To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 55: Towering Declaration

Chapter 55: Towering Declaration

2nd Floor / Southern Root of Adam Tree

Adam's Root Station / 11 AM

First Date of New Year /

"Jimmy, what's Catastrophe Omen like?"

Jimmy was a little surprised because his boss asked something unusual.

"Why are you suddenly interested in something that doesn't smell like money like that?"

Ars raised his left eyebrow. "Aren't you going to gain anything from conquering Catastrophe Omen?"

"Yes, as the name implies, Catastrophe brings about various kinds of disasters according to the area where the disaster occurred. Usually, a City or area hit by Catastrophe will get an enormous loss. Therefore, even though there will be a lot of drop items during the Catastrophe conquest, usually all of that money is used to compensate for the losses incurred, and the rest pays for Platinum or Diamond Hunter who overcame the Catastrophe."


At first, Jimmy thought his young master was just asking out of curiosity. However, seeing the young master looking at his Hunter Bracelet with an astonished gaze brought Jimmy to his senses.

"Ars, you, don't tell me you got that Catastrophe Omen!?"

"Yes, I just realized this debuff stuck to me this morning. But I swear, this debuff hasn't stuck to me yesterday," said Ars with a sense of innocence.

Jimmy patted his head, confused by the behavior of his young master who was sometimes childish, and also very irritating like that.

Suddenly, one of his men opened the door in great haste.

"Boss, something so serious happened to the 1st Floor!"

Jimmy went straight to the Guild Hall, where two Messenger from the 1st Floor wanted to announce something very urgent.

Since it is noon, there are only a few Hunters who appeared to hear their announcement. There isn't even any Platinum Hunter in the Guild Hall.

Despite that, the two Messenger still shouted out the announcements they brought from the 1st Floor.

"For all Gold or Platinum Hunters who hear this message. We delegate from 1st Floor would like to say that today, Big Update has occurred the 1st Floor and bring up Evolved Father Tree!"

"Evolved Father Tree is a Father Tree that got buffed and given hands and feet to move. For now, all the 1st Floor strong Abyssal Hunters were blocking the Evolved Father Tree's steps that headed east. For that, we need your participation to go up to the 1st Floor on departure at 1 o'clock!"

Jimmy immediately understood the situation. Also, the Big Update that occurred on the 1st Floor was most likely due to Ars raiding too many Area Bosses in Giant Leaf Woods.

Jimmy immediately rushed to meet Ars. But the young master had already disappeared.

"Boss, the young master went to the terminal after listening to the previous announcement!"


There is only one thing he can do if he goes to the terminal.

"It still takes another 1 hour 46 minutes before departure. Are you can't' wait to go up and helping your friends?"

Randi has officially become a Gold Hunter a few days ago. His party must have taken part in the battle against that Evolved Father Tree.

As a friend, of course, Ars feels responsible to help them immediately.

Suddenly, Ars instead muttered something. "I wonder why we can see the clouds more clearly when we are closer to the Abyss Pit?"

[Abyss Pit - is a giant hole in each floor and connects one floor to another]

Jimmy realized that Ars using [Mana Vision]. That ability allowed the user to being able to see the flow of [Mana Clouds] from the Abyssal Radiation.

[Mana Clouds - is a group of Abyssal Radiation that converges into one large unit and shape like a cloud flying in the sky]

In front of Adam Tree, which has a height of about 7600m, Ars looked up.

The tree is like a Giant Leaf Tree, only a thousand times bigger.

Abyss Pit - the path to Floor 1, is at the top of that Titanic Tree.

It's actually easy for Ars to go up there. It's just - "At this hour, the rainbow clouds are so many and make it very dangerous to go up."

Jimmy didn't understand why Ars was mumbling all those things. "What are you talking about?!"

Ars turned around. At that moment, his eyes are on [Dragon Eyes] mode, meaning he is in fighting mode.

"Has anyone ever climbed this tree to the First Floor?"

Jimmy, and some of his men, got startled.

"When this Station being conquered, and news about the Saint Staff falling ill on the 1st Floor announced, Sword Saint immediately rushed up this Titanic Tree to return to the 1st Floor."

Ars chuckled. "So that shorty was the first to do it."

Ars stretched for a moment. He would do something that an ordinary Abyssal Hunter could not. It will take a lot of time and extra effort.

"Jimmy, bring all the members fully equipped."

