TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 432: Chains

Chapter 432: Chains

"Fellow Allston, are you smelling that too?" Dikrik asked in a solemn tone.

The pair had been walking for some time, they already found several bloodless bodies impaled in the trees and many other people going in the same direction as them.

Some tried to attack the pair but were easily killed. The power of the two of the village's nine leaders was no joke.

Those who found the pair to be very strong, followed the two from behind to seek some security. As the pair didn't complain or try to do anything, they continued to follow.

Liu Yang and Dikrik did not mind being followed or used as a shield, as they were going to the same place. However, if someone attacks them, they will both kill without mercy.

"Yea. This smell is of blood, it seems that a large group of people died somewhere near here" Liu Yang smelled a heavy smell of blood in the air.

The smell was so strong that it looked like a lot of blood was leaking.

"Are we going to look? The smell is in the same direction to the place where we are going"

"Let's continue. If it's on our way, there is no escaping it "

The pair continued walking and cutting the tree branches that were attacking them. Some people who were following the pair hesitated a little before continuing to follow them. But some others gave up and went to the other side.

About fifty meters ahead

A terrifying scene was seen.

Bodies. Thousands of bodies were punctured and dropped to the ground, many of these bodies were destroyed or cut. But most had dozens of holes.

Blood. A great deal of blood painted the soil like a river, but it was quickly absorbed by the soil.

coff coff

Those who were mentally weak vomited when they saw this scene. The blood and entrails scattered all over the place were hard to see.

"It looks like one of the master trees is around here" Dikrik commented heavily. He knew some things that others did not know about the forest.

"Dikrik, are you talking about the strongest trees in the forest? I remember that within this big living forest, some trees were much more powerful than others. But how did this large number of people get here? I remember that most jumped when the airship doors were opened. Are they people who were inside dwelling rings?" Liu Yang commented. He knew some secret things about the forest.

As one of the rulers of one of the nine kingdoms, Zilyana knows many secret things that only people with her level of authority and power are likely to know. She told Liu Yang everything about those things, at least, things about the Wild Region and the surrounding area.

"Fellow Allston, do you know about that too?" Dikrik was surprised. He had heard that Liu Yang didn't care about anything other than traveling and sleeping with women.

So how did he know about a secret like that?

"Yea. One of my women told me about it "

"Ohh Fellow Allston, you are truly amazing, only extremely powerful and influential women know about this kind of thing. I estimate that you managed to seduce one of the empresses of one of the kingdoms." Dikrik commented. He heard Liu Yang's casual and vague tone, but he managed to understand a few things from that.

"I have my charms." Liu Yang commented. His words confirmed Dikrik's comments.

"Fellow Allston, I bow to you. I tried to do this before, but they didn't even look at me. So it is a surprise to find out that you managed to win the heart of one of them"

Liu Yang just smiled when he heard that comment. He wouldn't say that he took not just one of the empresses, but two. Liu Yang managed to win the pair of empresses.

"Changing the subject, what are we going to do about it?" Dikrik pointed to the thousands of bodies scattered in the trees and on the ground.

"Do you have any type of attack that could blow up the ground? I fear that in this area there is one of those master trees" Liu Yang commented. He didn't have that kind of attack, he also didn't want to take one of Zily's daughters for her to attack, so it was up to Dikrik to do that.

"I don't have that kind of attack, but I do have it. Before playing this, I will see if there are any people alive in the place or not. Is anyone alive ??!!!!" Dikrik took a metal sphere.

The sphere looked like some kind of ping pong ball, but it was made entirely of shiny gray metal.

"..." No sound was heard, but that does not mean that there were no people alive among the thousands of corpses.

Looking in several directions, we can see some bodies moving, but the movements were minimal.

These people were already almost dead, but the will to live and their skills have kept them alive until now.

"Power Chains" Dikrik pointed a hand at the location of the bodies.

About thirty chains came out of the palm of his hand and shot towards the locations of the bodies.

No branches attacked the chains, this was because the trees did not smell blood or flesh, so there was no reason to attack the chains made of steel.

"Healing Chains" He spoke again.

A strong glow passed through the chains and went to the bodies.

Dikrik closed his fist and pulled on the chains.

The bodies were dragged together.

Looking at the scene, the bodies were pierced by steel chains, but there was no injury.

Chains were some kind of special skill that didn't hurt the body, or Dikrik didn't want to hurt their bodies.

All the wounded were dragged to the spot where Dikrik was standing. But an amazing thing was seen.

The bodies were no longer punctured or bleeding, they were healed.

This was one of the powers of the chains. Dikrik could use the chains to do several different things.

"Fellow Allston, I'm going to throw the iron ball now" Dikrik kept the sleeping bodies inside his dwelling ring. He also had such a thing with him.

As a rich and powerful person, and being one of the rulers of one of the nine kingdoms, Dikrik had all kinds of rare and precious items with him.

So it wasn't strange that he had that kind of thing.


The pair moved away, the other people behind them did the same. They realized that Dikrik was going to do something dangerous when he took out the metal sphere.

Dikrik tossed the metal sphere towards the place where it had the greatest amount of bodies piled up.

ting ting

The sphere fell on top of the bodies before rolling down towards the ground. The sound of falling metal echoed.

ting ting

zzzzzzzzzzzz !!!

The metal sound echoed a few more times before it stopped. The loud hissing sound echoed through the forest before the metal sphere glowed.

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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