TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 455: The Iron Valley Kings Group

Chapter 455: The Iron Valley Kings Group

"This place is interesting and dangerous" Liu Yang looked at the great valley in front of him.

The valley had the appearance of a large hand and five fingers. Because of this, it was called the Iron Hand Valley.

The mine is the entire valley and had a large amount of iron ore and many other minerals, but the largest amount was iron ore, so that was the name of the place.

Thousands of strange creatures covered in black ink roam the valley at random in search of prey.

The creatures appear to be giant lizards, but they walk around with their hind legs like dinosaurs. The sharp claws look like knives that can cut through anything. The long, thick, two-meter-long tail was like a long, flexible spear.

Looking at that insane amount of cursed giant lizards, Liu Yang didn't have the heart to charge them.

If the quantity was less, he would still think for a while before doing anything.

Currently, Liu Yang was at the top of a stone peak looking around the Iron Hand Valley.

After leaving the hideout, Liu Yang looked at the random locations to see the locations around Clasha's group hideout. He saw that the place is much more dangerous than he imagined.

Two days later...

"I think I have had enough rest. Now is the time to put my plan into practice. I have two  months to do this" Liu Yang stretched and cracked all his bones.

crack ... crack ...

After spending about a day or two checking out the site, Liu Yang finally decided to start his plan to enter the King of the Iron Valley's hideout.

"According to the map that Clasha gave me, the other group is close to the last finger of the hand. The best way to get there is to climb the rocky peaks, as fewer cursed creatures are flying around. If I fall there, I will have a lot of problems" Liu Yang looked at the map before deciding what to do.

Liu Yang closed the map and started walking.

His current position was at the top of one of the stone peaks. There were thousands of these things on the site.

Some of these peaks were occupied by cursed creatures that could fly. These creatures look like giant eagles covered in black ink, but they had four legs and six wings.

Looking from a distance, they appear to be the size of a small plane, but Liu Yang knows that if these creatures get close to him, they will be much larger.

Liu Yang jumped from side to side as he explored every part of the areas he was passing through. He looked like an explorer in an unknown location.

"Interesting ... It looks like this place here has fewer cursed creatures than the other side." Liu Yang saw a large number of cursed lizards, but the number was much less than the previous areas he visited. Nearly half.

"This place is much safer and has some caves in the walls" He looked closely at the slope of the rocky walls and saw several holes the height of a person and wide.

"Are there people on these walls? If so, it will be good for me." He murmured before climbing into one of these caves.

"It looks like someone's been out of here for a long time..." Liu Yang looked inside and saw burning branches on the floor and dark stains on the walls.

This means that someone has been in the place for a long time.

clang clang clang

Suddenly, sounds of metal colliding with metal are heard outside the cave.

"!!!" These sounds caught Liu Yang's attention because it was so sudden, he hadn't even heard any kind of sound before.

Looking outside the cave, Liu Yang saw a group of men and women being attacked by some cursed creatures, the giant lizards.

The group was having trouble cutting through the dark, tough skin of the creatures. Some were even killed quickly due to the mistakes of some.

The group's garments were a little peculiar to fight the cursed creatures of the Wild Region.

The women wore cloth clothes with swords and shields, but without any kind of powerful defensive equipment like steel armor or things like that. Even so, they were being used as human shields by soldiers.

The soldiers were the opposite, they had steel armor and powerful giant swords. 

But some men had equipment equal to that of women. Only cloth clothes, short swords, and a small shield were also being used as a shield for those who were wearing steel armor.

"From the way they are dressed and fighting, I think they are members of the Kings of the Iron Valley group. According to Clasha, this group was led by men, but as this place has no rules or the like, they were extremely cruel people. The weaker ones were used as shields to attract the cursed creatures while the members of the group attacked. The strongest keep getting stronger and the weak die. All women were considered slaves and used as objects, some men were also in this situation because some members of the group had strange fetishes." Liu Yang remembered the things that Clasha had said about the Iron Valley Kings group.

The group was made up of ordinary people with no influence whatsoever in the world outside the Wild Region. So they could only come to these more remote locations.

Although they have some members at level 400, these members would rather live like a king than be a servant to some noble.

Like the members of the Witch's Iron Hand, who torture and kill men when they are captured, and women sometimes depending on the situation. Members of the Iron Valley Kings group prefer to turn women into sex slaves rather than kill them, and the group tortures and kills men who cause trouble.

"It seems that Clasha's description was right. This group is very easy to identify." Liu Yang was not a hero who likes to save people. He stood in the hole in the stone wall looking at what was going to happen next in the battle below.

"Slaves!!! Keep these creatures busy !!!! If you don't do the job right, you will die !!!!" An authoritative voice echoed from inside the helmet of one of the members of the group.

The members who were wearing steel armor were behind those who were wearing cloth clothes. This scene seemed a little strange if someone experienced on the battlefield saw something like that.

"I told you to attack to attract the attention of the creatures, are you deaf???!!!" He shouted again when he saw that the slaves were hesitant.

None of them wanted to die.

But the problem is that if they did not do what they were told, they will be killed.

This was a difficult choice to make.

"You are asking to be killed" He spoke in an irritated tone.

Slash!!!! slash!!!!

His sword shone and two heads flew.

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