Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 112: Why'd You Provoke Him

Chapter 112: Why'd You Provoke Him

The tourist season can only last for so long here. Places like Tres Arcos and Karap are warmer, so the weather for the activities we offer here can continue for a longer period. I have the choice of either transitioning to more cold weather activities or shut down tourism for the winter, Tori said as she sat on the wicker basket swing with her mother and Alexander.

The craftsmen from Den set it up near the walkway close to her tent, but with a pleasant view of the shore and promenade. Her wheelchair was beside them and several knights stood at a distance to give the mother and daughter privacy. Tori was happy to relax, as shed already had a long day of welcoming guests. Tomorrow, shed spend most of her time in the kitchen of the restaurant, helping prepare the dinner meal.

Her mother had tried to follow her as she rushed around, but Tori felt that her mother should relax more after her rushed journey. Thankfully, Sebastian dragged their mother away to give her a tour of the area and even took her around the islands. Antonia was finally able to pry herself away from her son at the welcome dinner, where Tori told their guests about the spy game.

Nearly everyone was participating, but the Marquess wanted to stay with Tori, insisting she could help cook as well. Despite growing up in a scholars family and then becoming a noblewoman, Toris mother was skilled in cooking regional food. She personally made the Marquis favorite sausages.

Tori couldnt really talk her into being idle, but if she rested, then her mother would rest, like they were doing now.

Shutting down for the winter would mean that the storefronts and hospitality staff would have nothing to do. Isnt that a waste of their training? her mother asked. One of her arms was around Toris shoulders, holding her only daughter close, while the other was petting Alexander on her lap.

Not necessarily. The artisans will still be working and building up a stock of goods to be sold in Horizons stores and in the spring. My main concern would be the staff for the resort, salespeople, and Henriks restaurant. If we transition to cold weather activities, the tents will suffice, but they dont seem fitting for the season.

When Tori thought of wintry weather vacations, she thought of warm hearths, thick throws, and snow lightly drizzling outside of a cabin with snowcapped peaks in the background. Of course, it rarely snowed in the delta. Last winter, Horizon got a handful of snow, but Viclya and the area around the water were dusted with snow that melted as soon as it hit the ground.

There also werent any tall mountains suitable for skiing and the river didnt freeze over, nor were there large lakes suitable for ice skating. The delta was cold, gray, and wet in the winter. Morale dropped and there was a seasonal depression amongst the villagers and workers.

Can you reassign them for the season? You have the budget to continue their pay through the winter, dont you? Antonia asked.

Tori nodded, but looked ahead of them, in thought. I do. Villagers who work for us get a modest pay depending on their position and skill. She pursed her lips. Most of the adult villagers worked for them in some capacity. Id like to take the lull period to start sectioning off the area behind the promenade for villagers who want to remain inland, as well as put more focus on planning the farms and homesteads in the allocated land further upriver. I also want to start moving the supply yard onto the east shore, where the workers and knights are lodging. Split the shores by residential and commerce, and industrial, if you will.

Have you discussed this with the civil planners from Universit?

Yes, weve been working on plans, as phase two buildings will be permanent residences and work areas inland. The construction to build over the islands will slow, with focus on the main plaza on Roi and the buildings around it. We have enough homes for fishermen for the time being. Two islands specifically being used for local artisans are almost complete.

What does phase three include?

Transport hubs, Tori said. Depending on the size and use of the island, there will be one to four docks built especially for transporting people and cargo with set routes to go from island to island, dock by dock, at specified times. While slower and less convenient than hiring a private vessel to take you directly to the mainland or another island, it will be useful for those who cant afford a private vessel or dont have access to one. A good example right now is from the workers dock on the east shore. There are three large boats that each go to a different construction site. They come and go at specified times, so workers know when they come and dont have to wait long.

Antonia nodded. Thats a promising idea.

Constantine did most of the work. He says they do something similar for members of the church going from the monastery to Temple Mountain. Tori gave credit where it was due. The first of the mills has been built near our test farm and we plan to build a few more along the river, if we can get more land.

Idunn said your test crops are doing well.

That is a credit to her, the farmers, and the farmers brought over to help guide our people, Tori said. She chuckled. All I do is space out land and pay for things, Mama.

