Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 107: When Did I Retract It?

Chapter 107: When Did I Retract It?

My father! Alessas answer was clear and immediate. Tori didnt expect anything less from the protagonist.

If that is the case, then the Baron will relinquish his title upon marriage to Madam Voss, Piers said, as if it were finalized.

Alessas face dropped, and she couldnt contain the look of disbelief on her face.

Wait a moment. Dimitri remained at Alessas side and frowned. This isnt fair to Alessa. If the Baron gives up his title, then Alessa will not only lose her current noble status, but her future one, as well.

Dimitri! His mother let out a gasp and lifted her hand to her chest. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him. This is not our place to get involved!

He returned her affronted expression with one of his own. But its true! Youve always told me that parents do whatever they can to help their children! How is Baron Hart relinquishing his title beneficial to Alessa?

That is a fair point, Marquis Guevera said with an unimpressed look on his face after Dimitris impassioned plea. However, Baron Hart should decide this. His Highness Prince Piers was only suggesting an option.

Several eyes turned back to Baron Hart and Tori could tell that he was not ready to decide knowing that his daughter would lose her noble inheritance. He stood in place for a moment longer. I need to consider this.

Daddy! Alessa let out a disappointed and frustrated huff as her father looked towards her with a pained expression.

I know that you are upset, Alessa, but give me time to discuss this with Angela, the Baron told her. Alessa tensed at the name. This doesnt only involve us, but her.

Alessa turned her head away, gritting her teeth. You said you wouldnt remarry.

I didnt know what awaited me when I thought so, he said, his voice filled with regret. Go back to your room. You may have only been affected lightly by the poison, but you still need to rest.

Alessa shook her head, stubborn. I came downstairs to sit out on the porch and get some fresh air.

Then go, but dont stray from the cabin. There was disappointment in the Barons eyes and Tori could understand. She watched Alessa shuffle towards the door with Montan and Dimitri next to her.

Dimitri. The Prime Minister spoke in a low voice and Dimitri stopped in his tracks. Stay. I want to talk to you.

Tori craned her neck to watch Dimitri tense up and hesitantly release Alessas arm. He remained in place as Alessa gave him a worried look.

Ill be fine, Dimitri said, giving her a weak smile. Go outside and get some air. Staying indoors the entire time is tiring.

Alessa nodded and allowed Montan to escort her outside. There were two knights patrolling the perimeter of the cabin, but two additional ones followed behind Alessa and Montan to both ensure their safety and make sure they didnt run off again. Once they walked through the front door and it closed, Tori looked for an excuse to leave.

Im hungry, Tori said, looking towards the kitchen. Is there anything to eat?

Sebastian noticed her hint immediately. I was coming down to get something for myself and Idunn. Lets go to the kitchen.

Sir Ibarra, if you please. Tori motioned towards the kitchen and the knight carrying her nodded. Piers followed behind them and once in the kitchen, Tori looked around for something to eat. Since the valets and Instructor Ignatius were recovering, and Tori had limited mobility, they couldnt cook as they did before.

It was up to the knights to make the meals. Guevera knights had basic cooking lessons for preparing food outdoors while on a march and all had to spend time during their training cooking in the barracks. The food was edible, but whether it was delicious or not depended on the knight.

What do you want to eat, my lady? Sir Ibarra asked as he put her on a chair next to a small kitchen table at one corner. I can prepare it.

Its midafternoon, Tori said. Light snack?

Piers rummaged around the kitchen and brought her some bread, jam, and whatever other goods he could find. There was a nearly finished wedge of local cheese and some cured ham brought from Presidio by the knights. Is this enough?

Its a good start, Tori said. Where is the mayonnaise I made?

In the chilling box. I will get it, Piers said.

Do you want sandwiches? Sebby, does Idunn want a sandwich? Ill make some. Tori began to roll up her sleeves.

Shell like a sandwich, Sebastian said with a smile. Can you make one for me, too?

Sure, Ill make a bunch, Tori said. Piers came back with a jar. Piers, get some eggs and mustard, too. Sir Ibarra, please heat up the stove. I will direct you.

Everyone was cautious with her in the kitchen. Bringing a chair too close to the stove would put her in an awkward position. Not to mention that she would be seated too low, and it was difficult for her to use the stovetop at such an angle. Instead, she remained where she sat and instructed the knight and Piers step-by-step.

