To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 79: The Legendary Bird Catcher

Chapter 79: The Legendary Bird Catcher

"The Legendar-!"

Ars shut Elisa's mouth. 

Diana just had a heart attack that she hasn't had in a long time. 

The busy atmosphere becomes silence in a second. Maybe because they heard Elisa shout a word of, 'legendary', made them curious, why is she suddenly stopped?

"Wow, that Legendary Bird Catcher is so cool! I saw him flying with his gryphon this noon in Adam's Tree! He is so amazing!"

Ars divert the attention with his choice of words. Then slowly the atmosphere become crowd again with Hunter's voice. 

Diana breath a relief. Elisa felt guilty. 

"I'm so sorry. I was getting too excited."

"Nah, don't worry. It's okay if my identity being found out. But it's better if not. Because I probably will lose my peaceful life."

That because Legendary Bird Catcher has that one legendary item targeted by anyone.

"The Legendary Gryphon Whistle?" asked Elisa whispered. 

Diana reached into something from the inside of her big boobs. That made Elisa shock and blushing. While Ars glares with his eyes shines red. 


Diana shows a whistle with eagle's head and lion's claw shape. Then she hides it again after Ars and Elisa take a good look at it. 

"Conditional fighting policy in this floor made thief can act quite easily, and Hunter parties that will challenge you until you overwhelmed."

[Fighting policy: Conditional]

That policy allows Hunters to pvp or group fight. Plus created a certain job, Hunter Specialist: Thief. 

"Guild doesn't protect other building except Guild area. Because of that, Thief can try to sneak and steal our stuff without worrying about Guild Guardian."

"That's correct, girl. That's why I want to hide my identity as long as possible to maintain this peaceful life of mine."

Elisa amazed because of Legendary Bird Catcher's philosophy of life. But suddenly she realized something quite terrible, that maybe can harm Diana. 

"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Diana."

"No-no, don't worry about earlier. Accident happens."

"No, not that. But, I think you cannot maintain your peaceful life anymore the time you met us," said Elisa as she glanced at Ars. 

Diana sees Ars too. That man is talking with the waitress that finally comes. 

"Hey, don't you have a mie soup or something?"

"We're sorry, we don't serve mie soup here, sir. But we can serve you a giant toad soup if you want?"

Ars shows a disgusted face as the waitress show him a 'Giant Toad Soup' in the menu book. 

Diana and Elisa realize the waitress has come. They start to look for a menu they want to order. Though it's took time because Elisa confused what to order, and Ars keep on feeling disgusted by the foods recommended to him. 

After all of them had chosen, the waitress gone to kitchen, then they start again the conversation. 

"Don't worry," said Ars, "I won't do lowly thing as stealing."

"Said that by a guy who have sleep with a prostitute."

Elisa brings up a topic about Bella. Ars doesn't like that. 

Diana feels this couple will start a fight again, so she took an initiative to change the topic. 

"H-hey! Btw, we haven't properly introduce ourselves, right? My name is Diana. I'm just your normal Abyssal Citizens."

Elisa quite surprised because an amazing woman like Diana disguise herself as an ordinary Abyssal Citizens. Take a look at the scene in Station Center, many people know Diana. Most likely this super woman good at her social life. 

It's Elisa's turn to introduce herself.

"My name is Eliz Elisa. I am just your average Priest. It is so nice to meet you, Miss Diana."

"Nice to meet you too, sweety."

Elisa almost spells her name wrong and made Diana curious. But Diana doesn't want to drag out someone's privacy problem. 

Then Ars' turn. "It's Ars. How do I make you mine?" 

Ars' question made Diana quite surprise. "That proposal, is so frank." Of course it made a single woman like her afraid to give a direct or even indirect answer. 

"You don't need to pay a serious attention at him, Miss Diana." Elisa suddenly acting like an adult. "He is just a spoiled, greedy boy. He won't take you seriously."

That sentence made Elisa look like Ars' mom. 

"Said that by a 5'3 feet little girl."

