Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 141: Potato - One. Alessa and Fabian - Zero.

Chapter 141: Potato - One. Alessa and Fabian - Zero.

Tori resisted the urge to creep out of the classroom and call Piers to ask him what exactly he and Axton had told Gideon that caused the scene that morning. She was certain that where the conversation had ended when she left the night before wasnt enough to cause such a change in Gideon.

Guevera. Agafonova. Gideon greeted them with a small nod of his head as he looked over his shoulder.

Ilyana sat in place with disbelief and horror all over her face. She looked at Tori and Tori let out a low breath. She shrugged her shoulders. She picked up her pencil and wrote in the corner of her notebook.

He broke up with his best friend. Perhaps he is grieving?

Ilyana read the little note and slumped forward. She looked at Tori and seemed to imagine being in Gideons position. Tori was her best friend, and from Ilyanas expression, the thought of such a breakup was devastating. Despite her usual distaste of the second prince, Ilyana looked at her bag of potato chips and pushed them towards him.

Good morning, Your Highness, she said in a strained voice. Would you like some potato chips? We sell them at the delta, and I brought some back yesterday.

Gideon sat up straight and looked over his shoulder once more. His eyes were wide, and he drew his head back, suspicious. Youre offering me food?

Ilyana didnt meet his eyes and simply shrugged her shoulders. If you dont want any, dont take them.

Tori could hear the hint of sympathy in her defensive voice. She lifted her hand and stroked Ilyanas back to soothe her. She turned her head to Gideon. If youre going to sit here from now on, lets make it clear. If you dont say or do anything hurtful to us, we wont say or do anything hurtful to you.

Peace offering, Ilyana said, noticing Toris words. She nudged the bag forward. You are His Highness Prince Piers brother, and he is very good to us.

Tori nodded in agreement and gave Ilyana a comforting stroke on the back. Our Ilyana is magnanimous.

Gideon looked at the peace offering on the edge of Ilyanas desk. He was quiet for a moment before he lifted his hand and reached for the bag.

Gideon! Fabians voice rang out and Gideon jerked his hand back. He snapped his head to the side as Fabian reached him and grabbed onto the edge of Gideons desk. A frantic look was on his face. What are you doing? You dont need to move seats!

Tori furrowed her brows. Since when did Fabian call Gideon by his name and not Your Highness? Did they call each other by their given names when they werent in school or a formal occasion? Her brows rose slightly. Or was Fabian panicked at the sudden distance Gideon was putting between them?

I dont mind, Gideon replied with a wry smile. Its quiet back here and I can focus a bit more. My ranking has dropped from where it was when I entered. Agafonova and Guevera are ranked first and third, respectively. Maybe sitting here will help me focus, as well.

Thats not why our ranking is so high, but sure, grasp at them straws. Tori wrinkled her face, but didnt speak out.

Fabian looked past Gideon and at Tori and Ilyana. The two of them quickly turned their heads away, as if they werent watching the two in front of them. Fabian scowled. He gritted his teeth and tried to calm himself before speaking again.

Gideon...I didnt mean to disappoint you, Fabian said as he lowered his voice. I dont want any harm to come to you by staying at your side.

Gideon swallowed hard and nodded. I know. I understand. He lifted his arm and patted Fabians arm reassuringly. You are no longer my knight, but we are still friends. It is important to me that the burden is lifted from your shoulders. This is all I can do for you. He offered Fabian a small, kind smile. My brother also has plans to release Axton from his duties. A duke cannot be a personal knight, but I have no doubt that they will remain close. Sometimes, this is the fate of a prince and his knight. They dont all end up like my father and Chamberlain Thorpson.

Fabians eyes fell and his hands clenched. Tori didnt know what he expected to happen. He was the one who decided this was for the best and requested a dismissal. He took a step back, his head down and a regretful look on his face.

Gideon, dont be upset with Fabian, Alessa said from her desk several rows ahead. She wore a distressed look and held her hand over her heart. He cares about you. We all do.

Gideon gave her a small smile and then reached back to take a potato chip from Ilyanas bag. He put it into his mouth and crunched into it. Tori almost thought it was an act of defiance.

