Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 331: The Profound Mysteries

Chapter 331: The Profound Mysteries

Huangfu Qing fell silent.

Zhao Changhe, in his meditative state, was unaware of the external manifestations he brought about. He likely thought that he simply had manifestations of the sun and moon or something like that.

However, Huangfu Qing, who was cultivating nearby, was suddenly awakened and saw everything clearly.

He had not just made manifestations of the sun and moon; he had created the convergence of the stars in the heavens, like a suspended galaxy pouring down from the firmament, merging into his background manifestation.

The grandeur of his manifestation was such that it resembled a river of stars falling from the sky.

The sun and moon were present, but they were just two of the many significant celestial objects among the myriad stars.

Huangfu Qing suddenly recalled the comment the Tome of Troubled Times made when Zhao Changhe first emerged from Beimang: A long river descends from the nine heavens, flowing into the jianghu.

Is the Heavenly Dao really gone? Why does it seem like that comment actually holds an extremely profound meaning?

Zhao Changhe stretched his hand out and made a fist. He then slowly retracted it, feeling the changes in the power within his body. His true qi seemed softer, forming a stark contrast with the violent blood and qi of his external arts, yet it was by no means weaker; instead, it appeared more resilient and enduring, almost perpetual even.

Moreover, his vision, hearing, and even his spiritual sense and intuition had significantly improved.

If he had these abilities a while back, then even without relying on the Back Eye, he could’ve seen clearly through Hu Lie’s sandstorm. At that time, Yue Hongling said that she was just one step away from the Profound Mysteries, but she had probably not reached the same level he was at now.

“Strange...” Zhao Changhe scratched his head. “Is this the ninth layer of the Profound Gate or have I broken through to the Profound Mysteries? Why does it feel like this should be considered to be at the level of the Profound Mysteries...”

“The ninth layer of the Profound Gate was originally meant to be a bridge to the Profound Mysteries, so it’s normal to have insights into the Profound Mysteries. And you are a step further than others...” Huangfu Qing crossed her arms and said with a bit of annoyance. “You didn’t just break through the ninth Profound Gate; you’ve already reached the peak of the ninth layer. You’re at the threshold of the Profound Mysteries, so it’s only natural for you to feel some things related to the Profound Mysteries. “

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment. “I comprehended the stars with the sun and moon reflecting each other, and connected heaven and man. Is this not already the first Profound Mystery? If not, then what exactly would I have to do or comprehend to break through to the Profound Mysteries?”

“That can be seen as you finding your path and setting a direction for your future breakthrough into the Profound Mysteries,” Huangfu Qing explained. “From a martial arts perspective, each level corresponds to a specific hurdle. You’ve activated the Tianling point, and that corresponds with the ninth layer of the Profound Gate. As for the first Profound Mystery, there is naturally another corresponding hurdle.”

Zhao Changhe thought for a while: “Following that logic, could it be to open and properly activate the spiritual platform?”

“That is one thing. The Profound Mysteries are named such because they involve uncovering the mysteries of the human body. There are no specific acupoints, such as Danzhong or Yutang, that you have to unlock. For instance, the spiritual platform is about the size of the heart. Does the heart have power? We both know that inner fire is a form of power, but how do we use it? By being happy?”


“Figuring out how to control it is the process of unlocking the Profound Mysteries,” Huangfu Qing said. “We divide the exploration of the human body’s Profound Mysteries into three stages. The first is the resonance with heaven and earth, where your manifestation becomes apparent. In this stage, you can already begin to affect the outside world with your power. If I recall correctly, you should have experienced this when you fought Hu Lie and he made use of the sandstorm.”

You sure do know a lot. You even know about my battle with Hu Lie. Does this mean that Lady Three was actually spying on me even back then? Not only did she not help, but she even went and shared the details of the battle with her subordinates as if it were some case study...

As these thoughts flashed through Zhao Changhe’s mind, he casually responded, “Like you conquering the heart flame?”

Huangfu Qing tilted her head slightly.

Being able to make use of the fire around someone did in fact count, but conquering the heart flame did not. Conquering the heart flame was far, far more difficult. Of course, it would be best if she simply let him think that way. She did not bother to explain, nor did she dare to speak loosely about the second and third stages for fear of revealing that she was actually already at the third layer of the Profound Mysteries.

So she then shifted the topic, “Let’s not talk about the second and third stages for now. It’s too much to digest and beyond what you can comprehend at the level you’re at, anyway. Moreover, each school has its own interpretations of these stages. If I say too much, I may just disrupt your future cultivation. Regarding the Profound Mysteries, it would probably be best for you to go and seek out more information from the Blood God Cult. I’ll just tell you about the first layer of the Profound Mysteries, which is pretty much universally acknowledged.”

