Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 215: Do You Have Money?

Chapter 215: Do You Have Money?

The fabric was soft and cool; comfortable despite the seasonal chill weather. Tori closed her eyes and buried her face beneath it. If she could slide underneath, she would do so.

I missed you so much, she said in a soft voice. Her fingers curled into the familiar cat patterned blanket. My bed.

Nyaow! Alexander rolled on his back over the bed in her tent. From the entrance, Ilyana stood with a warm smile as she watched Tori snuggle against the soft blankets and fluffy pillows.

Are you sure you dont want to take a nap? Ilyana asked. You came straight from Embarkation Island and have been traveling for days.

Tori was still face-planted on her bed. I have work to do. Even though her muffled voice replied, she didnt move from where she lay.

Ilyana sighed. No one is going to force you to work today, Tori. Besides, its already afternoon. Just take the rest of the day off.

I already took some days off. Tori remained unmoving.

Then why dont we bring work to your tent? Henriks voice suggested from the main room.

You dare? Sonia chided. She was attacked by pirates, Henrik! Let her rest!

And His Highness got her angry, Ewan added. You know how she is when she gets angry.... His voice was quieter when he said the last sentence, but Tori still heard him. She turned her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

I didnt know you enjoyed living life so dangerously, Ewan.... JPs voice sighed.


Never mind.

Tori lifted her head, let out a heavy sigh, and pushed herself up. She slid her legs over the edge of her bed and stood up. Henrik, bring me the things to review for Piers party at the Lunar Pavilion. JP, fetch me the weekly reports from the Operations Tent.

She heard their confirmations and then sudden exclamation. What is she doing here?

We couldnt stop her-

She cant go inside! The last voice sounded like one of the knights. Tori furrowed her brows and stood up, wondering who had the gall to force their way into her tent. She frowned as she saw Ilyanas surprised expression from the doorway.

Did she escape? Sonia was standing just outside and gawking at the massive black beast that had two hooves and half her body in Toris tent.

Layla! Toris face softened at once as her horse chuffed. Tori rushed forward and stroked her head. My baby girl, I missed you so much! No other horse is as good as you. She kissed the top of Laylas lowered head and scratched the side of her muscular neck. Were you a good girl?

Tori, she escaped the corral, Sonia said with squinted eyes.

I said good, not obedient. Tori defended her horse, who chuffed once more and rubbed her head against Tori in affirmation. Okay, lets go for a ride.

Sonia rolled her eyes. I thought you were going to work.

I can go check on construction. That counts. Tori averted her eyes.

Lets go to the stables. Well come with you, Ilyana told her. She looked back into the chamber. Alexander, do you want to come for a ride? We can get your basket.

Nyaow! A moment later, the large gray cat trotted out. He managed to leap on top of Laylas back with ease. Layla had somehow gotten away from the corral and the stable hands, so she wasnt wearing her tack, let alone a saddle. Still, she followed at Toris side while Alexander sat regally on her back.

A few children were coming back from the ice-skating rink and greeted Tori, but were especially excited to see the village mascot had returned. Ewan joined them and borrowed a horse. Second and first-tier imperial knights were assigned horses when they were finally assigned a position after several years of training.

Knowing this, Ewan continued to ride when he could and even worked with Surs war horses when he visited Presidio. Sebastian promised to arrange a horse for him once he was assigned, assuring him that Surs war horses were the superior horses.

Layla was a prime example.

They reached the stables and the stable hands whod chased Layla all the way to Toris tent rushed to prepare the riding equipment. Sonia prepared her own and just as she was finishing up, JP came to join them.

What about Henrik? Tori asked as she fed Layla an apple.

He found Prince Piers and cornered him for information on some details of the party, JP told them. Albert is arriving with Madam Midstrom and the clothes ordered. Obviously, His Highness cannot attend his first new year party in drab clothing.

Tori nodded in agreement. Impressions mattered, especially in the circle Piers would be entertaining.

Is she bringing Toris dress, too? Ilyana asked.

Yes, but the final details have to be sewed on and Madam Midstrom wants to check to make sure it fits right.