She cut up some green onions on the table and had it mixed with the egg and mayonnaise for an egg salad sandwich. She made them toast all the bread before assembly. She had Piers melt the cheese on some of them and layered ham with others. With all the prepared ingredients in front of her, she washed her hands once more and put them together.

She carefully sliced them into triangles for easier consumption and so they could try multiple. Just as Piers removed her grilled cheese from the pan on the stove, her father came in, sniffing the air.

Are you making something to eat? her father asked, looking around. His eyes immediately settled on the plates where Tori had placed sandwich triangles. Why so much? You shouldnt push yourself!

Tori bit her lip to keep from laughing. All she did was put the pieces together and cut onions. Sir Ibarra was the one feeding the stove and Piers did all the cooking. I didnt do much, Papa. Have a taste. Sir Ibarra, please bring the larger serving plate upstairs to the recovering individuals.

Of course, my lady! Sir Ibarra nodded and picked up the large plate with a wide smile. Tori separated a few pieces onto a smaller plate.

Sebby, this is for you and Idunn.

Thank you. Sebastian smiled warmly as he took the plate in one hand and a jug of water in the other. He also left the kitchen.

Piers gave Tori her sandwich and before he could sit on the other chair across from her, Marquis Guevera heartlessly took it and picked up one of the egg sandwiches slices.

Tori, you dont need to work so hard. The knights can cook, her father said thoughtfully before biting into the sandwich. Piers stood to the side, staring at him.

Tori cut her grilled cheese in half. It gives me something to do. When we go through the lake towns tomorrow, we should pick up things to eat on the road, as well.

I understand, her father said with a nod. Your brother and Idunn will leave today with some knights, as he needs to arrive in Horizon for the interviews. Everyone else will leave with us.

Tori lifted the plate with the grilled cheese towards Piers and his lips curled up as he took half of it. What about the Prime Minister and the others?

Her fathers eyes narrowed, and he looked out towards the living room. They will leave, as well, though Baron Hart will be taking his daughter back to their hometown. The Prime Minister said they will take Alveres boy back to Horizon with them. As much as I dont want them to travel with us, there is no real reason for them not to.

Tori wrinkled her nose. Ive called all of Axtons inns along the route were supposed to take to make reservations for us and the knights. I didnt make any for them.

Her father scoffed. There is no need to. They are responsible for themselves. They can find their own lodgings for the journey back, he said, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice. You and your brother have already done too much for them.

Tori bit into her sandwich and sighed.

Are the Guthrys speaking in the living room?

No, they went back upstairs, to their room, her father said. The Prime Minister should have some silence charms or a noise muffling charm. Since their son had just woken when they arrived and has since been recovering, I doubt they had a serious talk with him about what happened.

Will they follow through with the punishment?

Her father raised a brow and looked at her after he finished his first sandwich slice. Not only that. If theyre smart about it, theyll keep their son away from the Hart girl. He picked up the remaining plate of sandwiches just as Piers finished his and was eyeing the plate. The Marquis stood up and walked out of the kitchen with the sandwiches. Your brother was right: that girl is trouble.

What are you saying? Dimitri looked at the dark, disappointed looks on his parents faces with disbelief. While they werent the most indulging parents, they had always been supportive of him and never restricted who he had relations with.

In fact, his father believed it was important for him to have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. It was necessary not only for future political relationships, but also for Dimitri to understand and be empathic to the different situations of the people of Soleil. Hed always encouraged Dimitri to be social and was often complimented by others on how well-behaved and amiable his son was.

An excellent heir to the Guthry family, they would tell his father. And the Prime Minister would accept the compliments with humility, but tell him he was proud of him.

That was why hearing his fathers words, Dimitri could only be stunned.

You are not to contact Lady Hart outside of Lyce again, the Prime Minister repeated. His voice was low and solemn as his stern eyes fixed on Dimitri. He wasnt joking. It is understandable that you would have contact with her in school. I know she is your classmate. However, you are to limit contact with her there and not get involved in her personal life again. Do you understand?

