Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 117: Nothing I Say Will Stop You

Chapter 117: Nothing I Say Will Stop You

Inside Tori, there were two wolves. The first wolf said be responsible; work on your project and the delta. Focus your energy there. Helping people makes you feel good. The second wolf said fuck Adrien Rosiek and not in the sexual way. Destroy him to make yourself feel better.

And as Tori pored over the report her brother gave her, the second wolf was winning. She had a sense of urgency, and it was likely due to Adrien going to Chetterswickshire. Her brothers information sources didnt have much to report, but Tori had a bad feeling.

Adrien was seen leaving the manor, without Alessa, but he didnt leave the village. He went to check on garment factories there. That was nothing out of the ordinary for a businessman. Of course, hed need to check in on his investments every now and then.

Her brothers sources said that Adrien wanted to shift the focus of the workers from bootleg puff vests and sleeping bags to everyday clothing. Tori didnt like what that implied. Did he hear about Lions Gates Delta Collection and want to steal it? The clothing was designed for the climate of the delta; it was very casual and relaxed.

It wasnt necessarily something to wear in Horizon.

Tori thought of it as a local style. What youd wear on the beach and around Miami wouldnt be what you wore in Paris or Hong Kong, for the most part. No one was stopping you from wearing what you wanted, but youd get some looks. In addition, the Delta Collection was only sold in the delta for marketing purposes.

She looked down at the pieces of paper in front of her. Each palm-sized card had a type of business under the Golden Cow umbrella. Tori narrowed her eyes. She didnt necessarily have to fight him using Lions Gate. A lot of money was needed for investment, and she didnt want to drag her two friends into a personal battle any more than they already were. Although, if she mentioned it, Ilyana would be happy to fight. Ilyana was much more aggressive than most people thought.

At the moment, Lions Gate competed with Golden Cow through clothing and accessories, as well as outdoor equipment.

Adrien still had cafes, home goods, dry goods, liquor, and a print shop. Henrik and Ilyana told her that they were clustered around Golden Cow Mercantile in the Fourth District. In addition, he had many contacts all over the empire for supplies. He had a small team of people who went around the empire buying things from impoverished nobles and formerly wealthy families that could be resold.

He also had small general stores in towns along major trade routes. And that was only what they knew; there could always be more.

It was very impressive.

Doesnt it make you want to ruin it all?

JP looked up from the other side of the desk with a hint of worry on his face. When he volunteered to be her assistant while she was recovering, he seemed to have noticed a new side of Tori in that she would occasionally say some dark things.

You have a terrifying look on your face.

Its a terrifying time, Tori said, tapping her fingers on the table and keeping her gaze on the little cards. Were growing rapidly and need to strengthen our infrastructure. That requires money. Since I wont depend on my family to support the delta forever, I need other sources of income to pay for continuous development.

You want to compete with the cow?JP furrowed his brows.

When Henrik and Ilyana returned from their errands in Horizon, Ilyana had gone on a tirade about seeing so many stores that belonged to the Cow Man. They were an eyesore, according to Ilyana.

I initially selected the Fourth District for its location, affordability, and foot traffic, but also because the Cow Man is headquartered there and Im petty, Tori said. We were able to get a suitable location, so it was fate.

Henrik said it was expensive.

It was three small shops. Ilyana paid for one store, Henrik paid for a quarter of another store and was in charge of all the paperwork and hiring, and I paid for the rest and remodeling, Tori said. JP looked horrified at the amount of money being used, so she lifted a hand to try to calm him. Ilyana and I are considered two of the wealthiest students in school for a reason. This is our birthday money.

JP looked like he wanted to choke. Your birthday money was enough to buy two stores?

I got money from my parents, my grandparents, godfather, and my brothers, Tori said, sitting up straight. It was enough to buy an entire shopping block in the fourth district. Her sixteenth birthday was special, and the amount given to her reflected that. However, no one really needed to know. And Im spending most of it on Duel. I know its a risk, but its one Im willing to take.

Her would-be assistant ran a hand down his face. According to these, he said as he waved his hand over the desk. The Cow Man isnt in the game business.

