To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 90: Adult and Young point of view

Chapter 90: Adult and Young point of view

Whitish Mountain / Outpost 

"You have to believe in us!"

Liam has said that sentence a few times now. But all the adults that heard them never believe in the news they bring about Underground City. 

All the guards in the Outpost seems like listening to a kid that telling them a kid fairy tales.

"Listen, kid. First, Underground City being protected by Ren Li, the Sixth Spear Saint disciple, the Holder of Red Sky Spear, a Diamond Hunter. Do you really think the Major of the city shut himself inside the Major Office when chaos occurs in his city?"

That was Liam said before. He tells them that all the underground city resident having a hard time sheltering themselves because they cannot get in to the Major Office. 

That also was the reason for the Outpost guard laughing at his news. 

Liam could not do anything more. All the Outpost guard laugh made his confidence falls dawn. It was definitely a bully. 

Liam still struggling to how he can make the Outpost guard believe in him. Elisa for some reason just standing, looking at the direction they come from, to Blackish Mountain. 

"What are you looking at, Elisa?"

Elisa pointing at the Blackish Mountain. "Do you see a red light reflection enveloping the Blackish Mountain?"

Liam confused at what Elisa said at first. That is impossible. Because all the Seven Colours Mountain has an average height of 1000 meters. If that is true, that there is a red reflective light enveloping the Blackish Mountain, then there must be a really high wall covering the Blackish Mountain, and "That was true?"

Liam can see what Elisa sees as well. There is a red reflective light enveloping the mountain, and the tip of the reflection is higher than Blackish Mountain.

Every five second, the red reflection light comes from bottom then flows into the tip of the invisible wall. 

The Outpost guards began to see the strange phenomenon that was enveloping Blackish Mountain. it was hard to believe, but they might be underestimating the two kid's warning. 

"Outpost guards! On your feet! Get ready to head for Underground City!"

The Outpost guards began to ready themselves to fight. 

Liam smiles because the adults finally listen to what they say.

Meanwhile Elisa still looking at the Invisible Gigantic Wall covering the Blackish Mountain. There is one certain dot in the tip of the invisible gigantic wall. That is not an ordinary dot, because that dot is flying in the 3000 meters. Within such a height, there were many extremely dangerous Abyssal Clouds, and that dot can move freely in such height. 

Elisa also felt a familiar feeling coming from the invisible gigantic wall. A warm red feeling that feels cold almost all the time. The feeling that Elisa has to a certain man.



Underground City / Major Office 

"Fiuuhh~ That was so impressive know from Father Conor that you are strong, but I can't believe, even without Arts, you are already this strong!"

Diana felt a goosebump when the Black Hunter woman said the word 'Conor'. "Does that mean Conor is your leader?"

"Leader, he is no leader! He is our father! Our Light Giver!"

"Do you think all this was a Light Giver would do?"

Of course it was not. Because a Light Giver would not have an intention to destroy a city.

But for the Black Hunter group, it was all not wrong to do so. 

"First thing first, giving someone a title 'Light Giver' is hypocrite. Because what is a 'Light Giver'? Can someone who gives you a torch also can be called a Light Giver? Doesn't the luminous stone-lamp producer also can be called Light Giver?"

"Stop with your shitty valuation! Can you make your words easier to understand!?"

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly, came two male voices emerging from the entrance of the Major Office. One of them is holding the Red Sky Spear. The Major treasure weapon.

"Uilya, you haven't killer her yet?! What are you, stupid!?"

"Don't call me stupid! You stupid Max!"

"Can't you guys not fight just once? Please."

Now there are three of them. 

Diana didn't have a problem if she has to fight them three at once. But one thing, those three Black Hunter voices is sound like they are the same age as Liam and Elisa, who still in their teens. 

Max realized Diana's underestimating, uncertain looks at them. "What the fck are you looking at!?"

Max walks closer with casually holding a treasure weapon. 

That young man's height is shorter than Liam. But he has a rude, harsh expression on his young face. The face that a young man should not have. 

Max aimed the head of Red Sky Spear at Diana. "Listen here you, bitch. Just because you are older than us, don't you underestimating us, we are Black Hunters!" 