Ilyana nodded in approval and looked at Tori before making cupping motions over her chest. You grew a bit, so I arranged to keep the dress a bit looser so adjustments could be made.

Thanks, Ilyana....

The group, and two imperial knights, got on their horses and crossed the river to do rounds around the construction area. JP had been keeping an eye on the construction for her and updated her on any changes. A few times, they ran into the construction heads, civil engineers, and planners who stopped to talk to Tori for a bit.

My lady, is there any news about Architect Sophos? One of the planners asked her with a hopeful expression on his face.

Uncle Dom or Artemisia? Tori raised a brow. If its Sia, Im still trying to convince my cousin. At best, she promised to come for a few weeks after the new year to assess if she is a good fit for the position-

She will be! The young planners sun kissed face flushed.

Tori pursed her lips. She really wanted her cousin to come and didnt want anyone annoying her. Please dont scare my cousin away with any overzealousness. A mortified look filled the planners face.

Of course, my lady! I just admire her greatly! Its a shame she didnt come to Universit despite the invitation. The planner rambled on and Tori gave him a vague nod. Eventually, one of his superiors decided to end his awkwardness and drag him away.

Tori, how many people in your family went or were invited to Universit? JP asked, a bit impressed.

Mama, Sebby, Kasey, Auntie Lucia, Uncle Maurizo, Uncle Dom, Auntie Anita, Grammy, and both Sophos grandparents and their siblings, Tori said. On the OTuagh side-

I thought they all went to the Naval Academy, Sonia asked.

Cousin Siobhan and Cousin Bridget attended in conjunction with the Naval Academy. Cousin Siobhan met her husband at Universit. Andy and Cousin Eili only went to the Naval Academy, Tori said. Sebby said that the older children tended to go as they got more responsibility in running the marches. Aiden plans to go to Universit. Maeve is likely going to go to the Naval Academy with her personality and Ava....

I cant see Ava at Universit, Ewan said.

Riri said that Ava will go because they are a team, Ilyana told them. Maybe she will do both, like her mother.

That reminds me, Tori said as she glanced over her shoulder. I know Ewan is going to go into the imperial knights. Ilyana, Henrik, Albert, and I are hoping to get into Universit-

You say hoping as if you and Ilyana havent already been invited and have spots waiting for you, Sonia said with a proud grin.

I bet she was talking about Henrik and Albert, JP smirked. The group snickered amongst themselves.

What about you two? Tori asked. You havent spoken much about your plans.

JP looked at his sister with a knowing expression. Sonia avoided their eyes. Sonia, theyre going to know eventually.

The results havent been announced yet. I couldve failed.

What could you have failed? Ilyana asked.

Sonia bit her lips. JP rolled his eyes. Ive been wanting to tell them. If you dont, I will.

All right fine. Sonia sent her brother a slight glare before turning to her friends. JP and I took the exam for Soleil Animal Management College two weeks ago.

What? Ilyana sat up straight. Why didnt you tell us?

Ewan frowned a bit as well. JP and Sonia were his friends from childhood.

Shes afraid that if she doesnt pass, shell be embarrassed and let everyone down, JP said in an unimpressed voice. Both of us tested and filled out our interests. Im interested in domestic animal veterinary medicine and Sonia is interested in wildlife management.

Wildlife management? Tori blinked. Did she not know Sonia as well as she thought?

Last year, when we went hunting with Dede, I really enjoyed observing wildlife. Youve talked about the importance of keeping a balance between manmade areas and nature, and how you wanted to make sure the surrounding hills and marshes had healthy animal populations for both sustenance and tourism. Dede and my parents talked about it and they brought up working here.... She trailed off and let out a heavy sigh. Anyway, lets not get our hopes up.

Was the exam difficult? Ilyana asked.

She looked at JP, who nodded. That was likely the reason Sonia didnt want to talk about it.

There are other options if Sonia doesnt pass and get accepted, Tori said as she turned her head forward. If she cant take formal classes, she can take an apprenticeship route and get training elsewhere in the empire.

How do you know that? Ewan asked.