I feel you do more than that. Antonia smiled gently and stroked her hair back. Otherwise, there would not be a mountain of papers for you to review on your desk and you wouldnt spend hours at meetings and making calls.

The finer details are left up to project leads, I only need to make large, financial decisions, give instructions, and periodically review. If the project leads werent capable, Id have a nightmare of a time. Not to mention all the help from Universit. Its nothing short of a miracle how theyve been able to work together so smoothly.

Speaking of Universit, do you plan to continue on?

Tori snickered. You think Ill get accepted? Universit du Soleil was the best graduate and research institution in the empire.

Why wouldnt you? Her mother raised a brow and gave her a questioning look, as if wondering why she wouldnt. I dont doubt that your exam scores will meet the requirement. As for references...Im sure all you must do is ask the various professors, instructors, and masters affiliated with Universit who are aiding you here.

Tori laughed and grinned. Do you know how many of them have asked if I was interested in joining their department in a few years?

Antonia met her grin with one of her own. Are you interested?

I want to study crystals. Id also need to study a bit of civics and business, but mainly crystals, Tori said.

Antonia tilted her head back and slowly nodded. I see. Then...Universit would give you access to the largest crystal reference library, depository, and master network in Soleil.

And charms, Old Sulfae, and historical text on ancient methods combining the two, Tori replied before biting her lower lip. Master Ramos told me. Only students, professors, and alumni have access. If I want to build up Anahata Island, I will need to gain more knowledge on the subject, as well. I cant always depend on Instructor Ignatius and Master Ramos.

Her mother squinted and looked out towards the islands. Your brothers said that they dont leave the island.

Tori took a deep breath. They only leave the island when I make them. The Bishop of Karap is also there right now. I invited him to my birthday celebration, but I dont know if hell leave the island for it.

Antonia laughed once more. Im sure theyll come. How many people are coming? There were so many people introducing themselves to me today; I dont think I caught them all.

My friends families, especially Ewans, since were celebrating him, too. Prince Emil and his wife arrived while you were on an island tour, people I have professional relationships with, business partners, and three of the five duchies were invited.

I saw Vanessa earlier, yes, Antonia said with a nod. She said she arrived earlier and is already staying at the resort tents with her husband and son.

Are you familiar with Duchess Fekete?

We are of the same generation, and I went to school with them. Genevieve was the oldest of the future duchesses, then Delilah, and Vanessa, who is Lucias age. Duke Sinan is your fathers age and Duchess Donatella Servana is of your grandparents generation. A wry smile tugged at Antonias lips. Duchess Servanas children fought for succession since the eldest became ill as a child and never fully recovered. They thought hed die too soon and wasnt fit to be heir. Due to the infighting of the family, there were multiple accidents and two sons and one daughter all passed, leaving only the sickly eldest. He married the girl who saved his life. Shes a Nordursin and they have four children, the eldest of whom is a twelve-year-old boy who is the Duchess heir.

Tori wanted to laugh. So, they thought he was useless and instead, he had four children. Is he still alive?

Yes. Aside from getting sick more often and being prone to the cold, hes doing well. His wife is distantly related to Idunn, and they are on the guest list for your brothers wedding.

Tori smiled a bit. Its going to be a big wedding.

Im already dreading the logistics of it, her mother said with a dramatic sigh. Your brothers assistants have been running around booking venues for guests to stay and planning activities for the event. She glanced over at Tori. Do you want to help since you have so much experience?

Tori snorted and shook her head. No, thank you. Im already dancing for them.

Its been a while since Ive seen you do a blessing dance. Antonia jutted out her lower lip pitifully.

Then, its something to look forward to at Sebbys wedding, Tori said. She furrowed her brows. Is the imperial family invited?

Of course; they are always invited to these large events. Its only a matter of if they can come. At most, there will be a representative from the family, her mother said. I expect it to be Prince Piers, as he is your brothers pupil.

That made the most sense. Tori grinned. Are you sure the Empress wont want to come? She misses you a lot.

Antonias eyes narrowed. Because shes clingy. If she were here, Id never-


Oh no. Her mother tensed against her.

A high, musical voice seemed to float towards them. It was filled with affection and joy, but from the cold annoyance on her mothers face, Tori was sure the feeling wasnt completely mutual. Antonia was still, as if hoping the woman calling for her would bypass her if she didnt move. But, the Empress was a person, not the tyrannosaurus from Jurassic Park.