No! Dimitri stood up from the foot of the bed, where he had been seated. He threw his arms down at his sides and shook his head. Why should I end my friendship with Alessa? She hasnt done anything wrong-

She hasnt done anything wrong? His mother leaned forward on her chair, her hands gripping the arms as her eyes narrowed. Her voice was dripping with disbelief. Have you lost your mind, Dimitri? She let you and the Alvere boy run off into the mountains with her, where you were captured by poachers, and almost killed!

That wasnt her fault! Dimitri choked out. We only stopped to rest! We didnt know wed run into poachers! A wounded look filled his face as he looked at his parents, begging them to believe him.

They really didnt expect to run into poachers on their journey. If they did, they obviously wouldve tried to avoid them.

Their original plan had been go with Alessa to the lakes to relax and distance herself from Baron Hart, with whom she had been arguing since they arrived in Chetterswickshire. Dimitri thought that he could coax Alessa into accepting the marriage after she calmed down. It was clear that the Baron had real feelings for Madam Voss.

Dimitri also noticed Madam Voss trying desperately to gain Alessas approval and soothe the Baron. He wasnt sure if Madam Voss were really after the Barons title or not, but he doubted Alessa could stop her father from marrying Madam Voss. Thus, it made the most sense to simply accept it.

He thought that if Alessa accepted it, she could gain her fathers good graces with her tolerance and then she could coax her father into an iron-clad pre-nuptial agreement, securing inheritance rights to Alessa and keeping it away from Madam Voss. Even if Madam Voss received the title of Baroness, it would be all she would get.

In addition, if Madam Voss did show signs of greed for status above her station, then Alessa would be in a better position to point it out to her father later.

Their driver was not used to the many roads around the lakes area, and they ended up going in the wrong direction. Just when they decided to turn around and go back, they stopped to get some water from the stream just below the road and rest for a moment.

The horses needed to rest, too. Dimitri had carried down the drivers water jug, as there was no footpath going down and the older man was tired. He and Montan climbed down to get water. Alessa was to stay in the carriage, but she grew bored and went down after them.

As they were filling up the water jugs, Alessa saw something across the stream. It was a live animal trap. She called them over and they saw a lynx trapped in a cage. As they stood around, wondering if they should - or could - release it, the poachers arrived and saw them.

Alessa had shouted at the poachers, righteously telling them that Soleil had laws against hunting non-game animals. The next thing they knew, the three of them were captured. They called out to the carriage driver, but that only served to reveal that there was another witness nearby.

Dimitri didnt know what happened to the driver and the carriage until they were rescued and found out that the carriage had had an accident and fallen into the ravine. Duke Tetris men had also found the drivers body dumped further down the ravine, with multiple stab wounds.

Dimitri was regretful and guilty, but it was all an accident.

It wasnt her fault, he said once more. He looked at his parents. They were unconvinced. He took a deep breath and his face reddened. Then, if you want to blame someone, blame me. Im the one who wanted to go to Chetterswickshire!

You think we dont blame you? His fathers voice was filled with venom and Dimitri couldnt help but shrink back. You lied to us. You told us you would be in Fosse for several months and instead you ran off with Lady Hart. Dont think for a second that you are completely innocent.

Dimitri closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I know that I made a mistake. I should not have lied to you.

Then why did you? His mothers trembling voice asked as she looked at him accusingly, as if he was not the son she knew. Why did you lie to us?

He opened his mouth and hesitated. You dont approve of Alessa. I knew you wouldnt let me go if I told you the truth.

He watched his mother close her eyes and turn her head away from him. For a moment, his heart ached seeing his mothers pained expression as if she had failed in raising him.

Then, because we would not let you go to Chetterswickshire, you felt it acceptable to lie to us about your whereabouts for several months. His father looked at him with disappointment in his eyes. I expected more from you, Dimitri.


You will no longer have any personal contact with Lady Hart. Any association at school will be kept formal.

Father! Dimitri shook his head. Thats not fair!

Not fair? The Prime Ministers voice was cold. Not only did you lie to us, but you joined her when she ran away from home.

I thought she needed to distance herself from her father to settle down. We didnt mean for things to get out of control.

Two duchies, two marches, and the first prince of Soleil engaged in not only finding and saving you, but protecting you when the poachers followed you here for revenge, his father reminded him with narrowed eyes. Several imperial and Guevera knights were poisoned. The heir of the Guevera March was attacked, and the only daughter of Marquis Guevera is unable to walk. In addition, the attack on the cabin put the first prince in danger.