Lady Bettencourt, my godfathers sister, manages the wild horse populations in Sur and she both formally studied at a college and had training. She mainly breaks in young feral horses now and oversees her familys husbandry programs, but she had several pupils and not all of them had formal schooling. In fact, she thinks that if you are more inclined to field work, the apprenticeship will be best for you. Tori looked over at Sonia. Whatever your choice, well support you.

Ewan and Ilyana both nodded earnestly, and Sonia nodded. Thats better than my back up plan.

What was your back up plan? Ewan asked.

Live off Tori and work in Viclya teaching riding for the rest of my life, Sonia said with an almost proud shrug. Tori snorted.

Thats my backup plan, too, JP told them.

Tori shook her head. Do you all just want to live here the rest of your lives?

Yes. A series of voices chorused behind her.

Im not asking for an island.... Ewan added in a quiet voice.

No one is going to get an island except me, Tori said. Most of the islands are slated for development or are too small and will remain as natural nesting grounds for seabirds.

What about by the shore? Ewan asked.

Ewan, a knight will live in Horizon with the imperial family, Sonia reminded him in a dull voice.

But what if I end up guarding Tori? Shell spend most of her time here instead of Horizon.

Why would you end up guarding Tori as an imperial knight? Ilyana asked. Ewan puffed out his chest and pointed to the two knights behind them. Touch.

Ewan, Sir Atienza chuckled. We dont pick those to whom we are assigned. You could be assigned to anyone.

What if youre assigned to Prince Gideon? Sir Wagner said with a grin. Ewans face fell at once.

He frowned. Then, Ill quit the knights and ask Master if hell take me in Sur. Master will let me shadow Tori.

Ewan, lets not be too hasty! Sir Wagner backtracked at once. The future has yet to come!

Ewan, dont worry, Tori told him. Once the closed settlements end, I will give you all priority to reserve decent sized plots in the town and surrounding area. Rural is reserved for farming and future villages, and the east shore is mainly industrial and commercial, but there are some nice areas on the west shore with good energy I think would be suitable for residences.

Really? Ewan asked.

Youll have to pay, so start arranging with Henrik for a loan, JP said with a smirk. Ive saved up my prize money from riding competitions.

Sonia nodded. Same.

Ilyana also nodded. Daddy wants to buy property here for a summer house that I can live in, so my family will have a place.

Ewan deflated. He fished out his comcry and called Henrik. Henrik, do you have money?

What kind of question is this? Henriks annoyed voice asked. You know my finances are tight and locked into investments right now.

Ewan looked even more uncomfortable. How much does property cost?

It depends how big and where...why are you asking?

Toris going to let us buy property, but I dont have money....

What do you mean?

Can I borrow some?

There was silence on the other end of the comcry. you know how two of Lions Gates down jackets are named after you?

Ewan nodded his head. Yes....

Theyre the most popular and bestselling jackets and vests. A small percentage of each sale of the clothes named after us is set aside for us. Tori arranged when we started in return for advertising them. Out of all of us, you made the most money in terms of sales. There was some annoyance in Henriks voice about it.

Tori? Ewan looked towards Tori, who pretended she didnt notice his burning gaze.

Its been about three years. Id estimate that you earned enough to buy a phase one lot, Tori said. In a few years, youll have more. If you want to save up, you can continue to let it sit while you work.

Ewans eyes watered. Tori, youre the best.

Give some credit to Henrik, Tori said. Hes the one who brought it up.

I didnt think youd give us percentages based on sales! Of course Ewans going to get the most if his styles are the bestselling ones! Mine is the least popular! Henriks irritated voice came from Ewans comcry.

Henrik. A mans low voice came. Youre loud.

Sorry, Your Highness. Henrik almost squeaked. We can discuss later. He ended the call and Ewan had a bright smile on his face.

Ilyana giggled on her horse. Im glad that well all still be together, even if we have to study apart for a while. I cant think of a better future.

Ilyana sighed to herself.

Albert, its not so serious, Henrik said as he sorted through the approvals Tori had made on her desk. Ilyana looked up from where she sat across from Henrik, sitting on Toris desk chair, and nodded. No one is stopping you from moving here.

Albert sniffled. Why didnt she give me percentages? I have a jacket named after me.

