TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 466: Before returning to the surface

Chapter 466: Before returning to the surface

For the next few weeks ...

Liu Yang was hiding inside the underground hole and digging deeper in search of minerals.

If someone looked from outside the site, that person would realize that Liu Yang created a small exploration mine underground, but he was careful enough that the site would not collapse and end up killing him and his companions.

To help him with the mining task, women and beasts also left. The only exception was Rhexia because she had to take care of the nine children and they could not breathe the dust-filled air.

As people directly subordinate to the rulers of their respective kingdoms, the six women knew what Liu Yang had found inside the mine.

The instant they saw the ores scattered on the floor, their eyes shone like two bright stars.

The group immediately asked where Liu Yang was, but looking around, they could already find that they were inside some kind of mine inside the Wild Region, but the exact location, they don't know.

Without wasting time, the group helped Liu Yang extract more minerals to accumulate more wealth.

The minerals the group found exist only within the Wild Region, so it was very rare to see this type of thing in the nine kingdoms.

If Liu Yang takes these things outside, it will cause a major disturbance.

"Liu Yang, what are you going to do now? Are we going to continue digging this place? Or do something else?" Lida asked him. She was naked and lying in his embrace like a little kitten.

"I will get out of here. We already got a lot of rare minerals, that's enough for you all and me," Liu Yang replied. He has already achieved a lot of wealth after two or three weeks of mining the site.

"I see Liu Yang, you need to be careful about this place. We are digging a mountain underground, it is very dangerous to dig too deep without proper care" Zily commented this time, she was in his other hug.

Lida and the Valkyries on the left. Zily and the three daughters on the right.

"I am aware of that. That is why we are building supports for the ceiling, where there is a lot of iron ore and that is enough to build a lot." Liu Yang looked out of the barrier and saw several iron pillars supporting large iron plates at the top.

These things were created to prevent the top from falling over the group.

Melting iron ore is not difficult because it just needs a lot of heat. This was easy to do because one of the Valkyries and one of the daughters had this kind of skill.

Liu Yang only needed to mold and hammer to remove the impurities.

Each iron pillar and plate were made of high-quality iron. So it would be difficult to be broken.

Since in the Wild Region it was impossible to use barrier devices, one of the Valkyries had to use her skill to mount the barrier.

But as she did intense activities with Liu Yang, she got tired faster than usual. So she was replaced by Zily, she also had that kind of skill.

Women liked to be clean, so they would not be doing activities in a place full of dust.

Liu Yang had to get a clean bed for the group to do that.

The first women to do activities with him were the other women, as Lida and Zily had important things to talk to Liu Yang about. So they were the last to go to bed with him.

Two more weeks later ...

"It looks like this is already good. Snow, you did a good job." Liu Yang looked at the large hole covered by some iron pillars and plates before commenting. He patted the cursed rabbit's head

roar roar

She responded by making sounds of joy.

The hole looks much smaller than before.

This was because Liu Yang asked Snow to fix the hole. That is, he again covered several locations with the rock debris that he had drilled before.

Like a mass, Liu Yang restored part of the subsoil. But because of the withdrawal of iron ores and other precious things, a big hole was left in place.

So Liu Yang had to leave some steel pillars and platforms to support the site.

"An entire month of mining was very productive. I will explore the other locations after I have completely conquered that location." Liu Yang was already planning to do a lot of things there.

The rare minerals he found in this part of the subsoil would be a big secret of his. He wasn't going to tell anyone else.

Thus, he could avoid many people's greed problems.

"Now is the time to go out and deal with the Kings of the Iron Valley group. The explosions are long gone. They must think that I must have left the place a long time ago." Liu Yang imagined. He didn't know what had really happened, so he could only think about it.

"I will rest for two more days before I leave." Liu Yang took the beasts and played with them.

If he doesn't, they will be jealous of Snow because Liu Yang played with her more than with them.

June was no longer a cursed beast, but he also took her out to play, only the two play in a perverted way.

On the surface ...

The hideout of the Kings of the Iron Valley group has calmed down after two weeks of explosions on all sides.

The tremors that happened every moment were like an omen of some disaster, fortunately, nothing bad happened.

Residents sighed with relief when old Klass's group left the hiding place.

Their presence in the place was like being in the middle of a storm because at any moment, the place could collapse.

The only person who was extremely irritated was Hach, the leader of the Iron Valley Kings group.

His irritation was a normal thing to happen.

After paying a large sum of wealth to search for the alleged invader, he was unable to find anything.

Not even a trace of that person.

This made it look like he just spent his wealth without getting anything in return. This is very annoying.

But it was impossible to discover Liu Yang's location because the explosions were not very strong or deep. This kind of thing was not necessary because whenever someone digs a hole, a trail is left.

The only exception this time was Liu Yang, he fixed the holes as he and Snow dug deeper. So that completely annulled the tests done by Klass and his subordinates.

This coincidence was terrible for Hach.

Hach didn't know that the intruder was still hiding inside his hiding place and still managed to get an insane amount of wealth, something he never imagined he would have.

If Hach knew that, he would be vomiting blood to death.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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