Dimitri didnt know how to reply to that. He looked down and tried to come up with a response. Was it not their decision to get involved? Lady Guevera was the one who involved the marches, duchies, and the first prince.

His father looked at him as if looking at another persons irrational child. Yes, it was. If Lady Guevera did not get involved, where would you be? Would we know that you had left for Chetterswickshire? Would we know you were missing after running away with Lady Hart? Dimitri, you are lucky that Lady Guevera chose to become involved.

Baron Hart was already searching for us-

With his fiances sons, the Prime Minister cut him off sharply. You, who went to their home twice, should know how limited Baron Harts resources are! With what resources would he have found you? And even if he did, how long would it have taken if it were just him? Compared to the resources at Lady Gueveras hands, do you think that the Baron wouldve found you in time?

Dimitri lowered his head. He wasnt sure if the Baron wouldve found them in time, or at all, if he was being honest. He was told that groups of knights had been searching all the lakes region looking for them. And it was Lord Sebastian and his knights who found the broken carriage in the ravine and came after them.

I am thankful for Lady Gueveras assistance at this time, Dimitri said, carefully as he rubbed his head. He felt a bit of pressure; this entire conversation was giving him a headache. He hoped his words would reassure his parents. It wasnt as if he was ungrateful. It was just that he didnt want his parents to lay blame on Alessa.

You should be, his mother said in a sharp voice. If she did not search for that lapis lazuli around your neck, they would not have found you in time.

Dimitris hand lowered and went over the crystal charm resting beneath his shirt. His mother brought home two crystal talisman charms from the delta and let him pick which one to keep. He thought it was an unnecessary souvenir, but his mother insisted. She got into the habit of asking him if he was wearing it when she called during his final exams, and he began to wear it out of habit. She insisted it would help him calm down and may help with his headaches.

He didnt pay attention to whether it worked.

His eyes narrowed suspiciously. Why was she looking for the crystal?

Madam Guthry opened her mouth, but turned her head away once more. The Prime Minister let out a heavy breath.

Lady Guevera gifted them to your mother. She personally charged them and so they have her energy. Advanced crystal users can search for crystals they charged using their energy. Im unfamiliar with the exact specifics, but for her energy to extend far enough to find you through the crystal, Lady Guevera got crystal fatigue and was unconscious for over a day.

According to the crystal masters I spoke to, she should have rested longer before she attempted to do such complex crystal work again, but the poisoning happened, and Lady Guevera overspent herself trying to remove it. That was why she was asleep for several days and lost feeling and movement in her legs.

His mother looked at him and shook her head. I expect you to both thank and apologize to Lady Tori. I dont care what Lady Hart or Mr. Alvere do, but I expect you to have the decency to acknowledge what she, her brother, and their people did for you.

Madam Guthry rose from her seat. She didnt look at him as she walked past and slammed the door on her way out.

Dimitri sat down on the foot of the bed. His father remained in the room with him. Dimitri. He lifted his head and looked up at his father, the man he always respected. No matter the situation, his father had always maintained a calm demeanor and thought clearly. His father had never bowed his head to anyone or simply accepted blame without reason. Today, he saw his father unable to meet the eyes of and defend himself against Marquis Guevera. Anger and shame ate at Dimitri, but he couldnt ignore that it was his fault his parents were in such a situation. Our family has made a point to never cross the marches and to limit any aid they give us; else we will be in debt to them.

Father, it was Lady Guevera who allowed herself to be involved. And if you knew that the marches were going to be involved, why did you accept it?

Because my son was missing, the Prime Minister said behind gritted teeth. Do you not understand how scared we were when we didnt know where you were? We didnt know if you were alive. We needed all the help we could get to find you! Im not so stubborn as to reject the assistance Lady Guevera and her brother gave. I dont regret doing so, either.

Then, you blame me and Alessa? Dimitri wanted to snort. Such favoritism simply because his parents didnt approve of Alessa.

Your actions have made us in debt to them. In addition, the good relationship your mother has with Lady Guevera is likely ruined.