Potato - one. Alessa and Fabian - zero.

Gideons eyes widened and looked at the remnants of sea salt and chip crumbs on his fingers.

Is this new? he asked as he looked towards Tori. What is this?

Potato chips, Tori said with a wave of her hand. Just a little something weve developed in the delta. She paused and glanced at him. Are you going to Axtons birthday? Gideon thought for a moment and then nodded. Tori wasnt sure if Axton invited him, but knowing Axton and the situation the night before, he had probably extended an invitation to Gideon. Then you can have more; weve gifted Axton some newly harvested vegetables from Cosora for his birthday. He also likes these.

Axton had been introduced to hash browns for breakfast by Ewan. When he had learned that an entire meal of potatoes had been prepared for Ilyanas birthday, he had bothered Tori for potatoes for his birthday, too. Ilyana had generously allocated some of the potatoes from the test farm that she personally funded with gift money from her parents for the sake of having access to her new favorite food.

Gideon nodded and took one more potato chip, giving Ilyana a nod. Thank you.

Ilyana lifted her head and gave him a small, civil nod in return. Youre welcome, Your Highness.

Gideon looked back at Fabian and then at Alessa and smiled once more. Dont worry yourselves. Fabian made a choice that I respect. Alessa, Im not upset at or blaming anyone.

Actions speak louder than words, Dimitri said as he passed by. He didnt look at them as he walked down the steps to get to his seat behind Alessa. His was just loud enough for them to hear.

Yes, you would know, wouldnt you? Her mocking words left Toris lips before she could stop herself. Dimitri stopped at once, just beside his desk. He snapped his head around, frowning as he met her smug face.

Do you have something to say to me, Lady Guevera?

Ive already said so many things to you, Guthry, Tori said, sounding exhausted. No need to repeat myself if youre unwilling to listen.

He grit his teeth and put his bag on the top of his desk. He looked at Gideon. You should choose your company more carefully, Your Highness. You dont want to be influenced by questionable individuals.

Ilyana lifted her hand to her mouth and barely held back a snort. She shook her head and Tori crossed her arms over her chest.

I would say the same to you, Guthry. Id hate to see you face more corruption charges. Your parents are good people. They really dont deserve it.

His face heated up as it twisted with humiliation and resentment. Alessa gasped and looked towards Dimitri with worry. Ilyana still had her hand over her mouth, covering her smirk, and Gideon looked taken aback that shed said such a thing aloud. Everyone knew what was happening with the Guthrys, and there were whispers about it amongst the students, but most tried to avoid speaking about it in front of Dimitri.

Dimitri seemed to struggle to contain himself, but he couldnt stop his face from reddening with fury. More students had arrived in the tense room, and no one spoke as they crept to their desks. Just as Dimitri appeared to give in and want to yell at Tori, Instructor Rosemund arrived to begin class. Dimitri had no choice but to smother his words and take his seat.

Fabian also returned to his seat, unable to look back at Gideon.

The rest of the class continued as usual. She didnt have any further contact with Gideon, as he seemed to simply focus on schoolwork. During the breaks, hed review his Lyce project notes. His lunch was a familiar wrapped sandwich that he had brought with him. Piers and Axton mustve taken him to Cafe Fortuna for breakfast before they brought him to Lyce.

Fabian had looked back numerous times, but didnt seem to dare get up and approach Gideon. Alessa approached Fabian and chatted with him. She also looked back at Gideon with some trepidation.

Once class was over, Tori and Ilyana packed their things and split up to their respective electives class. Everything was normal and Tori dropped her guard.

At least until Fabian entered the dance class. Tori felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise as she loosened her muscles in preparation for the class. She could feel him looking at her all through the stretches and the intense look burning into her back didnt leave when they were in the smaller adjacent room so she could practice.

The door to the room closed and Fabian grabbed her arm. He pulled her back against the wooden door and stood in front of her with a heated look. His hands went on either side of her head to keep her place.

If you hurt him, he said in a low voice. I will never forgive you.

