TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 379: 1x50

Chapter 379: 1x50

The arena where the War Games take place is right in the center of the city. The place is like a Roman coliseum.

Grandstand on the sides and a large square arena in the center.

A small crowd was already at the venue eager to see the War Game of the day, as there was only one War Game.

Since the only people who can reach the island are those who are at levels 201 and above, everyone at the site was considered strong and of the same level.

Due to this requirement, the number of people on the island is much less than normal. Because there were no transport stones to take the weakest people to the island, nor can the dwelling rings take them because of the system blocks.

So, compared to a common city in places from levels 201 - 400, Everguard City had only ten percent of the people in other cities on the same level.

Besides, the number of workers was also scarce, so there were not many types of stores, hotels, and the like, as they were all on the same level and rarely did any of them want to sell anything.

Only the poorest work with common services like being a butler, maid, cook, and many other types. But there were still few who did this, many preferred to go to the sea and try their luck to find scales.

Because of these special circumstances, Everguard City was one of the few cities where there were not many murders. Because the city already has few people, if they kill themselves frequently, the city can quickly become empty and there would not be many workers.

Many people prefer to stay on the continent because they are not suppressed by the system to stay at level 300, many of them prefer to be at level 400.

"Ladies and gentlemen!!!! Welcome to the coliseum again !!! Today is a special day and we will only have one War Game this time !!! " A beautiful young woman wearing casual clothes announced.

The city narrators were different from the others because they were sent by the government and were not hired by the coliseum.

"Today's War Game will be a dispute between the Shosvune family and the Homes family. I will summarize today's challenge. The dispute will decide who will run the city for the next five years, as the Homes family is the current ruler of the city, they have the advantage of choosing the challenge. The challenge chosen is a 1x50 fight.

"If the Shosvune family loses the War Game, they will have to hand over half of their properties in Everguard City and a special item that they find in the ocean. Both sides accepted and signed the agreement !!! The system has already validated the agreement and can no longer be refused !!!" The narrator snapped her fingers and a large scroll was projected in the middle of the arena.

The scroll was the agreement signed and stamped by the two sides, the Shosvune family and the Homes family. The deal is proof that the War Game was official.

"Whooaaa !!!!!!!!!!!"

"1x50 ??? !!!!!!!!"

"The Shosvune family is bold enough to accept these terms !!!!"

"This War Game will be interesting !!!! Who will be the person that the Shosvune family will send to the arena? If that person wins, he will be one of the most famous people in the Khasir Kingdom, or even from the Xinia Continent."

"We will find out soon"

Many comments about the War Game echo through the arena.

Looking at the stands, we can see many empty places because the city did not have many people to fill the place. But there were still plenty of people to see today's War Game.

"The two participating sides can enter the arena !!!" The narrator pointed to the two opposite sides of the arena.

Two large iron gates open and two groups come out.

On one side, there was a middle-aged man and behind him, there were fifty more people, they were the members that represented the Homes family. On the other side, there were only two people, Liu Yang and Zayaa.

Because of Liu Yang's strange clothes, no one knew who he was. But the clothes can give clues as to what kind of skills he has.

The spectators were curious about who the person was under dark clothes and the strange mask.

But the biggest question is: Will he be able to beat his fifty opponents? This is everyone's doubt.

"Both sides can send participants to the arena."

Fifty-one people climbed into the great arena.

Liu Yang walked halfway through the arena while the other side formed a formation and split into about ten groups of five people each. Each group was already prepared to attack Liu Yang.

"Both sides can prepare. Counting will start now !!! " The narrator left the arena and went a few feet away.



The ten groups were already casting their spells beforehand to cast when the time was up.

Swords, arrows, staffs, and books began to shine brightly. The fifty want to attack and destroy Liu Yang with a single round of attacks.

Liu Yang was not an idiot and did the same. The two hands inside the two long sleeves started to glow a green light. His poison was already ready to be shot towards the ten groups.

That was the reason he wanted to stay in the center of the arena, as it was the closest place he could reach. Each side of the War Game can choose the distance they want to stay from the center of the arena.

Typically, hand-to-hand fighters prefer to stay as close as possible and long-distance fighters as far as possible.

In the ten groups, there were about thirty hand-to-hand fighting participants, the rest was divided between wizards and archers, a healer was not needed because they were in a 1x50 fight. No one would believe that their opponents would win the fight.

3 ...


The spells have already been cast and were ready to be cast at the opponent.

One side of the arena shone brightly, it looked like a light show. The other side seemed common because there was no light, Liu Yang was hiding his skills by wearing an outfit that completely covered his hands.


GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The fifty members of the Homes family group scream at the same time.

Their weapons shine brighter and fifty attacks fire towards Liu Yang.

Giant fireballs, blades of energy, explosive arrows, water spears, and many other types of attacks shoot towards Liu Yang like rain.

At the same time, Liu Yang raised both arms forward.

Shuooo !!! Splash !!!

Suddenly, two rays of green light come out of the two sleeves of the suit and shoot towards the group of hand-to-hand fighters.

Booooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!! Booooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!! Booooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!!

Dozens of explosions happen when the two attacks collide with each other, but many spells and arrows still continue towards Liu Yang.

The two rays of green light dissipate before turning into green smoke and spread throughout the arena.

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