TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 474: Bengom

Chapter 474: Bengom

"Who's the hiding rat ?? !!!!" An angry voice echoed.

"!!!!" This sudden scream caught everyone's attention. Nobody knew that there was a strange person inside the mine.

(How did he find me ?? !!) Liu Yang was scared to be discovered. He didn't understand how anyone could find him.

"I will not repeat it again !!! I know you are hiding !! " The soldier screamed and threw a rock at the wall.

clang !!!!

The stone hit hard and was broken into hundreds of pieces.

(It seems that this person has some skills to see through things or some skill to detect) Liu Yang came to that conclusion.

Without trying to hide, he got up and left the place where he was hiding.

"Hello" Liu Yang acted casually.

"An intruder !!!! Capture him !!!!! " One of the soldiers shouted.

His orders were to catch any intruders who entered the scene. Depending on the person, they would either kill or turn into a slave to work in the mine.

"Roger !!!!!" A group of soldiers appeared and charged towards Liu Yang.

Each was holding swords and spears aimed at him.

"It looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way ..." Liu Yang took a giant sword from his pocket.

The sword was made of steel five meters long. The weapon was almost three times the size of Liu Yang.

slash!!! slash!!!

Using two quick and successive cuts. One to the left and the other to the right.

poff !!!! poff !!!! poff !!!! poff !!!!

The group of ten soldiers was cut in half. They all died without a chance to defend themselves.

Blood spilled all over the place when the bodies fell lifeless.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone around watched this scene scared and very scared.

No one believed that Liu Yang would kill all ten soldiers in less than a second and without any difficulty.

The most frightened person was the soldier who ordered the attack. He understood that he had kicked a steel plate.

A person who can kill ten people using level 300 steel armor was not a weakling. On the contrary, this person was very powerful.

The death of the ten soldiers would be charged directly to him.

"You You Who are you ???? !!!!! Do you really dare kill the members of the Red Sands Wolves?? !!!! You're dead!!! Anyone who offends our group will suffer ... "The soldier was shouting to try to get the attention of the other members of his group who were elsewhere in the mine.

crack !!! splash !!!!!

Because of the distance, he could only scream.

But he never imagined that something surprising was going to happen.

The soldier could not even finish speaking and a giant spear pierced his chest and created a hole the size of the palm of an adult hand.

"Huh ?? !!" The soldier showed a doubtful face and looked down.

The tip of the spear went through his body and passed to the other side. He could see only the sharp point covered with blood and a few pieces of his broken armor.

poffff !!!

As the soldier was in a small stone pillar, his body fell from above and created a great noise in the fall.

The sound of heavy metal falling on the floor echoed everywhere.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liu Yang was shocked by this sudden event. He did not know who was the person who threw the spear.

The slaves and the other soldiers around them were also surprised by this sudden vision.

This was too insane to see.

Who was the person who threw the spear and killed the soldier?

"I apologize for the unfortunate scene a few moments ago. I hope you will forgive me" A hoarse voice echoed.

Looking in the direction of the voice, it was possible to see that the owner was a middle-aged man with a fierce appearance. He wore only steel pants while the waist up was naked.

Because he was an orc, his body was large and muscular, but fierce because of his aura and scars.

"Who are you?" Liu Yang asked casually. He understood that the other side came looking for him.

"My name is Bengom, I am one of the mining chiefs guards of the group of the Red Sands Wolves. It is a pleasure to meet you "The orc introduced himself. He walked to the spot where the soldier's body was lying and removed the spear from the body.

splash !!!

The blood was squirting at the time of drawing and painted the floor.

Bengom swung and wiped the spear before holding it with one hand and resting it on his broad shoulder.

"Hawk River, it's a pleasure to meet you too" Liu Yang introduced himself casually. He was not intimidated by the other side.

Liu Yang felt that Bengom was weaker than him. So there was no reason to be afraid.

"Hawk River I never heard that name before. Are you a traveler? Or a new person just arrived in the Wild Region?" Bengom knew a few things about the new people who arrived in the Wild Region a few months ago.

"I'm just a lost traveler who likes to roam the world" Liu Yang replied vaguely.

"I see ... What is a traveler who likes to roam the world doing inside a mine like this?" Bengom narrowed his eyes in an attempt to see through Liu Yang.

For his answer was somewhat contradictory.

"I'm just walking around randomly and I ended up getting to that place" Liu Yang lied. He wouldn't say that he was with the Witch's Iron Hands group.

"I see Mr. Hawk River, would you like to accompany me to my group's camp? I want to ask you a few questions about some private matters" Bengom asked in a friendly manner. He was being very careful with Liu Yang.

A person capable of staying alive and reaching the mine was not easy to deal with.

Besides, Bengom also saw what Liu Yang had done a few moments ago.

Being able to kill ten people easily with just two swings of swords was an insane thing to do. At least for Bengom, as he knows the strength of his subordinates.

By killing the soldier, Bengem tried to reduce future problems for him and his group. At least until he finds out more about Liu Yang.

"Smoothly. I also need some information about this mine, I hope you can answer my questions"Liu Yang accepted the offer from the other side.

But he would try to get some more information about the mine, information that Clasha didn't have.

"I am happy about that. I will try my best to answer your questions. "Bengom was relieved by Liu Yang's acceptance. He did not have to do this forcibly because the other side was an unknown person with unknown powers.

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