For a moment, Tori was surprised. Piers and Axton were right: Fabian likely didnt ask for dismissal in an act of malice, but because he didnt want to risk hurting Gideon with his negligence. It really was a bit admirable.

Her chin rose. She lifted her hand and pushed one of his arms away. She turned her head to the side and took a step from him.

Aside from our arguments, when have I hurt him when he did not try to hurt me first? Tori asked with a raised brow. Dont worry, von Dorn. The second prince has nothing to fear from me. Besides, hes not my responsibility. At least not in the same sense as he was yours. Im not going to go out of my way to protect him, but Im not going to cause trouble, either.

She brushed Fabian off and proceeded with her practice. He continued to scowl. Tori readied herself for any aggression or snide remarks from Fabian, but he was more disciplined than she gave him credit for. At least when Gideon was involved. She didnt know where that discipline was when he was harassing Ewan.

The rest of the week flew by. Gideon continued to sit in front of her in their homeroom and Fabians words to her were limited to dance in elective.

Its really not as bad as I thought, Tori said as she walked with Ilyana to meet with the others at Cafe Fortuna to pick up their road trip snacks. Every now and then, he mentions the second princes habits. I think Axton and Piers were right; him asking for dismissal may have been done in the best interest of the second prince.

Ilyana nodded. I suppose even the worst of people have good points. Tori nodded.

They crossed the central courtyard and heard a voice calling out for Tori. They both turned their heads and saw Mr. Legaspi, the headmasters assistant, calling for them.

Tori and Ilyana exchanged looks. They both nodded and headed towards the administration building.

Good afternoon, Mr. Legaspi, they greeted.

Good afternoon, Miss Guevera and Miss Agafonova. Im glad I was able to catch you before you left.

Tori knit her brows and tilted her head to the side. Can you help you with something, Mr. Legaspi?

Miss Guevera. Mr. Legaspi handed her an envelope and bowed his head. You have been summoned.

Tori accepted the envelope and felt her stomach drop. It bore the seal of the Emperor. She took out the card with a simple note requesting to see her immediately, alone.

Oh...this cant be good....

A carriage is waiting for you, my lady. Mr. Legaspi motioned towards the gate. It wasnt rare to see an imperial carriage outside, but Tori had assumed it was for Gideon. She took a deep breath and looked at Ilyana.

You go to the cafe first. I dont know how long this will take, but I should be out before we leave. Ill meet you back here, Tori told her. Ilyana nodded.

When they walked out the gates, Tori asked one of the imperial knights, who had come to escort her, to instead escort Ilyana to Cafe Fortuna before climbing into the carriage. She played with the idea of calling Piers, but the Emperors note said alone, meaning this was a confidential meeting. She leaned back against the carriage as it moved forward.

It didnt take long to get to the imperial palace. Chamberlain Thorpson was waiting to escort her to the Emperors study.

Youre not being summoned for something you did wrong. Its nothing troubling, Countess, he said with a slight chuckle upon seeing her despondent expression.

Tori raised a brow. Oh? When have you had a private meeting with the Emperor that didnt trouble you, Chamberlain?

She dared ask only because this man, for his honorable rank, was terrified of her mother, and she was annoyed. The Chamberlain flinched.

The Countess is humorous.

Tori took a deep breath and followed him. The Chamberlain brought her to the Emperors study and let her in before stepping out.

Good afternoon, Your Majesty, Tori said as she stopped in front of his desk and grasped the sides of her uniform skirt to curtsy.

The silver-haired man on the other side of the desk lifted his hand to remove his thin-rimmed glasses and gave her a nod.

Rise, Countess Guevera. Tori heeded his order and straightened up. She clasped her hands gently in front of her and waited. I apologize for the sudden summoning. I am aware that you are to leave for Axtons birthday celebration at Millers Row this evening and this meeting will hinder your preparations. However, I had a rather urgent matter to discuss with you.

Tori kept her back straight, but gave him a small, understanding nod. There is no inconvenience, Your Majesty. All our travel preparations are already in place. I do not need to be present until tomorrow afternoon to assist with the meal preparation.

