To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 96: Weird One

Chapter 96: Weird One

The gigantic dark golem defeated. It slowly collapses, turns back into its natural; soil. 

When the gigantic dark golem collapsing, it causes a very powerful wind wave. Fortunately, the gigantic reddish invisible wall is there to prevent that happening hit the people that still around the Blackish Mountain.


News from that day quickly spread to all Floor 2 region. 

[Blackish Mountain and Underground City have been destroyed with the entire population inside.]

[The cause is believed to be the Black Hunter group's attack] 

[In the end of the day, appears a gigantic dark golem, believed is the leader of the Black Hunter group. The gigantic dark golem then being named, [Wrath Golem]]

[Ren Li, the Major of the Underground City, believed to be the one that fought the Black Hunter group. But, after the fight, he can't be found anywhere. He is believed to have sacrificed himself to fight the Black Hunter group leader, [Wrath Golem]]

[There is reddish gigantic invisible wall that preventing people from outside Blackish Mountain to enter. That is believed the act of the Greedy Young Master's interference. It is still unknown what his motive is. However, his reddish gigantic invisible wall had saved so many lives of Seven Color Mountain folks]


Floor 2 / Northeast territory

Shadow Cyber City / 

In a certain bar. 

"I wonder where will he go after this?"

"Still trying to target that guy, Arlene?"

Arlene looks at the barmaid in confidence. "Don't worry, I have a few tricks to one shot him."

The barmaid giggled. "You know, if he is really the Saint of Sword, he won't be that easy to be targeted. Besides, there are already so many Bounty Hunter that hunt him in the last three years. You are one of them. But, your long hunting are in vain when that Greedy Young Master appear." 

Arlene dropped his head at the bar table, feeling down. "Yeah, I didn't expect that shorty is the Sword Saint. He is still 23 years after all."

"Because he is the Saint of Sword, you think that he is 40 years old or something?"

"Well, he is fighting in this hell from the start. And as you can see from old man Roger, his 'aging' made him jumped from 40 to 55 with just five years fighting in this hell. So, you know, I expect him to be like that old man."

Somebody walks closer and sits at the chair beside Arlene. 

"Hey man, long time no see!"

"Ahh, it's you, freaking gay shitty dude. What again? I told you I'm not interested in your gay relationship."

"Haha, you are so rude like usual. Though I still do ask you to sleep with me."

"Go to hell, you gay shit."

Arlene gulps his drink, then stands up, about to leave. 

"Before you leave, about that Greedy Young Master."

Arlene stopped, his gay companion come to give her the important information about someone important. That makes her have to sit again.

The gay dude takes something from his pocket. That is three photos of certain swords. 

"Our Operator have investigated and find an identical similarity between the Sword of Testament, and the kind of Sword that Greedy Young Master has."

In one of the three photos, is a picture of stone crafts of a certain sword. The remaining two are the sword that Greedy Young Master use in battle with catastrophe in Floor 1, and from the reddish gigantic invisible wall taken yesterday in Blackish Mountain.

"If the information you provide is true, then there is no doubt, that Saint of Sword present the Sword of Testament to that Greedy Young Master."

The short guy, Ars, Arlene met half a year ago in Giant Leaf Woods is The Sword of Saint. Arlene suspects that figure is giving his power, the Sword of Testament, to the Greedy Young Master. 

"Even though the color of the Sword of Testament is different when being held by that two different figures, that must be the works of their Sovereign Arts. Different Chosen One's have different Sovereign Arts color. Like Saint of Staff that has Bright White Sovereign Arts, and Bright Gold Sovereign Arts of Saint of Sword. Then this Greedy Young Master has Blood Red Sovereign Arts."

After listening to such a long explanation, Arlene back to stand up. "Then we can confirm that Greedy guy is our next target for the Sword of Testament?"

"Yes, indeed. But do be careful. We get an information about Black Hunter side is getting aggressive these days. Especially when one of their Demon King Commander defeated in yesterday case."

"Yeah-yeah, you worry too much that feels disgusting."

"One last thing, don't push your luck. We already lost many Bounty Hunter this year. If we lose more, then there will be nothing left to start the war."

That is the only words Arlene accepts seriously. But he doesn't afraid of any threat.

"I already have some words to give to him, and I'm sure he will listen to me."


Seven Color Mountain / Yellowish Mountain

Night / 

"You! Listen to me!"