There you are! The Empress appeared beside the basket swing with a wide smile. Why didnt you tell me you were coming?

I didnt tell anyone I was coming, Antonia said in a cold voice. Her narrowed eyes bore into the Empress. How did you know I was here?

Piers mentioned it when he called his father. I was in the room at the time and came immediately! The Empress sounded almost proud.

Monica, you know with your status, you need to be much more cautious about leaving Horizon, Antonia said in a stern voice. How could you leave on such short notice?

The Empress waved her hand. There are plenty of knights here and Im not doing much right now. Besides, its your daughters birthday and it sounds fun.

The Marquess looked at her as if she were an idiot. None of those are good reasons.

The Empress almost choked on her own breath. Toni, I wanted to see you. You hardly ever visit Horizon.

There is no need for me to.

Thats why this is a rare event that I needed to take advantage of.

So, you are aware that you are taking advantage.

Yes, do you want to go outrigger racing tomorrow?


Tori turned her head to the side and tried not to laugh. Her mothers sharp and immediate responses left little room for argument. The Empress, however, did not appear deterred. She was completely used to this cold side of Antonia.

Then, what are you doing tomorrow? I will join you.

Denied. Youll only burn down Henriks restaurant.

The Empress looked affronted and denied it immediately. What? What are you talking about?

Antonia turned to Tori. On our first-year excursion, she started a small forest fire while trying to roast meat.

Toris eyes crinkled up and she slowly turned to the Empress, unable to restrain her judgmental look.

That was one time, and it was so long ago! the Empress balked.

Then, how many more times have you stepped into the kitchen since then? Antonia asked with a knowing look.

Both Antonia and the Empress had married young; Antonia as soon as she graduated Lyce and the Empress as soon as the Emperor graduated Lyce two years after them. Toris mother was already pregnant with Sebastian when she started at a university in Presidio and the Empress returned from her familys seat in Buchenberg to marry the Emperor. Throughout that time, the Empress never had to do her own cooking.

The Empress curled her lips inward and looked away, unable to defend herself.

Mother. A deep voice came from behind them. Why did you not tell me you were coming? I wouldve come to meet you.

Piers! The Empress defeated face immediately brightened at the sight of her son. I came to find Toni. Have you already greeted the Marquess?

Yes, Mother, the other night, when she arrived, Piers said in a calm voice. He reached their side and turned to Tori and her mother, still seated in their basket swing, and bowed his head. My apologies for troubling you. I was not aware that my mother had left Horizon.

The Empress stared at him with disbelief. Why are you apologizing?

You are an unexpected guest and accommodations need to be made at once. Piers glanced at Tori before looking away. You are troubling them.

I dont need fancy accommodations. I can stay with you. The Empress pretended she didnt see Piers look of utter rejection.

Tori sighed. Axtons tent is vacant, Your Majesty. If you dont mind staying at the encampment, then please stay in Axtons tent. The furnishings are not as nice as the resort tents, and there is a lot of foot traffic outside, but its location is next to Piers tent, which is across from mine.

The Empress smiled wide. Im not a stranger to rugged furnishings, Lady Tori. I am still a marquis daughter. Axtons tent is suitable.

I will ask for someone to prepare it, Piers told Tori. Please rest and leave my mother to me.

The Empress frowned. Wait-

Mother, please follow me. I will show you to your tent.

The Empress sighed and looked at Antonia. Ill be back later! Dont leave! She rushed off to follow her son and Antonia watched them go with critical eyes.

Tori, does Prince Piers often assist you like this?

Yes, I get help from all my friends, Tori replied.

Antonia looked at her daughter and raised a brow. The first prince of Soleil should not bow his head in apology for such a small thing.

The first prince of Soleil is Piers. Hell do whatever he wants, Tori sighed with a shrug. Mama, are you sure you want to help cook tomorrow? The Empress is here; she must really want to spend time with you.

Do you think Monica and I are like you and Ilyana?

I think the Empress wants that to be so.

Her mothers look softened a bit. I love her, but she makes me tired sometimes. Such boundless energy...shes likely why I was so patient with your brothers. Tori held back a snort. Her mother soothed her hair back once more. Are you sure you dont need me to help you?

