TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 400: A group of vicious old people

Chapter 400: A group of vicious old people

"It has been over a year since I got here I need to get out as soon as possible But how am I going to do that? I only have one more year and a few months before the day of the deal comes..." Liu Yang was mumbling. He was thinking about how to get out of the place, but he didn't know much about it.

Currently, Liu Yang was inside one of the caves carved into the stone walls. He created one for him to live in.

It has been a few days since Liu Yang arrived at this place, but he has only been talking to the old people who have been inside the giant creature for several tens of years.

His goal is to discover as much information as possible about the location before exploring the next location in search of the exit.

The clues that Liu Yang had were the acid lake, the poison waterfalls, and the sea of worms. These three locations are next.

The old people know that even though they never went this far, it is because they had an imaging device that flies. This was like a drone, but instead of using technology and electricity, the drone uses magic crystals. The use was the same, it only changed the way it was built and the energy used.

The scenes Liu Yang saw were terrifying, at least the part of the sea of worms.

As the name implies, the sea of worms was a large place covered completely with giant and poisonous worms. The place looked like a big swimming pool the size of ten football fields full of worms.

"I need to go to that acid lake to see what the acid is like. If that isn't too corrosive, my body can take a swim. I also need to see if the rocks on the walls can withstand the acid, so I will be able to build some kind of boat made of stone to navigate the acid lake." Liu Yang thought of his first plan.

"The others must have done this already, but I want to try it myself to find out" He has heard some of the old people's reports, but Liu Yang does not know if it was all true or not.

So, he wanted to test to see for himself.

"I think it's best to do this soon" Liu Yang stretched before leaving the cave.

Crack crack

His bones crack with stretching.

Liu Yang went down the wall and walked towards the acid lake.

His walk was quick because he was running.

At the top of the wall ...

We can see a group of old people sitting around a fire and looking at the figure of Liu Yang. Each of them had an ominous look on their faces.

"We finally found a young man. The last idiots that were swallowed by the creature were all old, their tastes were horrible" One commented. His tone was as distorted as his face.

From the way he spoke, the old man made it look like they had eaten the others who were swallowed by the giant creature.

"I just hope it is juicier than those middle-aged people. I'm looking forward to roasting and devouring the young body, but before that, I want to rape him a little bit" An old woman commented. She licked her dry, puckered lips before showing a wicked smile.

"We can do this after he enters the acid lake, when that happens, we can get his body unconscious. This young man will never discover that mixed with acid there is a powerful sleeping pill. He won't even know how he died. Hehe..." Another old man spoke in a distorted way.

"Let's watch the show from up here, I will send my doll to get him out of the lake when he enters. Do you want to bet?" Another commented.

"What bet?" These words attracted the other old people.

"We will bet who will eat his body first." The old man commented.

"This is interesting. But how will the bet be? " Everyone was excited about it. None of them had anything to do, so they needed to do something to distract themselves.

"The winner of the bet will be the one who guesses how long he will last in the acid lake. I think it should take about thirty seconds"

"Isn't that a lot? I think he should only take about ten seconds. "

"I think fifteen seconds is enough"

The old people were arguing about how long Liu Yang would endure inside the acid, but none of them knew that Liu Yang is immune to sleeping poison or any other type of poison.

After staying so long in the stomach of the giant creature, these people no longer had any kind of food, all the things they brought to eat were long gone. The only thing alive inside the giant creature's stomach was the giant worms and the people it swallows.

But who would eat a giant, poisonous worm? Nobody would do something like that because it's the same thing as suicide.

So what was left was the other people alive.

The strongest killed the weakest and ate their bodies.

The old people who are alive are a group of cannibals who killed others and ate their bodies. That was the only way they found to survive in a place without food.

From time to time, when the giant creature swallows some people. They have food with them, but it is not enough to last long.

When the food ran out, the old people made schemes to kill others and survive for a while longer.

Looking at the back of the cave, we can see a small mountain of people's bones. There were bones of all kinds of race, humans, humanoid beasts, elves, demons, and others.

(This group of old people thinks I don't know what they are thinking.) Liu Yang was very thoughtful about this group of old people. He already knew there was something wrong with the group when the two sides met.

When Liu Yang appeared at the site and was seen by the old people, they had brilliant looks as if he were some kind of easy prey to be devoured.

The only times he felt that kind of look was when someone wanted to kill him.

Liu Yang had already made a reservation plan.

(These old people must be extremely vicious. To survive in this place without any kind of food, the only way this can happen is by killing and eating other people.) Liu Yang had already come to this conclusion some time ago.

A few days ago, Liu Yang showed various types of food to a group of old people, they ate everything very fast as if they were very hungry. This shows that they haven't eaten in a long time.

Their thin body was also another clue.

But the most important clue was that there was no longer any young or middle-aged person. The group was just old.

Where are these people? That kind of person must also have been swallowed up by the giant creature. Besides, anyone else would know that the acid lake is dangerous, so there should be more people in the place.

Unfortunately, there was no one else but the group of old people.

After thinking about the clues, Liu Yang came to the following conclusion: The old people killed and devoured the bodies of others.

(These old people are dangerous!!! They have been here for several tens of years, they must know the surrounding areas very well, at least, the places before the acid lake. After the lake there are the waterfalls and the sea of worms, they must not know what is after these places because there must be something in the lake that prevents them from continuing to look with the drone) Liu Yang thought. He didn't know if the lake had anything more than just acid.

His run lasted a few minutes until he reached the lake.

A gigantic lake with dark green liquid appeared in Liu Yang's vision.

Air bubbles explode from time to time in various locations.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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