The corner of the Emperors eye twitched. Yes, I heard you were going to make a cream puff tower for Axtons birthday. My wife is quite envious.

I see, Your Majesty. Tori tilted her head to the side slightly. Does the Emperor wish to request a cream puff tower for the Empress?

He shook his head a bit. That is not the purpose of your summons, Countess Guevera. His eyes narrowed. However, if that is an offer-

It is not. Tori grimaced at her quick response. It was an inquiry, Your Majesty. How can I be of assistance to Your Majesty? The Emperor looked at her with a hint of disappointment.

He took a deep breath. As you are close to both my eldest and Axton, you must already be aware of Fabian von Dorns request for dismissal.

Tori gave him a single nod. Yes, Your Majesty.

You are aware that I had given him a week to rethink his decision.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The Emperor nodded, satisfied that she was aware of the situation. He is to make his final decision the day after tomorrow. While it is not yet certain, we must be prepared to deal with the aftermath. If Sir von Dorn wishes to remain as Gideons personal knight, I will allow him to. If he insists on a dismissal, then Sir von Dorn will immediately be separated from Gideon.

He will be moved from the palace to a property in the First District temporarily. From there, he will have another month to get his arrangements in order. Arrangements to move him to a different dorm are in place, should they need to be done. He will be moved to a different dorm room on the first day of next week.

Tori nodded once more. None of this had anything to do with her, but as the Emperor was making a point to tell her, he mustve had some reason. While she didnt know what that reason was, she felt a sense of dread rising.

It was a surprise to hear about this, Tori said, trying to fill in the silence.

Indeed. We always were optimistic for Sir von Dorn. The Emperor frowned and tapped his finger on the desk absentmindedly. Piers has already requested that additional knights be assigned to escort Gideon. This is an acceptable arrangement. Unfortunately, those knights do not attend Lyce.

Toris eye twitched. That is unfortunate. I dont like where this is going.

It is. The Emperors violet eyes met her blue ones. While Sir von Dorn has requested dismissal, I believe he will continue to watch over Gideon. Sir von Dorns time in Lyce is limited. Unless he can pay for his own tuition next year or manages to rank high enough for a scholarship, he will be unable to attend next year.

When the first prince attended Lyce and Duke Alvere transferred to La Garda his third and fourth year, what measures were made to ensure the first princes safety? Tori asked, trying to remain as formal and detached as possible.

The Emperor narrowed his eyes a bit. He seemed to be trying to read her mind. Additional escort knights were added outside of Lyce. Piers was peculiar in that he came home often. The amount of time he spent in Lyce was limited. In addition, Piers is also a skilled swordsman. Gideon ability.

In other words, Piers situation allowed him to be carefully protected outside of Lyce and when he was in Lyce, he could protect himself well enough. Gideon was much more social and lacked Piers swordsmanship. His project was within Horizon, and he would go to the site often. Piers project had been in Sur, and he was with Kasen and a hoard of Guevera knights.

Tori took a deep breath. She didnt want to stand there guessing any longer. She just wanted to get it over with. Why did you summon me, Your Majesty?

Until Gideon graduates Lyce, I would like to request that Countess Guevera watch him as an acting guard within the school grounds.

If she had screamed the no that echoed in her head at that time, she was sure the Empress, who was in her study two wings away, wouldve heard her. Tori struggled to keep her face stoic as she faced the Emperor.

This damn old man! Havent you already thrown the delta at me to take care of? Now you want me to babysit your shitty second son? Do you know how much beef we have? Does it look like I have the time or patience or want to do that? Fuck you, old man! Im telling Piers!

Tori swallowed hard as she tried to unclench her jaw. Have you discussed this with Prince Piers?

Why would I discuss the matter of Gideons safety with Piers?

Tori mentally cursed him again. They both knew if he spoke to Piers about her acting as a guard for Gideon, Piers would resolutely forbid it.

I accompany Piers often and he will be the first to tell you that I am currently lacking in time, as I have many responsibilities, Tori said, as calm as she could. With my attention focused on so many different projects and events at once, Im afraid I cannot devote enough of it to the second prince. I would be no better than Sir von Dorn.