Duel wasnt meant to compete with him. I have other ideas. Tori took the piece of paper that said clothing and moved it aside. Lions Gate is already competing with him in clothes and accessories. We have also launched Lions Gate Den, which will compete with his home goods, such as furniture and cookware made here at the delta. She moved that piece of paper to the side, as well.

JP pointed to the remaining pieces of paper. Liquor, cafe, print, and general stores remain.

His general stores are along the major trade routes. I think its quite clever and its something I want to delve into later, Tori said. For now, I want to keep it local and build up a brand that will be recognizable.

Lions Gate is already recognizable, JP told her. Anyone whos anyone in Horizon knows Lions Gate.

They know us for our clothes and accessories. Its limited.

JP nodded and looked at the pieces of paper. You want to expand into something else?

Tori tapped on cafe and liquor. Aside from our chilled coffee and fruit drinks, I can sell regular coffee and tea, which isnt very popular in Soleil, but its something. As for liquor, Kaseys reports say that he deals with wine and beer. He doesnt even have whiskey, fruit wine, or vodka. I doubt he has tequila or rum.

JP cocked his head to the side. What are those?

Hard liquor, best only drunk in moderation.

Do you plan to open a tavern?

No. Tori looked disgusted at the thought. Taverns need more workers, and we have to cook and serve food. It's too much trouble. Not to mention people get drunk and when people are drunk, they do questionable things. Things like harassing workers and ruining property. I plan to sell them by the bottle in a tasteful private tasting room to be enjoyed later in their homes. Let them get drunk elsewhere.

He seemed to be uncertain of her idea. You want to do this tasting room at Duel?

Of course not. Duel is different. Ideally, the wine should be sold in the Second District, near our flagship store or the Central Districts shopping area.

The Central District was easily the most expensive place to live and shop in Horizon. Many embassies and government buildings were in the Central District and the First District beside it. Anything being sold there was considered high end or rare, and thus expensive. Several teenagers trying to open a store, no matter what their background, would struggle to get a foothold in the Central District.

The cost was high, and the competition was fierce.

JP let out a low whistle. Those arent cheap locations, Tori. Even renting is expensive. And people who own property there arent willing to sell.

Tori nodded. I know. I dont need a large space or a storefront on a plaza or main road. Something discreet off a side street is better for the atmosphere.

Have you thought this through enough? There is a lot to do. There are permits for alcohol sales, registration with the empire, not to mention you need to purchase what youre going to sell. The most difficult part is securing a location if you want it in the Central District.

Is it? Tori raised her brows. She leaned forward. Do you know who owns the majority of the Central District? JP furrowed his brows and shook his head. Various members of the imperial family.

JPs eyes widened. Are you going to ask Prince Piers?

Tori clicked her tongue and frowned. Why does everyone think Im going to get help from him?

JP gave her an incredulous look. Youre really going to pretend that you dont?

I didnt say I didnt. Im just saying that this and that are different. Tori brushed it off, though she was a little guilty. She was self-aware enough to know that she depended on Piers for a lot. No, Ive got a business proposition for his Aunt Celine.

JPs eyes went wide and he almost gasped. Princess Celine du Soleil?


Horizons most infamous socialite?


The Silver Storm?

Tori drew her head back a bit and her voice dropped. Why are you calling her that?

Because everyone knows that Princess Celine is difficult to handle. JP ran a hand down his face. She was raised strictly under the hand of her grandmother, the late Empress Henrietta. She was quite a wild child and rebelled when she entered Lyce. She didnt listen to what her father or brother told her and even abandoned her imperial duties. Everyone says shes just going around Soleil, doing whatever she wants with little regard for her position.

Tori knew that much already. She slowly nodded her head. Where does she stand on alcohol?

Her friend looked at her as if she were dumb. What does that matter?

It matters because I want her to be interested in my business proposal.

Youre still going to try? He looked both frustrated and pained and Tori tried not to laugh.

JP, this isnt just to irritate Adrien Rosiek. Thats a bonus. This is also to earn money to support the delta, Tori told him in a serious voice. Besides, trying is better than doing nothing. The worst she can do is say no.

