TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 457: Extinguish the flames

Chapter 457: Extinguish the flames

"According to that guy's information, the entrance to the hideout must be this way..." Liu Yang looked at the big mountain in front of him.

The mountain was made of dark rocks and covered with a metallic sheen. That was some iron ores shining at times.

Liu Yang could only see because of his skill to see in the dark. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to see anything.

The Wild Region was completely dark and with no light whatsoever.

The only things that naturally emit light were the minerals in the soil, cursed creatures, and the armor worn by adventurers who try their luck on the spot.

Thus, the danger within the Wild Region is multiplied several times because it is impossible to see the enemy if someone has no way of seeing in the dark.

Cursed creatures lurk everywhere and are difficult to spot, much more difficult than outside the Wild Region.

"This mountain is very big, I don't have the patience to look everywhere. So I only have one thing to do" Liu Yang sat near the mountainside and lit a fire.

The flames completely lit up the surrounding areas.

The dark places were shown and the scenes were horrible.

Liu Yang no longer needed to see things in black and white when he was in the dark.

Zilyana was very generous to him as a good and rich wife. She had all kinds of strange and rare skills in the royal palace's warehouse.

Like a rich wife letting her husband choose gifts, Zilyana allowed Liu Yang to pick up some skills that would be interesting to him on his journey in the Wild Region.

So he picked up some passive and active skills, but not all of them were rare and powerful. Liu Yang did not find it necessary to pick up just that kind of skill.

Some skills picked up by Liu Yang were unusual, but one or the other was either super-rare or ultra-rare and very powerful.

The passive and active skill slots were limited, so Liu Yang had to think carefully before choosing which skills he would pick up.

One of these skills was to see in the dark, but unlike his first skill, which allows Liu Yang to see everything in black and white.

The new skill allows him to see everything in their respective colors. So, in Liu Yang's view, the scene before him was as if he were looking as if there was no darkness.

The red flames were like the sun that completely illuminates the surrounding areas. Everything has been revealed.

Looking at the horizon it was possible to see several hundred pairs of bright eyes looking towards Liu Yang.

The glowing eyes were like two white gems.

But that was just the eyes because the owners of those eyes were scary creatures, the cursed lizards.

Like all cursed creatures, they have eyes as shiny as two jewels.

The flames created by Liu Yang attracted all of these creatures. For it is something very different from the darkness prevalent in the Wild Region.

roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Several hundred roars echo across the valley. The roars of madness were louder than usual.

This was like a call.

"Fuck!!!!!! Why did you do that???!!!! You are some retarded !!!!! Extinguish that flame immediately!!!!!!" An angry scream echoed behind Liu Yang.

The despair and irritation could be felt in his tone.

When the flames were made and the place was lit, it drew people from within the mountain. This was a very dangerous thing to do and it causes a lot of problems for people inside the mountain.

Unlike places outside the Wild Region, where cursed creatures disappear when a new day arrives. Wild Region creatures never disappear unless they are defeated.

"Why should I do this? I can't see anything without the help of fire" Liu Yang said casually. He made it look like he didn't know what was going on.

"Are you one of the newbies who just entered the Wild Region?" The person on the other side did not have to think long to reach that conclusion.

Everyone who lives in the Wild Region knows about this. That he should not light a fire or light places outside the city. This is an extremely dangerous and deadly thing for anyone.

This information was passed down from generation to generation by those who live within the Wild Region.

Naturally, those who survived for five years and managed to leave reported this to the kingdoms. The powerful nobles and the rulers of the kingdoms know about this.

Anyone can leave the Wild Region after five years of living in it, but getting out is a totally different matter.

The person who wants to leave needs to go to where the exit portal is, but not everyone can. More than ninety percent die on the journey.

Thus, the number of people who really have the courage to want to leave is few. Many people have already created family ties and had descendants after so many years living in the Wild Region.

Liu Yang also knew why Zilyana and Clasha told him. Otherwise, he would not know that it was very dangerous to show any kind of light outside the cities in the Wild Region.

"Yea. The Wild Region has opened again after five hundred years." Liu Yang replied. He thought that this would be a good opportunity to get into the hideout of the Kings of the Iron Valley. 

"..." The other side was silent after hearing Liu Yang's words.

A few moments later ...

"If you want, I can let you join our group, but you need to put out those flames" Another voice echoed.

"What is the name of your group?" Liu Yang spoke in a suspicious tone.

"We are the Kings of the Iron Valley. Just stop talking and extinguish that flame soon !!! This will bring us a lot of problems!!!!" The other side screamed angrily. He didn't want to continue wasting time.

roar !!!!!!!!!!!!! roar !!!!!!!!!!!

The roaring sounds grew louder as if they were closer.

"FUCK!!!!! Bring that idiot in and extinguish that fire !!! " The owner of the voice was more irritated than before because he was wasting his time talking to Liu Yang.

It was easier for him to have given the order first.

crack crack

The mountain stops were opened and three people left. Each of them wore a set of steel armor.

splash !!!

A bucket of water was thrown and the fire went out. Liu Yang was dragged by the group as if he were some kind of criminal.

crack crack

The walls closed quickly after the group entered.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!! roar !!!!!!!!!!

The dozens of roars echo and soon after, dozens of cursed lizards appear on the spot. They were attracted by the light created by the flame.

But as the flames disappeared, they left shortly thereafter.

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