It was the privilege of being there when she started, Ilyana said to placate him. She couldnt help but be amused. Though Albert was a little late in joining their group, he was firmly in it to the point that they were comfortable enough to do tasks and be dragged around by them. Also, everyone contributed something.

I came late to the group, Albert said with some bitterness.

Albert, friendship is not about getting privileges, Sonia said in a calm voice. Ilyana nodded once more.

I know, but I want to move here, too. Albert couldnt help but sound pained. If all of you settle here, I also want to settle here.

No one is stopping you, JP said with a roll of his eyes. Ewan patted Alberts shoulder from across a low table, where they were seated on the ground playing a game.

If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me, Ewan told him.

Albert scrunched his face. I need to get a better job.

I thought you were going to get another internship at the palace this summer, Sonia said with a raised brow. Never mind that Albert was often so stressed that he didnt feel the money was worth it.

Tori, do you need an assistant for the summer? Albert shouted towards the back bed chamber. I have work experience and will have a Lyce education by the time we graduate.

I might! Tori shouted back. But Im visiting family this summer and Constantine finishes his seminary, so Im going to Karap to be his witness. Im just waiting for his call to finalize the travel dates.

Hows the dress? Sonia shouted as she sat back on the sofa and did a number puzzle.

It needs to be taken in a bit, but otherwise, its fine as it is, Tori replied through the fabric walls. I think.

My lady, the embellishments need to be added. Madam Midstroms amused voice was then followed by Toris heavy sigh.

If you all want to come with me this summer, youre welcome to, Tori told them.

Ilyana perked up and her heart nearly skipped as a fabulous idea filled her head. Then we should all go to Karap after we graduate!

Thats true, Constantine promised to take us around the area and Im sure hes eager to get out, JP agreed. Somehow, plans were agreed upon instantly.

Henrik lifted his head and furrowed his brows. I heard of many students traveling during the summer after secondary school, before they start their jobs or go to additional schooling. Lions Gate is quite stable and my father can deal with the minor responsibilities of our businesses for a while....

Viclya is closely following Toris annual operating plan, JP said. And Ewan wont start training until the fall. Ewan nodded enthusiastically.

And if I fail to get into Universit, a trip to Karap will get it off my mind.... Albert seemed to mutter. Several eyes looked at him with pity.

If thats the case, why dont we arrange for a ship to take us along the coasts for the summer? Toris voice came from the bedchamber.

Can we do that? Ewan asked the others in a quieter voice.

We can do a lot of things when we have money. Ilyana giggled as she remembered Toris words. I think thats a good idea, but we cant go too far. We have four months at best.

Four months is long enough, Sonia replied. Where else should we go?

There is a map of Soleil here.... JP stood up and went to the shelf behind Toris desk. He furrowed his brows, scanned the various tubes, and folded papers until he reached forward and picked one out. He pulled out the rolled map inside.

Henrik moved their things off the table and Ilyana stuffed papers back into a folio so the desk surface was cleared. Put it here.

JP carefully unfurled the map over the table and Sonia held down two corners with some books while Ewan laid Toris wooden training sword across one of the short sides to keep the map open. The six of them surrounded the desk as JP put a small wooden box with little clay marker pieces with flags sticking out of them on the table.

Well leave from here, he said, placing one flag over Viclya.

One for Karap, Ilyana said as picked up the markers in one hand and began putting them down. She hovered a piece over the coast of Sur. Tori, are you going to Presidio?

Just for a week and then were leaving from Tres Arcos with the kids to go to Moss Hill. The summer is also a good time to go to Nord, so Idunn suggested I visit Enda and make a round trip from there.

Ilyana put the markers on each location listed.

Sonia tapped one of the northern ports further east. If we go here, how long would it take us to go to Gorask?

Ilyana lifted her head, surprised. You want to go to Gorask? It was her hometown, but considering its distance was inland and that it was necessary to go through mountain ranges, she didnt think it was convenient to bring her friends to visit.

Why not? JP asked. You never had a chance to show us where you grew up.

Henrik nodded. And since well go back to school in the fall and may become busy again, when will we have another chance to take such a trip?