Nothing I say will stop you, so you do what you want, JP replied in a dull voice. Though, Princess Celine is said to be traveling constantly. How are you going to contact her?


I knew it!

He suggested I get in contact with her! Tori countered. Albert was there. You can check with him.

JP rolled his eyes. Youre already so busy and just got a county to govern. Now, you want to take a bunch of risks to compete with the Cow Man.

We need money, Tori repeated. To govern said county. This is important.

JP met her eyes firmly. Are you only going into business to earn money for the delta? There is no ulterior motive?

Tori held his gaze for a moment and didnt falter. Petty revenge?

JPs lips tightened into a line. He leaned back against his chair and gave her a small nod. Okay, he said with a smirk. What do you need me to do? one else is going to say it, JP said as he sat inside the restaurant with his friends and looked towards the long table on the patio that was filled with attractive people.

Say what? Sonia asked as she chewed and looked towards him.

Toris entire family looks good, JP said, suspicious. Lord Kasen had returned after a week and a half in Horizon, so Tori and her family were having a big meal. Individually, they stood out, but together, normal people like them couldnt take their eyes off the affectionate, boisterous family. At first, I thought that Toris parents must look good because shes pretty and her brothers made Ilyana walk into a planter.

I told you, I wasnt staring! Ilyana puffed out her cheeks and sent him a glare. And it wasnt both her brothers!

It was Lord Kasen. Same thing. JP gave her a wave of his hand.

Its not the same thing, Ilyana scowled. She lowered her voice and looked down at her plate. Lord Kasen is much more attractive than Lord Sebastian.

Does Tori know youre ranking her brothers' attractiveness? Henrik asked with a small smirk as he cut some food on his plate.

Does Tori know you think her mothers gorgeous? Sonia countered with a smug look from across the table. Henrik flushed and JP shook his head.

No one would dare tell Tori or say it aloud in the presence of the Gueveras. Marquis Guevera was intimidating, and Henrik did not want to get on anyones bad side. It wasnt good for business.

The imperial family is quite handsome, as well, Constantine said. Though, they seem to have much more varied personalities than Toris family.

Theyre strange in their own way, Albert said, sounding tired. They looked over at him. Hed just arrived that evening to relax after a busy week of running across the imperial palace to get from one reference hall to another. I understand why Sir Nassaun makes those faces sometimes.

You look like youve lost weight. Ilyana frowned as she looked at him. Have you been eating properly?

I eat at the staff commons at the palace, but since Im so busy, I have to pick up food to go.

What is food to go? JP asked.

Albert let out a heavy breath and paused, as if trying to remember. A dry sandwich and coffee.

The others either looked disgusted or sympathetic. Whether they admitted it or not, they were spoiled at the delta and around Tori. Even the sandwiches were delicious and filling, not to mention made fresh to their individual preferences.

Speaking of food, Ewan, La Garda isnt allowed to eat out during class periods. Hows your food situation going to be? Sonia asked.

Ewan was busy stuffing himself with the seafood pasta hed ordered. He chewed his food and swallowed. We have a commons, like in Lyce, but the food is more robust, and were required to eat at certain times. If we miss our meal slot, we cant join another one.

You look nervous when you say that. Henrik narrowed his eyes at him.

I am! What if I miss my meal slot?

Despite his La Garda exams being over, multiple people told him he should keep up his practice so as not to fall behind when he started in a few months. Thus, he took advantage of Lord Sebastian being in Horizon and continued his training.

As a direct pupil, Ewans expenses were paid by Lord Sebastian. JP and Tori did the calculations and Ewans main expense was, unsurprisingly, food. They usually had breakfast in one of the dining tents and lunch depended on where the individual was. Henrik, Ilyana, and Constantine were working, Ewan was training, and Sonia spent a lot of time exploring the area on horseback and running errands.

Since he started assisting Tori, JP was often eating lunch at his desk in the operations tent with Tori. One of the big bonuses of following Tori around was that they selected their meals in the morning from a menu of what was available. Fresh ingredients made to his taste. To think, he couldve been stuck in a sweltering stable, sweeping horse dung, and eating leftover stew that had congealed.