The Emperor raised a brow. Are you rejecting my order, Countess Guevera?

I am rationalizing it, Your Majesty. And this is not an order; it is a request. You would not force someone to guard your sons life; a knight who is unwilling should not be a knight. But that didnt mean the silver-haired jerk couldnt put pressure on her. I am rejecting your request as I believe I am incapable.

I, as the Emperor, believe you are capable.

Thank you for your confidence, Your Majesty, but I am not.

You are skilled in the sword and have proficient ability with the dagger. You can analyze situations quickly, and act and adapt to plans, especially security detailing and protocol. In addition, Ive been told that you have some skill in charms. Not to mention that you are the pupil of our premier crystal master, Master Jorge Ramos. In these aspects, you surpass Sir von Dorns skills.

A bitter taste filled her mouth. All her hard work was recognized, but for what? For Gideon.

I hate this world.

Im not asking you to do this without payment, Countess, the Emperor told her. You will be remunerated for your work.

Tori shook her head once. Your Majesty, I am in no need of-

I heard you purchased my grandmothers former palace.

Fuuuuccckkkk. I have, Your Majesty. Rest assured, we are cautious to preserve the majesty of the palace. Ive instructed the guilds to be careful with any renovations and to contact several professors at Universit for assistance in the preservation of the buildings fine details.

No doubt it is very expensive.

Not really.

The Emperor smirked a bit. What do you want, Countess Guevera?

Tori drew her head back. I dont want anything, Your Majesty. I do not feel I am able to accept this request. I am insufficient.

I only ask that you guard my second son when you can, while he is on Lyce grounds. Only when he is on Lyce grounds. Once he steps outside of the grounds, his escort knights will be responsible, the Emperor told her seriously. Tori was still hesitant, and he thought for a moment. I sought you out because you are a Guevera.

Oh, come on. Pulling in my family? You dick old man. So, I am. Countess Guevera. I have a county I am responsible for running. By myself. At sixteen. While still in school, straddled with a three and half-year-long project, and trying to keep my businesses afloat.

I understand that you have many responsibilities, Countess Guevera, the Emperor said as he rose to his feet. He stood across from her and met her eyes once more. But in that school, of those students, you are the only one I can entrust my son to. This is not a conclusion I came to easily. If Sir von Dorn resigns, I cannot depend on him, regardless of any lingering loyalties he may have. Even now, I am a bit concerned. However, I trust you.

You really shouldnt. I am humbled, Your Majesty.

I am very much aware of the amount of responsibility on your shoulders. And I admit that a good portion of that is due to my giving you a peerage. But this is my sons safety, and I can only humble myself to ask you.

Tori took a deep breath. I have never thought of myself as a knight, nor have I ever trained as such. I am severely lacking in experience and training. You cannot entrust your son to me, Your Majesty.

I have already entrusted my eldest to you, Countess Guevera. Piers trusts you with his life, the Emperor told her with a firm look. We would trust you with Gideons. If you accept this request of mine, I am confident that you will not betray your duty. Name your price, Countess.

She narrowed her eyes. If I asked you to repeal my title and land? Give me back my freedom, you silver-haired bastard.

The Emperors breath hitched, and he hesitated, as she thought he would. He stood stiffly on the other side of the desk. She watched his eyes glance towards a bookshelf on his right. Amongst several books and decorations was a crystal obelisk the size of her arm. If she wasnt mistaken, due to its violet color, it shouldve been blue zoisite.

He slowly moved his gaze back to her.

If you accept, I will arrange for the Cosora Delta to be made a temporary stewardship in your hands for a year and to be handed back on your next birthday. You may keep your title as a prestige title, and it cannot be inherited.

Tori raised a brow. This was unexpected. The Emperor was willing to play ball for his jerk son. He was desperate. Luckily for him, she had already come too far in settling her county and was mad with power.

But that didnt mean she wouldnt make him pay some other way.

Toris lips pulled into a smile. She motioned for the Emperor to take a seat as she stepped forward. I have a few hours until we are set to leave for Millers Row, Your Majesty. May I have a moment of your time to discuss what is expected, what can be done, and my possible remuneration?