Is Lady Guevera so petty as to hold this against Mother? Dimitri asked with a bit of bitterness. On one hand, he didnt like that his mother was so fond of Lady Guevera and were on such friendly terms, that his mother even had an invitation to Lady Gueveras birthday. On the other, his mother and his family benefited from the connection. It also made his mother happy.

His father narrowed his eyes once more. Do you really dislike Lady Guevera? Dimitri didnt answer, but didnt deny it. Very well. Since you do not approve of Lady Guevera, your mother and I will end the relationship. We will cancel our reservations at Viclya and we will reject any future invitations.

Dimitri jerked his head up with wide eyes filled with surprise. He didnt think his father would do so considering that a connection to Lady Guevera also meant a connection to the first prince of Soleil. You and Mother will really end your relationship with Lady Guevera for my sake?

The Prime Minister gave him a small nod. Your mother suspected it was just a schoolyard rivalry. A minor disagreement that led to animosity. However, it seems that Lady Guevera also detests you. If we must choose a side, we will of course choose yours.

Father.... Dimitris brows lightened. Thank you.

But this and your acknowledgement to Lady Guevera for her efforts are two different things.

I understand, Dimitri said, nodding earnestly.

Good. I hope this is fair to you now.

Dimitri tried to hold back his smile. It is, Father.

Since you will end your relationship to Lady Hart, we will end our relationship with Lady Guevera.

Dimitris shoulders fell. You still want me to stop being friends with Alessa?

The Prime Minister raised an almost mocking brow. When did I retract it? He turned towards the door. You will not leave this room until we leave in the morning. Upon arriving in Horizon, you will be under house arrest until Lyce begins-

House arrest! Dimitri shot up. Father, you cant be serious. I still have my workshop in Fosse!

Oh, now you remember Fosse, his father said with a slight sneer as he opened the door. He looked back at Dimitri. Your allowance will be suspended until you return to Lyce. When Lyce begins, the amount will be decreased until further notice. Any funding needed for your project will require my approval before any money is spent or a contract is agreed upon.


You have shown with your actions that we cant trust you as we thought we could, Dimitri. His father stepped aside and gave him one last solemn look. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions.

Hell arrive by the end of the week, dont worry. They already left, Tori said as she leaned forward with a safety pin. Her comcry was on the bed next to her. She had pulled up the hem of her dress so she could put the safety pin on to keep it from flying around if there was wind.

A nervous breath came from the comcry. Master MacDouglass has been interviewed already. He had several people he was recommending.

Are you still worried? Tori asked.

Its not over yet! Ewan seemed to whine. Tori chuckled.

I think you already passed the hard part, Tori told him. Your stamina and physical fitness are very high, and you ranked securely in the middle for basic technique, with high scores for footwork. Ilyana said you had some of the highest scores for the written exams.

I wouldnt say highest.... Ewan said, sheepishly. I did well above average in knightly conduct and strategy.

And what is well above average?

Top ten.

Uh-huh. What about history and comprehension?

Top three in both.

Tori let out a pleased hoot of approval. I knew it! Our Ewan is ideal for knighthood!

She heard Ewan laugh and she relaxed a bit. Thanks, Tori. I still cant help but feel a bit nervous, but youre right. I did pretty well.

They are interviewing my brother. The moment he says that the Guevera March is interested in you, La Garda is not going to let you go, she told him, filled with confidence. I wouldnt even be worried about the background check. You come from a family of knights. By the way, how did your parents take it?

Ecstatic! Ewan almost yelled. My brothers bought me drinks. Dad cried. Mom and Grandma said to make sure to thank you and Ilyana.

You can count as Ilyanas pupil, too. Her first one she personally guided. Shes so proud of you, you know. We all are.

He laughed once more. Im not accepted yet.

I know you will be, Tori repeated once more. By the way, did you see von Dorn there?

No. Applicants were separated into three groups, and we didnt have contact with each other, Ewan said. I dont think there was a particular way we were sorted, but I didnt see him. Our scores and ranks were sent privately, so there was no ranking board to check.

Tori let out a little hum. Im curious about his scores...I can probably find out when I go to the imperial palace to pick up my wheelchair.

At the reminder that she currently could not walk, Ewans cheerful voice grew serious. Will you be better soon?

In about a week or a week and a half, I should start to regain feeling in my legs, Tori said. She looked down at her unmoving limbs. But it will take another month or so to fully regain control and be back to normal. I think being in the delta will help.