It was only during the weekend that they had lunches together. Dinners were always in a group at the restaurant. Henrik charged them, so Tori paid for their meals as her employees. They kept their meals simple and stuck to the existing menu.

Tori alternated between joining them and joining her family, which included her cousins. Ever since she received the title of Countess of Cosora, shed been so busy and couldnt play with her family like she originally planned. Not that her little cousins seemed to care; they were too busy exploring.

To JP and the others, peerage was the source of celebration. It was an honor. It was prestigious. It offered wealth and respect.

They didnt realize it meant something completely different to Tori until Constantine asked if something was wrong, and they were treated to a list of tedious work Tori needed to do to run her county. It surprised JP and after thinking about her situation, he understood why she had been so gloomy and needed to create steady sources of income to support the delta.

Unfortunately, none of them could offer her much help in governing. Luckily, her family was her most important resource and shed appeared happier recently after unloading some responsibility on to her family.

Has anyone noticed that His Highness isnt here? Constantine asked with a furrowed brow. Prince Piers usually comes on weekends. I havent seen him since Toris birthday party.

They looked towards Albert. Hes busy. Aside from his normal workload, hes trying to find an assistant for Tori to help manage the county. Also, hes in a sort of cold war with the Emperor.

What? JPs eyes widened and he perked up. What do you mean?

The Emperor didnt tell him that he was making Tori a countess, Albert said. His Highness was only told that Tori was going to be gifted two islands: Anahata and the one she wants to build a home on.

NE12, JP said with a nod. Tori had mentioned her interest in it a few times. Instead, he gave her the whole delta?

Albert glanced around. They were in a quiet corner, away from most guests and Toris family. He shook his head quickly and leaned closer.

He wants to keep Tori tied down to the delta in order to develop it further.

Ilyana frowned. Thats not part of Toris life plan. They all knew that crystals and travel were what Tori wanted to focus on once she finished school.

The Prince knows, thats why hes not talking to the Emperor unless its about work, Albert said. Hes declined all meals with his parents and will send me to bring messages to the Emperor. Not only that, but the Empress is avoiding the Emperor, too. They had an argument about Tori becoming the countess. Their assistants are exhausted.

They grimaced and Ewan patted his shoulder sympathetically.

They heard voices rising and growing more energetic from Toris family and they looked over.

Then, Ill call our naval architects tomorrow, Lady Bridget said as she leaned towards the table next to her and wiped Avas oily mouth. Ava was sitting with Riri and Ilyanas mother. The two children were playing some card game Tori gave them and they looked intense.

Since Tori is the Countess of Cosora, she can give her approval to use the land, they heard Marquis Guevera say. We dont have to worry about trying to make a deal with other nobles.

We'll still need approval from the Emperor, Lord Kasen said. He watched him pour some more wine into Toris glass.

Hell give his approval, the Marquis replied, as if the Emperor had no other option.

There are smaller fishing villages along the coasts. I will need to let them know of the plans, Tori said. I know this is an added security measure, but I dont want it to negatively affect the livelihoods of those villages or mine.

There were several people nodding and JP leaned into the table. What do you suppose theyre talking about?

If the Marquis is involved, then it might be a naval fortress, Henrik said as he narrowed his eyes. Tori was telling us about it after she sat to watch a Chamber meeting, remember?

Yes, but the location wasnt finalized nor was it approved. It was just presented. JP cocked his head to the side. She wants to build a naval fortress here?

No, Ilyana said, her eyes on Toris family. She wants it at the mouth of the bay, along the coast so it doesnt disrupt Viclya.

Is that still part of Toris land?

The county is the entire portion that wasnt claimed by the Fekete or the Alvere Duchy, Constantine said. Its a sort of triangle that includes the bay and coast.

JP tapped his hand on the table and frowned. Shes doing so much...and shes still in school. I dont know if the Emperor is testing her or punishing her. They were all doing what they could to support Tori, but she still took on the bulk of responsibility.

Constantine met his eyes. You will need to take care of her. Several mumbles of agreement came from the others. JP knit his brows together, once more reminded that Constantine would be leaving at the end of the summer. He looked at his friends around the table.