If, and only if, Fabian insisted on his request for dismissal, then Tori would become Gideons temporary, Lyce-limited guard for the next two years. During winter and summer breaks, he would not be her problem, but as long as they were in school, she would have to keep him aware of his surroundings, prevent questionable individuals from troubling him, and report any possible threats and the like to the imperial family.

There were problems that arose, of course. The main one being that Tori was a girl and could not enter Gideons room. In fact, she couldnt even enter Gideons all-boys section of their dorm. There was no way for her to defend him if he was attacked in the dorm.

She also had a different elective and after school activities. All of this meant that her time with Gideon while in Lyce was limited to their homeroom class. Tori had explained this to the Emperor, but he had nodded and continued to insist. Aside from another set of eyes watching Gideon, the Emperor also wanted to make use of her charms and crystal skills.

Tori had said she would provide charms and crystals for a lower payment, but the Emperor had one more surprising request. At first, she was almost convinced that he wanted to exploit her once more for convenience, charms, and crystals, but when he told her to keep Gideon away from Baroness Alessa Hart, Tori understood why she was selected.

She had gone quiet and sat in the chair across from the Emperor for some time.

Keeping Gideon and Alessa away from each other had been the main goal for OG Victoria Guevera. While she was the villainess of the game whose existence was to be the antagonist to Alessa, Victorias ultimate goal had been to keep Alessa away from Gideon. The reason was so that she could marry Gideon instead, but the goal remained the same.

Her mind had wandered, and she wondered if the game was forcing her to get between the two somehow.

The Emperor had called out to her twice before she had stirred herself out of her thoughts.

Tori had wanted to reject the request once more, but the Emperor admitted that he was concerned that Alessa was a negative influence on Gideon. Both he and the Empress, and Piers, though the imperial couple likely didnt know, did not like Alessa due to her impulsiveness and her tendency to apologize and take blame just so others would exonerate her for comfort.

It seemed that the imperial couple had branded Alessa as a danger to their son in their minds, and Tori couldnt blame them.

Tori had been given an hour to consider. In that hour, she called her parents to ask for their opinion. She had such a good family that she felt that not seeking their thoughts on such a decision was reckless.

Papa had hesitated and Mama had cursed the Emperor. After explaining the requirement and assuring them that she would get something she wanted in return, they had ultimately told her that they would support her decision.

Papa had told her to talk to Auntie Lucia because when the Emperor was in Lyce, Chamberlain Thorpson had transferred to La Garda their last two years, and to watch over the then Prince Mathieu-Philippe, Auntie Lucia acted as his temporary guard in Lyce. At the time, Auntie Lucia had been a top ranked swordswoman and two years younger than the Emperor.

She was from a trusted marquis family, as well, which was the most important requirement to the position. This was likely the precedence that led to Tori being selected for the task. Tori had called Auntie Lucia and when the Emperor himself came to see if she had made her decision, she was still talking to her aunt.

Its an easy job, Auntie Lucia had said. Especially if hes boring like his father.

When the sun had set, Tori had agreed.

This was to be kept a secret from Gideon until the issue with Fabian was confirmed. Tori couldnt help but wonder what their reactions would be, and if knowing that she was in line to replace him, if Fabian would change his mind. Who would want to leave their friends life in the hands of an enemy, after all?

But it was too late to go back. At the very least, it wasnt permanent. Two years, and it wasnt even two full years.

Just think about the money. Think about the money and the benefits. Tori chanted in her head as she finished tying up her hair. Ilyana and Sonia, whom she was sharing her room with at Axtons inn, were still sleeping in. They had a long overnight ride and arrived before dawn. While they slept in the carriage well, it wasnt as comfortable as sleeping on an actual bed.

Nanny Rey had already gotten up, as her bed was vacant. She was likely up for her morning practice around dawn, as was her habit. With both princes at the inn, there were knights everywhere, so Toris safety was assured.

Tori got up early to check on the status of the kitchen and get some preparations made before she did a little sightseeing of the town once her friends woke up. She slipped out of the room with Alexander at her feet and headed to the restaurant for breakfast.