Will you be able to walk on your birthday?

Tori hesitated. I dont think so, Ewan. Ill probably have feeling in my legs and will be able to move them a little, but I wont have enough control to walk.

You have to be more careful next time.

She cracked a slight smile. I know. Trust me, I hope this doesnt happen again.

I cant believe they caused so much trouble....

Well, on the upside, we stopped poachers and an animal fighting ring, Tori said. That knowledge was of some comfort. And we dont know if they wouldve done something similar to anyone else who saw them. Its good that they were caught now. The Anlar March and Cousin Baldwin are investigating it.

Part of her did wonder if this was part of the games original story line. If it was, how did Alessa and the others escape? Were more of the love interests with her to protect her?

She suppose it didnt matter. It was over and done with.

I have to go. Grandma is asking for frozen fruit juice and I had to hide all my charms. Ewan let out a tired sigh.

Why did you hide your charms?

Because my siblings and their kids kept taking them to freeze their drinks! I ran out and had to beg for some from Henrik. Hes so stingy. Luckily, Constantine gave me a bunch.

Tori muffled her laugh. Ill make you some more when I get back. And some for Grandma.

Thanks, Tori. Ill let her know.

The call ended and Tori looked out the window. The sun was going to set soon, and she had an appointment to relax outside.

A swing was the last thing Tori thought she needed, but when Piers told her he found an old swing in the stables and would find a suitable tree so she could use it, Tori was a bit excited. There was only so much she could do stuck in the room and unable to do crystal experiments. Part of her was embarrassed that she was so bored because of that. She could almost see JP, Henrik, and Albert calling her a crystal fanatic.

Shed already spent hours on the comcry calling her friends and catching them up on her last few weeks. Thankfully, because of properties of the crystal in the comcry, it didnt require any grounding on her part. Comcrys were developed for everyone to use.

Ilyana had cried and Sonia was so angry, she had to go for a long ride to calm down. Henrik and Constantine were stunned and assured her that they would prepare for her arrival in the delta, as she would need some changes made to her tent due to her mobility issue.

Tori told them that she would continue doing her work over the summer in Viclya, but she was limited in where she could go in a wheelchair.

JP wanted to spread the news, but Tori said she didnt know if the news of Alessa, Dimitri, and Montans rescue would have negative effects for others, so not to do so.

Albert would be joining the imperial knights that were coming to meet them halfway. He was coming as Piers aide and her friend. Hed bring with him clothes for her that were easier to change in and out of, packed by Ilyana. Tori asked Ilyana to send several pieces of the delta collection so she could give them to all the Guevera knights who helped them and the imperial knights who were caught in the poison gas.

With her friends caught up, Tori prepared to summon a knight to bring her outside.

Her comcry lit up once more and Tori saw a name that she hadnt seen appear in a few days. Her brows furrowed and she slid her finger across the crystal.

Hello, Madam Voss.

Good afternoon, my lady. Thank you. Madam Voss voice was a bit hoarse, but Tori could hear her sincerity.

We are lucky to have found them safely, Madam.

Mich-Baron Hart has told me that you not only had crystal fatigue, but fell to crystal shock in order to protect Alessa and the boys, Madam Voss said. It was luck and your efforts, and I cannot thank you enough. I am aware that I was the one who brought the matter to your attention and involved you.

It was a good decision to do so. They are also my classmates. Everyone is safe and the injuries are minor, Tori said, trying to ease any of the womans guilt.

She heard Madam Voss take a deep breath. I heard that crystal shock has caused you to lose your mobility.

Its temporary. If this sort of thing doesnt happen again soon, Ill be fine.

Regardless, I will always be indebted to you, my lady.

Hmm...remember that when we renegotiate our contracts, Tori said with a slight grin. She heard Madam Voss let out a small chuckle.

Lions Gate and you are our priority, my lady. I will let you go; I know you are leaving tomorrow and should need to prepare.

Thank you, Madam Voss. Please dont forget to send us an invitation to your wedding. Even if I am unable to come, I will send a gift, Tori said with a smile.

Madam Voss didnt answer immediately. Her voice was tight. Thank you for your kindness, my lady, but I have already broken off the engagement.

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