can finally get past you, or kill you both as merciless."


Palaces Area / Front yard of Palace of Fafnir

"Is this all you can do, Lusty girl?!"

Cinderella just finished off all of Huxian's servants.

Three Huxian's servants were equal to one Skadi. There were ten of them before. But now they are dead; split, chopped, crushed.

Cinderella really lives up to his rank as strongest Arts user in Virtue. 

"You are pathetic."

Huxian was not that pathetic. She actually did not focus her support on her servants, but actually to Arlene, Skadi, and Alexander. 

"And so you are, Loki boy."

Cinderella now pointed his disappointment to Alexander. 

Alexander got backed up by two Diamonds, ten strong fighters, and one Supporter Sin grade. But he was still losing. 

"You were not fit to fight against an opponent stronger than you. Yet you are still rebelling. We accept you and you will become stronger by Soul Saint's side. Yet you were still clinging to that hopeless Staff Saint. And look at you now, weak and ugly in your original form. What are you fighting for, really?"

Alexander was in his real form; the ugly face and weak guy.

He lost his handsome form because previously Cinderella killed it.

"How many forms did you have before I could kill your original body?"

[All-creature Transformation]. An Abyssal tier skill that allows the user to transform to any kind of creature the user had touched. 

That skill was the reason why Alexander could turn into Abyssal monsters.

Apart from transformation, every form has its own life. So, basically, Alexander with [All-creature Transformation] is immortal. As long as Alexander had a still transformation in his transformation's list. 

However, he ran out of transformation option. He had unleashed all the powerful transformations, but all of them were killed by Alexander.

Even though Alexander seemed to have so many lives, he still feels pain every time his transformation got killed.

He lost count of how many transformations he had lost. How many lives he had wasted. All of that put a lot of stress on him.

"You are so ugly, you know."

Cinderella keeps on making fun of the current Alexander. 

Alexander knew he is ugly, and he will not deny that. He may lose to Cinderella in terms of power. But Alexander has one thing that can beat Cinderella.

"Yeah-yeah, I knew I'm ugly. You don't have to say it. But, you know, recently, I think that the ugly me is better, compared to a sissy guy who thinks he's gorgeous like a Cinderella. Yeah, it's you."

Alexander really wanted to say that since they started fighting. But he keeps it to wait for the right moment, and that is the right moment. 


Alexander just pulled the trigger in Cinderella's head. Now he is going to berserk. 


Cinderella dashed backwards. Then he put his fan to the sky. He was going to perform his ultimate move. 

"[White Fucking Tsunami]!"

A tsunami of white cloud. A catastrophe level of Arts and it going to crush everything on its front. 

To face that, Alexander first transform into Red Humanoid. A monster created by Echidna. He shot a red laser of a red crystal at his face. The red laser pierced the white tsunami and hit Cinderella in the chest. 

Cinderella's chest got pierced by the unexpected attack. It was the only attack that hit Cinderella. But it was so shocking that Cinderella was speechless.

"You two, back off to the castle!"

Arlene and Skadi did what Alexander told. 

They didn't understand why Alexander had triggered his enemy to carry out such a big attack.

But he did it with confidence. So he must have a way to stop an attack of that magnitude.

"Alright. I knew that attack wouldn't be enough to kill him. So I won't lose my mind even after this."

The white tsunami was coming closer. Yet Alexander still did nothing to fend for it. 

"[All-creature Transformation Catastrophe Level: Mountain Snail]"

On the other side.

Cinderella had healed his wound. He still shock, but part of him felt satisfied. 

His fight with Alexander will continue.

"Huh? What happened?"

However, something unexpected happened. 

The white tsunami still going on, but the castle not destroyed yet. 

"What, is, that?"

Unexpectedly, before the castle, there is a gigantic shell of some creature. 

The gigantic shell protected the castle from the white tsunami. It really strong and heavy that white tsunami cannot even pushed it. 

"Are you kidding? That must be a catastrophe level of monster."

As he thought, after the white tsunami over, the gigantic shell transform back to an ugly guy.

"Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Ugghhhh! My head!"

Alexander is tormented after performing the Mountain Snail transformation.

He fell to the ground with his head, feeling like it was about to burst.

Yes, he can transform into any monster he had touched. But there is a side effect of it. 

Like the use of Arts that results in aging, Alexander's transformation put a burden on the original body. The stronger the transformation, the bigger burden he had to endure. 

Catastrophe level of monster, of course, put a very large burden to his body. 

This time he was lucky because he was able to return to his original body and only felt intense headache.

In the past, when he tried to transform into a catastrophe monster, he lost control of his mind and went on a rampage. He became a catastrophe monster that put a danger to his colleagues. He was lucky that the Saints at the time stopped him. 

If he loses control then, who knows who will stop him?

"So, that is your true power?!"

Cinderella finally came. Previously, he was very angry. At that time, he was fascinated by Alexander.

"That was splendid, and fabulous! I already guessed that you had an ace. But I didn't expect your ace to be a catastrophe monster! Hey, are you really did not want to join Soul Saint's side?! We have powerful monsters that you can turn into objects of transformation! With that ability of yours, you will become invincible!"

"No, thanks."

Alexander tried to stand up, with his head still spinning.


"You probably right. I'm not fit to fight an opponent stronger than me. But you need to know, for the sake of the person I admire, I will break the barrier and defeat you!"

An ugly character. Not the main character-able yet talk like one. 

"Buha! Bahahahaha!"

That made Cinderella amused. 

"Alright-alright, I get it. It's because of that person in the protected room, right? Okay, I'll just go and kill him to prove that your point is useless."

After saying that, Cinderella dashed to the King's room. 

"Hey, wait!"

There is Silver Sky Staff protecting the room. But it could easily be stripped by removing it manually. 

But before Cinderella reached the room, a shot hit and scratched his cheek.

"Hey, sissy guy! Don't think that ugly guy is the only one you're fighting!"

Arlene stopped Cinderella with a shot from Black Sky Spine. Skadi protected her in the front. 

Their contribution to the fight might be little, but they were still fighting. 

"Don't think you can pass before -!"

"Killing you? That's easy if Loki boy can't protect you anymore."

In a blink of an eye, Cinderella appeared in front of Arlene. 

Skadi did not expect her guard to be passed so easily. 

Arlene did not expect that her stomach got pierced by an ice sword until the sword was pulled out of her stomach. 

"I did like to kill you by burning or crushing your stupid face. But I want to finish off the person you protect dearly before doing that."

Arlene kneeled down with a hole in her stomach. The hole was bleeding abnormally. It was like a large blood bag inside her stomach had burst because of the attack just now. And Arlene cried over it rather than the wound she got. 


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