"To do massive construction?"


"That means you want to fight alone?"

"You worried?"

Ars has finished stretching.

One [Adjusted Sword of Testament] issued. The [Sword of Testament] is red, no longer the original color of the Sword Saint's legendary sword.

"I am the candidate of Seventh Emperor. Remember it well."

Ars launched one Sinaga Sword - [Adjusted Sword of Testament], into the sky, then disappeared, leaving a trail of red particles.

"Where did he go?!"

It was the first time Jimmy's men saw Ars teleporting. It was certainly a shock to see, and definitely - "You're going to make a scene to this 2nd Floor. All enemies will start to pay their attention to you. "

Ars already knows that. After all, if he had the ambition to become a big man - "No matter who gets in his way, I'll face them all."

The 7600m tall Gigantic Tree is no exception.

[Eyes of The Dragon Lvl 3 - Spacious Mode + Mana Vision]

[Eyes of the Dragon Lvl 3] has a passive function of [Keen]. A function that allows Ars to use two active functions of [Eyes of the Dragon].

With the wide viewing function, and seeing the flow of Abyssal Radiation, Ars can dodge all the [Mana Clouds] which can kill him with one touch.

Ars climbing the Adam Tree by taking advantage of 2 functions of [Unlimited Inventory Lvl 4], [Shift] and [Item Launcher]. The [Shift] function allows Ars to teleport to the [Item Property] he wants. The [Item Launcher] function can launch [Item Property] to random locations or the ones he marked with [Eyes of the Dragon].

He launched Sinaga Sword every 200m upward, thrust the copier sword into the Adam Tree, then teleported to the sword.

At first glance it is easy, but the flow of [Mana Clouds] is very large and many, making Ars have to be very careful where he has to put Sinaga Sword, and when he should teleport to the next place.

Ars took about an hour to get to the first branch of Adam Tree. The distance of the first branch to the surface is about 3500m. He still had to climb 4100m up again to get to the top.

Ars stopped at the first branch, took a breath for a moment.

"The area here is not like the one below, because it got protected by many giant leaves, it is difficult for [Mana Clouds] to enter."

Even so, Ars has to be careful as he could still see several large wisps of [Mana Clouds] hiding behind the branches and leaves above.

"Let's continue then."

Ars continued his way to the top.

This time the travel was faster, however, because the area inside the branch was darker, Ars had to take advantage of the Abyssal Radiation stream to guide him upwards.

- - -


Ars has reached the top of the Adam Tree. Above it, there is a large, very dark giant hole.

Near the Abyss Pit, the Abyssal Radiation flow is so thin. Even in the Abyss Pit, no Abyssal Radiation can enter.

"In Abyssal, you cannot live without inhaling Abyssal Oxygen, equals pure Abyssal Radiation. Therefore, when you pass through the Abyss Pit, you are the same as dying for a moment."

Ars received such information on his first day staying at Adam's Root Station.

Hearing that made Ars horrified, knowing that Abyssal Citizens are no longer like humans born outside of Abyssal.

Tired of the darkness, Ars changes his gaze to Abyssal Terra / Floor 2.

The Second Floor is 3x larger than the First Floor. Which comprises South Land, North Land, Northeast Land, and Northwestern Land.

There are a lot of things Ars had to do on that floor before going to the next floor, the 3rd Floor. But before that, he needs to go back to the 1st Floor, to solve the trouble he had caused.

Ars launched one Sinaga Sword into Abyss Pit.

Due to the Abyss Pit phenomenon, the time needed to pass through the giant dark hole was indeterminate. The distance that can be estimated is between 30 and 45 minutes.

There are good things and bad things that Ars must bet to get through the Abyss Pit. The good thing is, he could launch Sinaga Sword straight up without worrying about Abyssal Radiation's heavy flow.

The bad thing is, he didn't know how far it was from the top of the Adam Tree to the roof wall of the West Station terminal. Since going through the Abyss Pit is the same as going through a hole to another dimension, Ars couldn't sense the mana of the [Item Property of Sinaga Sword] he launched.

Because of that, Ars could only guess, and amplify every single shot of Sinaga Sword he made. Then, after strengthening each run several dozen times, Ars would bet the bet that Sword Saint had won.

But before that, Ars once again looked to the North, took a deep breath, then shouted: "HRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

It was a declaration before he conquer the 2nd Floor.

"All right, now, let's go."

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