All of them had a sort of focus, even Albert who didnt know what he wanted to do. Ewan had the knights; Henrik and Ilyana had their stores; and Constantine was leaving for the seminary. Sonia was so in love with the delta that she brought up moving there after Lyce to assist with overseeing recreational activities offered, including a riding camp. Tori had been excited about it and said she would sign up as soon as she could.

However, JP wasnt sure what he was doing. He didnt voice his uncertainty and listlessness like Albert. Albert was from an aristocratic family. They expected things from him. JP didnt have that sort of pressure. His parents would let him do whatever he wanted if he was able to support himself and didnt hurt anyone. He didnt plan to become a chef like his mother or a groomer like his father.

He liked riding and horses, but not to the extent of his sister. It would always remain more of a hobby to him. As for career once he graduated Lyce, he had no idea what he was going to do.

JP! Tori called over from the table and had a knight push her over. Tomorrow, can you help me collect some survey maps from the operations tent?

Yes. The operations tent had been his idea to save her time and effort while she was in a wheelchair. Hed helped her sort the various project and village leads in the operations tent by size and needed space. Despite what people first thought of when they saw him, he was actually an organized person.

Hed been helping his father at the imperial stables moving horses, setting feed times, scheduling veterinary appointments, and nearly everything else since he was twelve. He was meticulous when it came to dates and times, as sick horses needed special attention and medication. His father had taught both him and Sonia, but Sonia wasnt as meticulous as he was.

Ill also need you to prepare to go back to the printer in Horizon in a few days, as I need to take a census of Viclya and need many copies of a form made. You can take a carriage.


Before that, Id like you to give suggestions on where ramps for wheelchairs can be added for ease of mobility. Chat with the elderly villagers; they like you.

All right. There really should be something built along the landing dock below the promenade. Ive seen pictures of how horses are loaded into boats that I want to talk to you about, JP told her.

Tori nodded. Great. Well schedule a time. Fine details of Viclya can be done during the winter, when we have little tourist traffic, but we need to make plans now.

Did you hire JP on as your aide permanently? Albert said with a chuckle.

Why do you think hes eating for free? Tori replied with a raised brow.

JP grinned. Being Toris personal assistant was something he was interested in after the last few weeks. In addition to being paid, it was interesting. Aside from Ewan, whos training, everyone at this table is working here except you. Ilyana and the others muffled their laughter.

I already work hard! Who do you think ran across the palace the last week and a half to get reference materials for Tori? Albert was aggrieved. Ive been so busy, Ive gotten thinner! I havent been able to eat properly.

Why dont you just buy lunch and bring it with you? Your choices outside the staff commons will be better, Sonia said, as if it were obvious.

I dont have to pay for lunch at the staff commons.

So cheap. You get paid, JP reminded him.

Not a lot!

What are you spending your money on? Constantine asked, appearing curious. His eyes widened. Did you finally get a girlfriend?

No-finally? Albert scowled.

Ilyanas face lit up as she looked at him with wide eyes. Why didnt you tell us? Do we know her?

Henrik rolled his eyes. If Albert had a girlfriend, he wouldnt be sitting here with us now.

A series of mumbles sounded in agreement. JP nodded along with everyone elses understanding expressions as Albert looked at them incredulously.

Are you all really my friends....?

Were guessing. Why would you be lacking money? You dont pay for your transportation, Tori said aloud. Piers has a carriage pick you up and drop you off on your workdays.

You also come here in one of the imperial carriages, even if His Highness isnt here, JP added. He narrowed his eyes.

Does that come out of your pay?

No, since Im dropping off things to Tori, I get to use the carriage, Albert said as he slumped back. After my father found out I was going to be an intern for Prince Piers this summer, he stopped my allowance. If I want to buy anything, I have to pay for it myself. Food included. The restaurants and cafes near the palace are expensive.

The high cost was expected of the Central and First Districts. Most of the people who worked there worked for the government, the imperial family, or high-ranking nobles. Or were high ranking nobles themselves. They had money to spend, but an intern like Albert wouldnt be able to afford to eat out every day on his intern salary.