"That was so harsh. But of course, I wouldn't underestimate my enemy, who casually holding a treasure like it was a toy."

One treasure weapon is worth of 1 Platinum Hunter, and Max holds the Red Sky Spear like it was nothing to him. 

"Haha! Now you understand your position!" Max draw Red Sky Spear, intend to attack Diana. "Now die!"

But his weak jab could not withstand a Legend Hunter's strength. 

"As I say, I wouldn't underestimate an enemy, that already killed so many people and intend to destroy a city. That is why, I have to put a stop on you "

Without realizing it, Diana bounded with Max. 

That was so fast, Uilya binding Diana and Max together with her whip. 

"Good job on distracting that woman, stupid Max!"

Due to the difference in height, Max's face was pressed against Diana's chest. "What the fck do you want to do!? Let me go!"

Uilya did not listen to her friend's words. Instead, she ran outside to the shattered wall of the window, and she brings the two tied person on her whip. 


"What the fuuuuuck!"

In mid air, Uilya begins to spin herself along with tied Diana and Max. 

One spin, two spin. 

"Now which one of you will die!"

After several spins, Uilya released Diana and Max, send them to crash on the ground.


Diana, along with Max in her arm, crashed to the ground. 

That was so cruel. Diana can withstand the spin and the crash, but Max seems like doesn't have high physical strength. And right, Max died in Diana's arm. Even though Diana had reduced the damage they received with her body.

The young man cannot blink anymore, he spilled so much blood through his mouth; he is dead. It was hard for Diana to believe that a capable adult like her let a youngster die that easily. 

"Hahaha! Take that, you stupid high temper jerk!"

Uilya in other hand, laughing at her dead friend.

"What is so funny about someone's death?" asked Diana. 

"Because he deserves a thousand death! And that was still his tens, he still needs hundreds more to go!"

Diana could not understand the complicated feelings the young woman was expressing. That was not a young person supposed to say. 


Uilya screams directed to her other male friend. 

In that direction, Diana finds the Major Office roof is flying towards her. 

"What in the world - ?"

A huge explosion occurred as the roof of a large building was thrown to the ground.

"Hahaha! Take that too, you big boobs bitch!"

That was a fun to watch. Just like when a child like you destroying an ant nest. 

Dylan, the person who thrown the roof, landed beside Uilya, wondering. "Does that attack really killed her?"

"Stop with your pessimistic, Dylan! Who could withstand such a huge roof dropped on them?!

Probably no one. 

"But as Father Conor said, she is the Lady of the Wind, a Legend Hunter. Your previous attack didn't even seem to have hurt her."

Uilya kicked Dylan fall to the ground. 

"Ouch, why?!"

"That was because of your pessimistic! Of the three of us, you are the one who can master Infernal Arts the most! With your Arts, you can light everything you want! But alas, you are cowardly, too coward! That is your greatest weakness! You're so coward! How can you protect women if you are that cowardly!?"

Dylan felt he is going to cry because of Uilya's words. 

"That's hurt."

"Of course, yes! That is because you are a coward "

A sudden rumble surprised Uilya and Dylan. The rumble comes from a certain point of the ruins. 

"Are you serious?"

"See. She still alive even after a roof got thrown at her."

Diana, with Max in her right shoulder, and Red Sky Spear in her left hand, comes out of the rubble. She is covered in dust and grime, but she still looked fine.

Diana looks at the two Black Hunter youngster, intimidating. "Infernal Arts, you said? Can I ask who taught you that astray teaching?" said Diana as she put Diana to the ground. "Conor?"

Diana looks even scarier. Now they know why Conor told them to be careful with the Lady of the Wind.

But that was not make Uilya have to lower her pride. "Haha! Why do we have to tell you that?! Say something too, you coward!"

"But, what should I say?!"

Those two youngsters are so dangerous. "Looks like I need to teach you two a lesson about life, young brat," 

Diana intimidatingly walked towards the two young brat. They two look afraid, but somehow they smile maliciously. 


Diana's left belly got stabbed. She looked back, and found the young man who should have died, stabbing her with a sharp wood chip.

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