Unsurprisingly, this early in the morning, there were just a few knights, and they were all gathered around the window that looked down into the courtyard below. The staff at the restaurant gave her a seat by the window, as well, and she put in her order. They mustve been notified about her cat in advance, as the young man assured her that they would also bring out his meal.

Alexander hopped onto the chair and stood up on his hind legs to look out the window behind it. Tori was first served some iced coffee and as she took a sip, she craned her neck to see what the knights were watching and mumbling about.

She brought the coffee to her lips and stared down the courtyard, where a man was sparring with another. Three additional men were waiting to the side and Tori recognized them as some of Piers escort knights. She silently approved of their diligent practice, and watched one swordsman brutally disarm the other in what appeared to be a step and a half.

There were three matches and each one ended with the first swordsman's win. It was always a quick, clean win, too. Tori couldnt help but be impressed. Truly, a first-tier knight was worthy of their title.

Then the first swordsman removed his helmet. Thick, brown hair was pressed against his head, but even his terrible hair didnt take away from his face.

Goddamn, its unfair for someone to be that attractive after wearing a helmet. If it were her, her hair would be pasted to her head with sweat, and there would be little red indents where the helmet had pressed against. She always looked like a mess when she removed her helmet, no matter how careful she tied her hair. Not even a hot mess. Just a mess. Tori shook her head and sipped her drink as she watched Piers be saluted by his opponent and then take off his gloves as a sign that the match was over. She squinted; a bit embarrassed for the first-tier knights who were beaten so badly.

They continued to line up, but this time, they were facing a woman with two training daggers. Tori shook her head, almost pitying them. Nanny Rey would demolish them.

Piers handed his blunted sword, helmet, and gloves to one of his knights before peeling off his gambeson. His smooth, pale skin was slightly flushed and glistening, meaning he was sweaty. Another knight handed him a small towel and Piers wiped his neck and defined, bare chest. Suddenly, he froze. He snapped his head up in her direction and she met his eyes.

Tori did not look away. She purposely continued to stare as she took another sip of her coffee while lifting her free hand to wave at him. She almost didnt notice the knights who were crowded a few steps away, turning to look at her with surprise.

She wasnt sure if it was because they hadnt noticed her or because they saw her ogling their prince. She gave them a small nod and lifted her glass towards him. Good morning.

Good morning, my lady! They all chorused at once and gave her small bows. Good morning, Master Alexander!

Will everyone be in attendance tonight or will someone be at rest? Tori asked. If someone will be at rest for their guard rotation, let me know so I can have some cream puffs set aside. Ilyana and Axton will eat all the potatoes, too, if I dont save some.

They threw her a thankful look. We will all be in attendance tonight, my lady. Thank you for your consideration.


Tori, good morning! She looked towards the entrance of the restaurant and her eyes widened. Since they arrived so early, this was the first time Piers was seeing her since her arrival. His face was flushed and glowing from his practice, and an eager smile was on his lips.

Piers, put a shirt on. This is not appropriate breakfast attire here, Tori said with a frown. Its fine if its just your knights, but what if the other guests come for breakfast?

Piers looked a bit disappointed, as if she had scolded him. You said you like my-

Go put on a shirt! Tori slapped her hand on the table and Piers immediately turned around to go to his room. Tori felt the gazes of several men looking at her. She took another sip of her coffee and didnt meet their gaze.

She called over the young man who seated her and ordered for Piers. When he returned, she had received her dish and Piers was just coming out of the kitchen. She went with his usual breakfast, as noted from Mama J.

I put on a shirt.

Good. Why werent you wearing one under your gambeson?

It gets too hot, Piers said. He looked at his food and wore a tiny smile. Thank you for ordering breakfast. She hummed and began to spread some jam on her toast. You look happy.

I just got a large advance on a job I accepted, Tori said.

Piers frowned a bit. You took on another job?

Tori nodded. Temporary. Just two years and its only during school hours. She pretended she didnt see his face darkening. His hand squeezed the fork in one hand. His voice dropped.

Did my father summon you?

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