TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 423: Otherworldly Tutor

Chapter 423: Otherworldly Tutor

"Well Getting back to the subject. Cilia, did you say that the first prince came back? How long has he been back? Can you tell me what he looks like?" Liu Yang recalled that she had said that the first prince returned after disappearing more than twenty years ago.

This raised many suspicions in his mind about where the first prince was located.

"I don't know for sure about that, as I was inside this mansion the whole time as a prisoner. So it's hard for me to know about it, I just know that he came back a few months ago. He looked very thin and with an aged face. I think I have a picture of him in the information letters I received from Celine" Cilia tried to get out of bed to get something on the table on the other side, but she couldn't because she was so tired.

"Hey Liu Yang, can you help me go to that table? There are some papers with the photo you want to see" Cilia pointed to the table on the other side of the room.

"Ok" Liu Yang carried Cilia like a princess to the table. She felt like she was in paradise looking at the man in front of her.

"Cilia, are you saying this is his picture?" Liu Yang looked at the photo and was surprised to see who it was. But this surprise was soon over, as he already had a vague idea about it.

The person in the image was one of the people he helped in the maze inside the giant creature.

Cilia's words about the prince returning after more than twenty years disappeared and that his body was thin were proof that this was related. Even though he was not one hundred percent sure, Liu Yang was still ninety percent sure about it.

"Cilia, do you know this person's personality? And the third prince too?" Liu Yang was not sure if he would have to ask the favor that the first prince owes him or not. He will only decide this after finding out more about him.

"Liu Yang, I don't know much about him after he disappeared. But before that happened, people thought he would be a good king because his mother was a commoner who caught the king's attention. Rumors say he had a more plebeian than a noble side because of his mother, but I don't know if that is true or not. Regarding the third prince, I know that he is a vicious person who will do anything to achieve his goals, he even dared to send people to poison the second prince, what would he not dare to do?" Cilia answered vaguely because she didn't know much about these people.

"I see ... I heard rumors that the third prince is a twenty-year-old, but how did he learn to be vicious that way? A person only becomes that way after being taught by someone" Liu Yang did not think that a person was bad by nature, someone needs to teach that person to be bad.

Be it the environment or someone else.

"I do not know. Rumors say that the third prince has a tutor who came from another world, but I don't know if that information is true or not. The part of him having a tutor is true, but whether he's from another world or not, that's hard to know" Cilia only knew a few things about the royal family because she didn't have much interest in them.

The only person who mattered was her ex-husband, but he died. She didn't have many connections with them.

"I see ... Do you know when the third prince started having a tutor?" Liu Yang had a feeling that this is very coincidental.

"I don't know very well about this, but according to my ex-husband's words, a person appeared before the third prince about thirteen or fifteen years ago and wanted to take him as an apprentice. The king was very skeptical about this, so he asked them to investigate this person, but after discovering that he is a very powerful person, the king accepted that person's proposal and let his son be an apprentice" Cilia replied.

"!!!!!" Cilia's words confirmed Liu Yang's thoughts.

(Thirteen or fifteen years old? I think this is the time that the portals of the other worlds for the Xinia Continent were opened. Moreover, that person was a very powerful person from another world. The king would not have accepted the proposal to have the son taken as an apprentice if the person is not very strong and able to get the king's attention. The only explanation is that this person is one of the nine village leaders and he is trying to become the ruler of the Temore Kingdom. I also need to have my own kingdom to complete the mission... This is really disheartening) Liu Yang thought.

"Cilia, I think you better give up on the idea of killing the third prince. This is impossible to do, unless, this tutor wants him to die" Liu Yang commented. He did not want to discourage her, but Liu Yang can't kill the third prince after he found out about the tutor.

"Liu Yang, why do you think that? I have already looked at your status, you are infinitely stronger than anyone at level 400. Even someone at level 500 would have some difficulties dealing with you. Are you thinking it's not worth it? Aren't my daughter and I good enough to make this exchange worthwhile?" Cilia was discouraged when she heard those words. She thought she could move Liu Yang along with her daughter.

"Why wouldn't it be worth it? A beauty like you and Dalaris can move any man, I am no exception. But the subject is a little more complicated than it appears. If it were only the third prince, killing him is not very difficult, but if his tutor is added. This will be a problem." Liu Yang replied in a serious tone. He knows how strong the leaders of the early villages are, so it's almost impossible for him to deal with another village leader.

"Is this because of the tutor? Liu Yang, do you know this person? " Cilia understood that the only person who was making Liu Yang hesitate was this mysterious tutor.

"Yea. If my theory is right. This tutor is a person from another world like me. He has the same type of status as me, but he must have used the attribute points differently than me" Liu Yang explained vaguely.

"That's true???!!!!" This discovery shocked Cilia, she never imagined that something like this could happen.

Her chances of avenging her ex-husband have become much less now. Almost zero.

Even though he was not married to Cilia, the second prince took care of her and Dalaris so that the least Cilia could do for him was to avenge his death.

That would be the last connection she would have with him. After that, she would live her life with Liu Yang.

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