Ars reply sound spicy. The atmosphere becomes hotter than before somehow. 

"Since earlier, you always make fun of someone's appearance," said Elisa blankly. 

"You're the one who makes fun of someone's personality first," said Ars calmly. 

That is a war declaration. A war that can't be held anymore. 

Elisa starts releasing her lion's aura, and pulls out her lion's claw. 

Ars closed his books, then let out a cold reddish aura. 

That situation is getting out of control. Diana has to do something about it before something happens to her beloved Chinese restaurant.

"H-hey, you guys said you want to go to Shield City. What business you want to do in that city?"

"I want to go home." "I will make that territory mine."

Again, their answer brings a cold atmosphere, and it's hard to continue. 

Because didn't want to engage a riot, at last they tried to act adult. By doing their own activity themselves, silently. 

Ars opens his book again. Diana sees the sunset sincerely. Elisa sticks her chin to the table, takes a peek a few times at Diana. 

Elisa just realizes that Diana has the same eye color like her hair. That made Elisa imagine; if being likened with coffee, Diana is a cup of caramel coffee that freshing to eye. 

Because of Elisa's innocence, Diana realizes that little girl gazer. 

"Having fun with the view, Elisa?"

Elisa gets up and realizing her impolite. "I-I'm sorry! I'm being impolite."

Diana just gives a smile as an answer to her new companion sorry. 

"I don't mind being glanced. In fact, there are always guys who steal a peek just to look at me. But, every time I look back at them..."

Diana looks back at eyes eyeing her. Those eyes quickly back off after being found out.

"They just disappeared."

Feels like looking at an idol. You must feel nervous by the time they noticed you. That is why you choose to back off before your heart going to burst. 

"Well, I get what they feel, tho," said Elisa. 

"You are?"

"Yes, I mean, you are a strong-looking-beauty woman. Every time our eyes meet, I felt my heart chills."

That word made Diana's face blushes. "You are being exaggerated, sweety. I'm not that beauty. Just look at me. A cute white girl like you are more beautiful than me."

Elisa shook her head at Diana's praise. "No-no, you are mistaken, Miss Diana. Beauty doesn't decide by their colour. If you beautiful, either you are white, black, yellow or even blue, you are beautiful." 

Without Elisa realizing it, beside her, Ars is nodding. 

"Plus, a fine and strong woman like you made me want to marry " "Own." "- you."

There is one annoying word comes from out of nowhere. But Elisa has said all the things she wants to say. 

That sudden praised made Diana even blushed. "S-stop that, I'm just an old single woman."

"Well, that's just perfect. That makes me feel more to make you " "Mine." "- mine."

Again, there is one annoying addition word comes from out of nowhere. Though Diana doesn't mind that, her blush start to make her feel hot. 

"No, seriously, please stop. Your words will actually make me fall to you."

Compared to other seduction that comes from men she has met, words came from Elisa is sincere and innocent. Diana can't help but to accept those words right to her heart.

If Diana seriously accepts those words, that will going to be one gender relationship, and Elisa finally realizes that. 

"O oh, I'm sorry," Elisa starts to blush too, "I just want to mention what men think of you."

Damn, that's hella right.

They fall into silent again as their foods finally arrive. 

The waitress start to put the foods in accordance with the order. 

"Here is your King Bear Meat soup, sir! A Squirra Hotpot for young miss! And grilled Alabasta's Heart for our Miss Diana! Please enjoy our served!"

Elisa and Diana start to feel starving as they look to their foods. Ars food is the only normal one. 

"Why you order a normal food, Ars?"

"Well, because I'm a normal person, of course."

Ars' answer made Elisa amused. "Said that by a non-normal man," said Elisa, underestimating. 

"That little squirrel looks just like you," reply Ars, pointing at squirrel monster in Elisa's pot.

Elisa stopped, her hands on her food. Then begin to pull out her lion's claw and lion's act again.


Both of them start fighting again.

"Hey, can you guys not?!"

Their table becomes just like others' table. Become noisy and crowdy.

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