Im sure, Mama. Some volunteers from the village are assisting me with the activity tomorrow; I can focus on cooking, Tori said. This is what I want to do for my friends and family.

Mamas sweet girl. Antonia leaned forward and kissed the top of Toris head.

I knew it. Shes the favorite, Sebastians voice reached them with a hint of jealousy. Were just trash in comparison.

Tori turned her head and her eyes lit up as she saw another man approach alongside Sebastian. Kasey!

Happy birthday, Tori. Kasens blue eyes were filled with gentle affection as he reached them. He leaned down to embrace her. How are your legs?

Still cant feel them, but Im starting to feel the tingle of energy over the vein, Tori said with a bright, excited look. I have high hopes. She gave her brother a tight squeeze before letting him go.

Kasen, what are you doing here? Arent you working? their mother asked as Kasen turned to embrace her. Kasen looked suspicious.

Why is that the first thing you ask? Sebastian said the same thing; its as if you dont want me here.

How can I monopolize Tori if you two are here, Antonia replied easily. She brought her son close and tilted her head to kiss the side of his head. Gods have blessed me to keep you safe.

Papas going to be upset when he finds out were all here except for him. Sebastian wore a smug grin as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Lets call him, Kasen said as he slipped out of their mothers embrace. Sebastian looked even more excited and nodded.

Call Gregorio de Guevera. Tori snapped her head towards her mother, who already had her comcry out.

RIP, Papa. You are missed. Tori made a little prayer for her father.

It took a few moments for her father to answer. My heart? Whats wrong? Is Tori-

Guess whos here with them, Papa, Kasen said, smug as he leaned forward to speak into the comcry.

There was a long pause on the other side before a series of swearing could be heard. Tori cringed as her father shouted. Arent you supposed to be working? Why are you there!?

Its Toris coming-of-age birthday, Kasen said in a smooth voice. Why wouldnt I come?

You little-

Papa, if you can come, its not too late to arrive after the birthday party, Tori said, trying to appease him. She had a lot of affection for her father who yelled at the Guthrys and Baron Hart. Sebby isnt leaving for a while.

Ive been working for weeks, so Im going to take a rest, too, Kasen added.

Who said you can take a break-

You should come, Papa. I'll miss you if everyone is here except you. Tori made herself sound pitiful and got the desired effect. Her fathers voice immediately softened and became placating.

Papa will come as soon as possible. Dont worry, your uncles are here. I will be there soon! Gregorio told her. It appeared that Uncle Lorenzo and Uncle Rom would have additional work. Dont let your brothers leave. I will take care of them when I arrive.

Sebastian and Kasens smug looks fell. Sebastian turned to Kasen and smacked his arm. Whyd you provoke him?

Kasen rubbed his arm and shot him a glare. You agreed to call him!

Youre the one who suggested it!

Antonia ignored her sons, and her voice became gentle. She looked at the comcry with some affection. Then, well see you soon. Be safe, my love.

The call ended and the quiet night was now filled with her brothers discussing where Kasen would sleep. Since Sebastian practically lived with Idunn, Kasen could stay in his tent, which was near Toris. It was near the tent Kasen had stayed in when he had come to pick her up the previous summer. Antonia stood up and told them to keep quiet; it was getting late, and everyone had a busy day tomorrow.

Ill show you to your tents. I need to speak to Monica, as well, Antonia said in a firm voice. She looked at Tori and her voice softened. Do you want to go back?

No, Im going to sit here a bit longer. Tori looked at Alexander, who had jumped down. Alexander, are you going to stay with me?

The cat seemed to look from her to her mother before jumping back on the swing. Antonia chuckled. All right. I will leave two knights with you. Do not stay out too long.

Tori gave her a nod, appreciating the autonomy her mother gave her compared to the men in the family. Tori remained seated on her swing, relishing the warm breeze and the distant sound of waves. She stroked Alexander on her lap.

Tori, may I ask for another tent to be allocated tomorrow night?

She didnt look over her shoulder. She knew it was Piers. Who else needs a tent? Havent we covered everyone? Dont tell me your father is coming.

No, he would not leave on such short notice, Piers said as he rounded the swing. He stood in front of her, blocking her view.

Tori pursed her lips. Are you going to report or are you going to sit?