Elisa is screaming at Ars when they cooking together. 

"You already put too much meat! And you want to add some more?!"

Ars is holding a cutting board with pieces of meat that he had cut, and he is going to put all the meat into the soup pot. However, his blonde mama didn't allow that. 

"Mama." "Mom." "Mother." 

Uilya, Dylan, and Max got a little confused when watching that scene. 

Ars set up tents on the outside of Yellowish Mountain. When the time is about to get dinner, their caretaker is fighting over a soup.

"Please make it quick, you two!" said Diana. 

The four patient of the day is sitting in the outdoor dining table with only tent roof. 

"You still going to add that much meat!?"

Elisa starts to lose her cool when Ars looks like not listen to her. 

On the other hand, Ars slowly but surely is dropping his meat to the soup. 

Elisa's temper rise high because of that treatment. 

"You, give me that!"

Elisa tries to steal the meat. Ars is dodging Elisa in a weird way. 

Suddenly, Ars give his hand, but the meat - "Is gone."

Ars performed movements like a hand magician. Of course Elisa knows what he did. That was his strange power that can store and take out things from his hands. 

Those who saw it for the first time quite surprised. But not with Elisa, it was a game intended to underestimate her.

After performing enough hand movements, Ars put his hand on the soup. 

"Now you can see it again."

Then put out the previous meats into the soup. 

Elisa could not believe what she saw. 

"You! Why don't you put more vegetables instead!? This soup is too fat!"

Ars gives a wonder expression to respond Elisa's request. 

"More vegetables? Why? Are you a vegetarian? Don't force your hobby to someone else."

"I'm not a vegetarian! And I'm not forcing you! I told you to put more vegetable, for their good!"

Elisa pointed to her four patient. Three of four of her patient looks at each other, don't know what to respond. 

"You want more vegetables?" asked Max.

"I... will eat anything they offer me."

"M-me too."

Diana can only tickly smiles at the two couples fighting. 

"Nah," answered Ars, "They don't need more vegetables. More vegetables won't make them full."

"But it will help them to recover!"

Ars cannot argue with that. But that doesn't mean he loses the argument. 

"You know what? The reason why you're still this small is because you always eat more vegetable. Eat more meat, so at least you will grow more."

Ars said that while patting Elisa's head, and smiling.

That was a kind of suggestion. But spoken with an understatement, and an inopportune moment.

Resulted in Lion Elisa is appearing. 


The real fight between that couple is happening. 

"Wtf with them?!"

"They will mess up the kitchen!"

"S someone, do something."

The chaos resolved when the oldest person in the group intervene the fight between the Blonde Little Lion and the Greedy Dragon. 

That night, the outside area in Seven Color Mountain became brighter than usual. That is because a 3000 meter reddish gigantic invisible wall shining brightly. 

[Red Tower Divine Light], is the name of the reddish gigantic invisible wall given by Seven Color Mountain folks. 

The reason of [Red Tower Divine Light] is not vanished yet is because the effect of [Wrath Golem] collapsing is not done yet. Inside the [Red Tower] is still chaos, like in a certain dining table. 

"Don't put more meat into my plate!"

Ars deliberately put a lot of meat on Elisa's plate.

"If you want your words to be heard, become bigger by eating more."

"But this is too much!"

The three young ex Black Hunter confused, and startled.

Their Savior, Greedy Young Master is the one who defeated their father, Conor the Demon King Commander. He also the owner of the entire Floor 1, and the Master of Greedy Young Master family. 

When someone heard such greatness, what comes to their mind first must be an arrogant, looking terrifying and greedy figure no one going to like him. 

But now that figure is teasing his little cute Priest mama.

Elisa is holding her knife tightly. 

'She is going to stab him.' 'She definitely going to stab him.' 'Doesn't he realizes she is going to stab him?'

At that state, they can't believe that rascal guy is the Greedy Young Master. 


Suddenly, their female Saviour called them, and whispered something. 

"When his eyes are normal, he is just Ars, a normal guy. But when his eyes became dragon-like, he is the Greedy Young Master."

They confused at that information at first. But when they think about it while watching the mentioned guy, they slowly know, still not understand, but at least know that he is some kind of weird guy you can find anywhere. 

"I hate you!"

"I hate me too. Now eat."

"Don't put that shit more to my plate!"

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