To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 84: At Seven Colours Mountain

Chapter 84: At Seven Colours Mountain

Abyssal Terra / Floor 2 / Seven Colours Mountain

Redness Mountain / Cave Post 

There is a commotion in cave post area. A huge matter just happened and every Miner Hunter is angry about it. 

"Stop that bastard!"

"That piece of shit literally fool us!"

"He stole all my precious stones of the day!"

"He runs away to the rail!"

One mine cart had departed. Brings the culprit of the commotion. 

One man, standing in front of the mine cart by lifting his right leg to the mine cart. Behind that man sits a young boy, he drives the mine cart on orders of the man. 

"Mr. Greedy Young Master!" called the young boy. 

"Why the hell you use mister before the Young Master?! Just use Young Master!"

The man is none other than Ars, or now he becomes the Greedy Young Master. The man who oiled down his hair to the back and has red dragon eyes. 

"Young Master, why did you make a fuss with them?!"

Ars smiled proudly as he answered the boy's question. "I challenge them; if they win a fight with me, I will buy their stones at double price! But, if I win, I will take their rocks free! And I win all the fight! Mua-hahaha!"

That is a one ugly and proud laugh Liam has ever heard. 

The reason why Liam ended in Greedy Young Master's hands is because early in this morning, one certain man asked for a service to go around Seven Mountains. 

All the mine cart drivers didn't want to take that man request because to go around Seven Mountains is just sounded stupid. Who and why someone wants to go around to seven cave? Even there is no tourist want to do that.

As a young spirit boy, Liam didn't want to waste that chance. Moreover, the man will highly pay him. But who would have thought, that certain man now is challenging every miner he met, and stole their precious stones. 

"What have I done?" thought Liam. 

Liam is a young Certified Mine cart Driver, that means he is a Hunter too. But he just begins his work not long ago. That is why, what he did now will definitely make his reputation fall down. 

When he still pondering his bad luck, a roar came from within the cave walls.

"Oh, no."


Seven Colours Mountain

Definition / Seven mountains of seven colours like rainbow. Every mountain has its cave that holds its own category of precious stones. Hunters build rail as facilities to travel all over the mountains. 

Track: Rail

Travel time distance: 30 minutes to go to each cave post. 

Monkey King Rift Monsters: 

1. Earthspirit

2. Angry Golem 

3. Wrath Golem (Boss Area)


That is an Earthspirit who is chasing them.

"Oh no, we gotta go faster!"

Liam pedals the mine cart faster. 

Earthspirit is an earthworm-like monster. But this monster can move faster. The sound of the Earthspirit diving in the ground is like a steam train, and that steam train is moving towards them and will definitely eat them. 


The sound of Earthspirit moving becomes closer. Liam pedals the mine cart faster that he could. 

"No-no! I don't want to die here!"


Unfortunately, Liam wishes didn't come true, because the Earthspirit is already out from the cave wall, and shows its worm-mouth full of sharp teeth.





Liam has prepared to die, but he didn't die. He can hear a noisy like something split by a sword a moment before. Then, when he opens his eyes to look back, he can see the Earthspirit had died split in two. 

Liam then looked ahead, at a man who was still standing still without feeling any fear.

"What are you waiting for, boy?" asked the man, "Quickly pedal this train to the Main Mountain Post."

The man didn't act like he had saved them. But Liam knows that he was the one who killed Earthspirit just now and saved them both.

Liam's smiled bloom. "Yes, sir!" He then pedals the mine cart faster to reach the Main Mountain Post.


Abyssal Terra / Floor 2 / Main Cave Post

The main post of all the Post branches in Seven Colors Mountain.

Population: 1000 People Max.

Fighting Policy: Just don't destroy the building. 

Authority: Miner Association


Main Post is a city in a cave on First Mountain. There is a mini Guild Building in the center of the city that responsible to help the Miner Hunter community.

All dominant Miners live and sleep in the city. This city is also known as the [Precious Stone Producer], which produces lamps made of stones and other accessories obtained from the Seven Colors Mountain caves.

One particular mine cart came to terminal. There, many angry Miners were waiting for that certain cart. They have been waiting for the arrival of the culprit who stole their stones.

"You sure are relax even though there is such number of angry miner here!?"

The question was given to a certain man who got off the mine cart.

After getting off, the man first picked up his mine cart, then walked into the middle of the angry miners who were crowding him.

Liam slipped away from the terminal. On the orders of the Greedy Young Master, he was helped to avoid being caught for helping the greedy man, the man who caused all the scene.

Greedy Young Master stood in the crowd of angry people with a relaxed face. "The numbers is not the matter here!" said him casually.

That sentence certainly sparked even more outrage for the miners.

"What did you just say!?"

"Just stay there and I will beat the fuck out of you!"

The entire miner began to vent their anger before actually beating up the greedy man. But the sound of the rocks clashing with iron made them all silent.

The sound of rocks clashing came from Greedy Young Master sticking his hand into his mine cart.

For some reason, the Greedy Young Master's right hand took out precious stones, like a magic, that filled the mine cart.

After filling his mine cart full of precious stones, Greedy Young Master kicked off the mine cart, the mine cart moves backward quite a distance back.

"Okay, here is the deal! All of you, come forth at me! If you can beat me, no, just do a single hit to me, you can take all that stone!"

If they can give just a single hit to him, they can take all the rewards. 

It was a challenge that really underestimated the whole miner. Of course it will make them all angry.

"What the fck did you just say!?"

"Okay, I won't beat you, but I will definitely kill you now!"

"Let's just kill him already!"

All the miners started advancing one by one. Greedy Young Master just stood idly waiting for them to come to him.

All angry miners versus one certain greedy man. In numbers and strength, all the miners should easily win the battle.

However, the only standing Greedy Young Master, with dragon eyes giving a threatening sign, plus the memory of their previous fight against that man one on one, made all the miners hesitate to step forward.

In the back, Liam watched the scene with a racing heart. He was hiding quite far behind, but he also felt the threatening aura emitted from the Greedy Young Master.

"What's wrong? Afraid to get beaten up?"

That disparaging sentence sent a signal through the miner's brain. If they just keep quiet like that, they will lose their pride as men.

Better to die than to lose pride. With that in their hearts, they all started screaming.



"Kill him!"

The entire miner advanced with their hands on top. Their arrival, which was dominantly large and muscular, had posed a real threat to the man standing in front of them.

But who would have thought that man could split the vanguard and send several people flying, slammed backwards.

Those who were shocked for a moment were motionless, but quickly their consciousness returned, and they advanced once again.

"Wooooooo -!"


"How is he -?!"


"You -!"

The total number of miners who participated in the battle was around 100 people. However, their number was slowly decreasing. They fell, sprawled, and were thrown back without them knowing.

The strength and speed of the Greedy Young Masters were far greater than those of a hundred.

When Greedy Young Master was busy reducing the number of angry miners, some miners who didn't want to join the fight slipped back. They came closer to the mine cart, reward of the fight.

"Screw him."

"Yeah, we will take this cart just for us -"

Mine cart rewards are in sight.

"What the fck is this?"

But they got stopped by an invisible wall protecting the mine cart.


"What the -?"

Several miners being thrown back. Crash and bring down any miner who wants to steal the rewards.

"Come on! What are you?! Chickens!?"

The Greedy Young Master somehow becomes the one who gets mad. When he is the one who beat every miner and the one who steal their stones. 


"Come on!"

A sudden certain scream catch Diana's attention. 

"You hear that, Elisa? That scream just now sounds like come from Ars."

"No, I hear nothing."

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