“Alright.” Zhao Changhe listened carefully.

“Being able to use the forces of heaven and earth to some extent does not necessarily mean that you’ll be able to affect sandstorms like Hu Lie. That involves his unique techniques, which others cannot learn. But for us, it is unnecessary to learn that. There are more subtle yet broad angles you can take, such as blending with the wind or using temperature to your advantage. When your body blends with heaven and earth, you can find the way. What do you think is the power of a saber that moves with the wind compared to a saber that moves against it?”

Zhao Changhe understood. “I get it now. But besides showing off, does the manifestation have any other special uses?”

“That is the manifestation of your essence, energy, and spirit resonating with the world. You can choose to restrain it and not display it if you want. As for its uses... let me put it this way: is momentum considered a form of power? I heard that in your battle with Vulture Beak, you used a technique that repeatedly increased your momentum, so you should be aware of its uses.”

Zhao Changhe said, “Yeah.”

“It’s the accumulation of your experience as a martial artist. When you can integrate the use of this momentum with your martial arts spirit, the manifestation will appear, like the white tiger for Chichi and the sunset for Yue Hongling. It’s generated by powerful forces. At that time, if you had it, you wouldn’t have had such a tough time against Vulture Beak’s spear.”

This was the entrance to the Profound Mysteries.

It was not directly reflected in physical feedback, such as strength and speed, but began to emphasize more mysterious things, such as the utilization of nature and momentum.

This was why the ninth layer of the Profound Gate was supposed to be a bridge between the ordinary and the profound. If you failed to touch upon these profound concepts while opening the Tianling point and constructing the bridge between heaven and man, then when did you intend to touch upon the mysteries? It was then no wonder why Zhao Changhe, who was already just one step away from the Profound Mysteries, could already have an idea of such things.

Yue Hongling also explained a lot of this during her breakthrough, but at that time, Zhao Changhe had not reached this threshold. Because of that, he could not directly apply what he learned, and he even had quite a bit of trouble understanding what she was talking about. But now, it was the perfect time for him to learn more about the next stage.

Moreover, Yue Hongling was not a terribly good teacher to begin with. Back at the mountain stronghold, the way she taught was rough all the way through. Most of the time, she would just leave her “pupils” to figure things out on their own. In contrast, Huangfu Qing, being a high-rank member of a cult, clearly had some experience in teaching. Her explanations were details, and she even used various examples to illustrate her points.

Seeing that Zhao Changhe had almost fully digested the information, Huangfu Qing continued, “The Profound Mysteries are largely related to the spirit, so the spiritual platform, which you mentioned earlier, is also part of the whole thing. When you unlock the first Profound Mystery, you will naturally become able to better understand the fear effect of your Vicious Blood Art, the bewitchment technique of the Pure Bliss Art, and the heart-protecting art of your Moonglade Sutra work. This is because the spirit is also a form of energy, and its source can be analyzed.”

Zhao Changhe bowed sincerely. “Thank you for your guidance, big sister.”

Huangfu Qing looked at him with a half-smile, “You’re still calling me big sister?”

Zhao Changhe tried, “Qing’er?”[1]

Huangfu Qing almost choked on her own saliva and found herself not knowing how to respond. After regaining her composure, she said, “Let’s stick with big sister.”

Zhao Changhe said helplessly, “One-word names are tricky, they can easily sound awkward.”

“Are you saying that the names Hongling, Chichi, Wanzhuang, or Yuanyang are better?”

“...Wait a minute, we were talking about cultivation, right? Let’s continue talking about that.”

“Hmph.” Huangfu Qing tilted her head. “I’m done. I don’t want to teach you anymore. Anyway, it’s not like I told you how to unlock the Profound Mysteries, so what are you thanking me for?”

“Didn’t you already say that the reason why the Profound Mysteries are called such is that there’s no specific method to unlock them, nor a particular acupoint to break through? You’ve already told me the essentials. The rest is up to me,” Zhao Changhe said. “I’ve already established my martial arts path. When I can validate it, that will be the time when my manifestation appears... That will be my path to becoming a master.”

A thought crossed Huangfu Qing’s mind: He really is a genius. He and Chichi really do complement each other.

Most people would just keep asking about what they had to do next, but geniuses knew immediately that there were certain things that were not to be asked about. Some things simply had to be achieved through practice and accumulation.

They already had a clear idea of what they were after. What came next was them looking for their own way to attain it.

Chichi managed to take that final step quite easily, but I feel like Zhao Changhe will have an easier time.

I wiped out the entire Luo Family Village. It’s really hard to believe that the two people I left alive ended up being such peerless geniuses.

Huangfu Qing looked at her own hand, feeling that perhaps the most impressive person here was herself.

1. This can also mean “mistress.” ☜

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