Then you can make your own lunch to bring. Ewan suggested after some thought.

JP looked over at him. Ewan, Albert doesnt know how to cook. He paused and looked over at Albert, uncertain. Do you? Albert was an aristocratic son; JP doubted hed set foot into a kitchen when it didnt involve eating Toris food. He and Sonia knew how to cook simple food, as their mother was a chef. Ewan did, as well, as he babysat often and had to feed his nephews and niece.

Albert let out a huff. When would I have a chance to cook?

Thats a no. Sonia confirmed.

Tori furrowed her brows. Its a good skill to have. It doesnt have to be anything complicated, but as a means of survival, you should be able to cook something edible.

To be fair, Tori, Albert being an aristocrats son would limit his opportunity to learn to cook, Constantine said with a slight cringe. There were plenty of new clergy who came from well-off families who had no idea what to do when it was their turn in the communal kitchen. There were many fires, broken plates, and undercooked or burnt food.

Then, its good that Albert is young and has time to learn, right? Tori said, looking at Albert.

But...I also lack time.... he replied as he shifted his eyes.

JP sighed. Its not that its too difficult, but he does need time. It isnt necessary for him to learn since there are cooks at home. He should learn, but he also needs time and hes busy.

Henrik nodded. He also had a cook at home and didnt know how to cook and his older friends knew that. Many children from well-off families are like that. Youre interested in cooking and like to experiment, but do your brothers know how to cook?

Tori raised a brow. She tilted her head back. Sebby! Do you know how to cook?

Of course!



Papa, what about you?

There was a low chuckle, and her father wore a smug look. Why do you think your mama married me?

Your face, his wife replied before taking a sip of wine.

Tori grinned and looked back at the table with an I-told-you-so expression. Henrik furrowed his brows. All right, but that could just be a Guevera trait.

All children of marches should know how to cook basic food, especially outdoors, due to the nature of our service, Lady Bridget told them with some confidence. We must always be prepared. She paused and squinted. Although Monica was never very...good at it.

JP sat up straight. Then, lets not count the marches. We all saw the second prince during our excursion.

Well...we did lose our foodstuffs that we packed.... Constantine said with blank eyes, as if remembering a disappointing memory. All we had were fish that Miss Hart caught. They were burnt.

JP forgot that Constantine was in that group. He felt a bit of pity for him having to have dealt with that while they were gorging on pasta and charcuterie platters. Sonia patted Constantines shoulder sympathetically.

Can Prince Piers cook? Sonia suddenly asked aloud. They looked towards Albert, who shrugged and looked at Tori. She furrowed her brows and seemed to try to remember if shed seen him cook.

I can. A mans voice answered them, and they turned towards the entrance of the restaurant.

What are you doing here? Tori asked.

Yes, whatare you doing here? Marquis Gueveras suspicious voice called out as his eyes narrowed.

Marquis. Prince Piers stopped a few paces away from their table and turned to face the table where Toris family was. He bowed his head. Good evening.

Marquis Guevera lifted his nose. Your Highness.

You said you were busy, Tori said as she turned in her wheelchair. And didnt plan to come back until the next party.

Prince Piers lowered his head and nodded. I wanted to schedule your interviews with the potential county aides.

That couldve been done through a call, Lord Sebastian said in a firm voice.

Tori seemed to give her brother a look before turning back to Prince Piers. Do you have JPs comcry registered? Hes my personal assistant this summer and works on my schedule.

I will register it later, Prince Piers said. He shifted awkwardly where he stood and everyone seemed to watch, waiting for him to speak.

Was there something else? Tori asked with a raised brow.

Today was a Chamber meeting, Prince Piers told them. JP glanced towards Albert, who nodded in confirmation. There has been news from the representative from Chetterswickshire.

At the name of the town, JP sat up straight. Something told him it wasnt good news.

Does it have to do with Miss Hart? Ilyana asked. She said what they were all thinking.

Prince Piers gave a nod and lifted his head so they could see his eyes.

Baron Hart retired from his position. Alessa Hart has become Baroness Hart.

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