Piers lowered his head. Sit. He steadied the basket swing and sat on the far end. The space between them was enough for Alexander to stretch out in.

Another tent isnt a problem, but itll be in the encampment, not the resort tents. The resort tents are filled with guests.

Encampment is acceptable.

Whos coming? Tori asked.

Chamberlain Thorpson.

Tori jerked her head back. Why is Chamberlain Thorpson coming? The man only moved for the Emperor, meaning he was coming as ordered by the Emperor. Tori felt her stomach twist. Is something wrong?

No, Father is going to give you the islands you asked for.

What? Tori sat up straight and disturbed her cat. She quickly put her hands down to calm him as he looked up, annoyed. She turned back to Piers. Hes going to give me islands?

Piers gave her a nod. He has been considering it since he came to visit. Father is extremely impressed with your work here, and the related materials youve compiled on refugees, resettlement, and works citing you from various Universit papers. He wanted to reward you with NE12 and Anahata Island.

Tori began to shake as a wide smile reached her face. Youre not joking? Hes going to give them to me?

Yes. At sixteen, you are legally allowed to buy, sell, trade, inherit, and be presented with property from the imperial family. It is not unheard of to be gifted with property from the imperial family at this age if suitable achievement for the benefit of the empire has been made, Piers told her. Chamberlain Thorpson will make the announcement at tomorrows dinner.

Tori bit her lips to keep from screaming in excitement. Two islands and I dont have to spend any money!

He wants to encourage your work with crystal research with Master Ramos and Instructor Ignatius. It is beneficial to the empire. NE12 is more of a personal gift, he said. Piers had a slight smile on his face as he watched her nearly shake the swing in excitement.

I cant believe this. Its too good to be true. I thought that Id have to at least apply to purchase the islands. Especially Anahata Island. Tori gritted her teeth and clenched her hands to try to contain herself. She looked at Piers with a hint of worry. Are you sure its a gift? I dont have to pay?

That is what my father said.

Tori beamed as she gathered her cat and hugged him. This is going to be such a great birthday!

I know it looks unimpressive, Tori said as she carefully layered a thin, round sheet of pancake onto a layer of vanilla cream. But after multiple layers, the mille crepe cake will be completed and is delicious. Both somewhat dense and creamy. Its just time consuming to make and cool all the layers.

Several chefs stood around the large kitchen counter where Tori was doing a demonstration on the kind of cake she was making for her birthday party. She had already overseen several assorted flavors of cream filling for the mille crepe cakes in the flavors shed had for other birthday cakes.

Then she had immediately begun to make large batches of thin batter. She collected similar sized pans, Tori greased them and made the thin pancakes by scooping a little batter into the pan and spreading it out. Once bubbles appeared, she carefully flipped it to cook the other side, then removed it to cool. She had repeated the process until there were about forty cooling crepes.

Once the layers are cool to the touch, you can begin to layer them with the cream, Tori said. If you layer them when theyre still warm, the cream will melt off. Do not mix cream flavors on the same cake. Please keep them consistent. Once they are layered and decorated, they can be chilled until the party. Are there any questions?

She looked around from the high stool she was sitting on and studied the faces of the chefs and cooks around her. They were all familiar with working with her and paid careful attention to what she asked for. Tori always tried to take their comments into consideration.

She knew basic dishes from various places and could cook, but she wasnt a professional. Today, she was going to do a summer favorite: grilling meat. In particular, grilling thin cuts of marinated meats and skewers. She didnt know how many parties at the beach, picnics, and house parties shed been to in her original world where grilling was happening.

That didnt count the numerous times she went to Korean BBQ with her friends.

The experience of grilling at ones table, particularly during the summer, was what she was going for. She had this idea when she met Hoita and realized she could get her greedy hands on spices and sauces from around the game world.

No, my lady, we will begin at once, the restaurants lead pastry chef told her with a wide smile.

Great! Tori lifted her hand and motioned for a knight to carry her on to her wheelchair. The restaurants kitchen was cluttered and busy with the amount of people, but the aisles had been cleared and the center work area moved to allow her to at least move along one side. Then, I will leave the chefs to it. Unit one will work on the side dishes previously discussed. I will need unit three to assist me in preparing the meat for marinades.