Ilyana looked at the map. But...there isnt much in Gorask...what would we do there?

Greet your family, see where you grew up, Toris voice told her. And slap the faces of everyone who wronged you.

Ilyanas brows flew up and she stared at the cloth flap blocking the way to the bedchamber with surprise.

Sonia nodded her head. No one picks on one of our own and gets away with it, she said. She cracked her knuckles. Id also like to meet these brazen people.

Ewan smirked and JP gave her a knowing look as Henrik nodded. Albert was frowning. No one in Lyce would dare, so why should anyone in a small town like Gorask?

Ilyana felt some sourness and her eyes reddened. She always tried her best to be dependable and responsible with her friends, but at the same time, tried not to burden them with the shadows in her heart. Still, every now and then, something slipped out, and by now, everyone had a general idea of her childhood in Gorask.

The neglect from her childhood nannies, the ostracization from other wealthy families, and the demeaning accusations from aristocratic madams and their envious daughters.

As lucky as she was with her father and stepmother, her luck was used up to non-existent elsewhere. At least until she came to Horizon. She didnt think the love and kindness, and the respect and admiration she had now was luck. It was as if she were blessed the moment the door to her dorm opened and a curly-haired, blue-eyed southerner walked in.

Her voice was breathy. Thank you....

Ewan patted her back as she blinked, tilting her head back a bit to keep from crying. Tori said that looking up when you were about to cry would help curb any emotional tears and she found it worked.

She finally smiled and put a marker on Gorask.

Is Riri coming to visit again? Albert asked. Were going to Moss Hill. Perhaps hed like to leave with us and visit Ava?

Sonia raised a brow. You want the two to wreak havoc at Moss Hill?

Robi and Fifi want to go to Moss Hill, and Kasey says if they do well on their schoolwork, he will let them visit their cousins this summer. Auntie Lucia said the same thing for the twins, Tori said. There was a pause. Madam, isnt this too low?

Its because youre looking down on them, my lady. From the front, it is an acceptable cut, especially now that youve grown up quite a bit.


If all the kids are there, then they can go out at night to the old tomb, Ewan said.

What old tomb? Henrik frowned.

Remember how Captain OTuagh talked about the still-beating hearts of the OTuagh ancestors buried in a crypt outside the castle? Sonia asked. Henrik nodded.

To be honest, Im also kind of curious about that, JP said.

Me, too! Ilyana beamed. It sounds fun. She rarely did something so thrilling and found that ghost stories was exciting.

There are no still-beating hearts to be felt, Tori called out with a tired sigh. Its just an old story to scare kids into staying inside the castle. Theyre my ancestors, too, and Im sure theyre tired and want to rest.

That sounds like something Toris ancestors would do, Ewan said with a furrowed, thoughtful brow.

If were inland in Gorask, we might as well go through Osten and do some sightseeing there, Albert said. Not the border regions, but...through here.... He moved his hand along a major valley where trade routes were located in Osten.

Buchenberg is a beautiful castle on a hill, surrounded by a forest, a voice said behind them. The views from their towers are magnificent.

Can we enter a castle- The six around the table went quiet and snapped their heads towards the man standing behind them. Behind him, were three younger men.

Your Ilyana didnt expect Prince Piers to appear and she wondered if it was time for dinner already.

Is it dinner time? Ewan looked towards the clock on the shelf.

Prince Gideon, von Dorn, Alvere.... Sonia eyed each of the additional guests with narrowed eyes. I see youre here, as well. She frowned. This is unexpected.

My brother did not return to Horizon immediately upon returning and I came to meet him, Prince Gideon said in a proud voice.

I apologize for our sudden appearance, Alvere said with a small bow of his head. I didnt plan to come, but His Second Highness insisted.

Its good youve come, Prince Piers replied. Alvere looked towards him.

Piers, what are you doing in my tent? We have an hour before dinner, Tori said.

Just in time.... Prince Gideon seemed rather pleased when he heard this and Ilyana sneered.

She knew that Prince Piers paid for their food, but she still couldnt help but see Prince Gideon as a freeloader whenever he visited. She hoped Riri would never grow to be such a man. If he did, shed consider it a failure as his sister.

I received a report from Osten, Prince Piers said. Axtons mission has concluded.

Is he all right? Is he safe? Alveres eyes widened, and he rushed towards Prince Piers. The first prince gave him a small nod of his head. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, shuffling was heard from the bedchamber.

Ilyana turned her head towards the flap as it was pushed aside as a petite figure in an indigo gown with silver lace and crystals rushed out.

How is he? Tori had a look of concern on her pale face. Her cheeks were still flushed, and the gowns color brought out her eyes. A small, silver tiara was on her head and her hair was falling out of a loose bun. Her pale neck and shoulders were exposed beneath her black curls. She wasnt wearing any jewelry except her crystal bracelet and the mem crystal she wore around her neck. It dipped between the soft mounds on her chest, disappearing beneath the dress neckline. Is Axton safe? What about the mission? Was it successful?

These were all valid questions, but at the moment, Ilyana was certain that everyone in the room, except perhaps Alvere, wasnt paying attention to Toris questions. Ilyana looked around at the stunned faces of her friends, and the dumbfounded looks on the second prince and von Dorn.

She caught the blank expression on the first princes face and furrowed her brows. She saw nothing shocking about him staring at Tori. Tori was one of the most beautiful women Ilyana had ever seen. Her in a flattering gown could cause a carriage accident. In a way, Ilyana was almost proud.

Tori was her best friend.

Im so used to seeing Tori wearing pants or her uniform, that I forget that shes also known as a noble beauty, JP said. Sonia smacked his arm.

Focus. The first prince was saying.... Sonia trailed off as she looked at Prince Piers. Her eyes squinted and she drew her head back, her face twisting a bit with disgust.

Ilyana followed her gaze back to the first prince. As she saw his expression, though rather unmoving, she couldnt help but get a feeling that shed seen this before. Or rather, that she knew exactly how he felt.

Her face suddenly heated up and her heart sank. She tore her eyes away and looked at Sonia with mortification. Was this how I was in front of the Three Queens that day?

Sonia met her eyes and gave her a slow, affirmative nod. Like a mirror.

Ilyana groaned and lifted her hands to her face. Theyd been out in the open that day, too. How many people had seen her gawking at Lord Kasen? She shuddered. Did Lord Kasen notice? Shed die if Lord Kasen noticed.

Piers, answer me. Tori had crossed the room to stand in front of Prince Piers and looked up at him. Is Axton all right? He wasnt hurt or anything was he? Does he need any help?

Yes, Your Highness, does my brother need anything? Do you know when hell be back? Alvere asked as he fidgeted.

Everyone seemed to wait for Prince Piers to answer, but the man appeared frozen in place.

Tori frowned. Piers, she said in a firm voice. What is wrong? Why arent you answering? She flickered her eyes towards Alvere and then began to raise her arm. Youre making Montan nervous.

There was a small tremble in her voice. Alvere wasnt the only one nervous to hear about Duke Axton.

Before Toris hand touched Prince Piers arm, His Highness drew his head back. He seemed to lower his eyes and take a moment to collect himself. No one spoke. Half of them were likely holding their breaths.

His hands rose and he looked up. He didnt meet Toris eyes, but rather looked over the top of her head. His hands touched the now lopsided tiara on Toris head and gently moved it, lifting it off her hair.

Dont wear this one, he said in a low voice. He swallowed hard. His eyelashes seemed to flutter as he looked down, avoiding Toris confused eyes. I will give you a better crown.

JP made a little o with his mouth as the others nodded. Ilyana heard a small snicker come from her side and Ewan gave her a haughty look.

And you said I wouldnt get to guard Tori.... He looked back at their friend, who was rolling her eyes and taking the tiara from the first princes hands. I just thought of something, Ewan said as he stood up straight and appeared as if hed suddenly been enlightened.

Henrik looked his way with some reluctance to hear what Ewan had to say. What?

If I get to follow Tori around when she travels. Ewans voice was laced with excitement as his smile widened. Wont that mean Ill also get to try all the food she gets to eat?

A moment later, Henrik smacked the back of Ewans bald head with a folder.

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