The knight moved her towards the other end of the kitchen, where raw food was prepared. That was also the side where there were three cold rooms. Using ice crystals, fluorite, and the combined effort of no less than three master craftsmen, Tori and Instructor Ignatius created walk-in refrigerators and freezers. A humidity-controlled pantry was on the other side of the kitchen.

Henriks restaurant was a testing ground for them, and according to various instructing chefs and bakers theyd hired to teach villagers, its kitchen was the most advanced theyd seen. JP and Sonias mother was impressed. The imperial kitchens didnt have such crystal technology at their disposal.

In preparation for Toris birthday, the smallest of the fridges had been allocated for her things. This included several large vats of marinades and slabs of meat.

Tori got her hands on soy sauce, sweet wine, and sesame oil. It wasnt exactly the wide array of ingredients in her pantry at home, but it was enough to mix with honey, sugar, vinegar, garlic, ginger, onions, and citrus to make several different marinades.

About twice every year in her original world, her friend threw a Korean BBQ party and Tori always helped. She wasnt exactly sure about the measurements, but could visually approximate and then adjust if the taste wasnt right.

The cooks brought out slabs of beef and Tori instructed them on how thin to cut them, then put them in the vat for marinades. She did this with beef, pork, mutton, and then went crazy seasoning small cubes of meat and vegetables with a dozen different spices. Then she had them put on metal skewers to be grilled later.

At lunch, she did her second demonstration with the staff that would be assigned to each table to oversee the grilling. She knew that doing just one demonstration during dinner would have mixed results, so she thought it better to train a small group to assist her guests.

Pieces of meat had been purposely set aside to feed the staff once they cooked the meat on the specially built round grills that were heated on carnelian cooking plates. The item was already in heavy use on Anahata Island, where Tori first tested it out, and in the kitchen tent that prepared her meals.

When she was rolled out of the kitchen to take a break, she smelled of spices and grilled meat. She doubted shed get the scent off her when she changed for dinner.

I smell delicious, she said to herself as she was rolled to the front of the restaurant. The knight with her looked at her curiously.

My lady, will the meat be served with flatbread? the knight asked.

No, itll be served with white rice, Tori said. She licked her lips. In her original world, shed cook white rice in a small rice cooker she inherited from her college days. It wasnt fancy, but it still worked. In this world, there was no such technology, but she knew how to cook it in a regular pot.

In college, their apartments original rice cooker died. Or rather, someone forgot to put enough water and the device could not be salvaged. Until they had time to buy another one, her roommate made rice in a pot on the stove. She figured out the amount of water by using the finger method. Tori later used this method while camping.

Explaining all of this to the cooking staff did have them question her, but after her first batch was successful, their doubts were silenced.

Is it seasoned? the knight asked.

No, its plain. Dont ask why, just accept it, Tori said. How would she tell them because thats how it is in my original world?

Why do you smell like food? a voice asked from the side, and she turned her head.

Piers was seated in the shade of the restaurant with a glass of iced coffee in front of him. Aside from his table, the rest of the usual patio area had been doubled in size. The open area was needed for any smoke from the grills, so Tori and Henrik had the patio area temporarily extended.

The usually square tables had been topped with round, wooden counters, and each table was able sit six to eight people. The grill would be in the center and various smaller dishes with the marinated meat and side dishes would be placed around it. It took up a large area, but they would be the only party there that night.

I was showing the staff how to grill and marinate meat, Tori said. The knight pushed her to Piers without question and moved aside the chair across from him so she could take the spot. What are you doing out here? I thought you were going to do the spy game?

I am.

Tori squinted at him. Youre sitting here, drinking coffee.

There is still time. The secret message was found an hour ago and now they are doing numerous challenges to try to secure it, Piers said. I will collect it later.

Tori tilted her head. What do you mean collect it? Theyre not going to hand it to you, Piers.

I will challenge for it.

Cant they challenge you back?

They can try.

Tori let out a small snort. She called for a server to ask for her own iced coffee. As she looked back at him, it was clear that Piers was confident in his ability. I didnt think youd be so interested in fifty silver coins to spend on snacks.

Its not fifty silver coins. He reached into his pocket and took out his folded card. He opened it and held it out to her.

Toris lips pulled into a wide, helpless smile and she shook her head. She read the bold word shed written herself in black ink: Spy.

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